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Abdallah, W. E.
Antiprotozoal activity of Xanthium brasilicum and bioactivity-guided isolation of its active constituents
Trypanocidal Flavonoids from Ageratum conyzoides
Abdel-Azim, N. S.
Evaluation of Narcissus tazetta L. under different habitats
Abdel-Aziz, H.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
Abdel-Razik, H. F.
Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of the Acacia nilotica (L.) Wild. ex Delile. leaves on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
Abdelshafeek, K. A.
Flavonoids and insecticidal activity of Teucrium zanonii
Abdolhamid, P.
Improvement of Culture of Black caraway (Nigella sativa L.) in Kermanshah (Iran)
Abdurahman, E. M.
Anticonvulsant activities of the methanol extracts (leaf, root), saponins and n-butanol-insoluble fraction of Calliandria portoricensis Jacq (Benth) (Family: Mimosaceae)
Abegaz, B. M.
Secondary metabolites from Drimiopsis baterrii
Abel, G.
Changes in the phenolic compounds composition of virgin olive Oil due to different storage conditions under accelerated ageing
Quality assessment of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds in green tea samples belonging to different origins
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of grape seeds by HPLC-MS
Matrix free MALDI mass spectrometry for phytochemical investigations
Implementation of the Guideline on non-clinical documentation for HMPs in applications for marketing authorisation and simplified registration
Abeld, G.
Workshop of the Permanent Committees (PCs) on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPs)
Abolhasani, F. S.
Free radical scavenging activity of ethanolic extracts from some Apiacean species
Abou Zeid, A. H.
Phenolics, volatiles and biological activities of Salix babylonica L. leaves and stem bark
Abreu, P.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phenolics from Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Acero, N.
Methanolic extracts of two Betulaceae species from Spain, induced apoptosis in tumoral cell lines
Acevedo, H. R.
Effect of masticadienonic acid on the induction of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes in mouse peripheral blood
Acosta, K.
Activity of a compound isolated from Senna villosa against Trypanosoma cruzi
Aderbauer, B.
Screening of medical plants from Mali for antitrypanosomal activity
Adeyemi, O. O.
Analgesic activity of aqueous leaf extract of Manihot esculenta Crantz
Antiinflammatory activity of the aqueous leaf extract of Manihot esculenta Crantz
Toxicity assessment of the aqueous root extract of Sanseviera Liberica (Agavaceae)
Antipyretic activity of the aqueous leaf extract of Byrsocarpus coccineus
Analgesic, Antipyretic and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Mezoneuron Benthamianum Baill (Caesalpiniaceae)
Adler, M.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Adsersen, A.
Antiplasmodial, GABAA-benzodiazepine receptor binding and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of plants used in traditional medicine in Mali, West Africa
Screening of plants used in Danish folk medicine to treat depression for MAO-A inhibition and affinity to the serotonin transporter
Afifi-Yazar, F. U.
Antiplatelet activity of Ruta chalepensis L. (Rutaceae) grown in Jordan
Afolabi, L.
Analgesic activity of aqueous leaf extract of Manihot esculenta Crantz
Antiinflammatory activity of the aqueous leaf extract of Manihot esculenta Crantz
Aftab, K.
Blood Pressure Lowering Action of Active Principle from Ocimum basilicum
Agbelusi, G. A.
Astringency as antisensitivity marker of some Nigerian chewing sticks
Aghbolaghi, P. A.
Effect of garlic during and before administration of lead acetate on lead content of some tissues in mouse
Agunu, A.
Anticonvulsant activities of the methanol extracts (leaf, root), saponins and n-butanol-insoluble fraction of Calliandria portoricensis Jacq (Benth) (Family: Mimosaceae)
Ahmadu, A. A.
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity of Byrsocarpus coccineus and its constituents
Ahua, K. M.
New limonoid orthoacetates and antiprotozoal compounds from Pseudocedrela kotschyi (Schweinf.) Harms
Ainasoja, M.
Safety Assessment and Metabolic Fingerprinting of GMO Gerberas
Akar, T.
Hydroxylation of selected sesquiterpenes by the fungus Neurospora crassa
Akay, G. G.
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Akcora, D.
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Akdemir, Z. S.
Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Verbascum lasianthum Boiss. ex Bentham
Acylated iridoid glycosides from the flowers of Verbascum lasianthum Boiss. ex Bentham
AKhalid, S.
Trypanocidal Flavonoids from Ageratum conyzoides
Akhigbe, A. O.
Histopathologic effects of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.)Vahl. on Wistar rats
Akindele, A. J.
Antipyretic activity of the aqueous leaf extract of Byrsocarpus coccineus
Akpulu, I. N.
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity of Byrsocarpus coccineus and its constituents
Alamgir, M.
Antioxidants from Xylocarpus granatum
Alaoui, S.
Development of an HPLC – method for the analysis of mixture of natural ingredients
Alaouia, S.
Aqueous Rooibos extract: development of a new functional food ingredient based on a botanical extract
Alasbahi, R.
The in Vitro Antibacterial Activity of a Multiherbal Formula used in Yemeni Traditional Medicine for Topical Treatment of Impetigo
Al-Fatimi, M.
Antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of selected medicinal plants from Yemen
Al-Helali, M. F.
The in Vitro Antibacterial Activity of a Multiherbal Formula used in Yemeni Traditional Medicine for Topical Treatment of Impetigo
Ali, M. A.
Chemical composition, antiviral and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils of Ferula hormonis, Plectranthus coleoides and Magnolia grandiflora
Allaeys, V.
Evaluation of the hepatoprotective effect of Ocimum lamiifolium methanolic extract on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats – precision cut liver slices
Almeida, D. S.
Possible involvement of muscarinic mechanisms in contractile response of guinea pig ileum by Erythrina velutina
Alonso-Cortés, D.
A potent cytotoxic semisynthetic derivative of perezone with phenylglycine
Altinok, B.
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Altmann, K. H.
Exploration of natural alkylamides and synthetic analogs as source for new ligands for the cannabinoid type-2 receptor
Formation of supramolecular structures of alkylamides from Echinacea – implications for cannabinoid type-2 receptor (CB2) interactions in vitro
Alves, P. B.
Antinociceptive effect of the essential oil of Lippia sidoides on mice
Alvesalo, J.
Inhibition potential of natural based products against Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
Alwahsh, M. A.
Flavonoids and insecticidal activity of Teucrium zanonii
Amaechina, F.
Some cardiovascular effects of the aqueous extract of the leaves of Starchytarpheta jamaicensis L. (Vahl)
Histopathologic effects of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.)Vahl. on Wistar rats
Amanzade, Y.
Concentration of Grapefruit Essential oil by Fractional Distillation
Ambaye, R. Y.
In vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory activity of aqueous extract of Clerodendrum serratum L. roots
Amida, M. B.
Toxicity assessment of the aqueous root extract of Sanseviera Liberica (Agavaceae)
Amin, G.
Phytochemical and Antimicrobial investigation of Taleghan plants species
Ascorbic acid in Iranian Rose species (2)
Andre, P.
Bio-guided isolation of anti-salmonellae compounds of Thonningia sanguinea, an Ivorian medicinal plant
Anene, R. A.
Analgesic, Antipyretic and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Mezoneuron Benthamianum Baill (Caesalpiniaceae)
Angeh, I.
A plant antifungal product from Melianthus comosus (Melianthaceae) leaf extracts
Anke, J.
Proanthocyanidins and phenolglycosides from Rumex acetosa L
Proanthocyanidins from the herb of Myrothamnus flabellifolia Welw
Anton, R.
Antiprotozoal activity of saponins from Anogeissus leiocarpus (Combretaceae)
Antimalarial and antitrypanosomal activities of West Cameroon medicinal plants
Antoniolli, A. R.
Possible involvement of muscarinic mechanisms in contractile response of guinea pig ileum by Erythrina velutina
Apers, S.
Quantitative method development for measurement of Maesa lanceolata saponins by LC-MS
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Anthraquinones from Barleria eranthemoides (Acanthaceae)
Appel, K.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Appendino, G.
Antidermatophytic prenylated coumarins from asafetida
Aral, E.
Effects Of Carvacrol Upon The Liver Of Rats Undergoing Partial Hepatectomy
Aras, S.
Effects of grape consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects
Effects of Garlic Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Effects of Apple Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Araújo, A. R.
Bioprospecting Program-BIOTA: A Rational Search for Drug Discovery from Brazilian Biodiversity
Ardekani, M. R. S.
Phytochemical Study of Artemisia persica Boiss. and Evaluation of its Antiplasmodial Activity
Arhan, M.
Organic extract of flowers from a chamomile species eliminates complaints resulted from hemorrhoid disease
Arıhan, O.
Ruscus aculeatus Trade in Turkey: Is It Sustainable?
Asgari, T.
Phytochemical and Antimicrobial investigation of Taleghan plants species
Ascorbic acid in Iranian Rose species (2)
Asghari, G.
Phytochemical Study of Artemisia persica Boiss. and Evaluation of its Antiplasmodial Activity
Ashidi, J. S.
Cytotoxic stilbenes from Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. leaves
Ashok Kumar, C. K.
Anti diarrheal activity of root extracts of Elephantopus scaber L
Aslan, M.
Fatty Acid Patterns of the Various Parts of Turkish Pistacia vera L. Tree
Aslan, S.
GC-MS Analysis of Eryngium maritumum L. Volatile Oil
Aslana, M.
Screening of Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral Properties of the Selected Turkish Helichrysum Species
Asongalem, E. A.
Antifertility activities of Acanthus montanus and its new sulphate ester on female rats with possible mechanism(s) of action
Ataman, J. E.
Some cardiovascular effects of the aqueous extract of the leaves of Starchytarpheta jamaicensis L. (Vahl)
Histopathologic effects of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.)Vahl. on Wistar rats
Atli, T.
Effects of grape consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects
Effects of Garlic Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Effects of Apple Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Aura, A. M.
Prediction of microbial metabolism of phytochemicals using an in vitro colon model
Avci, A.
Black Grape Extract Protects Against Cyclosporine A Nephrotoxicity
Effects of grape consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Effects of Garlic Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Effects of Apple Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Avila, E. V.
A potent cytotoxic semisynthetic derivative of perezone with phenylglycine
Synthesis and biological activity of a new benzothiazol derivative of curcumin
Aye, M.
New Furostanol Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Tacca integrifolia
Ayoub, S.
Degradation of Amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) by NEP-induction is increased by selected natural products
Aytaç, B.
Organic extract of flowers from a chamomile species eliminates complaints resulted from hemorrhoid disease
Baburin, I.
Valerian extract modulates the GABAA-action on its receptors
Backlund, A.
Chemography and phylogeny – navigating chemical and evolutionary space
ChemGPS-NP – tuned for navigation in biologically relevant chemical space
Badami, N.
Phytochemical and Antimicrobial investigation of Taleghan plants species
Bae, K. H.
β-Secretase (BACE1) Inhibitors from Pomegranate (Punica granatum) L. Husk
Baek, N. I.
Inhibitory effect of compounds from Rhus chinensis on generation of oxygen species generation in YPEN-1 cells
Bah, S.
Antiplasmodial, GABAA-benzodiazepine receptor binding and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of plants used in traditional medicine in Mali, West Africa
Characterization and partial purification of cystatins from Malian medicinal plants
Bakmaz, M.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf
Bakry, R.
Advances in stationary phase development for the analysis of target compounds in proteomics, phytomics and metabolomics
Bana, J. Y.
Protective effects of catechin and epicatechin from Smilax china rhizome on amyloid β protein (25–35)-induced neurotoxicity in cultured neurons
Neuroprotective effect of methanol extract of Smilacis chinae rhizome on NMDA-induced neurotoxicity and cerebral ischemia in rats
Baptista, J.
Biological activity of Gunnera tinctoria, an invasive plant in the island of S. Miguel (Azores)
Barbastefano, V.
Role of endogenous SHs and NO on Vernonia ferruginea Less induced gastroprotection
Antioxidant activity of an aqueous fraction obtained from Indigofera truxillensis against ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric lesions
Barreto, M. C.
Biological activity of Gunnera tinctoria, an invasive plant in the island of S. Miguel (Azores)
Barriga, S. D.
Effect of masticadienonic acid on the induction of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes in mouse peripheral blood
Barroso, J. G.
Essential oils from Anethum graveolens, Levisticum officinale and Pimpinella anisum hairy root cultures: composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Tunisian Thymus capitatus essential oils
Barth, S.
Evaluation of EndoTrap® blue for removing endotoxin contamination from Echinacea extracts
Basar, S.
Phytoestrogenic Activity of Morinda citrifolia L. Fruits
Baser, C.
Composition and antioxidant activities of Salvia halophila and S. virgata from Turkey
Baser, K. H. C.
Essential oil of Turkish Origanum onites L. and its main components, carvacrol and thymol show potent antiprotozoal activity without cytotoxicity
Effects Of Carvacrol Upon The Liver Of Rats Undergoing Partial Hepatectomy
Hydroxylation of selected sesquiterpenes by the fungus Neurospora crassa
Turkish Oregano: Chemistry & Biological Activities
Bassarello, C.
Triterpene saponins from Calendula arvensis
Bastida, J.
Alkaloids from Phaedranassa dubia (Amaryllidaceae). In vitro antiprotozoal activity
Bauer, R.
COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitory activity of extracts produced from organic waste materials
Alkamides from Echinacea angustifolia roots inhibit Cyclooxygenase-2-dependent Prostaglandin synthesis in Human Neuroglioma Cells
Discrimination of Piper longum and Piper retrofractum fruits by chromatographic fingerprint analysis
Evaluation of EndoTrap® blue for removing endotoxin contamination from Echinacea extracts
New Insights in the bioavailability and molecular mode of action of Echinacea preparations
Bauer Petrovska, B.
Composition and nutritive value of protein in some Macedonian edible wild Russulaceae mushrooms
Bazylko, A.
Determination of flavonoids in extracts of Epilobii angustifolii herba by HPTLC-densitometry
Antioxidant activity of Galinsoga parviflora and Galinsoga quadriradiata
Behravan, J.
Antigenotoxic effects of Satureja hortensis L on rat lymphocytes exposed to oxidative stress
Beikler, T.
Polysaccharides from Glycyrrhiza glabra L. exert significant anti-adhesive effects against Helicobacter pylori and Porphyromonas gingivalis
Bellacchio, E.
Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of boropinic acid, active principle of Boronia pinnata
Bellone, G.
New oxidative derivatives of atractyligenin and their cytotoxic activity
Chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of Micromeria fruticulosa (Bertol.) Grande (Lamiaceae) growing wild in Southern Italy
Benayache, S.
Antiprotozoal activity of saponins from Anogeissus leiocarpus (Combretaceae)
Benedek, B.
Identification of GABAA-modulators obtained from Valeriana officinalis L
Achillea millefolium L. s.l. – is the antiphlogistic activity mediated by protease inhibition?
Bergonzi, M. C.
Pharmacological in vivo test to evaluate the bioavailability of some St. John's wort innovative oral preparations
Artemisinin and flavonoids yield from aqueous extracts and tinctures of Artemisia annua L
Berim, A.
Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel S-adenosyl-L-methionine: coniferyl alcohol O-methyltransferase from suspension cultures of Linum nodiflorum L
Bessadóttir, M.
Antibacterial compounds from Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry)
Bezabih, M.
Secondary metabolites from Drimiopsis baterrii
Bhuyan, S. K.
Hypolipidaemic effect of Clerodendron colebrookianum Walp glycosides in C3H mice
Bigda, J.
Cytotoxic and apoptosis–inducing activity of ramentaceone – a naphthoquinone from Drosera sp
Bilia, A. R.
FabI, FabZ and FabG, Three Key Enzymes from the Type II Fatty Acid System of Plasmodium falciparum, as Possible Drug Targets of Polymethoxyflavones of Artemisia annua
Low Molecular Weight Polyphenols in insect infected leaves of Quercus ilex L. (Fagaceae)
Pharmacological in vivo test to evaluate the bioavailability of some St. John's wort innovative oral preparations
Yields in phenylpropanoids and antioxidant properties of different aqueous extracts of lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora K.)
Artemisinin and flavonoids yield from aqueous extracts and tinctures of Artemisia annua L
Biskup, E.
Evaluation of cytotoxic and antioxidant activity of Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin extracts
Bisson, W.
Formation of supramolecular structures of alkylamides from Echinacea – implications for cannabinoid type-2 receptor (CB2) interactions in vitro
Blank, A. F.
Antinociceptive effect of the essential oil of Lippia sidoides on mice
Blaschek, W.
Stimulation of LAL-test by LPS-free arabinogalactan-protein preparations from Echinacea purpurea
Bliem, C. B.
Pharmacophore modelling on the apoptosis regulating target XIAP-Bir3
Blomster, H.
Strix Forte®, an antioxidant mixture with bilberry anthocyanosides, reduces oxidative stress and immune activation in exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Bogdanova, M.
Hepatoprotective activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Teucrium polium L. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats
Bohlin, L.
Brominated cyclodipeptides from the marine sponge Geodia barretti as selective 5-HT ligands
Antifouling and Anti-Aggregatory Effects of Bastadins from the Marine Sponge Ianthella basta
Chemography and phylogeny – navigating chemical and evolutionary space
ChemGPS-NP – tuned for navigation in biologically relevant chemical space
Natural COX-2 inhibitors and effects on colon cancer cells
Bommer, S.
Effects of Saw palmetto extract in vitro on receptors and enzymes which are relevant in incontinence
Bonaterra, G. A.
Inhibitory effects of Willow bark extracts on proinflammatory processes in LPS activated human monocytes
Bone, K. M.
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Comparison of alkamide pharmacokinetics between equivalent liquid and tablet echinacea preparations
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Bonifacio, O.
Biological activity of a putative 50-kDa protein purified from Tinospora rumphii Boerl
Bonkanka, C. X.
Effects of some Hypericum reflexum L. fil. extracts in the forced swimming test in mice
Analgesic and topical anti-inflammatory activity of terpenoids and flavonoids from species of the genus Teucrium and Salvia in mice
Bonn, G. K.
New materials for extraction, separation and mass spectrometric investigations in phytochemistry
Changes in the phenolic compounds composition of virgin olive Oil due to different storage conditions under accelerated ageing
Advances in stationary phase development for the analysis of target compounds in proteomics, phytomics and metabolomics
Quality assessment of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds in green tea samples belonging to different origins
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of grape seeds by HPLC-MS
Matrix free MALDI mass spectrometry for phytochemical investigations
Borloz, A.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from Huperzia selago
Botkin, N.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Bouchenak, M.
Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effect of Ajuga iva in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet
Boukortt, F. O.
Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effect of Ajuga iva in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet
Bounatirou, S.
Essential oils from Anethum graveolens, Levisticum officinale and Pimpinella anisum hairy root cultures: composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Tunisian Thymus capitatus essential oils
Bounsaythip, C.
Prediction of microbial metabolism of phytochemicals using an in vitro colon model
Braga, P. S. C.
Seasonal variation in the essential oil composition of Salvia fruticosa Mill. cultivated in Portugal
Brattström, A.
Hypothermic effects of hops could be antagonized with the competitive melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole
Valerian extract prepared with methanol but not with ethanol or ethyl acetat inhibits the postsynaptic potentials in rat cortical neurons indicating an adenosine like action
Valerian extract modulates the GABAA-action on its receptors
Effects of hops on clinical efficacy of a valerian-hops-extract combination (Ze 91019) in patients suffering from non-organic sleep disorder
Brauers, G.
Novel oxygenated meroterpenoids and drimane sesquiterpenoids from the sponge-derived fungus Penicillium citreonigrum
Bresgen, N.
Antimutagenic effects of ethanolic extracts from three Palestinian medicinal plants
Antimutagenic effects of ethanolic extracts from three Palestinian medicinal plants
Britzmann, B.
LC-PDA-MS-profiles of phenolic compounds in extracts of aerial parts of Urtica species
Brown, S. L.
Anxiolytic effects of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) odour on the mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) elevated plus-maze
Brun, R.
Antiprotozoal activity of Xanthium brasilicum and bioactivity-guided isolation of its active constituents
Trypanocidal Flavonoids from Ageratum conyzoides
Flavonoids Target Multiple Enzymes from the Type II Fatty Acid Pathway of Plasmodium falciparum and Do Not Invoke Delayed Death Phenomenon
Alkaloids from Phaedranassa dubia (Amaryllidaceae). In vitro antiprotozoal activity
New limonoid orthoacetates and antiprotozoal compounds from Pseudocedrela kotschyi (Schweinf.) Harms
Bruno, M.
New oxidative derivatives of atractyligenin and their cytotoxic activity
Chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of Micromeria fruticulosa (Bertol.) Grande (Lamiaceae) growing wild in Southern Italy
Volatile constituents of Scutellaria rubicunda Hornem subsp. linnaeana (Caruel) Rech. (Lamiaceae) endemic in Sicily
Bucar, F.
LC-PDA-MS-profiles of phenolic compounds in extracts of aerial parts of Urtica species
Buc Calderone, P.
Evaluation of the hepatoprotective effect of Ocimum lamiifolium methanolic extract on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats – precision cut liver slices
Bucchini, A.
Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of boropinic acid, active principle of Boronia pinnata
Buchwald-Werner, S.
Development of an HPLC – method for the analysis of mixture of natural ingredients
Aqueous Rooibos extract: development of a new functional food ingredient based on a botanical extract
Buddhakala, N.
The Effects of Ginger Oils on Rat Uterine Contraction
Budi Muljono, R. A.
Salicylate: a phytochemist's headache
Buol, I.
Efficient production of Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia L.) in vitro using a temporary immersion system
Butterweck, V.
Hypothermic effects of hops could be antagonized with the competitive melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole
Effects of various flavonoids on xanthine oxidase activities in vitro and on plasma uric acid levels in oxonate-induced rats
Evaluation of the effect of grapefruit juice and its components on P-glycoprotein activity
Byun, Y.
Development of antifungal agents from essential oil compounds in Ostericum koreanum
Analysis of essential oils in Chrysanthemum zawadskii in Korea
Byungkil, C.
Separation and quantitative analysis of anthraquinones in Morinda officinalis How. by HPLC
Monitoring of distributed Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill in Korea
Cabezas, F.
Alkaloids from Phaedranassa dubia (Amaryllidaceae). In vitro antiprotozoal activity
Calis, I.
