DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 11 · Volume 119 · November 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-44755


Drost, Carolin Christina; Rovas, Alexandros; Kusche-Vihrog, Kristina; Van Slyke, Paul; Kim, Harold; Hoang, Van C.; Maynes, Jason T.; Wennmann, Dirk Oliver; Pavenstädt, Hermann; Linke, Wolfgang; Lukasz, Alexander; Hesse, Bettina; Kümpers, Philipp: Erratum: Tie2 Activation Promotes Protection and Reconstitution of the Endothelial Glycocalyx in Human Sepsis

Invited Editorial Focus

Invited T&H Insights

Review Article

Martins Lima, Augusto; Martins Cavaco, Ana C.; Fraga-Silva, Rodrigo A.; Eble, Johannes A.; Stergiopulos, Nikolaos: From Patients to Platelets and Back Again: Pharmacological Approaches to Glycoprotein VI, a Thrilling Antithrombotic Target with Minor Bleeding Risks

Coagulation and Fibrinolysis

Yamakawa, Kazuma; Gando, Satoshi; Ogura, Hiroshi; Umemura, Yutaka; Kabata, Daijiro; Shintani, Ayumi; Shiraishi, Atsushi; Saitoh, Daizoh; Fujishima, Seitato; Mayumi, Toshihiko; Kushimoto, Shigeki; Abe, Toshikazu; Shiino, Yasukazu; Nakada, Taka-aki; Tarui, Takehiko; Hifumi, Toru; Otomo, Yasuhiro; Okamoto, Kohji; Kotani, Joji; Sakamoto, Yuichiro; Sasaki, Junichi; Shiraishi, Shin-ichiro; Takuma, Kiyotsugu; Tsuruta, Ryosuke; Hagiwara, Akiyoshi; Masuno, Tomohiko; Takeyama, Naoshi; Yamashita, Norio; Ikeda, Hiroto; Ueyama, Masashi; Fujimi, Satoshi; on behalf of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine (JAAM) Focused Outcomes Research in Emergency Care in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Sepsis Trauma (FORECAST) Study Group: Identifying Sepsis Populations Benefitting from Anticoagulant Therapy: A Prospective Cohort Study Incorporating a Restricted Cubic Spline Regression Model
Chen, Xiaoqiang; Wu, Weilan; Wang, Shifei; Zhong, Jiayuan; Djama, Nima Moumin; Wei, Guoquan; Lai, Yanxian; Si, Xiaoyun; Cao, Shiping; Liao, Wangjun; Liao, Yulin; Li, Hairui; Bin, Jianping: Magnetic Targeting Improves the Therapeutic Efficacy of Microbubble-Mediated Obstructive Thrombus Sonothrombolysis
Valsecchi, Carla; Mirabet, Maribel; Mancini, Ilaria; Biganzoli, Marina; Schiavone, Lucia; Faraudo, Susanna; Mane-Padros, Daniel; Giles, David; Serra-Domenech, Josep; Blanch, Silvia; Trisolini, Silvia Maria; Facchini, Luca; Rinaldi, Erminia; Peyvandi, Flora: Evaluation of a New, Rapid, Fully Automated Assay for the Measurement of ADAMTS13 Activity

Cellular Haemostasis and Platelets

Patti, Giuseppe; Di Martino, Giuseppe; Ricci, Fabrizio; Renda, Giulia; Gallina, Sabina; Hamrefors, Viktor; Melander, Olle; Sutton, Richard; Engström, Gunnar; De Caterina, Raffaele; Fedorowski, Artur: Platelet Indices and Risk of Death and Cardiovascular Events: Results from a Large Population-Based Cohort Study
Bongiovanni, Dario; Santamaria, Gianluca; Klug, Melissa; Santovito, Donato; Felicetta, Arianna; Hristov, Michael; von Scheidt, Moritz; Aslani, Maria; Cibella, Javier; Weber, Christian; Moretti, Alessandra; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig; Peano, Clelia; Bernlochner, Isabell: Transcriptome Analysis of Reticulated Platelets Reveals a Prothrombotic Profile
Bayat, Behnaz; Traum, Annalena; Berghöfer, Heike; Werth, Silke; Zhu, Jieging; Bein, Gregor; Sachs, Ulrich J.; Santoso, Sentot: Current Anti-HPA-1a Standard Antibodies React with the β3 Integrin Subunit but not with αIIbβ3 and αvβ3 Complexes

Blood Cells, Inflammation and Infection

Drost, Carolin Christina; Rovas, Alexandros; Kusche-Vihrog, Kristina; Van Slyke, Paul; Kim, Harold; Hoang, Van C; Maynes, Jason T.; Wennmann, Dirk Oliver; Pavenstädt, Hermann; Linke, Wolfgang; Lukasz, Alexander; Hesse, Bettina; Kümpers, Philipp: Tie2 Activation Promotes Protection and Reconstitution of the Endothelial Glycocalyx in Human Sepsis

Stroke, Systemic or Venous Thromboembolism

Carmona-Bayonas, Alberto; Jimenez-Fonseca, Paula; Garrido, Marcelo; Custodio, Ana; Hernandez, Raquel; Lacalle, Alejandra; Cano, Juana María; Aguado, Gema; Martínez de Castro, Eva; Alvarez Manceñido, Felipe; Macias, Ismael; Visa, Laura; Martín Richard, Marta; Mangas, Monserrat; Sánchez Cánovas, Manuel; Longo, Federico; Iglesias Rey, Leticia; Martínez Lago, Nieves; Martín Carnicero, Alfonso; Sánchez, Ana; Azkárate, Aitor; Limón, María Luisa; Hernández Pérez, Carolina; Ramchandani, Avinash; Pimentel, Paola; Cerdá, Paula; Serrano, Raquel; Gil-Negrete, Aitziber; Marín, Miguel; Hurtado, Alicia; Sánchez Bayona, Rodrigo; Gallego, Javier: Multistate Models: Accurate and Dynamic Methods to Improve Predictions of Thrombotic Risk in Patients with Cancer
Ikonomidis, Ignatios; Frogoudaki, Alexandra; Vrettou, Agathi-Rosa; Andreou, Ioannis; Palaiodimou, Lina; Katogiannis, Konstantinos; Liantinioti, Chryssa; Vlastos, Dimitrios; Zervas, Paschalis; Varoudi, Maria; Lambadiari, Vaia; Triantafyllidi, Helen; Pavlidis, George; Efentakis, Panagiotis; Tsoumani, Maria; Tsantes, Argirios E.; Parissis, John; Revela, Ioanna; Andreadou, Ioanna; Tsivgoulis, Georgios: Impaired Arterial Elastic Properties and Endothelial Glycocalyx in Patients with Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source
Petersen, Pelle Baggesgaard; Jørgensen, Christoffer Calov; Kehlet, Henrik; on behalf of the Lundbeck Foundation Centre for Fast-track Hip Knee Replacement Collaborative Group: Venous Thromboembolism despite Ongoing Prophylaxis after Fast-Track Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Multicenter Study of 34,397 Procedures

Letter to the Editor