Homœopathic Links 2024; 37(01): 060-062
DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1779655
Book Review

A Brief Survey of Dr Robert Seror's Internet Literature as digested from his page, http://www.homeoint.org/seror/>, on <www.homeoint.org>

Jay Yasgur
1   United States
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Robert Seror, MD, 94 Photo courtesy- Christian Garcia

About a year ago the obituary I wrote for Robert Seror was published in this journal. I wanted to include this article in that issue, but it was not and then it got lost in the shuffle. Well, now you can enjoy it: ‘all good things in their own time’ on the approximately 1-year anniversary of his obituary. I call them ‘gifts’ because, well, that is what they are fruits of Seror's labours.

Seror researched, wrote, digested, and compiled a vast amount of material, nearly all of it in the French language (Francais). He translated, into French, many writings of our English-speaking masters and many of the French homeopaths, too, as you will see.

There are numerous gems yet to be discovered even by myself. For instance, within the #6 Category (Boger and Boeninghausen) there is the sub-chapter, ‘Dossier C.M. Boger,’ which contains Seror's translation into French of Boger's Synoptic Key. It is followed by several other sub-chapters of various subjects before ending with Boger's Card Repertory Program in English.

There are many treasures in this site; so, please do not think you are now familiar with it all; I certainly am not. Lastly, with a wink in my eye, perhaps it might be time to enrol in some French lessons.

Seror's Gifts (category; number of articles within the category; gift in italics)

  • # 1 Materia Medicae (37): The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica (1879) by Constantine Hering, MD.

Need I say more, except to let you know it is in English and contains all the material from the original ten volumes: click on a remedy and, like magic, the entire entry appears. There are about a total of six pieces in English including this gem, The Materia Medica of the Nosodes (1910; Henry Clay Allen, MD). It is arranged and compiled by Seror into a more useful work, i.e., some of J. H. Clarke's material is included.

  • # 2: Repertories (6): Pocket Universal Repertory or ‘Homeocible (2013, 2nd-2017; R. U. P.)’ by Robert Seror, MD.

This is a repertory developed by Seror in association with Novomeo (<https://www.novomeo.fr/shop/> and is only in French:

“The technique used is very simple, it is the technique of Boenninghausen, Hering, Boger, that is to say: Locations, sensations, modalities, and concomitants. Three well-marked symptoms are enough (theory of the 3-legged stool by Hering, and the cross of Saint Andrew by the same author). Very important note = Several keywords with different expressions can have the same drug section.”

“Bibliographical sources: Boger and all his work which I have translated into French: Synoptic key, Analytic General, Directory [repertory] with perforated cards, Time of remedies, Lunar Phases, etc”. – Robert Seror, MD.

  • # 3: Dr James Compton Burnett (21): Vaccinosis and its Cure by Thuja; with remarks on homoeoprophylaxis (1884). The writings contained are nearly all in English and translated by Seror if I have not already made that clear. Just two are in Francais, a biography of Burnett and his classic book, Fifty Reasons for Being a Homeopath.

  • # 4: Professeur James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) (16): Lesser Writings (1926; Anglais, avec synopsis en francais). There are six pieces in French, ten being in ‘Anglais’ (English).

  • # 5: Dr John Henry Clarke (1853–1931) (3): Gunpowder as a War Remedy (1915; Anglais). This article was translated by Seror into French. Below is part of Clarke's concluding remarks concerning Gunpowder:

“I think it will be agreed that the evidence adduced above is sufficient to warrant my recommendation of Gunpowder as a remedy of almost universal applicability in wounds of war. It has the additional advantage of being, in the form recommended, whilst powerful for good, as innocent of evil as brimstone and treacle, castor oil or Gregory's powder. In fact, it is a perfectly safe domestic remedy. For that reason, I have no hesitation in commending it to the notice of the public in general, civil as well as military. In my opinion, if the use of it were universal throughout the army at the front, there would be infinitely fewer septic wounds among our wounded, and those wounds which become septic would heal in a vastly shorter space of time.”

“It may be asked how I can be so certain, seeing that I hold no official position in the Army or Navy, and have no opportunity of putting the remedy personally to the test of practice on a large scale. In reply, let me say that in medicine, as in warfare, the chance of success very often lies in an intelligent anticipation of the enemy's intentions and capabilities.”

“An ounce of wisdom is often worth many tons of experience...” – J. H. Clarke

  • # 6: Dr C. M. Boger et C. M. F. von Bœnninghausen (10): Samarskite - A Proving. This is the only entry in English. The remaining nine are in French. Samarskite was proven by Boger in June of 1935 with twenty provers producing 645 symptoms. 6C and 200C were the principa potencies used.