Secondary metabolites of Globularia species from the Flora of Turkey
Triterpene saponins from Calendula arvensis
Calvo, T.
Antioxidant activity of an aqueous fraction obtained from Indigofera truxillensis against ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric lesions
Camargo, E. E. S.
Role of endogenous SHs and NO on Vernonia ferruginea Less induced gastroprotection
Canal, T.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Canbek, M.
Effects Of Carvacrol Upon The Liver Of Rats Undergoing Partial Hepatectomy
Cardoso, E. M.
Pyridine Alkaloids of Senna multijulga (Cesalpiniaceae) as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
Cardoso, G. C.
Antinociceptive effect of the essential oil of Lippia sidoides on mice
Carithape, A.
Anti-dog tick herbal shampoo from Thai medicinal plant
Carvalho, A. C. S.
Possible involvement of muscarinic mechanisms in contractile response of guinea pig ileum by Erythrina velutina
Cassani, J.
Vasorelaxant effect of ethanolic extract from Cecropia obtusifolia in Guinea pigs aortic rings
Castro-Gamboa, I.
Bioprospecting Program-BIOTA: A Rational Search for Drug Discovery from Brazilian Biodiversity
Antioxidants from fruits and leaves of Eugenia jambolana, an edible Myrtaceae species from Atlantic Forest
In search of promising antimalarial drugs: Detection of heme-based adducts induced in complex matrixes from Brazilian plants using HPLC-DAD
Cateni, F.
Topical anti-inflammatory activity of Plantago major L. leaves
Cavalcanti, S. C. H.
Antinociceptive profile of ethyl acetate extract of Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Labiatae)
Cavalheiro, A. J.
Bioprospecting Program-BIOTA: A Rational Search for Drug Discovery from Brazilian Biodiversity
Antioxidants from fruits and leaves of Eugenia jambolana, an edible Myrtaceae species from Atlantic Forest
In search of promising antimalarial drugs: Detection of heme-based adducts induced in complex matrixes from Brazilian plants using HPLC-DAD
Cerdá-Nicolás, M.
Cucurbitacin R reduces delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction induced by dinitrofluorobenzene and sheep red blood cells in mice
Cergel, S.
Evening primrose oil (EPO) quality changes dependent on storage temperature and storage time
Chaabi, M.
Antiprotozoal activity of saponins from Anogeissus leiocarpus (Combretaceae)
Bio-guided isolation of anti-salmonellae compounds of Thonningia sanguinea, an Ivorian medicinal plant
Antimalarial and antitrypanosomal activities of West Cameroon medicinal plants
Chang, I. S.
Cosmetic applications of selected Various Citrus fruits
Chang, S. Y.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Chansathirapanich, W.
Improved isolation of α-mangostin from the fruit hull of Garcinia mangostana and its antioxidant and antifungal activity
Chansiri, A.
Development of skin whitening preparations from kaffir lime oil (Citrus hystrix)
Charmain, J.
Biological activity of a putative 50-kDa protein purified from Tinospora rumphii Boerl
Chavasiri, W.
Active anti-head lice component from custard apple seed
Chawapun, A.
In vitro effect of BA and NAA on growth and development of Pueraria candollei Grah. ex. Benth. var. mirifica
Chen, S.
Phytochemical-dependent modulation of endocytic trafficking-novel screening strategies for drug discovery from natural products
Chenni, A.
Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effect of Ajuga iva in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet
Chobot, V.
Selected phototoxicological assays used for plant metabolites screening
Choi, S.
Development of antifungal agents from essential oil compounds in Ostericum koreanum
Choi, S. H.
β-Secretase (BACE1) Inhibitors from Pomegranate (Punica granatum) L. Husk
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Choi, S. Y.
Cosmetic applications of selected Various Citrus fruits
Choi, Y. H.
Study of metabolites in benzothiadiazole treated Arabidopsis using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and principal component analysis
Natural COX-2 inhibitors and effects on colon cancer cells
Christen, P.
Two new isomeric tropane alkaloids from Schizanthus tricolor identified by capillary NMR
Christensen, L. P.
A screening platform for identification of anti-diabetic compounds in plants used in traditional complementary medicine
Effect of development stage at harvest on the content of flavonoids and phenolic acids in aerial parts of Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum (Link.))
Simultaneous determination of ginsenosides and polyacetylenes in American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.) using high-performance liquid chromatography
Chukwujekwu, J. C.
Helichrysums: antibacterial and monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity of South African summer-rainfall species
Chung, H. G.
Analysis of the Physiological Activity from Kalopanax septemlobus Koidz. Extracts in Korea
Chung, H. Y.
Inhibitory effect of compounds from Rhus chinensis on generation of oxygen species generation in YPEN-1 cells
Claeson, P.
Implementation of the Guideline on non-clinical documentation for HMPs in applications for marketing authorisation and simplified registration
Classen, B.
Stimulation of LAL-test by LPS-free arabinogalactan-protein preparations from Echinacea purpurea
Clausen, P. H.
Screening of medical plants from Mali for antitrypanosomal activity
Codina, C.
Alkaloids from Phaedranassa dubia (Amaryllidaceae). In vitro antiprotozoal activity
Cola-Miranda, M.
Role of endogenous SHs and NO on Vernonia ferruginea Less induced gastroprotection
Antioxidant activity of an aqueous fraction obtained from Indigofera truxillensis against ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric lesions
Corcoran, O.
Wound healing activity of Alocasia odora (Roxb.) Koch
Corvi Mora, P.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Cos, P.
Structure-activity-relationship (SAR) for in vitro antileishmanial activity of maesabalide (PX-6518) analogue natural products
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Coşkun, M.
Ruscus aculeatus Trade in Turkey: Is It Sustainable?
Costa, D.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phenolics from Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Costa, M. M.
Essential oils from Anethum graveolens, Levisticum officinale and Pimpinella anisum hairy root cultures: composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Tunisian Thymus capitatus essential oils
Crawford, R.
Antibacterial proanthocyanidins isolated from the Australian medicinal plant, Planchonia careya (F. Muell.) R. Knuth (Lecythidaceae)
Crozier, A.
Absorption and metabolism of dietary phenolics
Curini, M.
Synthesis and preliminary colon cancer chemoprevention evaluation of a novel prodrug of 4'-geranyloxy-ferulic acid, active principle of Acronychia baueri Schott
Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of boropinic acid, active principle of Boronia pinnata
Cvejic, J.
Release of soy isoflavones from commercial capsule preparation
Cvek, J.
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Daariimaa, K.
Phytochemical investigation of the Mongolian medicinal plant Saussurea amara (L.) DC (Asteraceae)
Dahlström, M.
Brominated cyclodipeptides from the marine sponge Geodia barretti as selective 5-HT ligands
Dähne, L.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Dalsgaard, P.
Phytochemical investigation of Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia) and Noni-derived commercial products
Darwis, Y.
Characterisation of in vitro antioxidative properties of aqueous ethanolic (45%v/v) extract of Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.)
da S Bolzani, V.
Bioprospecting Program-BIOTA: A Rational Search for Drug Discovery from Brazilian Biodiversity
Antioxidants from fruits and leaves of Eugenia jambolana, an edible Myrtaceae species from Atlantic Forest
In search of promising antimalarial drugs: Detection of heme-based adducts induced in complex matrixes from Brazilian plants using HPLC-DAD
Pyridine Alkaloids of Senna multijulga (Cesalpiniaceae) as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
Dastmalchi, K.
Characterisation of in vitro antioxidative properties of aqueous ethanolic (45%v/v) extract of Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.)
Davoodabadi, E.
Antioxidant activities of Punica granatum as determined by FRAP assay method
Deans, S. G.
Essential oils from Anethum graveolens, Levisticum officinale and Pimpinella anisum hairy root cultures: composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities
Deaton, C. M.
Efficacy Of A Plant Based Formulation In The Treatment Of Recurrent Airway Obstruction In Horses
De Castro, W. V.
Evaluation of the effect of grapefruit juice and its components on P-glycoprotein activity
Delaude, C.
Two new triterpene saponins from Nylandtia spinosa
Delfino, R.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Della Loggia, R.
Topical anti-inflammatory activity of Plantago major L. leaves
Demir, O.
Effects of grape consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects
Demir, T. A.
Hydroxylation of selected sesquiterpenes by the fungus Neurospora crassa
Demirci, F.
Essential oil of Turkish Origanum onites L. and its main components, carvacrol and thymol show potent antiprotozoal activity without cytotoxicity
Hydroxylation of selected sesquiterpenes by the fungus Neurospora crassa
Turkish Oregano: Chemistry & Biological Activities
De Pasquale, R.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the aqueous extracts of Maytenus senegalensis, Stereospermum kunthianum and Trichilia emetica used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea in Mali
de Paula Michelatto, D.
Role of endogenous SHs and NO on Vernonia ferruginea Less induced gastroprotection
Antioxidant activity of an aqueous fraction obtained from Indigofera truxillensis against ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric lesions
Derendorf, H.
Evaluation of the effect of grapefruit juice and its components on P-glycoprotein activity
Derwińska, M.
Antioxidant activity of Galinsoga parviflora and Galinsoga quadriradiata
Deshmukh, V. S.
Anti-stress anxiolytic and nootropic activity of Nyctanthes arbour tritis leaves
Deters, A.
Characterization of Jatropha curcas L. seed polysaccharides and their influence on primary human keratinocytes
Variations in extraction protocol lead to differences in monosaccharide composition and bioactivity on human keratinocytes as shown by polysaccharides from banana and plum fruits
De Tommasi, N.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the aqueous extracts of Maytenus senegalensis, Stereospermum kunthianum and Trichilia emetica used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea in Mali
Devleeschouwer, M.
Direct and indirect antimicrobial activity of Cordia gilletii extracts
de Voss, J. J.
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Devrim, E.
Black Grape Extract Protects Against Cyclosporine A Nephrotoxicity
Effects of grape consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Effects of Garlic Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Effects of Apple Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Dheeranupattana, S.
In vitro secondary compound production from roots of Stemona curtisii
In vitro effect of BA and NAA on growth and development of Pueraria candollei Grah. ex. Benth. var. mirifica
Diallo, D.
Antiplasmodial, GABAA-benzodiazepine receptor binding and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of plants used in traditional medicine in Mali, West Africa
Structure elucidation of bioactive pectins from Opilia celtidifolia (Guill. & Perr.) Endl. Ex Walp. (Opiliaceae)
New limonoid orthoacetates and antiprotozoal compounds from Pseudocedrela kotschyi (Schweinf.) Harms
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the aqueous extracts of Maytenus senegalensis, Stereospermum kunthianum and Trichilia emetica used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea in Mali
Characterization and partial purification of cystatins from Malian medicinal plants
Dickson, R. A.
Antibacterial and resistance –modifying effects of Mezoneuron benthamianum
Dickson, S.
Positive influence of a Harpagophytum procumbens preparation on different rheumatic complaints – results from clinical trial
Dieterle, F.
Phytochemical investigation of Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia) and Noni-derived commercial products
Diller, R. A.
Capability of Prenylflavanones present in Hops to Induce Apoptosis in a Human Burkitt Lymphoma Cell Line
Diome, C.
Two new triterpene saponins from Nylandtia spinosa
Dirsch, V. M.
Indirubin-3'-monoxime inhibits rat vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation induced by plateled-derived growth factor via the Jak/STAT-pathway
A Maillard reaction product enhances eNOS enzymatic activity in human endothelial cells
Dolezal, K.
The identification of new aromatic cytokinins in Arabidopsis thaliana by hybrid Q-Tof mass spectrometry
Domínguez, M. T.
Methanolic extracts of two Betulaceae species from Spain, induced apoptosis in tumoral cell lines
Dorfer, T.
Efficient production of Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia L.) in vitro using a temporary immersion system
Dorman, H. J. D.
Thiolysis-HPLC characterization of the phenolic composition of nut shells of Pinus sibirica (Du Tour) Rupr
Identification of spiroketal polyacetylenes as the main components of an oil extract of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch.) flowers
Characterisation of in vitro antioxidative properties of aqueous ethanolic (45%v/v) extract of Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.)
Drewe, J.
Inhibition of interleukin-8 secretion by a green tea special extract in the intestinal cell line Caco-2
Duarte, N.
Antifungal and multidrug resistance modulatory effects of diterpenic and phenolic compounds
Search for P-glycoprotein modulators and apoptosis inducers on cancer cells among ergostane and stigmastane steroids
Diterpenic compounds as antineoplasic agents in classical and atypical multidrug resistant cancer cells
Effects of piceatannol derivatives in the antiproliferative activity of the anticancer-drug doxorubicine and on apoptosis induction in MDR cancer cell lines
Dubois, J.
Nematicidal compound from the seeds of Balanites aegyptiaca. Isolation and structure elucidation
Duez, P.
Nematicidal compound from the seeds of Balanites aegyptiaca. Isolation and structure elucidation
Modification of the polarity of an anthocyanin pigment. Structure determination and antioxidant activity
Direct and indirect antimicrobial activity of Cordia gilletii extracts
Evaluation of the hepatoprotective effect of Ocimum lamiifolium methanolic extract on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats – precision cut liver slices
Dumic, J.
Immunomodulatory effects of flavonoids in vitro
Duong, G. M.
Antioxidants from Xylocarpus granatum
Durak, I.
Black Grape Extract Protects Against Cyclosporine A Nephrotoxicity
Organic extract of flowers from a chamomile species eliminates complaints resulted from hemorrhoid disease
Effects of grape consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Effects of Garlic Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Effects of Apple Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Duus, JØ
Structural characterization of two galactofuranomannan isolated from the lichen Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis
Eapen, S.
Protoberberine alkoloids from the hairy root cultures of Tinospora cordifolia transformed with Agrobacterium rhizogens
Ebel, R.
Novel oxygenated meroterpenoids and drimane sesquiterpenoids from the sponge-derived fungus Penicillium citreonigrum
Antifouling and Anti-Aggregatory Effects of Bastadins from the Marine Sponge Ianthella basta
New Norterpene Cyclic Peroxides from the Sponge Diacarnus megaspinorhabdosa
Four New Natural Products from Mongolian Medicinal Plants Scorzonera divaricata and Scorzonera pseudodivaricata (Asteraceae)
Ebite, L. E.
Histopathologic effects of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.)Vahl. on Wistar rats
Eckl, P. M.
Antimutagenic effects of ethanolic extracts from three Palestinian medicinal plants
Antimutagenic effects of ethanolic extracts from three Palestinian medicinal plants
Edrada, R. A.
New Norterpene Cyclic Peroxides from the Sponge Diacarnus megaspinorhabdosa
Four New Natural Products from Mongolian Medicinal Plants Scorzonera divaricata and Scorzonera pseudodivaricata (Asteraceae)
Flavonoids from Vigna angularis – composition and antioxidative effects
Edrada-Ebel, R. A.
Antifouling and Anti-Aggregatory Effects of Bastadins from the Marine Sponge Ianthella basta
Ellmerer, E. P.
Different strategies for discriminator identification in a NMR based metabonomics matrix of the genus Leontopodium using LC-SPE-NMR, 1H-NMR-guided isolation and classical phytochemistry
Elo, H.
Lichens as a source of antibiotics against resistant bacteria
Eloff, J. N.
Structure and biological activities of antimicrobial compounds recently isolated from southern African Combretum and Terminalia species
A plant antifungal product from Melianthus comosus (Melianthaceae) leaf extracts
El-Sawi, S.
Chemical composition and cytotoxic activities of essential oils of leaves and berries of Juniperus phoenicea L grown in Egypt
Elstner, E. F.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
El-Toumy, S. A. A.
Flavonoids from Acacia saligna leaves and Evaluation of Antihyperglycaemic Effect of Aqueous Extract
Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of the Acacia nilotica (L.) Wild. ex Delile. leaves on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
Emami, M.
Phytochemical and Antimicrobial investigation of Taleghan plants species
Enayat, A. O.
Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of the Acacia nilotica (L.) Wild. ex Delile. leaves on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
Engelhardt, C.
Proanthocyanidins from the herb of Myrothamnus flabellifolia Welw
Engelshowe, R.
Evaluation of analytical markers characterising different drying methods of parsley leaves (Petroselinum crispum L.)
Enríquez, R. G.
Hypotensive and vasorelaxant effect of the procyanidins complex from Guazuma ulmifolia bark, in normotensive and hypertensive rat
A potent cytotoxic semisynthetic derivative of perezone with phenylglycine
Synthesis and biological activity of a new benzothiazol derivative of curcumin
Epifano, F.
Synthesis and preliminary colon cancer chemoprevention evaluation of a novel prodrug of 4'-geranyloxy-ferulic acid, active principle of Acronychia baueri Schott
Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of boropinic acid, active principle of Boronia pinnata
Erdelmeier, C. A. J.
Pharmacological Effects of a Decolorised St. Johns Wort Extract Designed for Topical Application
Ergüder, I. B.
Effects of grape consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Effects of Garlic Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Effects of Apple Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Erlendsdóttir, H.
Antibacterial compounds from Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry)
Erler, J.
COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitory activity of extracts produced from organic waste materials
Ernst, E.
Clinical trials and systematic reviews of herbal medicine
Erol, Ö
Exploring the structural diversity of myxobacterial secondary metabolism
Escandell, J. M.
Inhibitory effects of cucurbitacin R on lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production
Cucurbitacin R reduces delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction induced by dinitrofluorobenzene and sheep red blood cells in mice
Eschenko, A. Y.
Unusual chemical transformations of natural flavonoids
Ezea, S. C.
Evaluation of Picralima nitida hypoglycemic activity, toxicity and analytical standards
Faizi, M.
Evaluation of anti-nociceptive effect of methanolic extract of Sambucus nigra leaves using Formalin test and Tail-Flick test models
Faleiro, M. L.
Essential oils from Anethum graveolens, Levisticum officinale and Pimpinella anisum hairy root cultures: composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Tunisian Thymus capitatus essential oils
Fallarero, A.
Are cinnamic acids responsible for in vitro neuroprotection exerted by Bryothamnion triquetrum (S.G.Gmelin) Howe aqueous extract?
Faller, G.
Okra polysaccharides inhibit adhesion of Campylobacter jejuni to mucosa from poultry in situ but not in vivo within infection study
Pelargonium sidoides extract EPs 7630 inhibits adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to human gastric mucosa
Polysaccharides from Glycyrrhiza glabra L. exert significant anti-adhesive effects against Helicobacter pylori and Porphyromonas gingivalis
Familoni, O. B.
Free radical scavenging activity of some Nigerian medicinal plants
Farag, A.
Antitumor activity of Ailanthus excelsa (Roxb.)
Faraid, M. A.
Chemical composition, antiviral and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils of Ferula hormonis, Plectranthus coleoides and Magnolia grandiflora
Farias-Silva, E.
Role of endogenous SHs and NO on Vernonia ferruginea Less induced gastroprotection
Antioxidant activity of an aqueous fraction obtained from Indigofera truxillensis against ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric lesions
Fassbender, B.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Fawzy, G.
Two New Cyclic Amino Acids from the seeds and Antiviral Activity of methanolic extract of the roots of Zizyphus spinachristi
Feistel, B.
Effects of extracts from Valeriana officinalis L. in pharmacological studies
Fernandes, E.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phenolics from Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Fernandes, J. B.
Antinociceptive profile of ethyl acetate extract of Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Labiatae)
Fernandes-Ferreira, M.
Essential oils from leaves, stems and ripened seed capsules of Hypericum undulatum
Seasonal variation in the essential oil composition of Salvia fruticosa Mill. cultivated in Portugal
Fernández, G.
Hypotensive and vasorelaxant effect of the procyanidins complex from Guazuma ulmifolia bark, in normotensive and hypertensive rat
Ferreira, D.
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Ferreira, M. J. U.
Antifungal and multidrug resistance modulatory effects of diterpenic and phenolic compounds
Search for P-glycoprotein modulators and apoptosis inducers on cancer cells among ergostane and stigmastane steroids
Diterpenic compounds as antineoplasic agents in classical and atypical multidrug resistant cancer cells
Effects of piceatannol derivatives in the antiproliferative activity of the anticancer-drug doxorubicine and on apoptosis induction in MDR cancer cell lines
Feuerstein, I.
Advances in stationary phase development for the analysis of target compounds in proteomics, phytomics and metabolomics
Feyen, F.
Exploration of natural alkylamides and synthetic analogs as source for new ligands for the cannabinoid type-2 receptor
Fico, G.
Aromatic plants from Valsesia (Italy): bioassay-guided isolation of flavonoids with antioxidant activity from Achillea species
Fiebich, B. L.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
Figueiredo, A. C.
Essential oils from Anethum graveolens, Levisticum officinale and Pimpinella anisum hairy root cultures: composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Tunisian Thymus capitatus essential oils
Fischer, G.
Molecular cloning and heterologous expression of a progesterone 5β-reductase (5β-POR) from Isoplexis canariensis
Floresta, S. V.
Antinociceptive profile of ethyl acetate extract of Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Labiatae)
Forbes, B.
Wound healing activity of Alocasia odora (Roxb.) Koch
Formisano, C.
Chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of Micromeria fruticulosa (Bertol.) Grande (Lamiaceae) growing wild in Southern Italy
Volatile constituents of Scutellaria rubicunda Hornem subsp. linnaeana (Caruel) Rech. (Lamiaceae) endemic in Sicily
Fornera, P.
Development of an HPLC – method for the analysis of mixture of natural ingredients
Frändberg, P. A.
Brominated cyclodipeptides from the marine sponge Geodia barretti as selective 5-HT ligands
Frank, W.
Novel oxygenated meroterpenoids and drimane sesquiterpenoids from the sponge-derived fungus Penicillium citreonigrum
Franz, C.
Plant Intellectual Property Rights (Workshop Perm. Comm. Breeding and Cultivation)
Fraternale, D.
Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of boropinic acid, active principle of Boronia pinnata
Frédérich, M.
Nematicidal compound from the seeds of Balanites aegyptiaca. Isolation and structure elucidation
Fretté, X. C.
Effect of development stage at harvest on the content of flavonoids and phenolic acids in aerial parts of Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum (Link.))
Freysdottir, J.
Immunomodulating effects of lichen-derived polysaccharides on monocyte-derived dendritic cells
Frias, C.
Capability of Prenylflavanones present in Hops to Induce Apoptosis in a Human Burkitt Lymphoma Cell Line
Frieling, T.
