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Abaza, M
Old terpenes as new anticancer leads
Abbott, SP
A biomimetic diversity-oriented approach to the pseurotins
Abdel Aziz, MH
TRP channel antagonists from a novel tunicate-associated fungus
Abdel-Baki, A
Secondary metabolites from fungus Quambalaria cyanescens
Abdel-Kader, MS
New cytotoxic terpenoid compounds from Nuxia oppositifolia
Abe, I
Mycolic acid-containing bacteria induce the production of novel secondary metabolites in streptomyces strains
Post-translational isoprenylation of tryptophan
Abeykoon, GA
Oxylipin total synthesis uncovers stereochemistry-dependent conformations of masked diols
Achanta, ARVN
13C NMR shifts in 13α and 13β malabaricanes, the effect of cycobutyl side chain: Some interesting observations
Stereochemistry of 2,2,5 trisubstituted tetrahydrofuran ring containint natural products based on 1H NMR spectroscopy: Some observations
Achanta, PS
13C NMR shifts in 13α and 13β malabaricanes, the effect of cycobutyl side chain: Some interesting observations
Stereochemistry of 2,2,5 trisubstituted tetrahydrofuran ring containint natural products based on 1H NMR spectroscopy: Some observations
Adibhatla, S
Investigation of interspecies interactions between marine micromonosporaceae for identification of novel antibiotics
Adnani, N
Investigation of interspecies interactions between marine micromonosporaceae for identification of novel antibiotics
Eudistamides A and B, novel cyclic depsipeptides from a marine-derived Streptomyces sp.
Agarwal, G
Bioactivity-guided isolation and quantification of episilvestrol and silvestrol from Aglaia perviridis
Aguilar, MI
Antioxidant profile and HS-SPME/GC-MS-TOF analysis of volatile compounds of Alnus acuminata Ssp. Arguta bark
Ahmad, MS
Development of a validated HPTLC method and quantitative analysis of solanopubamine in six species of Solanu
Ahmed, ZB
Chemical investigation of winter fireflies (Ellychnia corrusca) reveals lucibufagins
Ahn, CH
Sesterterpenes and a nortriterpene saponin from the sponge Clathria gombawuiensis
Akee, R
Biologically active natural products from Cassine viburnifolia
Akee, RK
Development of a natural product-based fraction library for improved performance in high-throughput screening systems
Akkinepally, RR
13C NMR shifts in 13α and 13β malabaricanes, the effect of cycobutyl side chain: Some interesting observations
Stereochemistry of 2,2,5 trisubstituted tetrahydrofuran ring containint natural products based on 1H NMR spectroscopy: Some observations
Akl, MR
Hit-to-lead optimization of sipholanes for the control of invasive breast cancer through suppression of BRK and FAK signaling
Alam, P
Development of a validated HPTLC method and quantitative analysis of solanopubamine in six species of Solanu
Al-Awadhi, FH
Isolation, structure elucidation and biological evaluation of novel cathepsin inhibitors from marine cyanobacteria
Al-Dosary, MS
New cytotoxic terpenoid compounds from Nuxia oppositifolia
Alexandrov, T
Mass spectrometry tools for screening of marine cyanobacterial natural products
Alharbi, HA
Development of a validated HPTLC method and quantitative analysis of solanopubamine in six species of Solanu
AlHowiriny, T
Gastric antiulcer, antisecretory and cytoprotective properties of celery (Apium graveolens) in rats
Ali, EE
A quartz crystal microbalance study of green tea binding to bovine serum albumin
Ali, MY
Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory compounds from the leaves of Smilax china L.
Ali, T
Antiproliferative compounds from Penicillium chrysogenum, a fungal associate of the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella
Ali, Z
Phenolic compounds from Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chinese liquorice)
Structural characterization of monacolin compounds from red yeast rice by liquid chromatography and tandem mass
Drug interaction potential of Mitragyna speciosa and its constituents through PXR modulation
Alkhalaf, LM
A gatekeeper enzyme in the biosynthesis of indolmycin
Allenby, M
Investigation of in vitro bioactivity of extracts and secondary metabolites of Chumash native American medicinal plants
Allison, B
Investigation of in vitro bioactivity of extracts and secondary metabolites of Chumash native American medicinal plants
Almabruk, KH
De novo synthesis of a vertebrate sunscreen compound
Almaliti, J
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Almalki, AJ
High resolution mass spectrometry based identification and quantification of chemical markers in a TCM formulation
Al-Massarani, SM
New cytotoxic terpenoid compounds from Nuxia oppositifolia
Almosnid, N
In vitro antitumor effects of two novel compounds Y17 and Y18, isolated from a Chinese medicinal plant
Al-Oqail, MM
Phytochemicals and their anti-proliferative activity of Aloe perryi flowers extract against various human cancer cell lines
Al-Rehaily, AJ
Development of a validated HPTLC method and quantitative analysis of solanopubamine in six species of Solanu
Al-Said, MS
New cytotoxic terpenoid compounds from Nuxia oppositifolia
Al-Sheddi, ES
Phytochemicals and their anti-proliferative activity of Aloe perryi flowers extract against various human cancer cell lines
Alsheikh, A
Gastric antiulcer, antisecretory and cytoprotective properties of celery (Apium graveolens) in rats
Altamia, M
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
Altman, E
In vitro antitumor effects of two novel compounds Y17 and Y18, isolated from a Chinese medicinal plant
Alvarado-López, C
Antioxidant profile and HS-SPME/GC-MS-TOF analysis of volatile compounds of Alnus acuminata Ssp. Arguta bark
Al-Yahya, M
Gastric antiulcer, antisecretory and cytoprotective properties of celery (Apium graveolens) in rats
Amagata, T
Two new cytotoxic meroterpenoids produced by the marine sediment-derived Streptomyces sp. CP26 – 58
Amjad, S
Antioxidant activity and isolation studies of extracts of seeds of Syzygium cumini L
Amsler, CD
Ecological and antileishmanial activity of diterpenes derived from the Antarctic sponge Dendrilla membranosa
Amsler, MO
Ecological and antileishmanial activity of diterpenes derived from the Antarctic sponge Dendrilla membranosa
Anandhi Senthilkumar, H
UPLC-qTOF-MS chemometric strategy to identify bioactive constituents from Garcinia oblongifolia
Anaya-Eugenio, GD
Antinociceptive activity of the essential oil from Artemisia ludoviciana
Andersen, R
Sponging off nature for new drug leads
Anderson, J
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
Paving the way with actives for skincare
Anderson, JD
Investigation of neighboring heteroatoms and coupling pathway effects on long-range coupling constants using LR-HSQMBC
Anderson, JR
The combination of DNA barcoding and metabolomics for the multi-constituents characterization of Licorice botanicals
Anderson, K
Promising natural products against glucocorticoid resistant acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Anderson, LN
Identification of cellular protein targets of silymarin-derived flavonolignans
Anderson, TJC
Antimalarial metabolites from Buxus sempervirens
Anderson, Y
Paving the way with actives for skincare
Andrews, KW
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Angerhofer, C
The ins and outs of pharmacognosy: Plants for health and beauty
Anklin, C
Transferring fungi to a deuterium-enriched medium results in assorted, conditional changes in secondary metabolite production
Aparicio-Cuevas, MA
Fluorescent azaphilonoidal pigments from the endophytic fungus Biscogniauxia sp.