“Samarskite is found in rare earth rich granite pegmatites, a slow cooling igneous intrusive rock. Samarskite is associated with quartz, feldspars, columbite, tantalite and other rare earth minerals. Samarskite is common enough and locally abundant enough that it has potential to be a valuable resource for its rare earth metals. But it is its gemstone use that is what is odd about this mineral. Samarskite can be cut into attractive gems and used as cabochons, although since the stones are slightly radioactive, their use as wearable gemstones should be quite ...well...risky!” – http://www.galleries.com/Samarskite (accessed 25 December 2022).

“Chemical Formula: Tantalo—Columbate of Cerium and Yttrium. (Fe. Ca. UO2)3. (Ce. Di. La. Yt. Er.)2. (Cb. Ta.) 6 021”.

There is no proving summation but in the final paragraph in Boger's work one finds this:

“RELATIONSHIP: - Antidoted by Arsenicum and Nux vomica. Antidotes Rhus tox. Compare: - Ferrum. Seems to activate other drug potencies. Reacted for the first time to Fluor-ac. after a dose of Samarskite”. – C. M. Boger.

  • # 7: Dr Margaret Lucy Tyler (9): Homoeopathic Drug Pictures (1942) is here in its grand entirety. There are six other articles in English, including Tyler's Homoeopathy in the Nursery and Repertorising.

  • # 8: Histoire de l'homéopathie (38): Pioneers of Homeopathy (1897) by Thomas Lindsley Bradford. This is the only piece in English. All other articles are in French and relate to French homeopathic history; biographies abound. If you are unfamiliar with our pioneering ancestors from various countries, this work is a treat.

  • # 9: Techniques et Tactiques homéopathiques pratiques (36): How to Take a Case and Find the Simillimum (1907) by Eugene Beauharnais Nash, MD. This is the only piece in English. All others are in French with one in German, Spanish and Italian. When asked by colleagues to explain how he worked, Nash responded: “This little book is the answer”.

Nash wrote about seven books including two especially useful ones, Leaders in Therapeutics (1899) and The Testimony of the Clinic (1911). These are not contained within this category but are mentioned so that you will be aware of the importance of these two great works. As for most of our ancestors, there is much to be learned.

  • #10: Archives Homéopathiques de base (11): Essentials of Homoeopathic Therapeutics (1898) by Willis A. Dewey and Index of Homoeopathic Provings (1901) by T. L. Bradford are both excellent with many hidden gems. All other articles are in French.

  • #11: Les Revues de Presse homéopathique de langue anglaise (52): This vast category consists of articles Seror digested from English language journals and translated into French. The indicated journal is cited in English or French and, with one lick, one is taken to the French translation.

This category can be searched by chronological order, author, or by selecting one of the 49 parts. For example, if one clicks on Part 39–1, you will find the following citing, ‘Dr. A. C. Gordon Ross: Deces du Docteur Ross: Deces du Docteur A. C. Gordon Ross, BHJ, Janvier 1983. No. 1 28–29/’

The following is the completed entry (39–1) which I have translated into English:

“Our very honoured colleague, Dr Gordon Ross died on 8 August 1982 at the age of 77.”

“That's young for a homeopath. Dr Gordon Ross was known to the entire confraternity for his “muscular” and effective homeopathy. He needed very little time to establish his direct and solid, impactful prescription.”

“Twenty years ago, my friend, doctor Jacques Hui Bon Hoa told me many times about the Gordon Ross “style”, which I continue to appreciate.”

“In the same issue of the BHJ, my friend Dr Noël Pratt has a column entitled: “Twenty years ago”, and precisely provides a practical, clinical ‘summary,’ which, in few words, says all there is to say. It is translated here for you, and shows, by example, the way Gordon Ross took his observations”:

  1. Hunger in the morning: Lach., Phos., Sep., Sulf.

  2. Prefers hot drinks: Ars., Chel., Graph., Lyc.

  3. Prefers cold drinks: Arg-n., Phos., Puls.

  4. Love cold milk: Phos-ac., Tub.-res.

  5. Worse before menstruation: Kali c., Med., Puls., Sep.

  6. Weeps as he sets out his case: Kali v., Med., Puls., Sep.

  7. Anticipatory anxiety: Arg.-n., Ars.-a., Carbo v., Gels, Med., Plumb., Phos., Sil., Thuja.

  8. Anxiety before exams: Arg.-n., Gels., Lyc.

  9. Jerks of limbs when falling asleep: Bell, Hyperic., Ign., Lyc.

  10. Sweat from the face while eating: Cham., Ign., Nux mos., Sulf.-ac.

  11. Intolerable pain: Cham., Coff., Nux v.

  12. Disorders appearing 2 hours after eating: Anac., Nux v., Puls.

  13. Must loosen his clothes: Carbo v., Chin., Lyc., Nux v.

  14. > When eating: Anac., Chel., Graph., lod., Petr. – Robert Seror, MD.