Pro-secretory effects in the human small and large intestine as a mechanism of action of STW 5 (Iberogast®) in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Fritsch, R. M.
Sulphur Chemistry of Drumstick Onions (Allium Subgenus melanocrommyum)
Onions of the Allium Subgenus Melanocrommyum – the Better Garlic?
Froelich, S.
In vitro antiplasmodial activity and cytotoxicity of ethnobotanically selected East African plants used for the treatment of malaria
Fry, J.
Induction of Cytoprotective Mechanisms by the Chemopreventive Isothiocyanate Sulforaphane in Rat and Murine Hepatoma Cell Lines
Fuchs, D.
Strix Forte®, an antioxidant mixture with bilberry anthocyanosides, reduces oxidative stress and immune activation in exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Fukushi, Y.
Secondary Metabolites from Hypoglycaemic fraction of Treculia africana Decne (Moraceae)
Furlan, M.
Bioprospecting Program-BIOTA: A Rational Search for Drug Discovery from Brazilian Biodiversity
Gabriele, C.
Artemisinin and flavonoids yield from aqueous extracts and tinctures of Artemisia annua L
Galeotti, N.
Pharmacological in vivo test to evaluate the bioavailability of some St. John's wort innovative oral preparations
Galiotou-Panayotou, M.
Effect of essential oil of Citrus cinensis cv new hall – Citrus aurantium (indigenous in Greece) upon growth of Yarrowia lipolytica
Galkin, A.
Miniaturisation and automatisation of Caco-2 permeability studies for screening of natural and synthetic ligands
Gaube, F.
Effects of Leuzea carthamoides DC. on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells detected by gene expression profiling
Gauguin, B.
Screening of plants used in Danish folk medicine to treat depression for MAO-A inhibition and affinity to the serotonin transporter
Gebhardt, R.
Impact of kava cultivar, plant part and extraction medium on in-vitro cytotoxicity of kava (Piper methysticum) in HepG2 and Hep3B cells
Gehrmann, B.
Rapid TLC analysis of Ranunculus bulbosus L. homeopathic tincture
Geiss, H. K.
Antibacterial activity of the essential oils of catnip (Nepeta cataria L.) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) against clinical isolates from the respiratory tract
Gennaro, R.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Genovese, S.
Synthesis and preliminary colon cancer chemoprevention evaluation of a novel prodrug of 4'-geranyloxy-ferulic acid, active principle of Acronychia baueri Schott
Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of boropinic acid, active principle of Boronia pinnata
Gerhards, C.
Evaluation of analytical markers characterising different drying methods of parsley leaves (Petroselinum crispum L.)
Gertsch, J.
Exploration of natural alkylamides and synthetic analogs as source for new ligands for the cannabinoid type-2 receptor
Echinacea and its alkamides – an assessment of potential CYP-P450 enzyme inhibition?
Formation of supramolecular structures of alkylamides from Echinacea – implications for cannabinoid type-2 receptor (CB2) interactions in vitro
Ghasemnezhad, A.
Evening primrose oil (EPO) quality changes dependent on storage temperature and storage time
Ghelardini, C.
Pharmacological in vivo test to evaluate the bioavailability of some St. John's wort innovative oral preparations
Giamperi, L.
Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of boropinic acid, active principle of Boronia pinnata
Gibbons, S.
Plant Phenolics as Antibiotic Resistance Modifying Agents
Giersig, M.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Gil, R.
Inhibitory effects of cucurbitacin R on lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production
Gilgenast, E.
Induction of naphthoquinone and flavonoid production in Dionaea muscipula and Drosera capensis
Giner, R. M.
Evaluating the effects of phenolics from Phagnalon rupestre (L.) DC on cellular nitration and oxidation
Hydroquinone- and cinnamate-based plant phenolics in experimental contact hypersensitivity
Giomi, M.
Yields in phenylpropanoids and antioxidant properties of different aqueous extracts of lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora K.)
Gjorgoski, I.
Hepatoprotective activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Teucrium polium L. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats
Glasl, S.
Phytochemical investigation of the Mongolian medicinal plant Saussurea amara (L.) DC (Asteraceae)
Gnecco, D.
Synthesis and biological activity of a new benzothiazol derivative of curcumin
Gnoula, C.
Nematicidal compound from the seeds of Balanites aegyptiaca. Isolation and structure elucidation
Godejohann, M.
Different strategies for discriminator identification in a NMR based metabonomics matrix of the genus Leontopodium using LC-SPE-NMR, 1H-NMR-guided isolation and classical phytochemistry
Goeke, B.
Modulation of the peristaltic reflex of rat ileum segments by STW 5 (Iberogast®)
Goger, F.
Composition and antioxidant activities of Salvia halophila and S. virgata from Turkey
Gokmen, D.
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Gomes, E. T.
Monographic profile of Guiera, leaves a West African herbal drug
Gomeza, A.
Development of an HPLC – method for the analysis of mixture of natural ingredients
González, M. R.
Activity of a compound isolated from Senna villosa against Trypanosoma cruzi
González, T.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phenolics from Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Goossens, A.
Plant secondary metabolism in the post-genomic era
Metabolic engineering of plant cell cultures – towards the new resources of alkaloids
Integrated transcript and metabolite profiling of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus
Gopalkrishnan, R.
Protoberberine alkoloids from the hairy root cultures of Tinospora cordifolia transformed with Agrobacterium rhizogens
Bioassay guided purification of an immunomodulatory polysaccharide from roots of Tinospora cordifolia
Göransson, U.
Brominated cyclodipeptides from the marine sponge Geodia barretti as selective 5-HT ligands
Gormann, R.
Newbouldiosides A-C, phenylethanoid triglycosides from Newbouldia laevis
Novel flavonoids from leaf extracts of Markhamia acuminata and Spathodea campanulata
Gortzi, O.
Effect of essential oil of Citrus cinensis cv new hall – Citrus aurantium (indigenous in Greece) upon growth of Yarrowia lipolytica
Gottfries, J.
Chemography and phylogeny – navigating chemical and evolutionary space
ChemGPS-NP – tuned for navigation in biologically relevant chemical space
Greilberger, J.
Strix Forte®, an antioxidant mixture with bilberry anthocyanosides, reduces oxidative stress and immune activation in exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Grevsen, K.
A screening platform for identification of anti-diabetic compounds in plants used in traditional complementary medicine
Effect of development stage at harvest on the content of flavonoids and phenolic acids in aerial parts of Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum (Link.))
Gritsanapan, W.
Anti-dog tick herbal shampoo from Thai medicinal plant
Active anti-head lice component from custard apple seed
Gritzko, K.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Gruissem, W.
Flavonoid comparative analysis of GM/wt wheat
Grundmann, O.
Hypothermic effects of hops could be antagonized with the competitive melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole
Gudiksen, L.
Screening of plants used in Danish folk medicine to treat depression for MAO-A inhibition and affinity to the serotonin transporter
Guede-guina, F.
Bio-guided isolation of anti-salmonellae compounds of Thonningia sanguinea, an Ivorian medicinal plant
Guedes, A. P.
Essential oils from leaves, stems and ripened seed capsules of Hypericum undulatum
Guissou, P.
Nematicidal compound from the seeds of Balanites aegyptiaca. Isolation and structure elucidation
Gupta, M. P.
An UPLC-MSTOF investigation of the leaves of Arrabidaea patellifera
Gupta, R. S.
Evaluation of reversible antiandrogenic and antispermatogenic activities of Annona squamosa (Linn) stem bark methanol extract in male albino rats
Reversible antifertility activity of methanol extract of Momordica dioica Roxb. in male albino rats
Gürbüz, I.
Antiviral and antimicrobial activities of three sesquiterpene lactones from Centaurea solstitialis L. ssp. solstitialis
Gusenleitner, S.
Evaluation of EndoTrap® blue for removing endotoxin contamination from Echinacea extracts
Gutmann, H.
Inhibition of interleukin-8 secretion by a green tea special extract in the intestinal cell line Caco-2
Güvenç, A.
Ruscus aculeatus Trade in Turkey: Is It Sustainable?
Guzmán, E.
Activity of a compound isolated from Senna villosa against Trypanosoma cruzi
Gyémant, N.
Search for P-glycoprotein modulators and apoptosis inducers on cancer cells among ergostane and stigmastane steroids
Effects of piceatannol derivatives in the antiproliferative activity of the anticancer-drug doxorubicine and on apoptosis induction in MDR cancer cell lines
Głód, D.
Phytochemical and Biopharmaceutical Analysis of Willow Bark
Głowniak, K.
Extraction and chromatographic analysis of ginsenosides occurring in roots and leaves of Panax quinquefolium grown in Poland
Ha, N. R.
Effects of constituents from the fruits of Idesia polycarpa on lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in BV2 microglial cells
Habib, A. A.
Evaluation of Narcissus tazetta L. under different habitats
Habtemarium, S.
Antioxidant activity of water and ethanol extracts from roots of Cassine transvaalensis Burtt-Davy from Botswana
Hadacek, F.
Chemical ecology and screening for bioactivity: common and contrasting issues
Hadjiakhoondi, A.
Volatile Composition and Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitory effect of Stachys setifera C. A. Mey
Hadjipavlou-Litina, D.
Soyabean Lipoxygenase Inhibitory Activity of Flavonoids, Phenylethanoid glycosides and phenolic acids from Marrubium velutinum and M. cylleneum
Hagelauer, D.
Effects of STW 5 (Iberogast®) on prostaglandinF2α –induced contractions of ileum of mice in vitro
Hajiaghaee, R.
Concentration of Grapefruit Essential oil by Fractional Distillation
Hajimahmoodi, M.
Antioxidant activities of Punica granatum as determined by FRAP assay method
Haj Yahya, M.
Radical scavenging activity of ethanolic extracts from six species from genus Achillea
Häkkinen, S. T.
Plant secondary metabolism in the post-genomic era
Metabolic engineering of plant cell cultures – towards the new resources of alkaloids
Halldorsdottir, E. S.
Alkaloids from the club moss Lycopodium annotinum L. – acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity in vitro
Hambartsumyan, M.
Adaptogens modify stress response by suppressing the increase of p-SAPK, nitric oxide and cortisone in the blood of rabbits
Hamburger, M.
Phytochemical investigation of Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia) and Noni-derived commercial products
Discovery of natural products by chemical and pharmacological profiling
A comprehensive metabolite profiling of Isatis tinctoria leaf extracts
Simultaneous quantitative analysis of the active principles and pigments in leaf extracts of Isatis tinctoria by HPLC/UV/MS
Effects of Leuzea carthamoides DC. on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells detected by gene expression profiling
Hamed, A.
Induction of Cytoprotective Mechanisms by the Chemopreventive Isothiocyanate Sulforaphane in Rat and Murine Hepatoma Cell Lines
Hamedi, A.
Effects of different carbon sources on production of polysaccharides by Agaricus blazei
Hamidian Jahromi, A.
Ascorbic acid in Iranian Rose species (2)
Hammouda, F. M.
Evaluation of Narcissus tazetta L. under different habitats
Han, J.
Analysis of the Physiological Activity from Kalopanax septemlobus Koidz. Extracts in Korea
Hardardottir, G.
Usnic acid: anti-proliferative, apoptotic and morphological effects on human malignant cell lines
Haruna, A. K.
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity of Byrsocarpus coccineus and its constituents
Hashem, F. A.
Investigation of free radical scavenging activity by ESR for coumarins isolated from Tecoma radicans
Hashidoko, Y.
Secondary Metabolites from Hypoglycaemic fraction of Treculia africana Decne (Moraceae)
Hashir, M. A.
New materials for extraction, separation and mass spectrometric investigations in phytochemistry
Matrix free MALDI mass spectrometry for phytochemical investigations
Haskell, C. F.
Behavioural improvements following acute guaraná administration
Hassan, N. M.
Evaluation of Narcissus tazetta L. under different habitats
Hassan, R. A.
The flavonoidal constituents of Limoniastrum monopetatum and their biological activity
Hasuda, T.
Antitumour Quassinoids from Brucea javanica and SAR of Brusatol
Hatakka, A.
Screening of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors from Fungal Extracts
Hattesohl, M.
Effects of extracts from Valeriana officinalis L. in pharmacological studies
Hauserova, E.
The identification of new aromatic cytokinins in Arabidopsis thaliana by hybrid Q-Tof mass spectrometry
Havlik, J.
Antibacterial activity of Nigella sativa seed essential oil and effect of different extraction methods on content of its active principle, thymoquinone
Hawas, U. W.
Brocchiana carboxylic acid; the analogue of brevifolin carboxylic acid, Isolation and identification from Chrozophora brocchiana
Hay, A. E.
An UPLC-MSTOF investigation of the leaves of Arrabidaea patellifera
New limonoid orthoacetates and antiprotozoal compounds from Pseudocedrela kotschyi (Schweinf.) Harms
Hedner, E.
Brominated cyclodipeptides from the marine sponge Geodia barretti as selective 5-HT ligands
Hehenberger, S.
Different strategies for discriminator identification in a NMR based metabonomics matrix of the genus Leontopodium using LC-SPE-NMR, 1H-NMR-guided isolation and classical phytochemistry
Heilmann, J.
Novel cytotoxic labdane diterpenes from Marrubium cylleneum
New Furostanol Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Tacca integrifolia
Heinle, H.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
Effects of STW 5 (Iberogast®) on prostaglandinF2α –induced contractions of ileum of mice in vitro
Heinrich, M.
Echinacea and its alkamides – an assessment of potential CYP-P450 enzyme inhibition?
The Use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy to discriminate between THC-rich and hemp forms of Cannabis
Heiss, E.
Indirubin-3'-monoxime inhibits rat vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation induced by plateled-derived growth factor via the Jak/STAT-pathway
A Maillard reaction product enhances eNOS enzymatic activity in human endothelial cells
Hensel, A.
Analytical and functional aspects on Saffron from Crocus sativus L.: development of quality control methods, species assortment and affinity to sigma-1 and NMDA receptors
Okra polysaccharides inhibit adhesion of Campylobacter jejuni to mucosa from poultry in situ but not in vivo within infection study
Functionality of oligo- and polysaccharides against gastrointestinal epithelial membranes: bioadhesive and mucin-stimulating carbohydrates
Proanthocyanidins and phenolglycosides from Rumex acetosa L
Proanthocyanidins from the herb of Myrothamnus flabellifolia Welw
Pelargonium sidoides extract EPs 7630 inhibits adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to human gastric mucosa
Polysaccharides from Glycyrrhiza glabra L. exert significant anti-adhesive effects against Helicobacter pylori and Porphyromonas gingivalis
Evaluation of analytical markers characterising different drying methods of parsley leaves (Petroselinum crispum L.)
Henze, G.
Capability of Prenylflavanones present in Hops to Induce Apoptosis in a Human Burkitt Lymphoma Cell Line
Heo, M. H.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Hering, S.
Identification of GABAA-modulators obtained from Valeriana officinalis L
Valerian extract modulates the GABAA-action on its receptors
Herl, V.
Molecular cloning and heterologous expression of a progesterone 5β-reductase (5β-POR) from Isoplexis canariensis
Hernández, M.
Bactericidal and fungicidal activity of plant extracts from endemic plants of the Chihuahuan Desert of northern Mexico
Hernández, M. S.
Effect of masticadienonic acid on the induction of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes in mouse peripheral blood
Hifnawy, M.
Flavonoids, volatiles and biological activities of the aerial parts of Calliandra haematocephala Hassk
Hilgendorff, M.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Hiltunen, R.
Thiolysis-HPLC characterization of the phenolic composition of nut shells of Pinus sibirica (Du Tour) Rupr
Identification of spiroketal polyacetylenes as the main components of an oil extract of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch.) flowers
Characterisation of in vitro antioxidative properties of aqueous ethanolic (45%v/v) extract of Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.)
Phenolic compounds of plant origin and cell death
Strix Forte®, an antioxidant mixture with bilberry anthocyanosides, reduces oxidative stress and immune activation in exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Hinz, B.
Alkamides from Echinacea angustifolia roots inhibit Cyclooxygenase-2-dependent Prostaglandin synthesis in Human Neuroglioma Cells
Hiruma-Lima, C. A.
Role of endogenous SHs and NO on Vernonia ferruginea Less induced gastroprotection
Antioxidant activity of an aqueous fraction obtained from Indigofera truxillensis against ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric lesions
Hitotsuyanagi, Y.
Antitumour Quassinoids from Brucea javanica and SAR of Brusatol
Hoffmann, D.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Hoffmannová, L.
Anticancer properties of brassinosteroids
Hohlfeld, T.
Antifouling and Anti-Aggregatory Effects of Bastadins from the Marine Sponge Ianthella basta
Hole, R. C.
In vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory activity of aqueous extract of Clerodendrum serratum L. roots
Honermeier, B.
Evening primrose oil (EPO) quality changes dependent on storage temperature and storage time
Hongratanaworakit, T.
Effects of nutrient elements on the production of bioactive volatile compounds from Citrus oils
Development of skin whitening preparations from kaffir lime oil (Citrus hystrix)
Hongrattanavorakit, N.
Development of skin whitening preparations from kaffir lime oil (Citrus hystrix)
Hongthongdaeng, B.
Variation of polyphenols and antioxidant activity in mulberry leaves
Quantitative Determination of 1-Deoxynojirimycin in Mulberry Leaves using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Hornby, B. F.
Anxiolytic effects of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) odour on the mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) elevated plus-maze
Hosein, M.
Phytochemical and Antimicrobial investigation of Taleghan plants species
Hostanska, K.
Apoptosis inducing activity of an extract from saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) berries towards human cancer cells
Hostettmann, K.
Two new isomeric tropane alkaloids from Schizanthus tricolor identified by capillary NMR
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from Huperzia selago
An UPLC-MSTOF investigation of the leaves of Arrabidaea patellifera
New limonoid orthoacetates and antiprotozoal compounds from Pseudocedrela kotschyi (Schweinf.) Harms
Flavonoid comparative analysis of GM/wt wheat
Houghton, P. J.
Antidermatophytic prenylated coumarins from asafetida
Antioxidant activity of water and ethanol extracts from roots of Cassine transvaalensis Burtt-Davy from Botswana
Acetylcholinesterase inhibition of oil from Acorus calamus rhizome
Wound healing activity of Alocasia odora (Roxb.) Koch
Cytotoxic stilbenes from Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. leaves
Antibacterial and resistance –modifying effects of Mezoneuron benthamianum
Absolute configuration and conformation of 3 tetralone derivatives from Ammannia baccifera
Hovhanissyan, A.
Adaptogens modify stress response by suppressing the increase of p-SAPK, nitric oxide and cortisone in the blood of rabbits
Htay Shwe, H.
New Furostanol Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Tacca integrifolia
Huck, C. W.
Advances in stationary phase development for the analysis of target compounds in proteomics, phytomics and metabolomics
Huefner, A.
Antitumor activity of Ailanthus excelsa (Roxb.)
Two New Cyclic Amino Acids from the seeds and Antiviral Activity of methanolic extract of the roots of Zizyphus spinachristi
Humam, M.
Two new isomeric tropane alkaloids from Schizanthus tricolor identified by capillary NMR
Humpfer, E.
Different strategies for discriminator identification in a NMR based metabonomics matrix of the genus Leontopodium using LC-SPE-NMR, 1H-NMR-guided isolation and classical phytochemistry
Hur, J. M.
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Husnu, K.
Composition and antioxidant activities of Salvia halophila and S. virgata from Turkey
Huss, U.
Natural COX-2 inhibitors and effects on colon cancer cells
Hylands, P. J.
Antioxidant activity of water and ethanol extracts from roots of Cassine transvaalensis Burtt-Davy from Botswana
Wound healing activity of Alocasia odora (Roxb.) Koch
Cytotoxic stilbenes from Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. leaves
Antibacterial and resistance –modifying effects of Mezoneuron benthamianum
Absolute configuration and conformation of 3 tetralone derivatives from Ammannia baccifera
Hyun, S.
Effects of constituents from the fruits of Idesia polycarpa on lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in BV2 microglial cells
Ibrahim, N. A.
Chemical composition, antiviral and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils of Ferula hormonis, Plectranthus coleoides and Magnolia grandiflora
Ibrahim, S.
New Norterpene Cyclic Peroxides from the Sponge Diacarnus megaspinorhabdosa
Idu, M.
Some cardiovascular effects of the aqueous extract of the leaves of Starchytarpheta jamaicensis L. (Vahl)
Histopathologic effects of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.)Vahl. on Wistar rats
Ilori, O. O.
Antioxidant activity of selected Nigerian green leafy vegetables
Ina, H.
Inhibitory Effects of the Constituents of Prunus mume on Bradykinin and Prostaglandin E2 Production in Abdominal Cavities of Mice
Ingkaninan, K.
Variation of polyphenols and antioxidant activity in mulberry leaves
Screening for PDE inhibitory activity from Thai traditional plants used as rejuvenating and aphrodisiac agents
Quantitative Determination of 1-Deoxynojirimycin in Mulberry Leaves using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Ingkatawornwong, S.
Antioxidant Evaluation and Stability of Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) Dried Extract
Ingólfsdóttir, K.
Antiviral compounds from Icelandic lichens
Usnic acid: anti-proliferative, apoptotic and morphological effects on human malignant cell lines
Antibacterial compounds from Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry)
Innocenti, M.
Yields in phenylpropanoids and antioxidant properties of different aqueous extracts of lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora K.)
Intaranongpai, J.
Active anti-head lice component from custard apple seed
Inya-Agha, S. I.
Free radical scavenging activity of some Nigerian medicinal plants
Astringency as antisensitivity marker of some Nigerian chewing sticks
Antioxidant activity of selected Nigerian green leafy vegetables
Evaluation of Picralima nitida hypoglycemic activity, toxicity and analytical standards
Inzé, D.
Plant secondary metabolism in the post-genomic era
Metabolic engineering of plant cell cultures – towards the new resources of alkaloids
Integrated transcript and metabolite profiling of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus
Iorizzi, M.
Aromatic plants from Valsesia (Italy): bioassay-guided isolation of flavonoids with antioxidant activity from Achillea species
Ioset, J. R.
New limonoid orthoacetates and antiprotozoal compounds from Pseudocedrela kotschyi (Schweinf.) Harms
Flavonoid comparative analysis of GM/wt wheat
Iranshahi, M.
