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DOI: 10.1016/j.ricma.2016.03.002
Neurofibroma solitario en raíz cervical C7
Solitary neurofibroma in cervical nerve root C7Publication History
10 January 2016
02 March 2016
Publication Date:
11 September 2017 (online)
Los neurofibromas (NF) son tumores que se originan en la vaina de los nervios periféricos. Son poco frecuentes (un 30% aproximadamente de todos los tumores nerviosos) pero tan solo un 1% afectan al plexo cervical supraclavicular. Su desarrollo es lento e insidioso y a menudo confundido con otras patologías como son las neuropatías por compresión o las tendinopatías.
Se presenta un caso localizado en la raíz C7 de una mujer de 48 años diagnosticada y tratada durante un año de tendinopatía de «De Quervain».
Neurofibromas (NF) are tumours that originate in the peripheral nerves sheath. They are not very frequent (approximately 30% of all nerve tumours), and only 1% of them are located in the supraclavicular cervical plexus. Clinical symptoms develop slowly and insidiously, and are often confused with other pathologies such as compression neuropathies or tendinopathies.
We present a case located in the C7 root in a 48 years-old woman, who was diagnosed and treated for De Quervain’s disease for one year.