Araújo, AR
Penicillium chrysogenum, an endophyte from Padina gymnospora, as a source of diketopiperazines, peptides and griseofulvin
Araya, JJ
Screening bioactive secondary metabolites from Costa Rican enviromental microbial communities
Arwa, PS
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of isolated compounds from Garcinia brasiliensis
Asakawa, E
Four new C19-norditerpenoid alkaloids from Delphinium elatum
Asamizu, S
De novo synthesis of a vertebrate sunscreen compound
Ata, A
Novel bioactive compounds from endophytic fungi of Aborininal medicinla plants
Atanassov, I
A polyphenol enriched fraction of rose oil distillation water inhibits proliferation in hacat cells and induces apoptosis
Aubin, AJ
Small scale purification of constituents from complex natural product extracts using sub-2-µm chromatography
Avonto, C
GC/MS method for characterization and quantitative analysis of ginkgolic acids in Ginkgo biloba plants and dietary supplements
Avula, B
Quality evaluation of Terpinen-4-OL type tea tree oils and commercial products using GC/MS and chemometrics
Supercritical fluid chromatographic method for the analysis of cannabinoids in extracts of cannabis samples
GC/MS method for characterization and quantitative analysis of ginkgolic acids in Ginkgo biloba plants and dietary supplements
Change of chemical composition in Flos lonicerae: An investigation of herbal processing (PAO ZHI) using NMR spectroscopy
Structural characterization of monacolin compounds from red yeast rice by liquid chromatography and tandem mass
Quantitative determination of five triterpenoid glycosids and chemical profiling of momordica charantia by UHPLC-ELSD/MS
Simultaneous determination of ten high-intensity sweeteners of regulatory interest using UHPLC-UV-ELSD/MS
Awakawa, T
Mycolic acid-containing bacteria induce the production of novel secondary metabolites in streptomyces strains
Ayers, S
An impurity investigation in a new process for the synthesis of festinavir
Ayoola, GA
Prenylated anthranols from the leaves of Harungana madagascariensis
Azembayev, A
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Azhari, A
New antimicrobials from an epigenetics based fungal metabolite screening program
Babish, J
Clinical evaluation of formula F105, designed and developed to address elevated oxidized LDL Cholesterol (oxLDL) levels
Babish, JG
A novel natural product blend exhibits synergestic antioxidant activity
Baccile, JA
Plant-like alkaloid biosynthesis in fungi
Backheet, EY
Antitrypanosomal and opioid receptor activity of Mussaenda luteola's secondary metabolites
Badal, S
Novel quassinoid from Jamaican Castela macrophylla blocks induction of cytochrome P450 1 enzymes and luciferase genes
Bae, SY
Yuanhuadine, a natural diterpene, enhances the degradation of AXL to overcome acquired gefitinib-resistance in lung cancer cells
Baell, J
Your natural product contains a promiscuous pains motif: Is it useful as a biochemical probe or in drug discovery?
Bakalinsky, AT
De novo synthesis of a vertebrate sunscreen compound
Baker, BJ
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
New antimicrobials from an epigenetics based fungal metabolite screening program
Epigenetic modification of Tampa Bay fungal strain produces new and known compounds active against MRSA
The defensive chemistry of the Irish nudibranch Archidoris pseudoargus (gastropoda opisthobranchia)
Investigation into the bioactive metabolites of deep sea fungi
Irish Osmundea spp.: Food or shelter for Aplysia sp.?
Mangrove endophyte metabolites and herbivory-ecology of the bioactive niche
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
Ecological and antileishmanial activity of diterpenes derived from the Antarctic sponge Dendrilla membranosa
Balskus, EP
Gut reactions: Natural products and the human microbiota
Balunas, MJ
Antimicrobial properties and chemical profiling of the acessory nidamental gland in the squid Euprymna scolopes
Functional and biosynthetic analyses of secondary metabolites in host-microbe symbioses
Immunomodulatory drug discovery from tunicate-associated marine bacteria
Bammler, T
Silymarin suppresses cellular inflammation by inducing reparative stress signaling
Bandara Hereath, HMT
Synthesis of fire ant venom alkaloids, dehydrosolenopsins B & C
Bandeira, N
Visualizing diverse chemical families with molecular networking
Barkei, JJ
The mandelalides are produced by a symbiont in the phylum Verrucomicrobia in the tunicate Lissoclinum sp.
Barker, D
Synthesis of marine natural products that contain a CIS-enamide fragment
Synthesis and chemical reactivity of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl fragments related to the marine natural product onchidal
Barrows, LR
Traditional preparations and methanolic extracts of plants from Papua New Guinea exhibit similar cytochrome P450 inhibition
Medicinal plants used by traditional medicine practitioners for the treatment of HIV/AIDS and related conditions in Papua New Guinea
HIV inhibitory activity from Papua New Guinean medicinal plants
Bashyal, BP
Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents
Baumes, J
Isolation and structure elucidation of a possible ant trail pheromone, from epothilone B producing fermentations of Sorangium cellulosum
Bayoumi, SAL
Antitrypanosomal and opioid receptor activity of Mussaenda luteola's secondary metabolites
Bedran-Russo, AK
Chemical nano shifts explain the NMR fingerprints of dentin-enhancing oligomeric proanthocyanidins
Begaliyev, S
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Bell, SA
Elucidation of the mangicol and neomangicol biosynthetic pathway from the marine fungus Fusarium equiseti CNC-477
Belofsky, G
Dalea emoryi revisited: Anthelmintic and new components of a previously-studied plant
Benatrehina, PA
Investigation of the antiproliferative activity of Linociera ramiflora and its isolates
Benatrethina, PA
Cytotoxic rotenoids and isoflavonoids from the fruits of Millettia caerulea
Benigni, D
Isolation and structure elucidation of a possible ant trail pheromone, from epothilone B producing fermentations of Sorangium cellulosum
Benkhedda, K
Evaluating health claims associated with natural product content of foods, such as effects of soy protein on blood cholesterol
Benkovics, T
An impurity investigation in a new process for the synthesis of festinavir
Berlinck, RGS
Combinatorial biosynthesis by the sponge Tedania brasiliensis optimizes the anti-parasitic activity of bromopyrrole alkaloids
Bernhardt, PV
Viridicatumtoxins: Exploring structural diversity and antibiotic properties
Berrue, F
Structure elucidation and biological activities of two classes of peptides produced by the actinomycete, Kitasatospora cystarginea
Gene screening and metabolomics for identification of halogenated natural products from marine sponge-associated bacteria
Berrué, F
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Bertin, M
Biphasic modulation of human cathepsin L by a novel cyanobacterial depsipeptide
Bertin, MJ
Natural products: Are we close to the end?
Betcher, M
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
Betz, JM
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
1,2-dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids in the traditional Andean herbal medicine “Asmachilca”
Beukes, D
Detection of halogenated tryamine and tyrosine derivatives in extracts of Algoa Bay ascidians
Beutler, JA
Development of englerins as cancer therapeutics
Brazilian cerrado biome plant extract bank screening in inflammatory disease and cancer enzymes
Beutner, G
An impurity investigation in a new process for the synthesis of festinavir
Beverage, J
Rapid identification of minor active metabolites in extracts of marine organisms: A platform for efficient drug discovery
Discovery platform for potent ADC payloads from marine sources
Bewley, C
Beyond structure – Diverse mechanisms of anti-infective natural products
Bills, GF
New benzophenone derivatives from the coprophilous fungus Delitschia confertaspora
Bishay, D
Secondary metabolites from fungus Quambalaria cyanescens
Bisson, J
K-targeted isolation of C-glycosylflavones from Vitex agnus-castus by countercurrent methodology
Minimizing the problems with “PIMPs”
Chemical nano shifts explain the NMR fingerprints of dentin-enhancing oligomeric proanthocyanidins
Dissemination of original NMR data enhances the reproducibility of natural product research
Blagg, BSJ
Natural product inspired HSP90 inhibitors
Blanco Carcache, PJ
A phenylpropanoid and neolignans from Myristica fragrans Houtt with PARP-1 and NF-κB inhibitory activity
Blank, A
Heavy metals in Bacopa ingredients collected from the market in Europe, India and the Unites States
Blöhbaum, J
Biocompatible polymer delivery of biofilm disruptors of Vibrio cholerae
Blumenthal, M
The ABC-AHP-NCNPR botanical adulterants program's laboratory guidance on analytical methods to detect adulterants in botanical materials
Bobbala, RK
13C NMR shifts in 13α and 13β malabaricanes, the effect of cycobutyl side chain: Some interesting observations
Stereochemistry of 2,2,5 trisubstituted tetrahydrofuran ring containint natural products based on 1H NMR spectroscopy: Some observations
Boger, DL
Vinblastine: Synthetic and mechanistic studies
Boiteux, H
Advances in profiling of natural products by triple detection techniques combined with super critical CO2 mobile phases and sub-2 µm stationary phases
Bok, JW
Plant-like alkaloid biosynthesis in fungi
Bokesch, HR
Stelliosphaerols A and B, sesquiterpene-polyol conjugates from an Ecuadorian fungal endophyte
Boland, P
Temperature-dependent metabolite production by Arctic actinomycetes
Bolton, J
American Indian botanicals: possible alternatives to hormone therapy during menopause
Bolton, JL
Licochalcone A and isoliquiritigenin from Licorice species differentially modulate P450 1B1-mediated estrogen metabolism
Can women's health botanicals prevent estrogen carcinogenesis?