Antigenotoxic effects of Satureja hortensis L on rat lymphocytes exposed to oxidative stress
Ultra low concentrations of sophoraflavanone G from Sophora pachycarpa C. Meyer enhanced the antibacterial activity of gentamycin aginst Staphylococcus aureus
Isacchi, B.
Pharmacological in vivo test to evaluate the bioavailability of some St. John's wort innovative oral preparations
Ismail, I. A.
Flavonoids and insecticidal activity of Teucrium zanonii
Ismail, K. M.
Antidermatophytic prenylated coumarins from asafetida
Itharat, A.
Antioxidant Evaluation and Stability of Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) Dried Extract
Iznaguen, H.
Phytoestrogenic Activity of Morinda citrifolia L. Fruits
Jääger, K.
Phenolic extracts of strawberry fruits, leaves and cell cultures – analysis and biological activities
Jachak, S. M.
Characterization, design and synthesis of potential COX-2 inhibitors based on natural products
Jaeggi, R.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
Jäger, A. K.
Antiplasmodial, GABAA-benzodiazepine receptor binding and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of plants used in traditional medicine in Mali, West Africa
Hyraceum, the fossilised metabolic products of rock hyraces, shows affinity to the GABA-benzodiazepine receptor
Screening of plants used in Danish folk medicine to treat depression for MAO-A inhibition and affinity to the serotonin transporter
Helichrysums: antibacterial and monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity of South African summer-rainfall species
Air-transport alters the composition of essential oils in aromatic plants
Pharmacological Studies on Xysmalobium undulatum and Mondia whitei – Two South African plants with in vitro SSRI activity
Jain, K.
Effect of Rubia cordifolia on blood glucose level and glucose utilization by isolated rat hemidiaphragm
Jalali, M. S.
Improvement of learning in rats by desoxypeganine
Jannat, B.
Antioxidant activities of Punica granatum as determined by FRAP assay method
Jaroszewski, J. W.
Phytochemical Study of Artemisia persica Boiss. and Evaluation of its Antiplasmodial Activity
Jasprica, I.
Immunomodulatory effects of flavonoids in vitro
Prediction of bioavailability of phenolic acids by potentiometric titration method and chromatographic techniques
Jatisatienr, A.
In vitro secondary compound production from roots of Stemona curtisii
In vitro effect of BA and NAA on growth and development of Pueraria candollei Grah. ex. Benth. var. mirifica
Jatisatienr, C.
In vitro secondary compound production from roots of Stemona curtisii
In vitro effect of BA and NAA on growth and development of Pueraria candollei Grah. ex. Benth. var. mirifica
Jayaveera, K. N.
Anti diarrheal activity of root extracts of Elephantopus scaber L
Jeannerat, D.
Two new isomeric tropane alkaloids from Schizanthus tricolor identified by capillary NMR
Jedelská, J.
Sulphur Chemistry of Drumstick Onions (Allium Subgenus melanocrommyum)
Jenett-Siems, K.
In vitro antiplasmodial activity and cytotoxicity of ethnobotanically selected East African plants used for the treatment of malaria
Jensen, M.
A screening platform for identification of anti-diabetic compounds in plants used in traditional complementary medicine
Simultaneous determination of ginsenosides and polyacetylenes in American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.) using high-performance liquid chromatography
Jeon, M.
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Jeon, W. K.
Effect of herbal formula tonics for reinforcement of yin or yang deficiency on the inhibition of whole blood aggregation
Jeong, E. J.
Effects of constituents from the fruits of Idesia polycarpa on lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in BV2 microglial cells
Jeong, H. H.
β-Secretase (BACE1) Inhibitors from Pomegranate (Punica granatum) L. Husk
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Jesadanont, S.
Oral hypoglycemic activity of water extract from Ya-Tevada, Malvastrum Coromandelianum Garcke, equivalent to insulin injection
Antimicrobial polysaccharide of durian-rinds and natural essential oils combination in an effective non-alcoholic antiseptic lotion for hands
Jia, S.
In Vivo Testing of the Wound-healing Activity of a Natural-based Skin Cream for Dogs and Cats
JiHyun, C.
Monitoring of distributed Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill in Korea
Jiménez-Estrada, M.
Vasorelaxant effect of ethanolic extract from Cecropia obtusifolia in Guinea pigs aortic rings
JinMi, C.
Monitoring of distributed Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill in Korea
Johansen, H. T.
Characterization and partial purification of cystatins from Malian medicinal plants
Johansson, T.
Brominated cyclodipeptides from the marine sponge Geodia barretti as selective 5-HT ligands
Jones, K.
Efficacy Of A Plant Based Formulation In The Treatment Of Recurrent Airway Obstruction In Horses
Jones, L. A.
An assessment of the use of an in vitro cell based model of the intestinal tract to investigate the bioavailability of the Chinese herbal remedy Oldenlandia diffusa
Jónsdóttir, Í
Antibacterial compounds from Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry)
Jonsson, P.
Brominated cyclodipeptides from the marine sponge Geodia barretti as selective 5-HT ligands
Juan, H.
Strix Forte®, an antioxidant mixture with bilberry anthocyanosides, reduces oxidative stress and immune activation in exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Julkunen-Tiitto, R.
Impact of fertilization on the accumulation of leaf salicylates in four field-grown dark-leaved willow (Salix myrsinifolia Salisb.) clones
Jun, K. H.
Monitoring of distributed Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill in Korea
Jürgenliemk, G.
Flavan-3-ols and procyanidins from the bark of Salix purpurea
Juvekar, A. R.
In vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory activity of aqueous extract of Clerodendrum serratum L. roots
Protoberberine alkoloids from the hairy root cultures of Tinospora cordifolia transformed with Agrobacterium rhizogens
Anti-stress anxiolytic and nootropic activity of Nyctanthes arbour tritis leaves
Bioassay guided purification of an immunomodulatory polysaccharide from roots of Tinospora cordifolia
Kachhawa, J. B. S.
Reversible antifertility activity of methanol extract of Momordica dioica Roxb. in male albino rats
Kaewruang, W.
Variation of polyphenols and antioxidant activity in mulberry leaves
Quantitative Determination of 1-Deoxynojirimycin in Mulberry Leaves using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Kaiser, M.
Essential oil of Turkish Origanum onites L. and its main components, carvacrol and thymol show potent antiprotozoal activity without cytotoxicity
Antiprotozoal activity of Xanthium brasilicum and bioactivity-guided isolation of its active constituents
Trypanocidal Flavonoids from Ageratum conyzoides
Flavonoids Target Multiple Enzymes from the Type II Fatty Acid Pathway of Plasmodium falciparum and Do Not Invoke Delayed Death Phenomenon
Kakooko, A.
In vitro antiplasmodial activity and cytotoxicity of ethnobotanically selected East African plants used for the treatment of malaria
Kaloga, M.
Newbouldiosides A-C, phenylethanoid triglycosides from Newbouldia laevis
Novel flavonoids from leaf extracts of Markhamia acuminata and Spathodea campanulata
Kalođera, Z.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf
Kamalinejad, M.
Free radical scavenging activity of ethanolic extracts from some Apiacean species
Radical scavenging activity of ethanolic extracts from six species from genus Achillea
Evaluation of anti-nociceptive effect of methanolic extract of Sambucus nigra leaves using Formalin test and Tail-Flick test models
Kamiński, M.
Induction of naphthoquinone and flavonoid production in Dionaea muscipula and Drosera capensis
Kamtchouing, P.
Antifertility activities of Acanthus montanus and its new sulphate ester on female rats with possible mechanism(s) of action
Kan, Y.
In vitro antiviral assessment against DNA and RNA viruses as well as antibacterial and antifungal profiles of selected Turkish species of the Salvia genus
Kang, I. H.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Kanna, C.
Effects of nutrient elements on the production of bioactive volatile compounds from Citrus oils
Kapingu, M. C.
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Karaaoglu, T.
Antiviral and antimicrobial activities of three sesquiterpene lactones from Centaurea solstitialis L. ssp. solstitialis
Karabourniotis, G.
Low Molecular Weight Polyphenols in insect infected leaves of Quercus ilex L. (Fagaceae)
Karaoglu, T.
In vitro antiviral assessment against DNA and RNA viruses as well as antibacterial and antifungal profiles of selected Turkish species of the Salvia genus
Screening of Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral Properties of the Selected Turkish Helichrysum Species
Karimi, G.
Antigenotoxic effects of Satureja hortensis L on rat lymphocytes exposed to oxidative stress
Karimi, I.
Effect of garlic during and before administration of lead acetate on lead content of some tissues in mouse
Karioti, A.
Novel cytotoxic labdane diterpenes from Marrubium cylleneum
Soyabean Lipoxygenase Inhibitory Activity of Flavonoids, Phenylethanoid glycosides and phenolic acids from Marrubium velutinum and M. cylleneum
Low Molecular Weight Polyphenols in insect infected leaves of Quercus ilex L. (Fagaceae)
Karlsson, P. C.
Natural COX-2 inhibitors and effects on colon cancer cells
Kartal, M.
In vitro antiviral assessment against DNA and RNA viruses as well as antibacterial and antifungal profiles of selected Turkish species of the Salvia genus
GC-MS Analysis of Eryngium maritumum L. Volatile Oil
Kavutcu, M.
Organic extract of flowers from a chamomile species eliminates complaints resulted from hemorrhoid disease
Kawiak, A.
Cytotoxic and apoptosis–inducing activity of ramentaceone – a naphthoquinone from Drosera sp
Kehr, J.
Effects of chronic administration of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761®) on levels of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin in the prefrontal cortex of the awake rat
Effects of acute and repeated administration of Hypericum perforatum extract (WS 5572®) and its main constituents on extracellular levels of serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine in the rat brain: A microdialysis study
Kehraus, S.
Aromatic Polyketides from the Marine Algicolous Fungus Nodulisporium sp
New cyclic peptides from the cyanobacterium Tychonema sp
Exploring the structural diversity of myxobacterial secondary metabolism
Kehrli, T.
Two new isomeric tropane alkaloids from Schizanthus tricolor identified by capillary NMR
Kelber, O.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
Effects of STW 5 (Iberogast®) on prostaglandinF2α –induced contractions of ileum of mice in vitro
Inhibitory effects of Willow bark extracts on proinflammatory processes in LPS activated human monocytes
Modulation of the peristaltic reflex of rat ileum segments by STW 5 (Iberogast®)
Pro-secretory effects in the human small and large intestine as a mechanism of action of STW 5 (Iberogast®) in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Kemper, M.
Variations in extraction protocol lead to differences in monosaccharide composition and bioactivity on human keratinocytes as shown by polysaccharides from banana and plum fruits
Kennedy, D. O.
Biobehavioural effects of herbal extracts
Behavioural improvements following acute guaraná administration
Keppler, O. T.
Extracts of Salvia officinalis from different growing areas and their antiviral effect against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses
Ketzis, J. K.
In vitro anti-microbial activity of the essential oils and extracts in a plant-based skin cream
In Vivo Testing of the Wound-healing Activity of a Natural-based Skin Cream for Dogs and Cats
In vitro anti-fungal activity of a plant-based ear gel and its essential oils
Keusgen, M.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Sulphur Chemistry of Drumstick Onions (Allium Subgenus melanocrommyum)
Onions of the Allium Subgenus Melanocrommyum – the Better Garlic?
Khader, M.
Antimutagenic effects of ethanolic extracts from three Palestinian medicinal plants
Antimutagenic effects of ethanolic extracts from three Palestinian medicinal plants
Khajorndetkun, W.
Improved isolation of α-mangostin from the fruit hull of Garcinia mangostana and its antioxidant and antifungal activity
Khalid, S. A.
Antiprotozoal activity of Xanthium brasilicum and bioactivity-guided isolation of its active constituents
Khan, A.
Preharvest Combined Application of Triacontanol and Kinetin Could Ameliorate the Growth, Yield and Curcumin Content of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
Khan, I. A.
Acylated iridoid glycosides from the flowers of Verbascum lasianthum Boiss. ex Bentham
Khanavi, M.
Volatile Composition and Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitory effect of Stachys setifera C. A. Mey
Khangholi, S.
Effect of drying methods on essential oil content and composition of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.)
Khayyal, M. T.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
Kheiri, S.
Effect of garlic during and before administration of lead acetate on lead content of some tissues in mouse
Khom, S.
Identification of GABAA-modulators obtained from Valeriana officinalis L
Valerian extract modulates the GABAA-action on its receptors
Kiderlen, A. F.
Assessment of antileishmanial and cytotoxic activities of some phenolic acids using the MTT assay – a critical evaluation
Kidmose, U.
Simultaneous determination of ginsenosides and polyacetylenes in American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.) using high-performance liquid chromatography
Kim, C.
Effects of constituents from the fruits of Idesia polycarpa on lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in BV2 microglial cells
Kim, D. H.
Cosmetic applications of selected Various Citrus fruits
Kim, E. K.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Kim, G. O.
Cosmetic applications of selected Various Citrus fruits
Kim, G. S.
Inhibitory effect of compounds from Rhus chinensis on generation of oxygen species generation in YPEN-1 cells
Kim, H. K.
Study of metabolites in benzothiadiazole treated Arabidopsis using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and principal component analysis
Kim, H. S.
Cosmetic applications of selected Various Citrus fruits
Kim, I. H.
Antitumour Quassinoids from Brucea javanica and SAR of Brusatol
Kim, J. H.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Kim, J. M.
Inhibitory effect of compounds from Rhus chinensis on generation of oxygen species generation in YPEN-1 cells
Kim, J. S.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Kim, S. C.
Analysis of the Physiological Activity from Kalopanax septemlobus Koidz. Extracts in Korea
Kim, S. H.
Effects of constituents from the fruits of Idesia polycarpa on lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in BV2 microglial cells
Analysis of the Physiological Activity from Kalopanax septemlobus Koidz. Extracts in Korea
Kim, S. J.
Cosmetic applications of selected Various Citrus fruits
Kinscherf, R.
Inhibitory effects of Willow bark extracts on proinflammatory processes in LPS activated human monocytes
Kiran, I.
Hydroxylation of selected sesquiterpenes by the fungus Neurospora crassa
Kirimer, N.
Hydroxylation of selected sesquiterpenes by the fungus Neurospora crassa
Kirmizibekmez, H.
Secondary metabolites of Globularia species from the Flora of Turkey
Triterpene saponins from Calendula arvensis
Kisiel, W.
Sesquiterpenoids and phenolics from roots of Cichorium endivia var. crispum
Kiss, A. K.
Determination of flavonoids in extracts of Epilobii angustifolii herba by HPTLC-densitometry
Kiyohara, H.
Partial chemical structure and immunomodulating activities of RGAP (Red Ginseng acidic Polysaccharide) from Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)
Klejdus, B.
Isoflavonoids in the Cannabaceae family
Detection of isoflavonoids in selected representatives of the Solanaceae family
Klenke, A.
Variations in extraction protocol lead to differences in monosaccharide composition and bioactivity on human keratinocytes as shown by polysaccharides from banana and plum fruits
Kletter, C.
Phytochemical investigation of the Mongolian medicinal plant Saussurea amara (L.) DC (Asteraceae)
Knieps, H.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Ko, B. S.
Effect of herbal formula tonics for reinforcement of yin or yang deficiency on the inhibition of whole blood aggregation
Kobayashi, A.
Growth Inhibitor of insect larvae from Paulownia tomentosa
Koblovská, R.
Isoflavonoids in the Cannabaceae family
Detection of isoflavonoids in selected representatives of the Solanaceae family
Koch, E.
Pharmacological Effects of a Decolorised St. Johns Wort Extract Designed for Topical Application
Effect of an extract from red grapes and perilla oil (TUIM® arteria) on experimental atherosclerosis in mice
Oral treatment with the Crataegus special extract WS® 1442 inhibits cardiac hypertrophy in rats with DOCA-salt or aortic banding induced hypertension
Koetter, U.
Hypothermic effects of hops could be antagonized with the competitive melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole
Valerian extract prepared with methanol but not with ethanol or ethyl acetat inhibits the postsynaptic potentials in rat cortical neurons indicating an adenosine like action
Valerian extract modulates the GABAA-action on its receptors
Effects of hops on clinical efficacy of a valerian-hops-extract combination (Ze 91019) in patients suffering from non-organic sleep disorder
Kohout, L.
Anticancer properties of brassinosteroids
Kojouri, G.
Effect of garlic during and before administration of lead acetate on lead content of some tissues in mouse
Kokoška, L.
Carvacrol as the inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, the key enzymes of prostaglandin biosynthesis: in vitro assays
Antibacterial activity of Nigella sativa seed essential oil and effect of different extraction methods on content of its active principle, thymoquinone
Isoflavonoids in the Cannabaceae family
Detection of isoflavonoids in selected representatives of the Solanaceae family
Kolodziej, H.
Newbouldiosides A-C, phenylethanoid triglycosides from Newbouldia laevis
Novel flavonoids from leaf extracts of Markhamia acuminata and Spathodea campanulata
Assessment of antileishmanial and cytotoxic activities of some phenolic acids using the MTT assay – a critical evaluation
Komjanc, M.
Isolation of microsatellite markers in Hieracium pilosella L
König, G. M.
Aromatic Polyketides from the Marine Algicolous Fungus Nodulisporium sp
New cyclic peptides from the cyanobacterium Tychonema sp
Exploring the structural diversity of myxobacterial secondary metabolism
Konuklugil, B.
Aryltetralin lignans from Linum pamphylicum (Boiss.) Pod. sub sp. olympicum
Koo, K. A.
Establishment of a cell-based screening system for NK-1 antagonists using SP-conjugated fluorescence; effects of plant extracts on the NK-1 receptor binding in U-373MG cultures
Anti-inflammatory effects of water-soluble fractions from Artemisia species using the LPS-induced inflammatory response in primary rat astrocyte cultures
Kopp, B.
Identification of GABAA-modulators obtained from Valeriana officinalis L
Achillea millefolium L. s.l. – is the antiphlogistic activity mediated by protease inhibition?
Efficient production of Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia L.) in vitro using a temporary immersion system
Koppa, B.
Analysis of Phenolic Acids from Actaea spec. by Capillary Electrophoresis
Kortenkamp, A.
Echinacea and its alkamides – an assessment of potential CYP-P450 enzyme inhibition?
Kosalec, I.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf
Kosar, M.
Composition and antioxidant activities of Salvia halophila and S. virgata from Turkey
Kosman, V.
Biologically active compounds from grated cocoa and cocoa butter samples
Kowalski, J.
Determination of flavonoids in extracts of Epilobii angustifolii herba by HPTLC-densitometry
Antioxidant activity of Galinsoga parviflora and Galinsoga quadriradiata
Kołaczkowski, M.
Antifungal and multidrug resistance modulatory effects of diterpenic and phenolic compounds
Kram, D.
Assessment of antileishmanial and cytotoxic activities of some phenolic acids using the MTT assay – a critical evaluation
Krasniqi, B.
The drug-extract-ratio of aqueous/ethanolic Harpagophyti radix extracts has to be revised
Krauze-Baranowska, M.
Phytochemical and Biopharmaceutical Analysis of Willow Bark
Kreis, W.
Molecular cloning and heterologous expression of a progesterone 5β-reductase (5β-POR) from Isoplexis canariensis
Kreitmeier, P.
New Furostanol Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Tacca integrifolia
Krempser, M. R.
Antinociceptive profile of ethyl acetate extract of Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Labiatae)
Antinociceptive effect of the essential oil of Lippia sidoides on mice
Krempser, R. R.
Antinociceptive profile of ethyl acetate extract of Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Labiatae)
Antinociceptive effect of the essential oil of Lippia sidoides on mice
Krick, A.
Aromatic Polyketides from the Marine Algicolous Fungus Nodulisporium sp
New cyclic peptides from the cyanobacterium Tychonema sp
Exploring the structural diversity of myxobacterial secondary metabolism
Krieg, C.
Changes in the phenolic compounds composition of virgin olive Oil due to different storage conditions under accelerated ageing
Kristiansen, K.
A screening platform for identification of anti-diabetic compounds in plants used in traditional complementary medicine
Krolicka, A.
Induction of naphthoquinone and flavonoid production in Dionaea muscipula and Drosera capensis
Kroll, T.
Effects of Leuzea carthamoides DC. on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells detected by gene expression profiling
Krück, C.
Plant Intellectual Property Rights (Workshop Perm. Comm. Breeding and Cultivation)
Krüger, D.
Pro-secretory effects in the human small and large intestine as a mechanism of action of STW 5 (Iberogast®) in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Kubicová, L.
Selected phototoxicological assays used for plant metabolites screening
Kühn, T.
Phytochemical investigation of Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia) and Noni-derived commercial products
Kulevanova, S.
Effect of some Teucrium species (Lamiaceae) on lipid peroxidation in rat lever microsomes
Hepatoprotective activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Teucrium polium L. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats
Composition and nutritive value of protein in some Macedonian edible wild Russulaceae mushrooms
Kulkarni, M. P.
In vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory activity of aqueous extract of Clerodendrum serratum L. roots
Kumar, G. S.
Anti diarrheal activity of root extracts of Elephantopus scaber L
Kumar, V.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibition of oil from Acorus calamus rhizome
Kunugi, A.
Growth Inhibitor of insect larvae from Paulownia tomentosa
Kuo, J.
Phytochemical-dependent modulation of endocytic trafficking-novel screening strategies for drug discovery from natural products
Kupeli, E.
Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Verbascum lasianthum Boiss. ex Bentham
Kupittayanant, S.
The Effects of Ginger Oils on Rat Uterine Contraction
Kuypers, K.
Structure-activity-relationship (SAR) for in vitro antileishmanial activity of maesabalide (PX-6518) analogue natural products
Kwak, H. M.
β-Secretase (BACE1) Inhibitors from Pomegranate (Punica granatum) L. Husk
Kwak, Y. S.
Partial chemical structure and immunomodulating activities of RGAP (Red Ginseng acidic Polysaccharide) from Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)
Kwon, S. H.
β-Secretase (BACE1) Inhibitors from Pomegranate (Punica granatum) L. Husk
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Kyoung, K. H.
Separation and quantitative analysis of anthraquinones in Morinda officinalis How. by HPLC
Monitoring of distributed Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill in Korea
Kypriotakis, Z.
