Skull Base 1993; 3(2): 69-73
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1060567
Original Articles

© Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 381 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016

Blastomycosis of the Skull Base

Randall T. Weingarten, Frank Hohn, Michael Goldman, Benjamin Gruber, Lawrence R. Ferguson
Weitere Informationen


03. März 2008 (online)


Blastomycosis is usually considered a pulmonary or cutaneous disease. A patient with blastomycosis of the infratemporal fossa temporal bone and sinuses without pulmonary disease is presented. Extensive skull base involvement required surgical debridement for relief of pain, and long-term systemic antifungal therapy. The literature is reviewed and discussed.