Rebiogram enhances the search of bioactive natural products
Bolzani, S
Dereplication of natural products based on ratio analysis 1H NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-DAD-ESI-QToF-MS/MS
Bolzani, VS
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of isolated compounds from Garcinia brasiliensis
Book, A
LCMS-based hierarchal clustering as a method to assess biosynthetic relationships among bacteria
Boppré, M
1,2-dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids in the traditional Andean herbal medicine “Asmachilca”
Bosque, A
Ingenol 3,20 dibenzoate efficiently reactivates latent HIV
Boucher, MJ
A biomimetic diversity-oriented approach to the pseurotins
Boudrault, C
Evaluating health claims associated with natural product content of foods, such as effects of soy protein on blood cholesterol
Boudreau, P
Honaucin A, mechanism of action and role as a potential cancer prevention agent
Bozell, JJ
Investigation of neighboring heteroatoms and coupling pathway effects on long-range coupling constants using LR-HSQMBC
Bradaric, MJ
Pharmacologically active extracts from Florida Keys sponges inhibit ovarian cancer cell proliferation
Brady, SF
Discovery of epoxyketone proteasome inhibitors using metagenome mining
Brandenburger, E
Plant-like alkaloid biosynthesis in fungi
Brantley, E
Novel quassinoid from Jamaican Castela macrophylla blocks induction of cytochrome P450 1 enzymes and luciferase genes
Braun, D
LCMS-based hierarchal clustering as a method to assess biosynthetic relationships among bacteria
Investigation of interspecies interactions between marine micromonosporaceae for identification of novel antibiotics
Braun, DR
Eudistamides A and B, novel cyclic depsipeptides from a marine-derived Streptomyces sp.
Bray, WM
Two new cytotoxic meroterpenoids produced by the marine sediment-derived Streptomyces sp. CP26 – 58
Biocompatible polymer delivery of biofilm disruptors of Vibrio cholerae
Britt, JR
Development of a natural product-based fraction library for improved performance in high-throughput screening systems
Britton, ER
Alkaloids, flavanones and other compounds new to Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
A new anti-virulence strategy against pathogenic bacteria: Targeting spreading factors
Brodie, PJ
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Bromley, CL
Detection of halogenated tryamine and tyrosine derivatives in extracts of Algoa Bay ascidians
Investigation into the bioactive metabolites of deep sea fungi
Irish Osmundea spp.: Food or shelter for Aplysia sp.?
Brown, AR
Prevalence of antimicrobial fungal metabolites in Hydrastis canadensis crude extracts
Brück, T
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Brueck, T
Ecoefficient production of coral derived pseudopterosin in engineered E. coli
Bryant, S
Investigation of in vitro bioactivity of extracts and secondary metabolites of Chumash native American medicinal plants
Budel, JM
Essential oil from leaves of Eucalyptus benthamii: Secretory structures, volatile composition and biological activities
Cytotoxic potential of essential oils of Eucalyptus benthamii and its related terpenes on tumor cell lines
Buevich, AV
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Structure elucidation of a proton-deficient natural product using LR-HSQMBC supported by DFT calculations
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Bugni, TS
LCMS-based hierarchal clustering as a method to assess biosynthetic relationships among bacteria
Investigation of interspecies interactions between marine micromonosporaceae for identification of novel antibiotics
Eudistamides A and B, novel cyclic depsipeptides from a marine-derived Streptomyces sp.
Bukhari, NI
Antioxidant activity and isolation studies of extracts of seeds of Syzygium cumini L
Burdette, JE
Isolation and structure elucidation of merocyclophane C from the cultured cyanbacterium Nostoc sp. (UIC 10110)
Azaphilone molecules from freshwater derived fungi
A novel pimarane diterpene and cytotoxic angucyclines from a marine-derived actinomycete in Vietnam
Further (9βH)-pimaranes and derivatives from Icacina trichantha
Prenylated anthranols from the leaves of Harungana madagascariensis
Silvestrol induces autophagy and apoptosis in human melanoma cells
Burgett, AW
The single-probe mass spectrometry for single cell analysis and biological tissue imaging
Burgett, AWG
Oxyesterol-binding protein family (OSBP/ORP) ligand binding and natural product drug development
Burton, T
Quantification of polyphenols in freeze-dried table grape powder
American Indian botanicals: possible alternatives to hormone therapy during menopause
Bussey III, RO
A new anti-virulence strategy against pathogenic bacteria: Targeting spreading factors
Butler, A
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
Butler, MS
Natural products in clinical trials: Current state of play and future directions
Butterweck, V
A polyphenol enriched fraction of rose oil distillation water inhibits proliferation in hacat cells and induces apoptosis
Pharmacokinetic, in vitro and in silico assessment of anti-inflammatory alkaloids from Isatis tinctoria L.
Bye, R
α-glucosidase inhibitors from Vauquelinia corymbosa
Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic activities of an aqueous extract and compounds from Acourtia thurberi roots
Antinociceptive activity of the essential oil from Artemisia ludoviciana
Cadelis, MM
Synthesis and chemical reactivity of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl fragments related to the marine natural product onchidal
Cai, F
The discoipyrroles: A multifaceted approach to understand a novel family of marine natural products
Cai, G
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
Cai, S
Antimalarial metabolites from Buxus sempervirens
Identification of new therapeutic leads for triple negative breast cancer subtypes
Cai, W
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Cai, Y
Phytochemical analysis of the hepatoprotective fraction of Comastoma pedunculatum using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS
Calcul, L
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
Calderón, AI
High resolution mass spectrometry based identification and quantification of chemical markers in a TCM formulation
Calixto, J
Honey, bees, and a hepatotoxic alkaloid echimidine
Calle, PY
Discovery of epoxyketone proteasome inhibitors using metagenome mining
Callmander, MW
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Cañigueral, S
Chemical composition and biological activity of essential oils from Piper species of Panama
Cao, CM
Unusual withanolides from Physalis hispida (Waterf.) cronquist
Withanolides from Physalis coztomatl
Unusual withanolides from Physalis hispida (Waterf.) Cronquist
Cao, S
STAT3 inhibitors from Hawaiian-plants associated fungi
New anti-proliferative petasol analogs from fungus FT087
Cao, TQ
Inhibitory effect on no production of compounds from Styrax obassia
Caplan, S
New cyclized 9,11-secosterols enol-ether from soft coral Psendopterogorgia americana
Caplan, SL
Discovery of neuroprotective marine natural products using a bioimaging/optogenetics approach and Drosophila melanogaster
Discovery of neuroprotective marine natural products using Drosophila melanogaster
Capon, RJ
Viridicatumtoxins: Exploring structural diversity and antibiotic properties
Caraballo-Rodriguez, AM
Chemical exchange in endophytic actinobacteria communities
Carcache de Blanco, EJ
Cytotoxic rotenoids and isoflavonoids from the fruits of Millettia caerulea
A phenylpropanoid and neolignans from Myristica fragrans Houtt with PARP-1 and NF-κB inhibitory activity
Cardellina, J
The ABC-AHP-NCNPR botanical adulterants program's laboratory guidance on analytical methods to detect adulterants in botanical materials
Cardenas, G
Discovery platform for potent ADC payloads from marine sources
Cardoso, P
Dereplication of natural products based on ratio analysis 1H NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-DAD-ESI-QToF-MS/MS
Carland, TM
Honaucin A, mechanism of action and role as a potential cancer prevention agent
Carlson, S
Adaptability of subtropical algae to local microbial populations
Carmeli, S
Five novel o-methylated biopterin glycosides from two Microcystis blooms materials
Carnevale Neto, F
Dereplication of natural products based on ratio analysis 1H NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-DAD-ESI-QToF-MS/MS
Carter, G
Meta-approaches to harvest natural products from harmful algae blooms
Carter, GT
Diverse oligopeptides isolated from aquatic microbial consortia
Measures of success in translational research
Cassera, M
Four antimalarial limonoids isolated from Carapa guianensis and two antiproliferative diterpenes isolated from Hypoestes SP.
Two new potent antimalarial alkaloids, cripowellins C and D, from the swamp Lily crinum erubescens
Cassera, MB
Isolation of sesquiterpene lactones from Trichospiras verticillata
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Castor, TP
Development of Zindol® through multi-center clinical trial for chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting
Castro, A
Stelliosphaerols A and B, sesquiterpene-polyol conjugates from an Ecuadorian fungal endophyte
Castro, L
Screening bioactive secondary metabolites from Costa Rican enviromental microbial communities
Castro-Gamboa, I
Dereplication of natural products based on ratio analysis 1H NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-DAD-ESI-QToF-MS/MS
Cecchelli, R
Pharmacokinetic, in vitro and in silico assessment of anti-inflammatory alkaloids from Isatis tinctoria L.