Sesquiterpene Lactones and Flavonoids from the aerial parts of Anthemis melanolepis L
Kyung, J. S.
Partial chemical structure and immunomodulating activities of RGAP (Red Ginseng acidic Polysaccharide) from Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)
Kılıç, C. S.
Ruscus aculeatus Trade in Turkey: Is It Sustainable?
Kılıçoğlu, B.
Black Grape Extract Protects Against Cyclosporine A Nephrotoxicity
Laakso, I.
Thiolysis-HPLC characterization of the phenolic composition of nut shells of Pinus sibirica (Du Tour) Rupr
Identification of spiroketal polyacetylenes as the main components of an oil extract of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch.) flowers
Lacaille-Dubois, M. A.
Two new triterpene saponins from Nylandtia spinosa
Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effect of Ajuga iva in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet
New steroidal saponins from Asparagus acutifolius
Lack, G.
Flavonoids Target Multiple Enzymes from the Type II Fatty Acid Pathway of Plasmodium falciparum and Do Not Invoke Delayed Death Phenomenon
Lage, H.
Diterpenic compounds as antineoplasic agents in classical and atypical multidrug resistant cancer cells
Lalas, S.
Effect of essential oil of Citrus cinensis cv new hall – Citrus aurantium (indigenous in Greece) upon growth of Yarrowia lipolytica
Lalk, M.
Antiviral Terpenoid Constituents of Ganoderma pfeifferi Bres
Lamerding, F.
Variations in extraction protocol lead to differences in monosaccharide composition and bioactivity on human keratinocytes as shown by polysaccharides from banana and plum fruits
Landa, P.
Carvacrol as the inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, the key enzymes of prostaglandin biosynthesis: in vitro assays
Effect of elicitation and feeding on the precursors for the production of taxanes in Taxus baccata L. suspension culture
Langer, T.
Pharmacophore modelling on the apoptosis regulating target XIAP-Bir3
Merits and limits of computational methods for the discovery of natural acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
Lantto, T.
Phenolic compounds of plant origin and cell death
Lapčík, O.
Isoflavonoids in the Cannabaceae family
Detection of isoflavonoids in selected representatives of the Solanaceae family
Larkins, N. J.
Efficacy Of A Plant Based Formulation In The Treatment Of Recurrent Airway Obstruction In Horses
Larsson, J.
Chemography and phylogeny – navigating chemical and evolutionary space
ChemGPS-NP – tuned for navigation in biologically relevant chemical space
Lass, C.
The allergenic potential of sesquiterpene lactones in phytomedicines from Arnica – an immunologic revision
Laux, M. T.
In vitro anti-microbial activity of the essential oils and extracts in a plant-based skin cream
Lazari, D. M.
Evaluation of the antiherpetical activities of Sideritis perfoliata L. subsp. perfoliata (Lamiaceae)
Lea, R. W.
Anxiolytic effects of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) odour on the mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) elevated plus-maze
Lechtenberg, M.
Analytical and functional aspects on Saffron from Crocus sativus L.: development of quality control methods, species assortment and affinity to sigma-1 and NMDA receptors
Evaluation of analytical markers characterising different drying methods of parsley leaves (Petroselinum crispum L.)
Is the Alkaloid Pipermethystin Connected with Liver Toxicity of Kava Products?
Lee, B. J.
Establishment of a cell-based screening system for NK-1 antagonists using SP-conjugated fluorescence; effects of plant extracts on the NK-1 receptor binding in U-373MG cultures
Anti-inflammatory effects of water-soluble fractions from Artemisia species using the LPS-induced inflammatory response in primary rat astrocyte cultures
Lee, C. W.
Cosmetic applications of selected Various Citrus fruits
Lee, E. J.
Establishment of a cell-based screening system for NK-1 antagonists using SP-conjugated fluorescence; effects of plant extracts on the NK-1 receptor binding in U-373MG cultures
Lee, H. Y.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Lee, J. H.
Effect of herbal formula tonics for reinforcement of yin or yang deficiency on the inhibition of whole blood aggregation
Lee, J. P.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Lee, K. H.
New oxidative derivatives of atractyligenin and their cytotoxic activity
Lee, S. E.
Inhibitory effect of compounds from Rhus chinensis on generation of oxygen species generation in YPEN-1 cells
Lee, Y. Y.
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Lehmann, R. P.
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Comparison of alkamide pharmacokinetics between equivalent liquid and tablet echinacea preparations
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Lehnfeld, R.
Effects of extracts from Valeriana officinalis L. in pharmacological studies
Leinonen, M.
Inhibition potential of natural based products against Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
Lengsfeld, C.
Okra polysaccharides inhibit adhesion of Campylobacter jejuni to mucosa from poultry in situ but not in vivo within infection study
Functionality of oligo- and polysaccharides against gastrointestinal epithelial membranes: bioadhesive and mucin-stimulating carbohydrates
Lim, S.
Development of antifungal agents from essential oil compounds in Ostericum koreanum
Lin, W.
Four New Natural Products from Mongolian Medicinal Plants Scorzonera divaricata and Scorzonera pseudodivaricata (Asteraceae)
Lindequist, U.
Antiviral Terpenoid Constituents of Ganoderma pfeifferi Bres
Antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of selected medicinal plants from Yemen
Lipipun, V.
Antimicrobial polysaccharide of durian-rinds and natural essential oils combination in an effective non-alcoholic antiseptic lotion for hands
Lira, R. H.
Bactericidal and fungicidal activity of plant extracts from endemic plants of the Chihuahuan Desert of northern Mexico
Llinares, F.
Methanolic extracts of two Betulaceae species from Spain, induced apoptosis in tumoral cell lines
Lobato, C. E.
Hypotensive and vasorelaxant effect of the procyanidins complex from Guazuma ulmifolia bark, in normotensive and hypertensive rat
Lobstein, A.
Antiprotozoal activity of saponins from Anogeissus leiocarpus (Combretaceae)
Loikkanen, J.
Are cinnamic acids responsible for in vitro neuroprotection exerted by Bryothamnion triquetrum (S.G.Gmelin) Howe aqueous extract?
Lojkowska, E.
Cytotoxic and apoptosis–inducing activity of ramentaceone – a naphthoquinone from Drosera sp
Induction of naphthoquinone and flavonoid production in Dionaea muscipula and Drosera capensis
Lopes, M. N.
Bioprospecting Program-BIOTA: A Rational Search for Drug Discovery from Brazilian Biodiversity
Pyridine Alkaloids of Senna multijulga (Cesalpiniaceae) as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
Lou, Y.
Flavonoids from Vigna angularis – composition and antioxidative effects
Lozada, M. C.
A potent cytotoxic semisynthetic derivative of perezone with phenylglycine
Synthesis and biological activity of a new benzothiazol derivative of curcumin
Ludwiczuk, A.
Extraction and chromatographic analysis of ginsenosides occurring in roots and leaves of Panax quinquefolium grown in Poland
Luhmer, M.
Modification of the polarity of an anthocyanin pigment. Structure determination and antioxidant activity
Luiz-Ferreira, A.
Role of endogenous SHs and NO on Vernonia ferruginea Less induced gastroprotection
Antioxidant activity of an aqueous fraction obtained from Indigofera truxillensis against ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric lesions
Luna, H. M.
Vasorelaxant effect of ethanolic extract from Cecropia obtusifolia in Guinea pigs aortic rings
Luong, T.
Phytochemical-dependent modulation of endocytic trafficking-novel screening strategies for drug discovery from natural products
Ma, R.
Plant secondary metabolism in the post-genomic era
Tissue culture and genetic engineering of an important anticancer compound producing plant Veratrum californicum Duran
Maas, M.
Variations in extraction protocol lead to differences in monosaccharide composition and bioactivity on human keratinocytes as shown by polysaccharides from banana and plum fruits
Machumi, F.
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Maes, L.
Structure-activity-relationship (SAR) for in vitro antileishmanial activity of maesabalide (PX-6518) analogue natural products
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Maggio, A.
New oxidative derivatives of atractyligenin and their cytotoxic activity
Magos, G. A.
Hypotensive and vasorelaxant effect of the procyanidins complex from Guazuma ulmifolia bark, in normotensive and hypertensive rat
Vasorelaxant effect of ethanolic extract from Cecropia obtusifolia in Guinea pigs aortic rings
Mahdavi, F.
Concentration of Grapefruit Essential oil by Fractional Distillation
Maiga, A.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the aqueous extracts of Maytenus senegalensis, Stereospermum kunthianum and Trichilia emetica used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea in Mali
Makarov, V. G.
Investigation of anti-inflammatory activity of complex herbal oil extract in vitro and in vivo
Thiolysis-HPLC characterization of the phenolic composition of nut shells of Pinus sibirica (Du Tour) Rupr
Efficacy of (±)-taxifolin from Larix sibirica (Mûnchh.) Ledeb. on blood pressure in experiments in vivo
Identification of spiroketal polyacetylenes as the main components of an oil extract of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch.) flowers
Biologically active compounds from grated cocoa and cocoa butter samples
Unusual chemical transformations of natural flavonoids
Makarova, M. N.
Investigation of anti-inflammatory activity of complex herbal oil extract in vitro and in vivo
Efficacy of (±)-taxifolin from Larix sibirica (Mûnchh.) Ledeb. on blood pressure in experiments in vivo
Makarova, S. V.
Unusual chemical transformations of natural flavonoids
Mal, M.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibition of oil from Acorus calamus rhizome
Malíková, J.
Anticancer properties of brassinosteroids
Malterud, K. E.
Antioxidants from Xylocarpus granatum
Máñez, S.
Evaluating the effects of phenolics from Phagnalon rupestre (L.) DC on cellular nitration and oxidation
Hydroquinone- and cinnamate-based plant phenolics in experimental contact hypersensitivity
Mansour, K.
Antioxidant oligomeric proanthocyanidins from Cistus salvifolius
Marais, J. P. J.
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Marçal, R. M.
Antinociceptive profile of ethyl acetate extract of Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Labiatae)
Antinociceptive profile of (+)-citronellol in experimental animals
Possible involvement of muscarinic mechanisms in contractile response of guinea pig ileum by Erythrina velutina
Antinociceptive effect of the essential oil of Lippia sidoides on mice
Maregesi, S.
Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Anthraquinones from Barleria eranthemoides (Acanthaceae)
Marin, P. D.
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of six Hypericum species from Serbia
Márquez, C.
Hypotensive and vasorelaxant effect of the procyanidins complex from Guazuma ulmifolia bark, in normotensive and hypertensive rat
Marsik, P.
Carvacrol as the inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, the key enzymes of prostaglandin biosynthesis: in vitro assays
Antibacterial activity of Nigella sativa seed essential oil and effect of different extraction methods on content of its active principle, thymoquinone
Effect of elicitation and feeding on the precursors for the production of taxanes in Taxus baccata L. suspension culture
Marston, A.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from Huperzia selago
Martin, F.
An UPLC-MSTOF investigation of the leaves of Arrabidaea patellifera
Flavonoid comparative analysis of GM/wt wheat
Martin, S. F.
The allergenic potential of sesquiterpene lactones in phytomedicines from Arnica – an immunologic revision
Masroor, M.
Preharvest Combined Application of Triacontanol and Kinetin Could Ameliorate the Growth, Yield and Curcumin Content of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
Masumeh, K.
Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil From Satureja edmondi
Mateos, J. C.
Hypotensive and vasorelaxant effect of the procyanidins complex from Guazuma ulmifolia bark, in normotensive and hypertensive rat
Matias, R. R.
Biological activity of a putative 50-kDa protein purified from Tinospora rumphii Boerl
Matikainen, J.
Lichens as a source of antibiotics against resistant bacteria
Matovic, N.
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Matsumoto, K.
Inhibitory Effects of the Constituents of Prunus mume on Bradykinin and Prostaglandin E2 Production in Abdominal Cavities of Mice
Matta, M. K.
Evaluation of the antiherpetical activities of Sideritis perfoliata L. subsp. perfoliata (Lamiaceae)
Matthew, S.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phenolics from Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Matthias, A.
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Comparison of alkamide pharmacokinetics between equivalent liquid and tablet echinacea preparations
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Maune, S.
Rethinking the new role of nasal epithel – more than a simple barrier?
Maxia, L.
Antidermatophytic prenylated coumarins from asafetida
Mayer, R.
Quality assessment of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds in green tea samples belonging to different origins
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of grape seeds by HPLC-MS
Mayr, K.
Phytochemical investigation of the Mongolian medicinal plant Saussurea amara (L.) DC (Asteraceae)
Mbagwu, H. O. C.
Analgesic, Antipyretic and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Mezoneuron Benthamianum Baill (Caesalpiniaceae)
Mbwambo, Z. H.
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
McGaw, L.
A plant antifungal product from Melianthus comosus (Melianthaceae) leaf extracts
McIntyre, L.
Positive influence of a Harpagophytum procumbens preparation on different rheumatic complaints – results from clinical trial
McRae, J.
Antibacterial proanthocyanidins isolated from the Australian medicinal plant, Planchonia careya (F. Muell.) R. Knuth (Lecythidaceae)
Medic-Šaric, M.
Immunomodulatory effects of flavonoids in vitro
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Prediction of bioavailability of phenolic acids by potentiometric titration method and chromatographic techniques
Mehner, C.
New cyclic peptides from the cyanobacterium Tychonema sp
Mehrabadi Yari, L.
Phytochemical and Antimicrobial investigation of Taleghan plants species
Meier, B.
The drug-extract-ratio of aqueous/ethanolic Harpagophyti radix extracts has to be revised
Workshop of the Permanent GA-committee of Manufacturing and Quality Control of Herbal Medicinal Products – Reference Compounds
Melillo de Malgalhaes, P.
Artemisinin and flavonoids yield from aqueous extracts and tinctures of Artemisia annua L
Mello, I. C. M.
Possible involvement of muscarinic mechanisms in contractile response of guinea pig ileum by Erythrina velutina
Melzer, J.
Apoptosis inducing activity of an extract from saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) berries towards human cancer cells
Melzig, M. F.
Screening of medical plants from Mali for antitrypanosomal activity
Achillea millefolium L. s.l. – is the antiphlogistic activity mediated by protease inhibition?
Cytotoxicity of β-aescin/agrostin mixtures in different cell lines depends on their growth characteristics
Degradation of Amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) by NEP-induction is increased by selected natural products
Rapid TLC analysis of Ranunculus bulbosus L. homeopathic tincture
Menghini, L.
Synthesis and preliminary colon cancer chemoprevention evaluation of a novel prodrug of 4'-geranyloxy-ferulic acid, active principle of Acronychia baueri Schott
Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of boropinic acid, active principle of Boronia pinnata
Mentel, R.
Antiviral Terpenoid Constituents of Ganoderma pfeifferi Bres
Merfort, I.
Inhibitory effects of cucurbitacin R on lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production
The allergenic potential of sesquiterpene lactones in phytomedicines from Arnica – an immunologic revision
Mertens-Talcott, S.
Evaluation of the effect of grapefruit juice and its components on P-glycoprotein activity
Mettälä, A.
Screening of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors from Fungal Extracts
Metz, J.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
Inhibitory effects of Willow bark extracts on proinflammatory processes in LPS activated human monocytes
Mi, C. J.
Separation and quantitative analysis of anthraquinones in Morinda officinalis How. by HPLC
Michaelsen, T. E.
Structure elucidation of bioactive pectins from Opilia celtidifolia (Guill. & Perr.) Endl. Ex Walp. (Opiliaceae)
Michalak, K.
Antifungal and multidrug resistance modulatory effects of diterpenic and phenolic compounds
Michalska, K.
Sesquiterpenoids and phenolics from roots of Cichorium endivia var. crispum
Miguel, M. G.
Essential oils from Anethum graveolens, Levisticum officinale and Pimpinella anisum hairy root cultures: composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Tunisian Thymus capitatus essential oils
Miljkovic-Brake, A.
Antioxidant activity of water and ethanol extracts from roots of Cassine transvaalensis Burtt-Davy from Botswana
Milne, A. L.
Behavioural improvements following acute guaraná administration
Ming, L.
Effects of QKL on the level of TNF-α, IL-1β, ICAM-1 after intracerebral hemorrhage
Mitaine-Offer, A. C.
Two new triterpene saponins from Nylandtia spinosa
Mitliaga, P.
Effect of essential oil of Citrus cinensis cv new hall – Citrus aurantium (indigenous in Greece) upon growth of Yarrowia lipolytica
Miyamoto, T.
Two new triterpene saponins from Nylandtia spinosa
New steroidal saponins from Asparagus acutifolius
Miyazaki, T.
Inhibitory Effects of the Constituents of Prunus mume on Bradykinin and Prostaglandin E2 Production in Abdominal Cavities of Mice
Modarai, M.
Echinacea and its alkamides – an assessment of potential CYP-P450 enzyme inhibition?
Mohamed, R.
Flavonoids, volatiles and biological activities of the aerial parts of Calliandra haematocephala Hassk
Mohamed, S. M.
Chemical composition, antiviral and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils of Ferula hormonis, Plectranthus coleoides and Magnolia grandiflora
Mohn, T.
A comprehensive metabolite profiling of Isatis tinctoria leaf extracts
Simultaneous quantitative analysis of the active principles and pigments in leaf extracts of Isatis tinctoria by HPLC/UV/MS
Mojab, F.
Composition of the Essential Oils from Three Species from Labiatae from Iran
Free radical scavenging activity of ethanolic extracts from some Apiacean species
Molnár, J.
Search for P-glycoprotein modulators and apoptosis inducers on cancer cells among ergostane and stigmastane steroids
Effects of piceatannol derivatives in the antiproliferative activity of the anticancer-drug doxorubicine and on apoptosis induction in MDR cancer cell lines
Monsef-Esfahani, H. R.
Concentration of Grapefruit Essential oil by Fractional Distillation
Monteiro, M.
Biological activity of Gunnera tinctoria, an invasive plant in the island of S. Miguel (Azores)
Monteiro Souza Brito, A. R.
Sustainable use of the Brazilian biodiversity: Chemical and pharmacological prospection on higher plants
Montiel, J. L.
A potent cytotoxic semisynthetic derivative of perezone with phenylglycine
Synthesis and biological activity of a new benzothiazol derivative of curcumin
Moody, J. O.
Secondary Metabolites from Hypoglycaemic fraction of Treculia africana Decne (Moraceae)
Moormann, J.
Improvement of learning in rats by desoxypeganine
Moreno, M. P. N.
Antinociceptive profile of ethyl acetate extract of Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Labiatae)
Mornar, A.
Immunomodulatory effects of flavonoids in vitro
Prediction of bioavailability of phenolic acids by potentiometric titration method and chromatographic techniques
Mosaffaa, F.
Antigenotoxic effects of Satureja hortensis L on rat lymphocytes exposed to oxidative stress
Moshi, M. J.
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Moske, M.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Motawae, H.
Chemical composition and cytotoxic activities of essential oils of leaves and berries of Juniperus phoenicea L grown in Egypt
Motlhanka, D. M. T.
Antioxidant activity of water and ethanol extracts from roots of Cassine transvaalensis Burtt-Davy from Botswana
Mueller-Uri, F.
Molecular cloning and heterologous expression of a progesterone 5β-reductase (5β-POR) from Isoplexis canariensis
Mukazayire, M. J.
Evaluation of the hepatoprotective effect of Ocimum lamiifolium methanolic extract on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats – precision cut liver slices
Mukherjee, P. K.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibition of oil from Acorus calamus rhizome
Müller, D.
New cyclic peptides from the cyanobacterium Tychonema sp
Müller, J.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
Müller, W. E. G.
New Norterpene Cyclic Peroxides from the Sponge Diacarnus megaspinorhabdosa
Mulsri, N.
Effects of nutrient elements on the production of bioactive volatile compounds from Citrus oils
Muñoz, O.
Two new isomeric tropane alkaloids from Schizanthus tricolor identified by capillary NMR
Muñoz-Mingarro, D.
Methanolic extracts of two Betulaceae species from Spain, induced apoptosis in tumoral cell lines
Muresan, S.
ChemGPS-NP – tuned for navigation in biologically relevant chemical space
Musa, K. Y.
Anticonvulsant activities of the methanol extracts (leaf, root), saponins and n-butanol-insoluble fraction of Calliandria portoricensis Jacq (Benth) (Family: Mimosaceae)
Mustafa, N. K.
Salicylate: a phytochemist's headache
Mustoe, T.
In Vivo Testing of the Wound-healing Activity of a Natural-based Skin Cream for Dogs and Cats
N'guessan, J. D.
Bio-guided isolation of anti-salmonellae compounds of Thonningia sanguinea, an Ivorian medicinal plant
Nachankar, R. S.
In vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory activity of aqueous extract of Clerodendrum serratum L. roots
Nacro, M.
Modification of the polarity of an anthocyanin pigment. Structure determination and antioxidant activity
Naeem, M.
Preharvest Combined Application of Triacontanol and Kinetin Could Ameliorate the Growth, Yield and Curcumin Content of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
Nahrstedt, A.
Flavan-3-ols and procyanidins from the bark of Salix purpurea
Is the Alkaloid Pipermethystin Connected with Liver Toxicity of Kava Products?
Effects of Phenolic Compounds from Hypericum perforatum L. on the solubility and permeation of Hypericin in vitro
Antioxidant oligomeric proanthocyanidins from Cistus salvifolius
Nana, P.
Antifertility activities of Acanthus montanus and its new sulphate ester on female rats with possible mechanism(s) of action
Narantuya, S.
Phytochemical investigation of the Mongolian medicinal plant Saussurea amara (L.) DC (Asteraceae)
Nasir, S.
Preharvest Combined Application of Triacontanol and Kinetin Could Ameliorate the Growth, Yield and Curcumin Content of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
Nassar, M. I. A.
New Apigenin Triosides From The Seeds of Syzygium aromaticum
Natividad, F. F.
Biological activity of a putative 50-kDa protein purified from Tinospora rumphii Boerl
Ndjakou, B. L.
Antimalarial and antitrypanosomal activities of West Cameroon medicinal plants
Ndjoko, K.
Flavonoid comparative analysis of GM/wt wheat
Neffati, M.
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Tunisian Thymus capitatus essential oils
Neher, A.
Rethinking the new role of nasal epithel – more than a simple barrier?
Netsch, M.
Inhibition of interleukin-8 secretion by a green tea special extract in the intestinal cell line Caco-2
Ngamga, D.
