Ultraschall Med 2005; 26 - OP099
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-917380


NA Agaganyan 1, TL Botasheva 2, AV Chloponina 2, OT Melkonyan 3
  • 1Chair of Normal Physiology, Russian People Friendship University, Moscow
  • 2Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rostov Research Institution of Obstetrics and Pediatrics
  • 3Ultrasound, Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Purpose: The aim of our work was to study daily biorhythms of maternal and fetal blood flow, contractile activity of uterus, rates of fetal growth at normal pregnancy and threat of premature delivery.

Methods and Materials: 640 women with physiological pregnancy and 425– with complicated pregnancy (threat of premature delivery) in the II and III trimesters were examined. We studied parameters of blood flow in right and left maternal uterine arteries, umbilical artery; performed ultrasound fetometry and mechanohysterography of the right and left parts of uterus and also estimated frequency-peak parameters of biorhythms: mesor, amplitude, the period and acrophase.

Results: During physiological pregnancy the day time type of rhythm was registered. Acrophase of biorhythms of blood flow in both uterine and umbilical arteries was registered at 12 and 16 hours, the period of biorhythm was 12 hours. At threat of premature delivery acrophases of biorhythms of blood flow have been displaced on night hours. We have also found, that women with complicated pregnancy had inversion of daily cycle “dream-wakefulness“: pregnant women had late falling asleep, late awakening and displacement of rhythm of physical activity to late evening.

Conclusions: At threat of premature delivery changes of daily biorhythms of functional parameters of mother and fetus (desynchronosis) can be found.