Cech, NB
A novel bioassay to identify anti-virulence leads against gram-positive bacterial pathogens
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Alkaloids, flavanones and other compounds new to Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
Prevalence of antimicrobial fungal metabolites in Hydrastis canadensis crude extracts
Triggering epipolythiodioxopiperazine alkaloid biosynthesis in fungal endophytes of Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)
A new anti-virulence strategy against pathogenic bacteria: Targeting spreading factors
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Cha, JM
Three new lignan derivatives from the twigs of Sambucus williamsii
A new biphenyl derivative from the twigs of Chaenomeles lagenaria
Bioactive salicin derivatives from Salix glandulosa
New triterpenes from Abies holophylla and their biological activites
Chai, H
Diverse oligopeptides isolated from aquatic microbial consortia
Conformational analysis of some type XII bisbenzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Thalictrum alpinum assisted by quantitative noe, j coupling constants analysis and anisotropic NMR parameters
Chai, HB
Absolute configuration of the 1,2-diol of digoxin determined by electronic circular dichroism induced with [Mo2(OAc)4]
Structures of two oleanane-type triterpenoids from an extract of Cyrilla racemiflora housed in a repository
Cytotoxic rotenoids and isoflavonoids from the fruits of Millettia caerulea
Bioactivity-guided isolation and quantification of episilvestrol and silvestrol from Aglaia perviridis
Investigation of the antiproliferative activity of Linociera ramiflora and its isolates
Antiproliferative compounds from Penicillium chrysogenum, a fungal associate of the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella
Challis, GL
Manipulation of actinobacterial transcriptional regulation to discover new specialized metabolites
Chan, CO
Lignans from Sambucus williasmii hance against osteoporosis: A pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic study
Chan, STS
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Structure elucidation of a proton-deficient natural product using LR-HSQMBC supported by DFT calculations
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Chan, SW
Lignans from Sambucus williasmii hance against osteoporosis: A pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic study
Chang, LC
Anticancer potential of withanolides and its derivatives from Physalis peruviana (POHA)
Chang, LP
Spliceostatin biosynthesis in Burkholderia spp.
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
Chapman, KD
Global lipidomics profiling of cotton seed oil genotypes using CO2-based chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry
Charlop-Powers, Z
Discovery of epoxyketone proteasome inhibitors using metagenome mining
Chatterjee, S
Oxylipin total synthesis uncovers stereochemistry-dependent conformations of masked diols
Chaurasiya, ND
Neurotrophic and neuritogenic drug leads from natural products: A combined in vitro assay for evaluation of cell viability and NGF-stimulated neuritic outgrowth in neuroscreen 1 cells
Isolation of acacetin from Calea urticifolia as a potent inhibitor of human monoamine oxidase-A and B
Chavarría, M
Screening bioactive secondary metabolites from Costa Rican enviromental microbial communities
Che, CT
Further (9βH)-pimaranes and derivatives from Icacina trichantha
Prenylated anthranols from the leaves of Harungana madagascariensis
Chen, C
Data mining of simple sequence repeats in transcriptome sequences of Mongolia medicinal plant Artemisia frigida
Variation of active constituents of an important Tibetan medicinal plant Swertia mussotii between Qinghai and Sichuan province
Chen, F
Data mining of simple sequence repeats in transcriptome sequences of Mongolia medicinal plant Artemisia frigida
Chen, JS
Oxylipin total synthesis uncovers stereochemistry-dependent conformations of masked diols
Chen, P
MS, NMR, and DNA barcoding, complementary methods for identification and authentication of Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa L.)
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Chen, QY
Total synthesis and biological evaluation of Lyngbyastatin 7 for the treatment of pulmonary diseases
Chen, SN
The generally useful estimate of solvent systems method enables the rapid separation of curcuminoids by countercurrent separation
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
A designer Licorice extract: Selective depletion of glabridin and congeneric metabolites by countercurrent separation
K-targeted isolation of C-glycosylflavones from Vitex agnus-castus by countercurrent methodology
Orthogonal LC and QNMR standardization confirms stability of red clover clinical extract
Chemical nano shifts explain the NMR fingerprints of dentin-enhancing oligomeric proanthocyanidins
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
The combination of DNA barcoding and metabolomics for the multi-constituents characterization of Licorice botanicals
Licochalcone A and isoliquiritigenin from Licorice species differentially modulate P450 1B1-mediated estrogen metabolism
Recovery of metabolites from natural deep eutectic solvent matrices by countercurrent separation
Can women's health botanicals prevent estrogen carcinogenesis?
Dissemination of original NMR data enhances the reproducibility of natural product research
Rebiogram enhances the search of bioactive natural products
Chen, T
Small molecule screening links metabolic plasticity with the target organ selectivity of triple-negative breast tumor metastases
Chen, WL
Isolation and structure elucidation of merocyclophane C from the cultured cyanbacterium Nostoc sp. (UIC 10110)
Further (9βH)-pimaranes and derivatives from Icacina trichantha
Prenylated anthranols from the leaves of Harungana madagascariensis
Silvestrol induces autophagy and apoptosis in human melanoma cells
Cheng, AT
Biocompatible polymer delivery of biofilm disruptors of Vibrio cholerae
Cheng, J
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
Cheng, T
Rapid identification of minor active metabolites in extracts of marine organisms: A platform for efficient drug discovery
Chenoweth, J
Pluripotent stem cell colonies provide a developmental landscape for pharmacogenomic drug discovery
Cheong, HCP
New and known mandelalides for biological mechanism and structure-activity relationship studies
Chin, YW
Flavonoids modulating c-Met and ALK activity
Chittiboyina, AG
Quality evaluation of Terpinen-4-OL type tea tree oils and commercial products using GC/MS and chemometrics
GC/MS method for characterization and quantitative analysis of ginkgolic acids in Ginkgo biloba plants and dietary supplements
Identification of novel inhibitors of botulinum neurotoxin A
Screening for antidiabetic compounds from Goji berries: Identification of novel small molecule PPARγ activators
Chlipala, G
Isolation and structure elucidation of merocyclophane C from the cultured cyanbacterium Nostoc sp. (UIC 10110)
Cho, S
A novel pimarane diterpene and cytotoxic angucyclines from a marine-derived actinomycete in Vietnam
Cho, SH
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
Choi, JS
Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory compounds from the leaves of Smilax china L.
Six selaginellin derivatives with protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitory activity from Selaginella tamariscina
Choi, SK
Constituents of Angelica keiskei and their heat shock protein inducing activities
Choi, SZ
Phenolic compounds from the white flowers of Impatiens balsamina
Choi, YO
Flavonoids modulating c-Met and ALK activity
Chong, CS
Medicinal plant use for malaria: Trends and prospects
Choudhari, Y
Isolation of chromophoric and non-chromophoric compounds in natural products using integrated flash and preparative chromatography
Choules, M
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
Chung, B
Discovery of new bioactive secondary metabolites from bacteria in extreme habitats
Cicerchi, CM
Bioactivity-guided identification of botanical inhibitors of ketohexokinase
Cichewicz, RH
Welcome Letter
Laesims studies of Echinacea purpurea, Rudbeckia hirta, and Helianthemum annus
Transferring fungi to a deuterium-enriched medium results in assorted, conditional changes in secondary metabolite production
Novel 22-mer peptaibols isolated from Tolypocladium sp. with potent antitumor activities
Selectivity and mechanistic inquiries into the reactivity of Pericosine A, an electrophilic chlorinated shikimate analogue
Method development for accessing novel myxobacterial chemotypes: Analysis of separate culture conditions in the pursuit of optimizing secondary metabolite production
Activity comparison of cyclic lipodepsipeptides from mammalian microbiome bacterial sources
Selectivity and mechanistic inquiries into the reactivity of pericosine A, an electrophilic chlorinated shikimate analogue
Antimalarial metabolites from Buxus sempervirens
Great Lakes-derived fungal extracts yield compounds targeting pediatric cancer
Metabolic give and take between neighboring fungus and bacterium
Near real time in situ analysis of fungal natural products using laesims
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
Identification of new therapeutic leads for triple negative breast cancer subtypes
Bioactive polyketides from a Penicillium lanosum strain derived from a swab of bat's wing
Creation of a high-throughput, high-content, screening assay for the human parasite Trichomonas vaginalis
Clardy, J
Structure elucidation of two novel peptides from a mushroom-derived Streptomyces sp.