Secondary metabolites from Drimiopsis baterrii
Ngouela, S.
Antimalarial and antitrypanosomal activities of West Cameroon medicinal plants
Nickavar, B.
Composition of the Essential Oils from Three Species from Labiatae from Iran
Free radical scavenging activity of ethanolic extracts from some Apiacean species
Radical scavenging activity of ethanolic extracts from six species from genus Achillea
Nicolas, J. F.
The allergenic potential of sesquiterpene lactones in phytomedicines from Arnica – an immunologic revision
Nieber, K.
Valerian extract prepared with methanol but not with ethanol or ethyl acetat inhibits the postsynaptic potentials in rat cortical neurons indicating an adenosine like action
Niedermeyer, T. H. J.
Antiviral Terpenoid Constituents of Ganoderma pfeifferi Bres
Niehues, M.
Analytical and functional aspects on Saffron from Crocus sativus L.: development of quality control methods, species assortment and affinity to sigma-1 and NMDA receptors
Nielsen, M.
Pharmacological Studies on Xysmalobium undulatum and Mondia whitei – Two South African plants with in vitro SSRI activity
Nohynek, L.
Phenolic extracts of strawberry fruits, leaves and cell cultures – analysis and biological activities
Tissue culture and genetic engineering of an important anticancer compound producing plant Veratrum californicum Duran
Nolard, N.
In vitro anti-fungal activity of a plant-based ear gel and its essential oils
Nöldner, M.
Effects of chronic administration of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761®) on levels of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin in the prefrontal cortex of the awake rat
Effects of acute and repeated administration of Hypericum perforatum extract (WS 5572®) and its main constituents on extracellular levels of serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine in the rat brain: A microdialysis study
Nolkemper, S.
Extracts of Salvia officinalis from different growing areas and their antiviral effect against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses
Nour, A. M. M.
Antiprotozoal activity of Xanthium brasilicum and bioactivity-guided isolation of its active constituents
Trypanocidal Flavonoids from Ageratum conyzoides
Novak, O.
The identification of new aromatic cytokinins in Arabidopsis thaliana by hybrid Q-Tof mass spectrometry
Nuamlert, J.
Development of skin whitening preparations from kaffir lime oil (Citrus hystrix)
Nuengchamnong, N.
Quantitative Determination of 1-Deoxynojirimycin in Mulberry Leaves using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Nyberg, F.
Brominated cyclodipeptides from the marine sponge Geodia barretti as selective 5-HT ligands
Nørbæk, R.
Effect of development stage at harvest on the content of flavonoids and phenolic acids in aerial parts of Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum (Link.))
Odia, E. A.
Histopathologic effects of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.)Vahl. on Wistar rats
Odukoya, O. A.
Free radical scavenging activity of some Nigerian medicinal plants
Astringency as antisensitivity marker of some Nigerian chewing sticks
Antioxidant activity of selected Nigerian green leafy vegetables
Evaluation of Picralima nitida hypoglycemic activity, toxicity and analytical standards
Ogmundsdottir, H. M.
Usnic acid: anti-proliferative, apoptotic and morphological effects on human malignant cell lines
Ohlendorf, B.
Exploring the structural diversity of myxobacterial secondary metabolism
Oinonen, P.
Screening of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors from Fungal Extracts
Okpanyi, S. N.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
Pro-secretory effects in the human small and large intestine as a mechanism of action of STW 5 (Iberogast®) in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Oksman-Caldentey, K. M.
Phenolic extracts of strawberry fruits, leaves and cell cultures – analysis and biological activities
Plant secondary metabolism in the post-genomic era
Metabolic engineering of plant cell cultures – towards the new resources of alkaloids
Prediction of microbial metabolism of phytochemicals using an in vitro colon model
Tissue culture and genetic engineering of an important anticancer compound producing plant Veratrum californicum Duran
Integrated transcript and metabolite profiling of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus
Okusa, P. N.
Direct and indirect antimicrobial activity of Cordia gilletii extracts
Olafsdottir, E. S.
Alkaloids from the club moss Lycopodium annotinum L. – acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity in vitro
Structural characterization of two galactofuranomannan isolated from the lichen Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis
Immunomodulating effects of lichen-derived polysaccharides on monocyte-derived dendritic cells
Olmos, A.
Evaluating the effects of phenolics from Phagnalon rupestre (L.) DC on cellular nitration and oxidation
Hydroquinone- and cinnamate-based plant phenolics in experimental contact hypersensitivity
Olsen, A.
Hyraceum, the fossilised metabolic products of rock hyraces, shows affinity to the GABA-benzodiazepine receptor
Omarsdottir, S.
Antiviral compounds from Icelandic lichens
Antibacterial compounds from Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry)
Structural characterization of two galactofuranomannan isolated from the lichen Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis
Immunomodulating effects of lichen-derived polysaccharides on monocyte-derived dendritic cells
Omogbai, E. K. I.
Some cardiovascular effects of the aqueous extract of the leaves of Starchytarpheta jamaicensis L. (Vahl)
Histopathologic effects of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.)Vahl. on Wistar rats
Onegi, B.
In vitro antiplasmodial activity and cytotoxicity of ethnobotanically selected East African plants used for the treatment of malaria
Opara, E. I.
An assessment of the use of an in vitro cell based model of the intestinal tract to investigate the bioavailability of the Chinese herbal remedy Oldenlandia diffusa
Oresic, M.
Prediction of microbial metabolism of phytochemicals using an in vitro colon model
Orešič, M.
Plant secondary metabolism in the post-genomic era
Integrated transcript and metabolite profiling of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus
Orhan, I.
In vitro antiviral assessment against DNA and RNA viruses as well as antibacterial and antifungal profiles of selected Turkish species of the Salvia genus
Fatty Acid Patterns of the Various Parts of Turkish Pistacia vera L. Tree
Orhana, I.
Screening of Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral Properties of the Selected Turkish Helichrysum Species
Ortlepp, S.
Antifouling and Anti-Aggregatory Effects of Bastadins from the Marine Sponge Ianthella basta
Four New Natural Products from Mongolian Medicinal Plants Scorzonera divaricata and Scorzonera pseudodivaricata (Asteraceae)
Osorio, E.
Alkaloids from Phaedranassa dubia (Amaryllidaceae). In vitro antiprotozoal activity
Oveisi, M. R.
Antioxidant activities of Punica granatum as determined by FRAP assay method
Ovodov, Y. S.
Isolation, characterization and anti-inflammatory activity of pectin from common pondweed Potamogeton natans L
Ovodova, R. G.
Isolation, characterization and anti-inflammatory activity of pectin from common pondweed Potamogeton natans L
Oyelola, O. O.
Secondary Metabolites from Hypoglycaemic fraction of Treculia africana Decne (Moraceae)
Ozkal, P.
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Ozkan, A. M.
Medicinal plants and conservation efforts in the buffer zone of Kure Mountains National Park (Bartin – Turkey), particularly in Ulus region
Páez, E.
Hypotensive and vasorelaxant effect of the procyanidins complex from Guazuma ulmifolia bark, in normotensive and hypertensive rat
Pahl, A.
Rethinking the new role of nasal epithel – more than a simple barrier?
Pakkanen, J.
Miniaturisation and automatisation of Caco-2 permeability studies for screening of natural and synthetic ligands
Palé, E.
Modification of the polarity of an anthocyanin pigment. Structure determination and antioxidant activity
Palee, J.
In vitro secondary compound production from roots of Stemona curtisii
Palombo, E.
Antibacterial proanthocyanidins isolated from the Australian medicinal plant, Planchonia careya (F. Muell.) R. Knuth (Lecythidaceae)
Panagiotidis, C. A.
Evaluation of the antiherpetical activities of Sideritis perfoliata L. subsp. perfoliata (Lamiaceae)
Panagiotou, E.
An assessment of the use of an in vitro cell based model of the intestinal tract to investigate the bioavailability of the Chinese herbal remedy Oldenlandia diffusa
Panossian, A.
Adaptogens modify stress response by suppressing the increase of p-SAPK, nitric oxide and cortisone in the blood of rabbits
Panovska, T. K.
Effect of some Teucrium species (Lamiaceae) on lipid peroxidation in rat lever microsomes
Hepatoprotective activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Teucrium polium L. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats
Papanikolaou, S.
Effect of essential oil of Citrus cinensis cv new hall – Citrus aurantium (indigenous in Greece) upon growth of Yarrowia lipolytica
Paranhos, A.
Effect of calcium on enzyme activities and phenolic accumulation in Hypericum androsaemum cell cultures
Park, J. D.
Partial chemical structure and immunomodulating activities of RGAP (Red Ginseng acidic Polysaccharide) from Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)
Park, J. Y.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Partl, A.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf
Pascal, R.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Pascolo, L.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Pateh, U. U.
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity of Byrsocarpus coccineus and its constituents
Paula, S. P. S.
Antinociceptive profile of (+)-citronellol in experimental animals
Pauletti, P. M.
Bioprospecting Program-BIOTA: A Rational Search for Drug Discovery from Brazilian Biodiversity
In search of promising antimalarial drugs: Detection of heme-based adducts induced in complex matrixes from Brazilian plants using HPLC-DAD
Paulsen, B. S.
Antiplasmodial, GABAA-benzodiazepine receptor binding and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of plants used in traditional medicine in Mali, West Africa
Structure elucidation of bioactive pectins from Opilia celtidifolia (Guill. & Perr.) Endl. Ex Walp. (Opiliaceae)
Structural characterization of two galactofuranomannan isolated from the lichen Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis
Characterization and partial purification of cystatins from Malian medicinal plants
Paululat, T.
Phytochemical investigation of Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia) and Noni-derived commercial products
Paunonen, R.
Impact of fertilization on the accumulation of leaf salicylates in four field-grown dark-leaved willow (Salix myrsinifolia Salisb.) clones
Pedersen, M. E.
Pharmacological Studies on Xysmalobium undulatum and Mondia whitei – Two South African plants with in vitro SSRI activity
Pedersen, P. D.
Helichrysums: antibacterial and monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity of South African summer-rainfall species
Pedro, L. G.
Essential oils from Anethum graveolens, Levisticum officinale and Pimpinella anisum hairy root cultures: composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Tunisian Thymus capitatus essential oils
Pelkonen, O.
Workshop of the Permanent Committees (PCs) on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPs)
Implementation of the Guideline on non-clinical documentation for HMPs in applications for marketing authorisation and simplified registration
Pelttari, E.
Lichens as a source of antibiotics against resistant bacteria
Penge, O.
Direct and indirect antimicrobial activity of Cordia gilletii extracts
Pengtao, L.
Effects of QKL on the level of TNF-α, IL-1β, ICAM-1 after intracerebral hemorrhage
Penman, K. G.
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Prevalence of three tetraene alkamide isomers in Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea roots
Pepeljnjak, S.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf
Pérez, C.
Activity of a compound isolated from Senna villosa against Trypanosoma cruzi
Pérez, M. S.
Activity of a compound isolated from Senna villosa against Trypanosoma cruzi
Perozzo, R.
FabI, FabZ and FabG, Three Key Enzymes from the Type II Fatty Acid System of Plasmodium falciparum, as Possible Drug Targets of Polymethoxyflavones of Artemisia annua
Flavonoids Target Multiple Enzymes from the Type II Fatty Acid Pathway of Plasmodium falciparum and Do Not Invoke Delayed Death Phenomenon
Petereit, F.
Proanthocyanidins and phenolglycosides from Rumex acetosa L
Proanthocyanidins from the herb of Myrothamnus flabellifolia Welw
Flavan-3-ols and procyanidins from the bark of Salix purpurea
Antioxidant oligomeric proanthocyanidins from Cistus salvifolius
Petersen, B. O.
Structural characterization of two galactofuranomannan isolated from the lichen Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis
Petersen, M.
Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel S-adenosyl-L-methionine: coniferyl alcohol O-methyltransferase from suspension cultures of Linum nodiflorum L
Petrushevska, G.
Hepatoprotective activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Teucrium polium L. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats
Pettersson, J.
Natural COX-2 inhibitors and effects on colon cancer cells
Phadungcharoen, T.
DNA fingerprinting of medicinally used Derris species by RAPD molecular markers
Phattanawasin, P.
A convenient TLC method for the quality control of turmeric
Pieters, L.
Structure-activity-relationship (SAR) for in vitro antileishmanial activity of maesabalide (PX-6518) analogue natural products
Quantitative method development for measurement of Maesa lanceolata saponins by LC-MS
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Anthraquinones from Barleria eranthemoides (Acanthaceae)
Pimentel, F. O.
Antioxidant activity of an aqueous fraction obtained from Indigofera truxillensis against ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric lesions
Pineda, G.
Bactericidal and fungicidal activity of plant extracts from endemic plants of the Chihuahuan Desert of northern Mexico
Pinsuwan, S.
Antioxidant Evaluation and Stability of Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) Dried Extract
Pizza, C.
Triterpene saponins from Calendula arvensis
Plaza, C. V.
Antioxidants from fruits and leaves of Eugenia jambolana, an edible Myrtaceae species from Atlantic Forest
Pobłocka-Olech, L.
Phytochemical and Biopharmaceutical Analysis of Willow Bark
Pocuca, M.
Release of soy isoflavones from commercial capsule preparation
Pohjala, L.
Safety Assessment and Metabolic Fingerprinting of GMO Gerberas
Pongsamart, S.
Oral hypoglycemic activity of water extract from Ya-Tevada, Malvastrum Coromandelianum Garcke, equivalent to insulin injection
Antimicrobial polysaccharide of durian-rinds and natural essential oils combination in an effective non-alcoholic antiseptic lotion for hands
Pongwiwatana, U.
Antimicrobial polysaccharide of durian-rinds and natural essential oils combination in an effective non-alcoholic antiseptic lotion for hands
Pontius, A.
Aromatic Polyketides from the Marine Algicolous Fungus Nodulisporium sp
Popov, S. V.
Isolation, characterization and anti-inflammatory activity of pectin from common pondweed Potamogeton natans L
Popova, G. Y.
Isolation, characterization and anti-inflammatory activity of pectin from common pondweed Potamogeton natans L
Popp, M.
Changes in the phenolic compounds composition of virgin olive Oil due to different storage conditions under accelerated ageing
Quality assessment of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds in green tea samples belonging to different origins
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of grape seeds by HPLC-MS
Matrix free MALDI mass spectrometry for phytochemical investigations
Potterat, O.
Phytochemical investigation of Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia) and Noni-derived commercial products
A comprehensive metabolite profiling of Isatis tinctoria leaf extracts
Simultaneous quantitative analysis of the active principles and pigments in leaf extracts of Isatis tinctoria by HPLC/UV/MS
Poungshompoo, S.
Oral hypoglycemic activity of water extract from Ya-Tevada, Malvastrum Coromandelianum Garcke, equivalent to insulin injection
Pourjafar, M.
Effect of garlic during and before administration of lead acetate on lead content of some tissues in mouse
Pozharitskaya, O. N.
Investigation of anti-inflammatory activity of complex herbal oil extract in vitro and in vivo
Thiolysis-HPLC characterization of the phenolic composition of nut shells of Pinus sibirica (Du Tour) Rupr
Identification of spiroketal polyacetylenes as the main components of an oil extract of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch.) flowers
Prado, B.
Effects of some Hypericum reflexum L. fil. extracts in the forced swimming test in mice
Pribylova, M.
Carvacrol as the inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, the key enzymes of prostaglandin biosynthesis: in vitro assays
Effect of elicitation and feeding on the precursors for the production of taxanes in Taxus baccata L. suspension culture
Prinsloo, L. C.
Hyraceum, the fossilised metabolic products of rock hyraces, shows affinity to the GABA-benzodiazepine receptor
Prinza, S.
Analysis of Phenolic Acids from Actaea spec. by Capillary Electrophoresis
Prokop, A.
Capability of Prenylflavanones present in Hops to Induce Apoptosis in a Human Burkitt Lymphoma Cell Line
Proksch, P.
Novel oxygenated meroterpenoids and drimane sesquiterpenoids from the sponge-derived fungus Penicillium citreonigrum
Antifouling and Anti-Aggregatory Effects of Bastadins from the Marine Sponge Ianthella basta
New Norterpene Cyclic Peroxides from the Sponge Diacarnus megaspinorhabdosa
Four New Natural Products from Mongolian Medicinal Plants Scorzonera divaricata and Scorzonera pseudodivaricata (Asteraceae)
Flavonoids from Vigna angularis – composition and antioxidative effects
Prost, J.
Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effect of Ajuga iva in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet
Psilander, N.
Strix Forte®, an antioxidant mixture with bilberry anthocyanosides, reduces oxidative stress and immune activation in exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Ptak, D. M.
Antinociceptive profile of ethyl acetate extract of Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Labiatae)
Antinociceptive effect of the essential oil of Lippia sidoides on mice
Puig, R. C.
Study of metabolites in benzothiadiazole treated Arabidopsis using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and principal component analysis
Puripattanavong, J.
Antioxidant Evaluation and Stability of Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) Dried Extract
Improved isolation of α-mangostin from the fruit hull of Garcinia mangostana and its antioxidant and antifungal activity
Pusch, L.
Effects of Leuzea carthamoides DC. on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells detected by gene expression profiling
Puupponen-Pimiä, R.
Phenolic extracts of strawberry fruits, leaves and cell cultures – analysis and biological activities
Qa'dan, F.
Antioxidant oligomeric proanthocyanidins from Cistus salvifolius
Qingguo, W.
Effects of QKL on the level of TNF-α, IL-1β, ICAM-1 after intracerebral hemorrhage
Quandt, B.
Analytical and functional aspects on Saffron from Crocus sativus L.: development of quality control methods, species assortment and affinity to sigma-1 and NMDA receptors
Is the Alkaloid Pipermethystin Connected with Liver Toxicity of Kava Products?
Raasmaja, A.
Phenolic compounds of plant origin and cell death
Rabanal, R. M.
Effects of some Hypericum reflexum L. fil. extracts in the forced swimming test in mice
Analgesic and topical anti-inflammatory activity of terpenoids and flavonoids from species of the genus Teucrium and Salvia in mice
Raduner, S.
Exploration of natural alkylamides and synthetic analogs as source for new ligands for the cannabinoid type-2 receptor
Formation of supramolecular structures of alkylamides from Echinacea – implications for cannabinoid type-2 receptor (CB2) interactions in vitro
Radwan, H. M.
The flavonoidal constituents of Limoniastrum monopetatum and their biological activity
Rafter, J. J.
Natural COX-2 inhibitors and effects on colon cancer cells
Ramalhete, C.
Search for P-glycoprotein modulators and apoptosis inducers on cancer cells among ergostane and stigmastane steroids
Ramanou, A.
Bio-guided isolation of anti-salmonellae compounds of Thonningia sanguinea, an Ivorian medicinal plant
Ramaswamy, V.
Genetic polymorphism, antitumour and antioxidant potential of Todelia asiatica on in vitro mice models
Rančic, A.
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of six Hypericum species from Serbia
Rashed, K.
Antitumor activity of Ailanthus excelsa (Roxb.)
Rasmussen, H. B.
Air-transport alters the composition of essential oils in aromatic plants
Ratanasak, W.
Anti-dog tick herbal shampoo from Thai medicinal plant
Ratanatham, T.
Anti-dog tick herbal shampoo from Thai medicinal plant
Recio, M. C.
Inhibitory effects of cucurbitacin R on lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production
Cucurbitacin R reduces delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction induced by dinitrofluorobenzene and sheep red blood cells in mice
Rehwani, H.
Evaluation of reversible antiandrogenic and antispermatogenic activities of Annona squamosa (Linn) stem bark methanol extract in male albino rats
Reichling, J.
Antibacterial activity of the essential oils of catnip (Nepeta cataria L.) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) against clinical isolates from the respiratory tract
Extracts of Salvia officinalis from different growing areas and their antiviral effect against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses
Reif, K.
Workshop of the Permanent GA-committee of Manufacturing and Quality Control of Herbal Medicinal Products – Reference Compounds
Reiser, O.
New Furostanol Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Tacca integrifolia
Rejeb, M. N.
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Tunisian Thymus capitatus essential oils
Reynolds, W. F.
A potent cytotoxic semisynthetic derivative of perezone with phenylglycine
Rezaeinodehi, A.
Effect of drying methods on essential oil content and composition of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.)
Reza Khani, M. R.
Free radical scavenging activity of ethanolic extracts from some Apiacean species
Rhee, I. K.
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Ricci, D.
Antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of boropinic acid, active principle of Boronia pinnata
Riepl, H. M.
Capability of Prenylflavanones present in Hops to Induce Apoptosis in a Human Burkitt Lymphoma Cell Line
Riese, U.
Effects of Leuzea carthamoides DC. on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells detected by gene expression profiling
Rigano, D.
Chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of Micromeria fruticulosa (Bertol.) Grande (Lamiaceae) growing wild in Southern Italy
Volatile constituents of Scutellaria rubicunda Hornem subsp. linnaeana (Caruel) Rech. (Lamiaceae) endemic in Sicily
Riihimäki, L.
Binding of natural products and their derivatives to bovine β-lactoglobulin
Ríos, J. L.
Inhibitory effects of cucurbitacin R on lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production
Cucurbitacin R reduces delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction induced by dinitrofluorobenzene and sheep red blood cells in mice
Rischer, H.
Plant secondary metabolism in the post-genomic era
Metabolic engineering of plant cell cultures – towards the new resources of alkaloids
Tissue culture and genetic engineering of an important anticancer compound producing plant Veratrum californicum Duran
Integrated transcript and metabolite profiling of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus
Ritala, A.
Plant secondary metabolism in the post-genomic era
Metabolic engineering of plant cell cultures – towards the new resources of alkaloids
Tissue culture and genetic engineering of an important anticancer compound producing plant Veratrum californicum Duran
Rojas, M. D.
Effect of masticadienonic acid on the induction of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes in mouse peripheral blood
Rollinger, J. M.
Pharmacophore modelling on the apoptosis regulating target XIAP-Bir3
Merits and limits of computational methods for the discovery of natural acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
Romanik, G.
Induction of naphthoquinone and flavonoid production in Dionaea muscipula and Drosera capensis
Rose, O.
Capability of Prenylflavanones present in Hops to Induce Apoptosis in a Human Burkitt Lymphoma Cell Line
Rose, U.