The following are the four-remaining entry citings and, if it remains unclear, remember all are in French:

39–2 Docteur P. Sivaranam: Corrections et Additions au Repertoire de Kent, New Delhi, World Homeopathic Lînks, (1982; Distr. par Harjeet & Co., New Delhi, 456 pages).

39–3 Docteur C. K. Munro: ‘The Amazing Tree of Heaven (thérapeutique de 6 cas de mononucléose infectieuse par Ailanthus glandulosa)’, (B.H.J. 1983. No. 2, 73–76).

39–4 Dr Dorothy J Cooper: ‘Pratiques des Dynamisations Homeopathiques’ (B.H.J. Janv. 1982, 1–7)

39–5 Docteur V.S. Shuttleworth: ‘Selenium’, (B.H.J. Avril 1983, No. 2, 76–78).

  • # 12: Pathogénésies (4): New, Old and Forgotten Remedies (1900) by Edward Pollock Anshutz is the only piece in English and a true classic of our literature. This book discusses many of our small remedies. The second edition (1917) of this work nearly doubled in content.

  • # 13: Divers: hygiène de vie, régime, grossesse, etc... (7): Lexique alphabétique d'oligothérapie pratique (2000). All pieces are in French, and I chose this concerning oligotherapy. Seror gives a brief history of the development of oligotherapy accompanying it with a short biography of one of the pioneers of this subject, Dr Jacques Ménétrier (1908–1986). Menetrier is considered a very early pioneer in the development of functional medicine and the concept of diathesis. He wrote several books but the following three are the most important: Introduction à la médecine fonctionnelle (1954), Ce monde polarisé (1958) et Les Diathèses (1958).

There is an interesting table based on the Menetrier's work devoted to...

“Les cinq diathèses: il [Menetrier] décrit 5 diathèques fondamentales dans ses ouvrages dont la liste figure ci dessus: I. L' Allergie - Oligo-élément régulateur: Manganèse. II. L' Hyposthénie - Oligo-élément régulateur: Manganèse-Cuivre. III. La Dystonie - Oligo-élément régulateur: Manganèse-Cobalt, IV. L' Anergie - Oligo-élément régulateur: Cuivre-Or-Argent and V. La Désadaptation - Oligo-éléments régulateurs: Zinc-Cuivre et Zinc-Nickel-Cobalt”. – Dr Robert Seror.

Seror lists nearly 500 conditions along with the suggested oligotherapeutic treatment. He includes a bibliography with a few pertinent entries:

“Docteur Jean Sal: Les oligo éléments catalyseurs en pratique journalière (Maloine, 1973), Docteur Jean Patrice Douart: l’ Oligothérapie en pathologie fonctionnelle, données scientifiques et cliniques (Maloine, 1994), Docteurs A. Goudot et D. Bertrand: Les oligo-éléments. (P.U.F., que sais-je), Docteur Frank Mirce: oligo éléments et santé de l'homme (Andrillon, 1979).and Docteur Henry Picard: Utilisation thérapeutique des Oligo éléments (Maloine, 1975)”. – Dr Robert Seror

So, there you have it, thirteen gifts out of an approximate total of 250. If I had paid more attention during my high school French classes, this ‘gifts’ article would surely have filled the entire issue of this journal. Nevertheless, enjoy these selections, as you discover the richness of our literature presented to us through the scholarship of a true homeopathic legend, Robert Seror, MD.

I included the various publication dates even though Seror did not necessarily do so. This brings to mind another thought I'd like to express. When homeopathic publishers re-print books or articles from our archaic literature, it is useful important to include the original publication dates. If the publisher chooses to re-print a different or later edition, then that date should also be included. I mention this for two reasons. One, it is important for scholarship reasons that essential colophon information be included, and two, because it is possible for newcomers to homeopathy to think that Boericke, Bradford, Nash or even Kent are living, are contemporaries!?

We need to give credit where credit is due. It would also be a good idea to include the birth and death dates of those authors and, even nicer, a brief and informative mini-biography.

Lastly, the homeoint site is open to all but there is a suggested, 20 euros annual donation but I do not think it is mandatory. Nevertheless, that fee is quite affordable and doubly worth it!


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