Co-culture between insect-associated microorganisms stimulates polyketide production
Bacterial symbionts isolated from fungus-growing ants collected in São Paulo state, Brazil, as sources of natural products
Antibiotic-producing bacteria associated with the nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa
Clardy, JC
Chemical investigations into termite-associated actinobacteria
Clement, JA
Sordaricins and podosporins from Sordaria araneosa
Phenylpropanoids and flavones from Desmos pedunculosus (Annonaceae) from Vietnam
Clendinen, C
Transferring fungi to a deuterium-enriched medium results in assorted, conditional changes in secondary metabolite production
Coker, HAB
Prenylated anthranols from the leaves of Harungana madagascariensis
Coker, JA
Chemoactivation of a bacterial protease: Expanding the molecular arsenal and exploring therapeutic potential
Colantuoni, C
Pluripotent stem cell colonies provide a developmental landscape for pharmacogenomic drug discovery
Colegate, SM
1,2-dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids in the traditional Andean herbal medicine “Asmachilca”
Colepicolo, P
A Brazilian sample of the red alga Laurencia nsp., yields sphingosines new to the marine environment
Collins, JM
Development of a natural product-based fraction library for improved performance in high-throughput screening systems
Biologically active natural products from Cassine viburnifolia
Collins, SK
Metabolic give and take between neighboring fungus and bacterium
Colon, B
New antimicrobials from an epigenetics based fungal metabolite screening program
Colosimo, DA
The discoipyrroles: A multifaceted approach to understand a novel family of marine natural products
Colson, K
MS, NMR, and DNA barcoding, complementary methods for identification and authentication of Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa L.)
Colson, KL
Analysis of coumarin and other compounds in commercially available cinnamon and cinnamon supplements utilizing quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Characterization of environmental samples in their natural state using comprehensive multiphase NMR
Combet, C
Identification of cellular protein targets of silymarin-derived flavonolignans
Concepcion, G
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
Cooper, R
Lignans from Sambucus williasmii hance against osteoporosis: A pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic study
Copp, BR
The synthesis of dehydrodopamine containing marine natural products
Synthesis of marine natural products that contain a CIS-enamide fragment
Synthesis and chemical reactivity of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl fragments related to the marine natural product onchidal
Correa, H
Temperature-dependent metabolite production by Arctic actinomycetes
Costello, RB
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Courtier-Murias, D
Characterization of environmental samples in their natural state using comprehensive multiphase NMR
Cragg, GM
Are natural products isolated from plants, products of epi- and/or endo-phytic microbial interactions with/within the host?
Craik, DJ
Pharmaceutical applications of cyclotides
Crawford, JM
Discovering and deciphering the pathogenic and probiotic activities from the bacterial colibactin pathway
Crews, P
A new brominated indole from Haplosclerida with selective cytotoxicity against the PANC-1 tumor cell line
Cruz, IR
Development and validation of an RP-HPLC-PDA method for quantifying juglalin in Hydrangea seemannii phytopreparations
Culot, M
Pharmacokinetic, in vitro and in silico assessment of anti-inflammatory alkaloids from Isatis tinctoria L.
Culver, T
Laesims studies of Echinacea purpurea, Rudbeckia hirta, and Helianthemum annus
Activity comparison of cyclic lipodepsipeptides from mammalian microbiome bacterial sources
Cuong, PV
A novel pimarane diterpene and cytotoxic angucyclines from a marine-derived actinomycete in Vietnam
Currie, C
LCMS-based hierarchal clustering as a method to assess biosynthetic relationships among bacteria
Currie, CR
Structure elucidation of two novel peptides from a mushroom-derived Streptomyces sp.
Co-culture between insect-associated microorganisms stimulates polyketide production
Bacterial symbionts isolated from fungus-growing ants collected in São Paulo state, Brazil, as sources of natural products
Antibiotic-producing bacteria associated with the nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa
Cutler, SJ
Isolation, chemical profiling, and standardization of betaine, choline, acetylcholine, and 20-hydroxyecdysone from Atriplex species
In vitro opioid receptor displacement affinity and in vitro behavioral studies by tetrad assay of Nelumbo nucifera flower
Assessment of drug interaction potential of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) through modulation of CYPs, P-gp and PXR
Secondary metabolites isolated from Salvia bogotensis
Isolation of acacetin from Calea urticifolia as a potent inhibitor of human monoamine oxidase-A and B
Antitrypanosomal and opioid receptor activity of Mussaenda luteola's secondary metabolites
D'Amelio Sr, F
Determination of adulteration in Echinacea spp. by principal component analysis of UV spectra
D'Armiento, JM
Bioactivity of polyphenols from Jaboticaba wood
da, V
Dereplication of natural products based on ratio analysis 1H NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-DAD-ESI-QToF-MS/MS
Dahlberg, CJ
Clinical evaluation of formula F105, designed and developed to address elevated oxidized LDL Cholesterol (oxLDL) levels
A novel natural product blend exhibits synergestic antioxidant activity
Dai, W
Great Lakes-derived fungal extracts yield compounds targeting pediatric cancer
Cytotoxic effects of anthraquinones from the rhizome of Rheum tataricum on HeLa and MDA-MB-435 cells
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
Dai, Y
Isolation of sesquiterpene lactones from Trichospiras verticillata
Dala, S
Four antimalarial limonoids isolated from Carapa guianensis and two antiproliferative diterpenes isolated from Hypoestes SP.
Two new potent antimalarial alkaloids, cripowellins C and D, from the swamp Lily crinum erubescens
Dale, OR
Drug interaction potential of Mitragyna speciosa and its constituents through PXR modulation
Assessment of drug interaction potential of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) through modulation of CYPs, P-gp and PXR
Dang, LH
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Dang, PT
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Dao, C
Mechanisms of microbe-microbe-host interactions in a probiont-pathogen-bivalve model
Darveaux, B
Fungal metabolites as novel anthelmintics against soil-transmitted helminthes
Datkhayev, U
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Davies-Coleman, MT
Detection of halogenated tryamine and tyrosine derivatives in extracts of Algoa Bay ascidians
Dawson-Scully, K
Discovery of neuroprotective marine natural products using a bioimaging/optogenetics approach and Drosophila melanogaster
Discovery of neuroprotective marine natural products using Drosophila melanogaster
Day, VW
Withanolides from Physalis coztomatl
de Carvalho, JE
Genotoxicity evaluation in vitro by comet assay of compound and crude extract obtained from P. Pubescens Benth.
de Cassia de Almeida Queiroz, N
Genotoxicity evaluation in vitro by comet assay of compound and crude extract obtained from P. Pubescens Benth.
Dechayont, B
Cytotoxic activities of Thai laxative medicinal plant recipe extract against colon cancer cells
Déciga-Campos, M
Antihyperalgesic activity of an extract and compounds from Anoda cristata
de JASAndrade, T
Penicillium chrysogenum, an endophyte from Padina gymnospora, as a source of diketopiperazines, peptides and griseofulvin
DeLa Cruz, M
Marine natural products drug discovery from actinomycetes at fundacion MEDINA
Delgoda, R
Novel quassinoid from Jamaican Castela macrophylla blocks induction of cytochrome P450 1 enzymes and luciferase genes
Deli, M
Pharmacokinetic, in vitro and in silico assessment of anti-inflammatory alkaloids from Isatis tinctoria L.
Demers, D
New antimicrobials from an epigenetics based fungal metabolite screening program
Demers, DH
Epigenetic modification of Tampa Bay fungal strain produces new and known compounds active against MRSA
Deyrup, ST
Chemical investigation of winter fireflies (Ellychnia corrusca) reveals lucibufagins
Dhammika Nanayakkara, NP
Antifungal and antiparasitic activities of Laurus nobilis (bay leaves)
Synthesis of fire ant venom alkaloids, dehydrosolenopsins B & C
Dhar, P
Phytochemical and insecticidal studies on T. arjuna
Dharmaratne, HRW
Antifungal and antiparasitic activities of Laurus nobilis (bay leaves)
Díaz, C
Marine natural products drug discovery from actinomycetes at fundacion MEDINA
Dietz, BM
Licochalcone A and isoliquiritigenin from Licorice species differentially modulate P450 1B1-mediated estrogen metabolism
Can women's health botanicals prevent estrogen carcinogenesis?
Di Marzo, V
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Dirico, K
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
Distel, D
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
Diyabalanage, T
Paving the way with actives for skincare
Dobson, A
Investigation into the bioactive metabolites of deep sea fungi
Döll-Boscardin, PM
Essential oil from leaves of Eucalyptus benthamii: Secretory structures, volatile composition and biological activities
Cytotoxic potential of essential oils of Eucalyptus benthamii and its related terpenes on tumor cell lines
Dondji, B
Dalea emoryi revisited: Anthelmintic and new components of a previously-studied plant
Dong, GZ
Dehydrocostus lactone and costunolide inhibit Wnt/β-catenin pathway in colon cancer cell
Dong, H
Can women's health botanicals prevent estrogen carcinogenesis?