Workshop of the Permanent GA-committee of Manufacturing and Quality Control of Herbal Medicinal Products – Reference Compounds
Rosselli, S.
New oxidative derivatives of atractyligenin and their cytotoxic activity
Chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of Micromeria fruticulosa (Bertol.) Grande (Lamiaceae) growing wild in Southern Italy
Volatile constituents of Scutellaria rubicunda Hornem subsp. linnaeana (Caruel) Rech. (Lamiaceae) endemic in Sicily
Rousi, M.
Impact of fertilization on the accumulation of leaf salicylates in four field-grown dark-leaved willow (Salix myrsinifolia Salisb.) clones
Ruangrungsi, N.
DNA fingerprinting of medicinally used Derris species by RAPD molecular markers
Rüedi, P.
Flavonoids Target Multiple Enzymes from the Type II Fatty Acid Pathway of Plasmodium falciparum and Do Not Invoke Delayed Death Phenomenon
Rusman, Y.
Novel oxygenated meroterpenoids and drimane sesquiterpenoids from the sponge-derived fungus Penicillium citreonigrum
Rustaiyan, A.
Volatile Composition and Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitory effect of Stachys setifera C. A. Mey
Ruzzier, F.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Ryder, N. S.
In vitro anti-fungal activity of a plant-based ear gel and its essential oils
Rydlovskaya, A.
Investigation of anti-inflammatory activity of complex herbal oil extract in vitro and in vivo
Sadeghi, N.
Antioxidant activities of Punica granatum as determined by FRAP assay method
Sadeghpour, O.
Phytochemical Study of Artemisia persica Boiss. and Evaluation of its Antiplasmodial Activity
Sağlık, Ç
Aryltetralin lignans from Linum pamphylicum (Boiss.) Pod. sub sp. olympicum
Said, A.
Antitumor activity of Ailanthus excelsa (Roxb.)
Two New Cyclic Amino Acids from the seeds and Antiviral Activity of methanolic extract of the roots of Zizyphus spinachristi
Saikia, G.
Cardioprotective effect of Thevetia neriifolia Jusss glycoside in male white rat
Saikku, P.
Inhibition potential of natural based products against Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
Sajfrtova, M.
Antibacterial activity of Nigella sativa seed essential oil and effect of different extraction methods on content of its active principle, thymoquinone
Sakihama, Y.
Secondary Metabolites from Hypoglycaemic fraction of Treculia africana Decne (Moraceae)
Saleh, M.
Flavonoids, volatiles and biological activities of the aerial parts of Calliandra haematocephala Hassk
Salinas, R. A. M.
Antinociceptive profile of (+)-citronellol in experimental animals
Saller, R.
Apoptosis inducing activity of an extract from saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) berries towards human cancer cells
Samuelsen, A. B.
Antioxidants from Xylocarpus granatum
Sánchez-Mateo, C. C.
Effects of some Hypericum reflexum L. fil. extracts in the forced swimming test in mice
Analgesic and topical anti-inflammatory activity of terpenoids and flavonoids from species of the genus Teucrium and Salvia in mice
San Miguel-Chávez, R.
Anti fungal activity of alkaloid extract of Erythrina coralloides A. DC. against five phyto pathogen fungi
Sanogo, R.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the aqueous extracts of Maytenus senegalensis, Stereospermum kunthianum and Trichilia emetica used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea in Mali
Santos, A. B.
Antinociceptive profile of (+)-citronellol in experimental animals
Santos, R. B.
Antinociceptive effect of the essential oil of Lippia sidoides on mice
Sarawek, S.
Effects of various flavonoids on xanthine oxidase activities in vitro and on plasma uric acid levels in oxonate-induced rats
Sarder, M.
Antioxidants from Xylocarpus granatum
Saroglou, V.
Sesquiterpene Lactones and Flavonoids from the aerial parts of Anthemis melanolepis L
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of six Hypericum species from Serbia
Sautour, M.
New steroidal saponins from Asparagus acutifolius
Sautter, C.
Flavonoid comparative analysis of GM/wt wheat
Scheffer, J. J. C.
Essential oils from Anethum graveolens, Levisticum officinale and Pimpinella anisum hairy root cultures: composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities
Schemann, M.
Pro-secretory effects in the human small and large intestine as a mechanism of action of STW 5 (Iberogast®) in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Schempp, C.
The allergenic potential of sesquiterpene lactones in phytomedicines from Arnica – an immunologic revision
Schepmann, D.
Analytical and functional aspects on Saffron from Crocus sativus L.: development of quality control methods, species assortment and affinity to sigma-1 and NMDA receptors
Schmidgall, J.
Functionality of oligo- and polysaccharides against gastrointestinal epithelial membranes: bioadhesive and mucin-stimulating carbohydrates
Schmidt, A.
Inhibition of interleukin-8 secretion by a green tea special extract in the intestinal cell line Caco-2
Schmidt, M.
Impact of kava cultivar, plant part and extraction medium on in-vitro cytotoxicity of kava (Piper methysticum) in HepG2 and Hep3B cells
Is the Alkaloid Pipermethystin Connected with Liver Toxicity of Kava Products?
Schmidt, T. J.
Antiprotozoal activity of Xanthium brasilicum and bioactivity-guided isolation of its active constituents
Trypanocidal Flavonoids from Ageratum conyzoides
A novel Aryldihydronaphthalene Lignan from Linum perenne L
Evaluation of analytical markers characterising different drying methods of parsley leaves (Petroselinum crispum L.)
Schmitt, C. A.
A Maillard reaction product enhances eNOS enzymatic activity in human endothelial cells
Schnitzler, P.
Extracts of Salvia officinalis from different growing areas and their antiviral effect against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses
Scholey, A. B.
Biobehavioural effects of herbal extracts
Behavioural improvements following acute guaraná administration
Schoop, R.
Effects of Echinaforce® on differentiation and activity of antigen-presenting cells in vitro
Schrader, E.
Effects of hops on clinical efficacy of a valerian-hops-extract combination (Ze 91019) in patients suffering from non-organic sleep disorder
Schrenk, D.
Effects of Leuzea carthamoides DC. on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells detected by gene expression profiling
Workshop of the Permanent Committees (PCs) on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPs)
Schröder, G.
Antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of selected medicinal plants from Yemen
Schubert, C.
In vitro antiplasmodial activity and cytotoxicity of ethnobotanically selected East African plants used for the treatment of malaria
Schuster, D.
Merits and limits of computational methods for the discovery of natural acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
Schwaiberger, A. V.
Indirubin-3'-monoxime inhibits rat vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation induced by plateled-derived growth factor via the Jak/STAT-pathway
Schwaiger, S.
Different strategies for discriminator identification in a NMR based metabonomics matrix of the genus Leontopodium using LC-SPE-NMR, 1H-NMR-guided isolation and classical phytochemistry
Schyschka, L.
Pharmacophore modelling on the apoptosis regulating target XIAP-Bir3
Scott, L.
Hyraceum, the fossilised metabolic products of rock hyraces, shows affinity to the GABA-benzodiazepine receptor
Sefidkon, F.
Effect of drying methods on essential oil content and composition of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.)
Seger, C.
Different strategies for discriminator identification in a NMR based metabonomics matrix of the genus Leontopodium using LC-SPE-NMR, 1H-NMR-guided isolation and classical phytochemistry
Segun, F. I.
Astringency as antisensitivity marker of some Nigerian chewing sticks
Antioxidant activity of selected Nigerian green leafy vegetables
Segundo, M.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phenolics from Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Sein, M. M.
New Furostanol Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Tacca integrifolia
Senatore, F.
Chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of Micromeria fruticulosa (Bertol.) Grande (Lamiaceae) growing wild in Southern Italy
Volatile constituents of Scutellaria rubicunda Hornem subsp. linnaeana (Caruel) Rech. (Lamiaceae) endemic in Sicily
Seol, J.
Monitoring of distributed Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill in Korea
Seong, N. S.
Inhibitory effect of compounds from Rhus chinensis on generation of oxygen species generation in YPEN-1 cells
Seong, R. S.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Seong, Y. H.
β-Secretase (BACE1) Inhibitors from Pomegranate (Punica granatum) L. Husk
Seonga, Y. H.
Protective effects of catechin and epicatechin from Smilax china rhizome on amyloid β protein (25–35)-induced neurotoxicity in cultured neurons
Neuroprotective effect of methanol extract of Smilacis chinae rhizome on NMDA-induced neurotoxicity and cerebral ischemia in rats
Seppänen-Laakso, T.
Phenolic extracts of strawberry fruits, leaves and cell cultures – analysis and biological activities
Plant secondary metabolism in the post-genomic era
Metabolic engineering of plant cell cultures – towards the new resources of alkaloids
Prediction of microbial metabolism of phytochemicals using an in vitro colon model
Serrano, M. A. R.
Pyridine Alkaloids of Senna multijulga (Cesalpiniaceae) as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
Sert, A.
Pharmacological Studies on Xysmalobium undulatum and Mondia whitei – Two South African plants with in vitro SSRI activity
Severin, T.
A Maillard reaction product enhances eNOS enzymatic activity in human endothelial cells
Sezika, E.
Screening of Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral Properties of the Selected Turkish Helichrysum Species
Shafaghi, B.
Evaluation of anti-nociceptive effect of methanolic extract of Sambucus nigra leaves using Formalin test and Tail-Flick test models
Shafiee, A.
Volatile Composition and Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitory effect of Stachys setifera C. A. Mey
Shahadeh, M.
Antiplatelet activity of Ruta chalepensis L. (Rutaceae) grown in Jordan
Shahverdi, A. R.
Ultra low concentrations of sophoraflavanone G from Sophora pachycarpa C. Meyer enhanced the antibacterial activity of gentamycin aginst Staphylococcus aureus
Shams, K. A.
Evaluation of Narcissus tazetta L. under different habitats
Sharifzadeh, M.
Volatile Composition and Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitory effect of Stachys setifera C. A. Mey
Sharma, A.
Evaluation of reversible antiandrogenic and antispermatogenic activities of Annona squamosa (Linn) stem bark methanol extract in male albino rats
Reversible antifertility activity of methanol extract of Momordica dioica Roxb. in male albino rats
Sharma, D. K.
Hypolipidaemic effect of Clerodendron colebrookianum Walp glycosides in C3H mice
Shikov, A. N.
Thiolysis-HPLC characterization of the phenolic composition of nut shells of Pinus sibirica (Du Tour) Rupr
Identification of spiroketal polyacetylenes as the main components of an oil extract of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch.) flowers
Shin, H. J.
Partial chemical structure and immunomodulating activities of RGAP (Red Ginseng acidic Polysaccharide) from Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)
Shin, S.
Development of antifungal agents from essential oil compounds in Ostericum koreanum
Analysis of essential oils in Chrysanthemum zawadskii in Korea
Sibaev, A.
Modulation of the peristaltic reflex of rat ileum segments by STW 5 (Iberogast®)
Sichardt, K.
Valerian extract prepared with methanol but not with ethanol or ethyl acetat inhibits the postsynaptic potentials in rat cortical neurons indicating an adenosine like action
Sieger, R.
Effects of Phenolic Compounds from Hypericum perforatum L. on the solubility and permeation of Hypericin in vitro
Siegers, C. P.
Destenotil – a combination of Troxerutin and Aescin to treat inner ear perfusion disturbances
Sievers, H.
Effects of extracts from Valeriana officinalis L. in pharmacological studies
Silva, D. H. S.
Antioxidants from fruits and leaves of Eugenia jambolana, an edible Myrtaceae species from Atlantic Forest
Silva, O.
Monographic profile of Guiera, leaves a West African herbal drug
Sim, Y.
Development of antifungal agents from essential oil compounds in Ostericum koreanum
Singh, M.
Preharvest Combined Application of Triacontanol and Kinetin Could Ameliorate the Growth, Yield and Curcumin Content of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
Singhai, A. K.
Antiasthmatic potential of aqueous extract of Cassia occidentalis
Effect of Rubia cordifolia on blood glucose level and glucose utilization by isolated rat hemidiaphragm
Singhubera, J.
Analysis of Phenolic Acids from Actaea spec. by Capillary Electrophoresis
Siqueira, D. H. S.
Bioprospecting Program-BIOTA: A Rational Search for Drug Discovery from Brazilian Biodiversity
In search of promising antimalarial drugs: Detection of heme-based adducts induced in complex matrixes from Brazilian plants using HPLC-DAD
Sitthiwej, C.
Oral hypoglycemic activity of water extract from Ya-Tevada, Malvastrum Coromandelianum Garcke, equivalent to insulin injection
Sjögren, M.
Brominated cyclodipeptides from the marine sponge Geodia barretti as selective 5-HT ligands
Skaltsa, H.
Sesquiterpene Lactones and Flavonoids from the aerial parts of Anthemis melanolepis L
Novel cytotoxic labdane diterpenes from Marrubium cylleneum
Soyabean Lipoxygenase Inhibitory Activity of Flavonoids, Phenylethanoid glycosides and phenolic acids from Marrubium velutinum and M. cylleneum
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of six Hypericum species from Serbia
Low Molecular Weight Polyphenols in insect infected leaves of Quercus ilex L. (Fagaceae)
Skopeliti, M.
Novel cytotoxic labdane diterpenes from Marrubium cylleneum
Sleem, A.
Flavonoids, volatiles and biological activities of the aerial parts of Calliandra haematocephala Hassk
Smith, E.
Plant Phenolics as Antibiotic Resistance Modifying Agents
Smiti, S.
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Tunisian Thymus capitatus essential oils
So, J. H.
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Sofidiya, M. O.
Free radical scavenging activity of some Nigerian medicinal plants
Astringency as antisensitivity marker of some Nigerian chewing sticks
Antioxidant activity of selected Nigerian green leafy vegetables
Sohbat, B.
Improvement of Culture of Black caraway (Nigella sativa L.) in Kermanshah (Iran)
Somani, R.
Antiasthmatic potential of aqueous extract of Cassia occidentalis
Effect of Rubia cordifolia on blood glucose level and glucose utilization by isolated rat hemidiaphragm
Somervuo, P.
Safety Assessment and Metabolic Fingerprinting of GMO Gerberas
Song, K. S.
β-Secretase (BACE1) Inhibitors from Pomegranate (Punica granatum) L. Husk
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Inhibitory effect of compounds from Rhus chinensis on generation of oxygen species generation in YPEN-1 cells
Song, Y. B.
Partial chemical structure and immunomodulating activities of RGAP (Red Ginseng acidic Polysaccharide) from Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)
Songb, K. S.
Protective effects of catechin and epicatechin from Smilax china rhizome on amyloid β protein (25–35)-induced neurotoxicity in cultured neurons
Neuroprotective effect of methanol extract of Smilacis chinae rhizome on NMDA-induced neurotoxicity and cerebral ischemia in rats
Soni, V.
Isolation of E & Z guggulsterones from young aerial stems of Commiphora wightii without destruction of plants
Sosa, S.
Topical anti-inflammatory activity of Plantago major L. leaves
Sotanaphun, U.
A convenient TLC method for the quality control of turmeric
Soto-Hernández, M.
Anti fungal activity of alkaloid extract of Erythrina coralloides A. DC. against five phyto pathogen fungi
Souza, D. P.
Antinociceptive profile of (+)-citronellol in experimental animals
Souza Brito, A. R. M.
Role of endogenous SHs and NO on Vernonia ferruginea Less induced gastroprotection
Antioxidant activity of an aqueous fraction obtained from Indigofera truxillensis against ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric lesions
Sovova, H.
Antibacterial activity of Nigella sativa seed essential oil and effect of different extraction methods on content of its active principle, thymoquinone
Spörl-Aich, G.
Oral treatment with the Crataegus special extract WS® 1442 inhibits cardiac hypertrophy in rats with DOCA-salt or aortic banding induced hypertension
Spraul, M.
Different strategies for discriminator identification in a NMR based metabonomics matrix of the genus Leontopodium using LC-SPE-NMR, 1H-NMR-guided isolation and classical phytochemistry
Spriano, D.
The drug-extract-ratio of aqueous/ethanolic Harpagophyti radix extracts has to be revised
Sreedhar, C.
Anti diarrheal activity of root extracts of Elephantopus scaber L
Sriphong, L.
A convenient TLC method for the quality control of turmeric
Stafford, G. I.
Helichrysums: antibacterial and monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity of South African summer-rainfall species
Pharmacological Studies on Xysmalobium undulatum and Mondia whitei – Two South African plants with in vitro SSRI activity
Stanckevich, N.
Biologically active compounds from grated cocoa and cocoa butter samples
Starkey, N. J.
Anxiolytic effects of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) odour on the mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) elevated plus-maze
Stasilojc, G.
Cytotoxic and apoptosis–inducing activity of ramentaceone – a naphthoquinone from Drosera sp
Stecher, G.
New materials for extraction, separation and mass spectrometric investigations in phytochemistry
Changes in the phenolic compounds composition of virgin olive Oil due to different storage conditions under accelerated ageing
Advances in stationary phase development for the analysis of target compounds in proteomics, phytomics and metabolomics
Quality assessment of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds in green tea samples belonging to different origins
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of grape seeds by HPLC-MS
Rethinking the new role of nasal epithel – more than a simple barrier?
Matrix free MALDI mass spectrometry for phytochemical investigations
Stefkov, G.
Hepatoprotective activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Teucrium polium L. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats
Stepanov, I.
Release of soy isoflavones from commercial capsule preparation
Stierna, P.
Rethinking the new role of nasal epithel – more than a simple barrier?
Stobiecki, M.
Cytotoxic and apoptosis–inducing activity of ramentaceone – a naphthoquinone from Drosera sp
Stöhr, J.
Discrimination of Piper longum and Piper retrofractum fruits by chromatographic fingerprint analysis
Storr, M.
Modulation of the peristaltic reflex of rat ileum segments by STW 5 (Iberogast®)
Stratmann, U.
Polysaccharides from Glycyrrhiza glabra L. exert significant anti-adhesive effects against Helicobacter pylori and Porphyromonas gingivalis
Streit, B.
LC-PDA-MS-profiles of phenolic compounds in extracts of aerial parts of Urtica species
Strnad, M.
Anticancer properties of brassinosteroids
The identification of new aromatic cytokinins in Arabidopsis thaliana by hybrid Q-Tof mass spectrometry
Strompen, T.
The drug-extract-ratio of aqueous/ethanolic Harpagophyti radix extracts has to be revised
Stuppner, H.
Different strategies for discriminator identification in a NMR based metabonomics matrix of the genus Leontopodium using LC-SPE-NMR, 1H-NMR-guided isolation and classical phytochemistry
Pharmacophore modelling on the apoptosis regulating target XIAP-Bir3
Merits and limits of computational methods for the discovery of natural acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
Suh, D. Y.
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Sukrong, S.
DNA fingerprinting of medicinally used Derris species by RAPD molecular markers
Sukying, S.
Antioxidant Evaluation and Stability of Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) Dried Extract
Sule, M. I.
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity of Byrsocarpus coccineus and its constituents
Sultana, T.
Quality assessment of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds in green tea samples belonging to different origins
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of grape seeds by HPLC-MS
Sunguroglu, A.
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Suortti, T.
Tissue culture and genetic engineering of an important anticancer compound producing plant Veratrum californicum Duran
Surmaghi, S.
Phytochemical and Antimicrobial investigation of Taleghan plants species
Suschke, U.
Antibacterial activity of the essential oils of catnip (Nepeta cataria L.) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) against clinical isolates from the respiratory tract
Suter, A.
Effects of Echinaforce® on differentiation and activity of antigen-presenting cells in vitro
Echinacea and its alkamides – an assessment of potential CYP-P450 enzyme inhibition?
Effects of Saw palmetto extract in vitro on receptors and enzymes which are relevant in incontinence
Apoptosis inducing activity of an extract from saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) berries towards human cancer cells
Positive influence of a Harpagophytum procumbens preparation on different rheumatic complaints – results from clinical trial
Swaczynová, J.
Anticancer properties of brassinosteroids
Sylignaki, G. I.
Evaluation of the antiherpetical activities of Sideritis perfoliata L. subsp. perfoliata (Lamiaceae)
Szelenyi, I.
Rethinking the new role of nasal epithel – more than a simple barrier?
Sznitowska, M.
Phytochemical and Biopharmaceutical Analysis of Willow Bark
Szpitter, A.
Induction of naphthoquinone and flavonoid production in Dionaea muscipula and Drosera capensis
Tabl, E. S. A. A.
Two New Cyclic Amino Acids from the seeds and Antiviral Activity of methanolic extract of the roots of Zizyphus spinachristi
Tahara, S.
Secondary Metabolites from Hypoglycaemic fraction of Treculia africana Decne (Moraceae)
Takeya, K.
Antitumour Quassinoids from Brucea javanica and SAR of Brusatol
Tammela, P.
Are cinnamic acids responsible for in vitro neuroprotection exerted by Bryothamnion triquetrum (S.G.Gmelin) Howe aqueous extract?
Inhibition potential of natural based products against Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
Safety Assessment and Metabolic Fingerprinting of GMO Gerberas
Tan, J.
Positive influence of a Harpagophytum procumbens preparation on different rheumatic complaints – results from clinical trial
Tanaka, T.
Synthesis and preliminary colon cancer chemoprevention evaluation of a novel prodrug of 4'-geranyloxy-ferulic acid, active principle of Acronychia baueri Schott
Tane, P.
Secondary metabolites from Drimiopsis baterrii
Tantangmo, F.
Antimalarial and antitrypanosomal activities of West Cameroon medicinal plants
Tapaneeyasin, P.
Development of skin whitening preparations from kaffir lime oil (Citrus hystrix)
Tasdemir, D.
Essential oil of Turkish Origanum onites L. and its main components, carvacrol and thymol show potent antiprotozoal activity without cytotoxicity
FabI, FabZ and FabG, Three Key Enzymes from the Type II Fatty Acid System of Plasmodium falciparum, as Possible Drug Targets of Polymethoxyflavones of Artemisia annua
Flavonoids Target Multiple Enzymes from the Type II Fatty Acid Pathway of Plasmodium falciparum and Do Not Invoke Delayed Death Phenomenon
Tatli, I. I.
Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Verbascum lasianthum Boiss. ex Bentham
Acylated iridoid glycosides from the flowers of Verbascum lasianthum Boiss. ex Bentham
Tato, P.
