DOI: 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Ausgabe 06 · Volume 54 · September 2006 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-5124


Fenger, H.; Scheld, H. H.; Hoffmeier, A.: Die Abmahnung von Klinikärzten


Schirren, J.; Bergmann, T.; Beqiri, S.; Bölükbas, S.; Fisseler-Eckhoff, A.; Vogt-Moykopf, I.: Lymphatic Spread in Resectable Lung Cancer: Can We Trust in a Sentinel Lymph Node?

Basic Science

Doenst, T.; Bugger, H.; Leippert, S.; Barleon, B.; Marme, D.; Beyersdorf, F.: Differential Gene Expression in Response to Ventricular Unloading in Rat and Human Myocardium
Kusch, B.; Waldhans, S.; Sattler, A.; Wagner, A.; Hecker, M.; Moosdorf, R.; Vogt, S.: Inhibition of Carotis Venous Bypass Graft Disease by Intraoperative Nucleic Acid-Based Therapy in Rabbits

Original Cardiovascular

Schmid, C.; Tjan, T.; Etz, C.; Welp, H.; Rukosujew, A.; Klotz, S.; Drees, G.; Gogarten, W.; Scheld, H. H.: The Excor Device - Revival of an Old System with Excellent Results
Dias, R. R.; Stolf, N. A. G.; Malbouisson, L. M.; Fernandes, F.; Ramirez, F. J. A.; Mady, C.; Oliveira, S. A.: Morbidity and Embolic Potential of Left Atrial Cardiac Tumors
Furusawa, T.; Tsukioka, K.; Fukui, D.; Sakaguchi, M.; Seto, T.; Terasaki, T.; Wada, Y.; Amano, J.: The Effects of a Neutrophil Elastase Inhibitor on the Postoperative Respiratory Failure of Acute Aortic Dissection
Koch, A.; Tochtermann, U.; Remppis, A.; Dengler, T. J.; Schnabel, P. A.; Hagl, S.; Sack, F. U.: The Eurotransplant High-Urgency Heart Transplantation Program: An Option for Patients in Acute Heart Failure?

Original Thoracic

Short Communications

Cicekcioglu, F.; Tutun, U.; Demirtas, E.; Aksoyek, A.; Babaroglu, S.; Parlar, A. I.; Katircioglu, F.: Repair of Postinfarction Ventricular Septal Defect Through the Right Atrium
Endara, S. A.; Davalos, G. A.; Serrano, A. J.; Torres, F. J.; Sandoval, B. A.; Sarsoza, C. E.; Montalvo, N.: Pulmonary Myofibroblastic Pseudotumor: A Rare Surgical Pathology