American Indian botanicals: possible alternatives to hormone therapy during menopause
Donia, MS
Small-molecule-mediated interactions in complex microbial communities
Dorrestein, PC
Visualizing diverse chemical families with molecular networking
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Chemical exchange in endophytic actinobacteria communities
Mass spectrometry tools for screening of marine cyanobacterial natural products
Doskotch, RW
Conformational analysis of some type XII bisbenzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Thalictrum alpinum assisted by quantitative noe, j coupling constants analysis and anisotropic NMR parameters
Dou, J
A update of botanical drug development in the United States: Status of applications
Dou, QP
Isolation of annonacous acetogenins from Annona muricata fruit and their anti proliferative activity on human prostate cancer cell PC-3
Dowd, PF
New antiinsectan dioxomorpholines from Aspergillus alabamensis NRRL 29810
Doyle, BJ
A quartz crystal microbalance study of green tea binding to bovine serum albumin
Du, L
Novel 22-mer peptaibols isolated from Tolypocladium sp. with potent antitumor activities
Selectivity and mechanistic inquiries into the reactivity of Pericosine A, an electrophilic chlorinated shikimate analogue
Selectivity and mechanistic inquiries into the reactivity of pericosine A, an electrophilic chlorinated shikimate analogue
Great Lakes-derived fungal extracts yield compounds targeting pediatric cancer
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
Identification of new therapeutic leads for triple negative breast cancer subtypes
Du, Y
Isolation of sesquiterpene lactones from Trichospiras verticillata
Du, YL
A gatekeeper enzyme in the biosynthesis of indolmycin
Duarte-Lisci, G
Antioxidant profile and HS-SPME/GC-MS-TOF analysis of volatile compounds of Alnus acuminata Ssp. Arguta bark
Dudek, M
Biological activities of triterpenes isolated from the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum
Honey, bees, and a hepatotoxic alkaloid echimidine
Duerfeldt, AS
Chemoactivation of a bacterial protease: Expanding the molecular arsenal and exploring therapeutic potential
Duev, A
Selection of prospective Ficus species and development of novel multifunctional zeta fractions for personal care
Dueva-Koganov, O
Selection of prospective Ficus species and development of novel multifunctional zeta fractions for personal care
Duggan, BM
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Duke, SO
Phytotoxic constituents from curvularia intermedia infecting Pandanus amaryllifolius
Duncan, N
Temperature-dependent metabolite production by Arctic actinomycetes
Dunlap, N
Comparative studies in the phytochemical profile of Cichorium intybus
Novel botanical extracts and small molecule inhibitors for African Sleeping Sickness, Chagas Disease, and Visceral Leishmaniasis
Antitrypanosomal activity of an iridal from Iris domestica and initial structure-activity relationships
Dunlap, T
American Indian botanicals: possible alternatives to hormone therapy during menopause
Dunlap, TL
Licochalcone A and isoliquiritigenin from Licorice species differentially modulate P450 1B1-mediated estrogen metabolism
Can women's health botanicals prevent estrogen carcinogenesis?
Dwyer, JT
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Dybdal-Hargreaves, N
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
Edison, AS
Transferring fungi to a deuterium-enriched medium results in assorted, conditional changes in secondary metabolite production
Edwards, GA
Marine natural products synthesis as a driving force for chemical and biological discovery
Egan, JM
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Prevalence of antimicrobial fungal metabolites in Hydrastis canadensis crude extracts
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Eigenmann, D
Pharmacokinetic, in vitro and in silico assessment of anti-inflammatory alkaloids from Isatis tinctoria L.
Eisen, J
Merging genome mining with ancient three-way species co-evolution may open a novel gate for informative natural products discovery
Ekhoff, J
Antimicrobial defenses of Caulerpa mexicana and Udotea looensis against Vibrio spp. and Bacillus sp.
Eldridge, GR
Digging deep for new compounds from Silphium laciniatum
El-Elimat, T
Chemical mycology of freshwater ascomycetes from North Carolina, USA
Profiling fungal cultures in situ via the droplet-LMJ-SSP coupled with UPLC-PDA-HRMS-MS/MS
Elfeki, M
Prospecting Great Lakes bacteria for drug-lead discovery with high-throughput microbiome screening
El-Gamal, AA
New cytotoxic terpenoid compounds from Nuxia oppositifolia
Ellis, GA
LCMS-based hierarchal clustering as a method to assess biosynthetic relationships among bacteria
Investigation of interspecies interactions between marine micromonosporaceae for identification of novel antibiotics
El Sayed, KA
Hit-to-lead optimization of sipholanes for the control of invasive breast cancer through suppression of BRK and FAK signaling
Elshahawi, S
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
El-Shaibany, AS
Phytochemicals and their anti-proliferative activity of Aloe perryi flowers extract against various human cancer cell lines
ElSohly, M
In vitro opioid receptor displacement affinity and in vitro behavioral studies by tetrad assay of Nelumbo nucifera flower
ElSohly, MA
Supercritical fluid chromatographic method for the analysis of cannabinoids in extracts of cannabis samples
ElTahir, K
Gastric antiulcer, antisecretory and cytoprotective properties of celery (Apium graveolens) in rats
Engel, P
Discovering and deciphering the pathogenic and probiotic activities from the bacterial colibactin pathway
Eom, HJ
Bioactive lignan constituents from the twigs of Lindera glauca
Anti-inflammatory and antitumor phenylpropanoid sucrosides from the seeds of Raphanus sativus
Tiliabisflavan A, a new flavan-3-ol dimer from Tilia amurensis with cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory effects
Identification of cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory constituents from the bark of Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.A. Barkley
Alkaloids from Acorus gramineus rhizomes and their biological activity
Anti-inflammatory activity of a new cyclic peptide, citrusin XI, isolated from the fruits of Citrus unshiu
Plantago asiatica extracts prevent skin photoaging in hairless mice
Erickson, J
A microbial drone system for targeting and destroying Pseudomonas biofilms
Espindola, LS
Brazilian cerrado biome plant extract bank screening in inflammatory disease and cancer enzymes
Espinosa-Artiles, P
Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents
Esposito, D
Method to harness bioactive secondary metabolites from intact Quinoa seeds with implications for chronic disease prevention
Esquenazi, E
Rapid identification of minor active metabolites in extracts of marine organisms: A platform for efficient drug discovery
Discovery platform for potent ADC payloads from marine sources
Ettinger, C
Merging genome mining with ancient three-way species co-evolution may open a novel gate for informative natural products discovery
Eustaquio, A
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
Eustáquio, AS
Spliceostatin biosynthesis in Burkholderia spp.
Evans, J
Biologically active natural products from Cassine viburnifolia
Evans, JR
Development of a natural product-based fraction library for improved performance in high-throughput screening systems
Ezea, SC
Evaluation of the anti-diabetic and antihyperlipidemic effect of methanol extract of Strophanthus hispidus roots D.C. (apocynaceae)
Ezejiofor, M
Antimicrobial activity of constituents isolated from seeds of Picralima nitida (Stapf) TH. & H. (apocynaceae)
Ezugwu, CO
Evaluation of the anti-diabetic and antihyperlipidemic effect of methanol extract of Strophanthus hispidus roots D.C. (apocynaceae)
Antimicrobial activity of constituents isolated from seeds of Picralima nitida (Stapf) TH. & H. (apocynaceae)
Fajardo-Hernández, CA
Fluorescent azaphilonoidal pigments from the endophytic fungus Biscogniauxia sp.
Farago, PV
Essential oil from leaves of Eucalyptus benthamii: Secretory structures, volatile composition and biological activities
Cytotoxic potential of essential oils of Eucalyptus benthamii and its related terpenes on tumor cell lines
Farin, F
Silymarin suppresses cellular inflammation by inducing reparative stress signaling
Farone, AL
Anti-inflammatory effects of compounds derived from botanical medicinal plants in LPS-stimulated THP-1 cell line
Farone, MB
A modern approach to traditional medicine: Screening, biofilms, and mechanism of action in Candida albicans
Farshori, NN
Phytochemicals and their anti-proliferative activity of Aloe perryi flowers extract against various human cancer cell lines
Fata, J
UPLC-qTOF-MS chemometric strategy to identify bioactive constituents from Garcinia oblongifolia
Feldman, J
Detection of halogenated tryamine and tyrosine derivatives in extracts of Algoa Bay ascidians
Feng, J
Ethnomedicinal plants investigation in Hezhen nationality
Fenical, W
Challenges and successes in the development of natural product drugs
Ferguson, K
Adaptability of subtropical algae to local microbial populations
Ferreira, AG
Combinatorial biosynthesis by the sponge Tedania brasiliensis optimizes the anti-parasitic activity of bromopyrrole alkaloids
Figg, WD
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Figueroa, M
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors from Sporormiella minimoides
Fluorescent azaphilonoidal pigments from the endophytic fungus Biscogniauxia sp.