Vasorelaxant effect of ethanolic extract from Cecropia obtusifolia in Guinea pigs aortic rings
Techatanawat, I.
Absolute configuration and conformation of 3 tetralone derivatives from Ammannia baccifera
Teeri, T.
Safety Assessment and Metabolic Fingerprinting of GMO Gerberas
Tegelberg, R.
Impact of fertilization on the accumulation of leaf salicylates in four field-grown dark-leaved willow (Salix myrsinifolia Salisb.) clones
Tegtmeier, M.
Destenotil – a combination of Troxerutin and Aescin to treat inner ear perfusion disturbances
Teixeira, D. M.
Biological activity of Gunnera tinctoria, an invasive plant in the island of S. Miguel (Azores)
Temkitthawon, P.
Screening for PDE inhibitory activity from Thai traditional plants used as rejuvenating and aphrodisiac agents
Thäle, C.
Assessment of antileishmanial and cytotoxic activities of some phenolic acids using the MTT assay – a critical evaluation
Thanh, H. D. T.
Study of metabolites in benzothiadiazole treated Arabidopsis using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and principal component analysis
Theunis, M.
Quantitative method development for measurement of Maesa lanceolata saponins by LC-MS
Tichonov, V.
Biologically active compounds from grated cocoa and cocoa butter samples
Tikhonov, V. P.
Investigation of anti-inflammatory activity of complex herbal oil extract in vitro and in vivo
Thiolysis-HPLC characterization of the phenolic composition of nut shells of Pinus sibirica (Du Tour) Rupr
Efficacy of (±)-taxifolin from Larix sibirica (Mûnchh.) Ledeb. on blood pressure in experiments in vivo
Identification of spiroketal polyacetylenes as the main components of an oil extract of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch.) flowers
Tiribelli, C.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Tobler, M.
The drug-extract-ratio of aqueous/ethanolic Harpagophyti radix extracts has to be revised
Togola, A.
Structure elucidation of bioactive pectins from Opilia celtidifolia (Guill. & Perr.) Endl. Ex Walp. (Opiliaceae)
Structural characterization of two galactofuranomannan isolated from the lichen Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis
Tokuda, H.
Antitumor activity of Ailanthus excelsa (Roxb.)
Tomè, F.
Aromatic plants from Valsesia (Italy): bioassay-guided isolation of flavonoids with antioxidant activity from Achillea species
Tomic, S.
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Torre, C.
Four New Natural Products from Mongolian Medicinal Plants Scorzonera divaricata and Scorzonera pseudodivaricata (Asteraceae)
Torres, L. B.
Pyridine Alkaloids of Senna multijulga (Cesalpiniaceae) as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
Tossi, A.
Topical anti-inflammatory activity of Plantago major L. leaves
Trauner, G.
Identification of GABAA-modulators obtained from Valeriana officinalis L
Treitz, G.
Nanostructured Elasto-Optical Biosensor for Screening on Bioactive Compounds
Trethewey, R.
Plant Metabolomics: Small Molecules Take Center Stage
Trojer, L.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of grape seeds by HPLC-MS
Tsamo, E.
Antimalarial and antitrypanosomal activities of West Cameroon medicinal plants
Tseng, L. H.
Different strategies for discriminator identification in a NMR based metabonomics matrix of the genus Leontopodium using LC-SPE-NMR, 1H-NMR-guided isolation and classical phytochemistry
Tsevegsuren, N.
Four New Natural Products from Mongolian Medicinal Plants Scorzonera divaricata and Scorzonera pseudodivaricata (Asteraceae)
Tsitsilonis, O.
Novel cytotoxic labdane diterpenes from Marrubium cylleneum
Tubaro, A.
Topical anti-inflammatory activity of Plantago major L. leaves
Turgay, M.
Effects of Apple Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Ulmer, A. J.
Stimulation of LAL-test by LPS-free arabinogalactan-protein preparations from Echinacea purpurea
Urbaniak, B.
Flavonoid comparative analysis of GM/wt wheat
Uyanoğlu, M.
Effects Of Carvacrol Upon The Liver Of Rats Undergoing Partial Hepatectomy
Vadnere, G.
Antiasthmatic potential of aqueous extract of Cassia occidentalis
Effect of Rubia cordifolia on blood glucose level and glucose utilization by isolated rat hemidiaphragm
Vahidi, H.
Effects of different carbon sources on production of polysaccharides by Agaricus blazei
Valterova, I.
Antibacterial activity of Nigella sativa seed essential oil and effect of different extraction methods on content of its active principle, thymoquinone
Vanden Berghe, D.
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Vanek, T.
Carvacrol as the inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, the key enzymes of prostaglandin biosynthesis: in vitro assays
Effect of elicitation and feeding on the precursors for the production of taxanes in Taxus baccata L. suspension culture
Van Puyvelde, L.
Structure-activity-relationship (SAR) for in vitro antileishmanial activity of maesabalide (PX-6518) analogue natural products
van Staden, J.
Helichrysums: antibacterial and monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity of South African summer-rainfall species
Air-transport alters the composition of essential oils in aromatic plants
Pharmacological Studies on Xysmalobium undulatum and Mondia whitei – Two South African plants with in vitro SSRI activity
Varga, A.
Search for P-glycoprotein modulators and apoptosis inducers on cancer cells among ergostane and stigmastane steroids
Effects of piceatannol derivatives in the antiproliferative activity of the anticancer-drug doxorubicine and on apoptosis induction in MDR cancer cell lines
Varli, M.
Effects of grape consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects
Effects of Garlic Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Effects of Apple Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Varol, N.
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of garlic on chronic myeloid leukemia cell line
Effects of aqueous garlic extract on oxidant/antioxidant status in 32 D and 32 Dp cell lines
Vedrina-Dragojevic, I.
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Veljic, M.
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of six Hypericum species from Serbia
Verberne, M.
Salicylate: a phytochemist's headache
Verma, R.
Protoberberine alkoloids from the hairy root cultures of Tinospora cordifolia transformed with Agrobacterium rhizogens
Bioassay guided purification of an immunomodulatory polysaccharide from roots of Tinospora cordifolia
Vermeersch, M.
Structure-activity-relationship (SAR) for in vitro antileishmanial activity of maesabalide (PX-6518) analogue natural products
Verpoorte, R.
Salicylate: a phytochemist's headache
Study of metabolites in benzothiadiazole treated Arabidopsis using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and principal component analysis
Natural COX-2 inhibitors and effects on colon cancer cells
Workshop of the Permanent GA-committee of Manufacturing and Quality Control of Herbal Medicinal Products – Reference Compounds
Veveris, M.
Effect of an extract from red grapes and perilla oil (TUIM® arteria) on experimental atherosclerosis in mice
Vicente, A. M.
Seasonal variation in the essential oil composition of Salvia fruticosa Mill. cultivated in Portugal
Vidal, A.
Are cinnamic acids responsible for in vitro neuroprotection exerted by Bryothamnion triquetrum (S.G.Gmelin) Howe aqueous extract?
Viegas, C. J.
Bioprospecting Program-BIOTA: A Rational Search for Drug Discovery from Brazilian Biodiversity
Vieira, A.
Phytochemical-dependent modulation of endocytic trafficking-novel screening strategies for drug discovery from natural products
Viet, L. D.
Wound healing activity of Alocasia odora (Roxb.) Koch
Viladomat, F.
Alkaloids from Phaedranassa dubia (Amaryllidaceae). In vitro antiprotozoal activity
Vilegas, W.
Role of endogenous SHs and NO on Vernonia ferruginea Less induced gastroprotection
Antioxidant activity of an aqueous fraction obtained from Indigofera truxillensis against ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric lesions
Villar, A.
Development of an HPLC – method for the analysis of mixture of natural ingredients
Aqueous Rooibos extract: development of a new functional food ingredient based on a botanical extract
Villarreal, M. L.
A potent cytotoxic semisynthetic derivative of perezone with phenylglycine
Synthesis and biological activity of a new benzothiazol derivative of curcumin
Vincieri, F. F.
FabI, FabZ and FabG, Three Key Enzymes from the Type II Fatty Acid System of Plasmodium falciparum, as Possible Drug Targets of Polymethoxyflavones of Artemisia annua
Pharmacological in vivo test to evaluate the bioavailability of some St. John's wort innovative oral preparations
Yields in phenylpropanoids and antioxidant properties of different aqueous extracts of lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora K.)
Artemisinin and flavonoids yield from aqueous extracts and tinctures of Artemisia annua L
Visioli, F.
Aromatic plants from Valsesia (Italy): bioassay-guided isolation of flavonoids with antioxidant activity from Achillea species
Vissiennon, Z.
Valerian extract prepared with methanol but not with ethanol or ethyl acetat inhibits the postsynaptic potentials in rat cortical neurons indicating an adenosine like action
Vitali, D.
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Vitalini, S.
Aromatic plants from Valsesia (Italy): bioassay-guided isolation of flavonoids with antioxidant activity from Achillea species
Viyoch, J.
Screening for PDE inhibitory activity from Thai traditional plants used as rejuvenating and aphrodisiac agents
Vlietinck, A.
Quantitative method development for measurement of Maesa lanceolata saponins by LC-MS
Antiparasitic Activity of Some Xanthones and Biflavonoids and Identification of a New Biflavanoid from the Root Bark of Garcinia livingstonei
Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Anthraquinones from Barleria eranthemoides (Acanthaceae)
Vlietinck, A. J.
Implementation of the Guideline on non-clinical documentation for HMPs in applications for marketing authorisation and simplified registration
Vocanson, M.
The allergenic potential of sesquiterpene lactones in phytomedicines from Arnica – an immunologic revision
Vollmar, A. M.
Pharmacophore modelling on the apoptosis regulating target XIAP-Bir3
Vonthron-Sénécheau, C.
Antiprotozoal activity of saponins from Anogeissus leiocarpus (Combretaceae)
Vößing, S.
A novel Aryldihydronaphthalene Lignan from Linum perenne L
Vrushabendra Swamy, B. M.
Anti diarrheal activity of root extracts of Elephantopus scaber L
Vuorela, H. J.
Inhibition potential of natural based products against Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
Vuorela, P.
Are cinnamic acids responsible for in vitro neuroprotection exerted by Bryothamnion triquetrum (S.G.Gmelin) Howe aqueous extract?
Bioassay development in natural product drug discovery
Screening of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors from Fungal Extracts
Binding of natural products and their derivatives to bovine β-lactoglobulin
Miniaturisation and automatisation of Caco-2 permeability studies for screening of natural and synthetic ligands
Safety Assessment and Metabolic Fingerprinting of GMO Gerberas
Vuorela, P. M.
Inhibition potential of natural based products against Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
Vytlačilová, J.
Selected phototoxicological assays used for plant metabolites screening
Wafaa, E. A. A.
Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of the Acacia nilotica (L.) Wild. ex Delile. leaves on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
Wagner, V.
Sustainable use of the Brazilian biodiversity: Chemical and pharmacological prospection on higher plants
Wakade, A. S.
In vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory activity of aqueous extract of Clerodendrum serratum L. roots
Wallbach, J.
Modulation of the peristaltic reflex of rat ileum segments by STW 5 (Iberogast®)
Wallner, B.
Effects of Chelidonium majus extracts in human hepatocytes in vitro
Wang, Z. Q.
Flavonoids from Vigna angularis – composition and antioxidative effects
Wangensteen, H.
Antioxidants from Xylocarpus granatum
Wasilewska, A.
Cytotoxic and apoptosis–inducing activity of ramentaceone – a naphthoquinone from Drosera sp
Wätjen, W.
Flavonoids from Vigna angularis – composition and antioxidative effects
Watson, K.
Comparison of alkamide pharmacokinetics between equivalent liquid and tablet echinacea preparations
Wawrosch, C.
Efficient production of Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia L.) in vitro using a temporary immersion system
Weber, N.
Flavonoids from Vigna angularis – composition and antioxidative effects
Wee, J. J.
Partial chemical structure and immunomodulating activities of RGAP (Red Ginseng acidic Polysaccharide) from Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)
Weigend, M.
LC-PDA-MS-profiles of phenolic compounds in extracts of aerial parts of Urtica species
Weiser, D.
Polyphenols are of special relevance for the multiple mechanisms of action of the willow bark extract STW 33-I (Proaktiv®)
Effects of STW 5 (Iberogast®) on prostaglandinF2α –induced contractions of ileum of mice in vitro
Inhibitory effects of Willow bark extracts on proinflammatory processes in LPS activated human monocytes
Modulation of the peristaltic reflex of rat ileum segments by STW 5 (Iberogast®)
Weng, A.
Pharmacological Studies on Xysmalobium undulatum and Mondia whitei – Two South African plants with in vitro SSRI activity
Cytotoxicity of β-aescin/agrostin mixtures in different cell lines depends on their growth characteristics
Weniger, B.
Antiprotozoal activity of saponins from Anogeissus leiocarpus (Combretaceae)
Bio-guided isolation of anti-salmonellae compounds of Thonningia sanguinea, an Ivorian medicinal plant
Antimalarial and antitrypanosomal activities of West Cameroon medicinal plants
Wenzig, E.
COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitory activity of extracts produced from organic waste materials
Wesnes, K. A.
Behavioural improvements following acute guaraná administration
Westendorf, J.
Phytoestrogenic Activity of Morinda citrifolia L. Fruits
Whittaker, P.
Positive influence of a Harpagophytum procumbens preparation on different rheumatic complaints – results from clinical trial
Wikman, G.
Adaptogens modify stress response by suppressing the increase of p-SAPK, nitric oxide and cortisone in the blood of rabbits
Williamson, E.
Plant Phenolics as Antibiotic Resistance Modifying Agents
Wilson, N.
The Use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy to discriminate between THC-rich and hemp forms of Cannabis
Winkler, C.
Strix Forte®, an antioxidant mixture with bilberry anthocyanosides, reduces oxidative stress and immune activation in exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Winterhoff, H.
Improvement of learning in rats by desoxypeganine
Effects of extracts from Valeriana officinalis L. in pharmacological studies
Workshop of the Permanent Committees (PCs) on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPs)
Wittschier, N.
Pelargonium sidoides extract EPs 7630 inhibits adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to human gastric mucosa
Polysaccharides from Glycyrrhiza glabra L. exert significant anti-adhesive effects against Helicobacter pylori and Porphyromonas gingivalis
Woelkart, K.
Alkamides from Echinacea angustifolia roots inhibit Cyclooxygenase-2-dependent Prostaglandin synthesis in Human Neuroglioma Cells
Evaluation of EndoTrap® blue for removing endotoxin contamination from Echinacea extracts
New Insights in the bioavailability and molecular mode of action of Echinacea preparations
Wölfl, S.
Effects of Leuzea carthamoides DC. on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells detected by gene expression profiling
Wolski, T.
Extraction and chromatographic analysis of ginsenosides occurring in roots and leaves of Panax quinquefolium grown in Poland
Won, L. H.
Separation and quantitative analysis of anthraquinones in Morinda officinalis How. by HPLC
Monitoring of distributed Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill in Korea
Wongareonwanakij, S.
Variation of polyphenols and antioxidant activity in mulberry leaves
Quantitative Determination of 1-Deoxynojirimycin in Mulberry Leaves using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Wongthai, J.
Variation of polyphenols and antioxidant activity in mulberry leaves
Wray, V.
Novel oxygenated meroterpenoids and drimane sesquiterpenoids from the sponge-derived fungus Penicillium citreonigrum
New Norterpene Cyclic Peroxides from the Sponge Diacarnus megaspinorhabdosa
Four New Natural Products from Mongolian Medicinal Plants Scorzonera divaricata and Scorzonera pseudodivaricata (Asteraceae)
Flavonoids from Vigna angularis – composition and antioxidative effects
Wünsch, B.
Analytical and functional aspects on Saffron from Crocus sativus L.: development of quality control methods, species assortment and affinity to sigma-1 and NMDA receptors
Wurster, M.
Antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of selected medicinal plants from Yemen
Xu, P.
Establishment of a cell-based screening system for NK-1 antagonists using SP-conjugated fluorescence; effects of plant extracts on the NK-1 receptor binding in U-373MG cultures
Yahia, D. A.
Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effect of Ajuga iva in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet
Yamada, H.
Partial chemical structure and immunomodulating activities of RGAP (Red Ginseng acidic Polysaccharide) from Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)
Yamada, K.
Inhibitory Effects of the Constituents of Prunus mume on Bradykinin and Prostaglandin E2 Production in Abdominal Cavities of Mice
Yang, E. J.
β-Secretase (BACE1) Inhibitors from Pomegranate (Punica granatum) L. Husk
Increase of Aurantio-Obtusin Content in Cassiae Semen by the Treatment of Crude Enzyme Extract from Aspergillus kawachii
Yang, H.
Effects of constituents from the fruits of Idesia polycarpa on lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in BV2 microglial cells
Yang, Q.
Antibacterial proanthocyanidins isolated from the Australian medicinal plant, Planchonia careya (F. Muell.) R. Knuth (Lecythidaceae)
Yemitan, O. K.
Analgesic activity of aqueous leaf extract of Manihot esculenta Crantz
Antiinflammatory activity of the aqueous leaf extract of Manihot esculenta Crantz
Toxicity assessment of the aqueous root extract of Sanseviera Liberica (Agavaceae)
Yeong, L. A.
Separation and quantitative analysis of anthraquinones in Morinda officinalis How. by HPLC
Monitoring of distributed Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill in Korea
Yesilada, E.
Antiviral and antimicrobial activities of three sesquiterpene lactones from Centaurea solstitialis L. ssp. solstitialis
Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Verbascum lasianthum Boiss. ex Bentham
Yi, L.
Effects of QKL on the level of TNF-α, IL-1β, ICAM-1 after intracerebral hemorrhage
Yilmaz, G.
In vitro antiviral assessment against DNA and RNA viruses as well as antibacterial and antifungal profiles of selected Turkish species of the Salvia genus
Yoshitake, T.
Effects of chronic administration of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761®) on levels of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin in the prefrontal cortex of the awake rat
Effects of acute and repeated administration of Hypericum perforatum extract (WS 5572®) and its main constituents on extracellular levels of serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine in the rat brain: A microdialysis study
You, J. M.
Establishment of a cell-based screening system for NK-1 antagonists using SP-conjugated fluorescence; effects of plant extracts on the NK-1 receptor binding in U-373MG cultures
Youn, H. J.
Establishment of a cell-based screening system for NK-1 antagonists using SP-conjugated fluorescence; effects of plant extracts on the NK-1 receptor binding in U-373MG cultures
Anti-inflammatory effects of water-soluble fractions from Artemisia species using the LPS-induced inflammatory response in primary rat astrocyte cultures
Young, M. C. M.
Bioprospecting Program-BIOTA: A Rational Search for Drug Discovery from Brazilian Biodiversity
Pyridine Alkaloids of Senna multijulga (Cesalpiniaceae) as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
Young, S.
Effects of constituents from the fruits of Idesia polycarpa on lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in BV2 microglial cells
Yücel, Z.
Aryltetralin lignans from Linum pamphylicum (Boiss.) Pod. sub sp. olympicum
Yuece, B.
Modulation of the peristaltic reflex of rat ileum segments by STW 5 (Iberogast®)
Yun, Y. S.
Growth Inhibitor of insect larvae from Paulownia tomentosa
Zacchigna, M.
Topical anti-inflammatory activity of Plantago major L. leaves
Zager, A.
Stimulation of LAL-test by LPS-free arabinogalactan-protein preparations from Echinacea purpurea
Zajtseva, M. A.
Efficacy of (±)-taxifolin from Larix sibirica (Mûnchh.) Ledeb. on blood pressure in experiments in vivo
Zavala, M. A.
Activity of a compound isolated from Senna villosa against Trypanosoma cruzi
Ze, K. R.
Preparation of official reference standards from herbal medicines
Zeglin, A.
Phytoestrogenic Activity of Morinda citrifolia L. Fruits
Zeid, A. A.
Flavonoids, volatiles and biological activities of the aerial parts of Calliandra haematocephala Hassk
Zeller, F.
Pro-secretory effects in the human small and large intestine as a mechanism of action of STW 5 (Iberogast®) in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Zenkevich, I. G.
Unusual chemical transformations of natural flavonoids
Zezi, U. A.
Anticonvulsant activities of the methanol extracts (leaf, root), saponins and n-butanol-insoluble fraction of Calliandria portoricensis Jacq (Benth) (Family: Mimosaceae)
Zhub, M.
Analysis of Phenolic Acids from Actaea spec. by Capillary Electrophoresis
Zidorn, C.
Altitudinal variation in plant secondary metabolites, recent results from the Asteraceae family
Zini, E.
Isolation of microsatellite markers in Hieracium pilosella L
Zippel, J.
Characterization of Jatropha curcas L. seed polysaccharides and their influence on primary human keratinocytes
Zovko, M.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf
Zubčic, S.
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Quality caracterisation of propolis tinctures by pharmacopoeial parameters and wax content
Zumdick, S.
Evaluation of analytical markers characterising different drying methods of parsley leaves (Petroselinum crispum L.)
Árnadóttir, T.
Antiviral compounds from Icelandic lichens
Çandır, Ö
Black Grape Extract Protects Against Cyclosporine A Nephrotoxicity
Çetin, R.
Black Grape Extract Protects Against Cyclosporine A Nephrotoxicity
Organic extract of flowers from a chamomile species eliminates complaints resulted from hemorrhoid disease
Óladóttir, A. K.
Antiviral compounds from Icelandic lichens
Öttl, K.
Strix Forte®, an antioxidant mixture with bilberry anthocyanosides, reduces oxidative stress and immune activation in exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Özçelik, B.
Antiviral and antimicrobial activities of three sesquiterpene lactones from Centaurea solstitialis L. ssp. solstitialis
In vitro antiviral assessment against DNA and RNA viruses as well as antibacterial and antifungal profiles of selected Turkish species of the Salvia genus
Screening of Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral Properties of the Selected Turkish Helichrysum Species
Öztürk, H. S.
Effects of Apple Consumption on Plasma and Erythrocyte Antioxidant Parameters in Elderly Subjects
Łojkowska, E.
Evaluation of cytotoxic and antioxidant activity of Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin extracts
Şener, B.
In vitro antiviral assessment against DNA and RNA viruses as well as antibacterial and antifungal profiles of selected Turkish species of the Salvia genus