Planta Med 1985; 51(3): 271-272
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-969479

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Picropolygamain: a New Lignan from Commiphora incisa Resin1,2

Gordon J. Provan, Peter G. Waterman
  • Phytochemistry Research Laboratories, Department of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow GllXW, Scotland, U. K.
1 Part 1 of the projected series “Chemical Studies in the Burseraceae”2 Paper KRP-004 of the Royal Geographical Society/National Museums of Kenya, Kora Research Project 1983
Further Information

Publication History



Publication Date:
26 February 2007 (online)


The resin produced by Commiphora incisa has yielded two epimeric aryltetralin lignans which have been identified as the known polygamain (1R, 2R, 3R) and its novel C-2 epimer to which the trivial name picropolygamain (1R, 2S, 3R) has been assigned.