Fischer, C
Analysis of coumarin and other compounds in commercially available cinnamon and cinnamon supplements utilizing quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Fischer, L
The patent eligibility of natural products in the United States: Understanding the issues and navigating the new waters
Fleeman, R
New antimicrobials from an epigenetics based fungal metabolite screening program
Epigenetic modification of Tampa Bay fungal strain produces new and known compounds active against MRSA
Fleming, M
Investigation of in vitro bioactivity of extracts and secondary metabolites of Chumash native American medicinal plants
Flores-Bocanegra, L
α-glucosidase inhibitors from Vauquelinia corymbosa
Foglio, MA
Genotoxicity evaluation in vitro by comet assay of compound and crude extract obtained from P. Pubescens Benth.
Foil, DH
Alkaloids, flavanones and other compounds new to Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
Fong, HKH
Synthesis of marine natural products that contain a CIS-enamide fragment
Fong, SS
Integrated de novo metagenomics and metatranscriptomics to study natural products and microbial ecology in situ
Single shot deconvolution of the symbiotic Bugula neritina metagenome
Forcina, G
Stelliosphaerols A and B, sesquiterpene-polyol conjugates from an Ecuadorian fungal endophyte
Fortier-McGill, B
Characterization of environmental samples in their natural state using comprehensive multiphase NMR
Foster, S
The ABC-AHP-NCNPR botanical adulterants program's laboratory guidance on analytical methods to detect adulterants in botanical materials
Fotso, S
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Foudah, AI
Hit-to-lead optimization of sipholanes for the control of invasive breast cancer through suppression of BRK and FAK signaling
Francis, S
Novel quassinoid from Jamaican Castela macrophylla blocks induction of cytochrome P450 1 enzymes and luciferase genes
Franklin, MR
Traditional preparations and methanolic extracts of plants from Papua New Guinea exhibit similar cytochrome P450 inhibition
Franzblau, SG
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
A novel pimarane diterpene and cytotoxic angucyclines from a marine-derived actinomycete in Vietnam
Friesen, JB
The generally useful estimate of solvent systems method enables the rapid separation of curcuminoids by countercurrent separation
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
A designer Licorice extract: Selective depletion of glabridin and congeneric metabolites by countercurrent separation
K-targeted isolation of C-glycosylflavones from Vitex agnus-castus by countercurrent methodology
Recovery of metabolites from natural deep eutectic solvent matrices by countercurrent separation
Dissemination of original NMR data enhances the reproducibility of natural product research
Rebiogram enhances the search of bioactive natural products
Fuchs, JR
Development and optimization of the phyllanthusmin class of arylnaphthalene lignan natural products
Gaasterland, T
Honaucin A, mechanism of action and role as a potential cancer prevention agent
Gaber, M
Chemical investigation of winter fireflies (Ellychnia corrusca) reveals lucibufagins
Gafner, S
The ABC-AHP-NCNPR botanical adulterants program's laboratory guidance on analytical methods to detect adulterants in botanical materials
Gallagher, RJ
Unusual withanolides from Physalis hispida (Waterf.) cronquist
Withanolides from Physalis coztomatl
Unusual withanolides from Physalis hispida (Waterf.) Cronquist
Gao, J
Small molecule screening links metabolic plasticity with the target organ selectivity of triple-negative breast tumor metastases
Gao, W
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
Clinical evaluation of formula F105, designed and developed to address elevated oxidized LDL Cholesterol (oxLDL) levels
A novel natural product blend exhibits synergestic antioxidant activity
Gao, Y
In vitro antitumor effects of two novel compounds Y17 and Y18, isolated from a Chinese medicinal plant
Gao, Z
Cytotoxic effects of anthraquinones from the rhizome of Rheum tataricum on HeLa and MDA-MB-435 cells
Effects of ZXX from the rhizome of Valeriana jatamansi on the rats with IBS via the regulation of 5-HT pathway
Garbe, D
Ecoefficient production of coral derived pseudopterosin in engineered E. coli
Garcia, A
Phytochemical and insecticidal studies on T. arjuna
García, DP
Development and validation of an RP-HPLC-PDA method for quantifying juglalin in Hydrangea seemannii phytopreparations
Garg, N
Mass spectrometry tools for screening of marine cyanobacterial natural products
Garo, E
A polyphenol enriched fraction of rose oil distillation water inhibits proliferation in hacat cells and induces apoptosis
Garzon, J
Recovery of metabolites from natural deep eutectic solvent matrices by countercurrent separation
Gauthier, L
The combination of DNA barcoding and metabolomics for the multi-constituents characterization of Licorice botanicals
Gauthier, LL
A designer Licorice extract: Selective depletion of glabridin and congeneric metabolites by countercurrent separation
Gee, K
Development of novel neuroactive steroids for the potential treatment of Neurological Disorders
Gee, SR
Two new cytotoxic meroterpenoids produced by the marine sediment-derived Streptomyces sp. CP26 – 58
Gellenbeck, KW
Peroxisome proliferator activator receptor alpha (PPARα) activation using free fatty acid library; fatty acids compared
Genilloud, O
Marine natural products drug discovery from actinomycetes at fundacion MEDINA
Differential induction of secondary metabolite profiles in endophyte fungi by the addition of epigenetic modifiers
Gény, C
Meta-approaches to harvest natural products from harmful algae blooms
Gerwick, L
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Honaucin A, mechanism of action and role as a potential cancer prevention agent
Mass spectrometry tools for screening of marine cyanobacterial natural products
Gerwick, WH
Natural products: Are we close to the end?
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Honaucin A, mechanism of action and role as a potential cancer prevention agent
Mass spectrometry tools for screening of marine cyanobacterial natural products
Biphasic modulation of human cathepsin L by a novel cyanobacterial depsipeptide
Ghantous, H
A update of botanical drug development in the United States: Status of applications
Giancaspro, GI
Pharmacopeial methods for potential confounding herbal medicines
Gibbons, S
Synthesis of acylphloroglucinols and their antibacterial activities against clinical isolates of MRSA strains
Gil, RR
Conformational analysis of some type XII bisbenzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Thalictrum alpinum assisted by quantitative noe, j coupling constants analysis and anisotropic NMR parameters
Gill, K
Structure elucidation and biological activities of two classes of peptides produced by the actinomycete, Kitasatospora cystarginea
Glensk, M
Biological activities of triterpenes isolated from the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum
Glinski, JA
Honey, bees, and a hepatotoxic alkaloid echimidine
Glinski, VB
Biological activities of triterpenes isolated from the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum
Honey, bees, and a hepatotoxic alkaloid echimidine
Gloer, JB
New benzophenone derivatives from the coprophilous fungus Delitschia confertaspora
New antiinsectan dioxomorpholines from Aspergillus alabamensis NRRL 29810
New polyketides from a fungicolous isolate of Pestalotiopsis disseminata
Glukhov, E
Mass spectrometry tools for screening of marine cyanobacterial natural products
Glynn, KM
Peroxisome proliferator activator receptor alpha (PPARα) activation using free fatty acid library; fatty acids compared
Goeders, N
Development of novel neuroactive steroids for the potential treatment of Neurological Disorders
Goetz, M
Structures of two oleanane-type triterpenoids from an extract of Cyrilla racemiflora housed in a repository
Four antimalarial limonoids isolated from Carapa guianensis and two antiproliferative diterpenes isolated from Hypoestes SP.
Isolation of sesquiterpene lactones from Trichospiras verticillata
Two new potent antimalarial alkaloids, cripowellins C and D, from the swamp Lily crinum erubescens
Goetz, MA
Sordaricins and podosporins from Sordaria araneosa
Phenylpropanoids and flavones from Desmos pedunculosus (Annonaceae) from Vietnam
Gogineni, V
Isolation of acacetin from Calea urticifolia as a potent inhibitor of human monoamine oxidase-A and B
Gois Ruiz, ALT
Genotoxicity evaluation in vitro by comet assay of compound and crude extract obtained from P. Pubescens Benth.
Gokey, T
Two new cytotoxic meroterpenoids produced by the marine sediment-derived Streptomyces sp. CP26 – 58
Goldberg, S
Gene screening and metabolomics for identification of halogenated natural products from marine sponge-associated bacteria
Gomez, C
Plant-like alkaloid biosynthesis in fungi
Gomez Chiarri, M
Mechanisms of microbe-microbe-host interactions in a probiont-pathogen-bivalve model
Gómez-Lagunas, LR
Fluorescent azaphilonoidal pigments from the endophytic fungus Biscogniauxia sp.
González, I
Marine natural products drug discovery from actinomycetes at fundacion MEDINA
González-Menéndez, V
Differential induction of secondary metabolite profiles in endophyte fungi by the addition of epigenetic modifiers
Graf, BL
Method to harness bioactive secondary metabolites from intact Quinoa seeds with implications for chronic disease prevention
Graf, T
Study of antioxidant activity of Açaí extracts (Euterpe oleracea)
Graf, TN
Glucuronide metabolites of flavonolignans from milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Enzymatic synthesis
Glucuronide metabolites of flavonolignans from milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Structural characterization
Grando, R
Genotoxicity evaluation in vitro by comet assay of compound and crude extract obtained from P. Pubescens Benth.
Graupner, PR
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Graziani, E
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
Graziose, R
Determination of adulteration in Echinacea spp. by principal component analysis of UV spectra
Green, DR
Small molecule screening links metabolic plasticity with the target organ selectivity of triple-negative breast tumor metastases
Green, SJ
Prospecting Great Lakes bacteria for drug-lead discovery with high-throughput microbiome screening
Grkovic, T
Development of a natural product-based fraction library for improved performance in high-throughput screening systems
Biologically active natural products from Cassine viburnifolia
Gromek, SM
Antimicrobial properties and chemical profiling of the acessory nidamental gland in the squid Euprymna scolopes
Gross, AM
Novel botanical extracts and small molecule inhibitors for African Sleeping Sickness, Chagas Disease, and Visceral Leishmaniasis
Grothaus, PG
Development of a natural product-based fraction library for improved performance in high-throughput screening systems
Gruber, JV
From the berry to the barrier: Development of natural products for skin and hair care
Grunwald, A
Temperature-dependent metabolite production by Arctic actinomycetes
Grzelak, E
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
Grzelak, EM
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Gu, H
Dereplication of natural products based on ratio analysis 1H NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-DAD-ESI-QToF-MS/MS
Gu, Q
Extending the structural diversity of a marine derived fungus Spicaria elegans KLA03
Guan, Y
Discovery of novel bioactive natural product-like compounds based on diversity-enhanced reactions
Isolation of bioactive chemical constituents from Justicia procumbens
Gufford, BT
Glucuronide metabolites of flavonolignans from milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Enzymatic synthesis
Glucuronide metabolites of flavonolignans from milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Structural characterization
Guida, WC
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
Guliaev, AB
Two new cytotoxic meroterpenoids produced by the marine sediment-derived Streptomyces sp. CP26 – 58
Gunatilaka, AAL
Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents
Guo, F
Variation of active constituents of an important Tibetan medicinal plant Swertia mussotii between Qinghai and Sichuan province
Guo, P
Investigation of neighboring heteroatoms and coupling pathway effects on long-range coupling constants using LR-HSQMBC
Gupta, G
Conformational analysis of some type XII bisbenzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Thalictrum alpinum assisted by quantitative noe, j coupling constants analysis and anisotropic NMR parameters
Gupta, MP
Chemical composition and biological activity of essential oils from Piper species of Panama
Gusev, PA
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Gustafson, K
New strategy to search lead compounds with unique structures from plants
Gustafson, KR
Mining the extensive chemical diversity of the NCI natural products repository for new agents that can target HIV
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Brazilian cerrado biome plant extract bank screening in inflammatory disease and cancer enzymes
Structure elucidation of a proton-deficient natural product using LR-HSQMBC supported by DFT calculations
Stelliosphaerols A and B, sesquiterpene-polyol conjugates from an Ecuadorian fungal endophyte
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Haeckl, FPJ
Biocompatible polymer delivery of biofilm disruptors of Vibrio cholerae
Hagiwara, K
A Brazilian sample of the red alga Laurencia nsp., yields sphingosines new to the marine environment
The first natural products investigation of the Hawaiian endemic plant Coprosma ernodeoides or Nene Bush ('Aiakanene)
Natural products investigation of Hawaiian samples of Verbascum thapsus – common Mullein
Comparative analysis of the antioxidant properties of Icelandic and Hawaiian lichens
Hahn, DR
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
hAinmhire, EÓ
Azaphilone molecules from freshwater derived fungi
A novel pimarane diterpene and cytotoxic angucyclines from a marine-derived actinomycete in Vietnam
Hajdu, E
Combinatorial biosynthesis by the sponge Tedania brasiliensis optimizes the anti-parasitic activity of bromopyrrole alkaloids
Hajirahimkhan, A
Can women's health botanicals prevent estrogen carcinogenesis?
Haltli, B
Description of bacterial communities in two Caribbean octocorals and assessment of their ability to produce natural products
Temperature-dependent metabolite production by Arctic actinomycetes
Gene screening and metabolomics for identification of halogenated natural products from marine sponge-associated bacteria
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Hamann, MT
Meta-approaches to harvest natural products from harmful algae blooms
Hamburger, M
A polyphenol enriched fraction of rose oil distillation water inhibits proliferation in hacat cells and induces apoptosis
Pharmacokinetic, in vitro and in silico assessment of anti-inflammatory alkaloids from Isatis tinctoria L.
Han, A
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
Han, AR
Two new lactams from the hulled seeds of Coix lachryma-jobi Var. ma-yuen
Han, F
Microbial transformaton of bavachin by Absidia coerulea
Antioxidant flavonol glycosides from Herba epimedii
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Han, J
Arylation of α,β-unsaturated ketones via photochemical reaction
Han, SY
Flavonoids modulating c-Met and ALK activity
Handy, S
Novel botanical extracts and small molecule inhibitors for African Sleeping Sickness, Chagas Disease, and Visceral Leishmaniasis
Harinantenaina Rakotondraibe, L
Antiproliferative compounds from Penicillium chrysogenum, a fungal associate of the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella
Harmon, CR
Comparative studies in the phytochemical profile of Cichorium intybus
Harnly, J
MS, NMR, and DNA barcoding, complementary methods for identification and authentication of Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa L.)
Harnly, JM
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Harrell Jr, WA
Identification of novel inhibitors of botulinum neurotoxin A
Harrison, SJ
Macroalgae may interrupt important cues for coral larval settlement
Harrop, W
Small scale purification of constituents from complex natural product extracts using sub-2-µm chromatography
Hasegawa, Y
Four new C19-norditerpenoid alkaloids from Delphinium elatum
Haselton, A
Phytochemical and insecticidal studies on T. arjuna
Hauck, Z
Quantitation of major indole and oxindole alkaloids from different kratom (Mitrigyna speciosa) strain extracts using UHPLC-MS/MS
Hawwal, M
Extraction of isoflavonoids from Iresine herbstii
Haygood, M
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
He, H
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
He, YQ
Delphatisine D and chrysotrichumine A, two rare new diterpene alkaloids from Delphinium chrysotrichum
New cyclized 9,11-secosterols enol-ether from soft coral Psendopterogorgia americana
Arylation of α,β-unsaturated ketones via photochemical reaction
He, Z
Investigation of antibacterial and biofilm inhibition activity of Michelia figo leaf extracts against dental bacterium
Healy, P
Cyclic diarylheptanoids from the Australian endemic plant Allocasuarina luehmannii
Heckler, I
Phytochemical and insecticidal studies on T. arjuna
Heesch, S
Irish Osmundea spp.: Food or shelter for Aplysia sp.?
Heimann, G
A microbial drone system for targeting and destroying Pseudomonas biofilms
Henrich, CJ
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Hester, V
Investigation of in vitro bioactivity of extracts and secondary metabolites of Chumash native American medicinal plants
Hill, C
In vitro opioid receptor displacement affinity and in vitro behavioral studies by tetrad assay of Nelumbo nucifera flower
Hirakawa, T
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Hoeppner, DJ
Pluripotent stem cell colonies provide a developmental landscape for pharmacogenomic drug discovery
Hoffman, AM
Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents
Hoffmann, J
Phytochemical and insecticidal studies on T. arjuna
Hoffmeister, D
Plant-like alkaloid biosynthesis in fungi
Holzwarth, G
De novo synthesis of a vertebrate sunscreen compound
Hong, JY
Yuanhuadine, a natural diterpene, enhances the degradation of AXL to overcome acquired gefitinib-resistance in lung cancer cells
Hong, P
Advances in profiling of natural products by triple detection techniques combined with super critical CO2 mobile phases and sub-2 µm stationary phases
Hook, V
Biphasic modulation of human cathepsin L by a novel cyanobacterial depsipeptide
Horgen, FD
Advances in the validation of TRPM7 as a drug target using natural products – Update on waixenicin A
Horswill, AR
A novel bioassay to identify anti-virulence leads against gram-positive bacterial pathogens
A new anti-virulence strategy against pathogenic bacteria: Targeting spreading factors
Hoshino, S
Mycolic acid-containing bacteria induce the production of novel secondary metabolites in streptomyces strains
Hou, X
Selection of prospective Ficus species and development of novel multifunctional zeta fractions for personal care
Houk, LJ
Macroalgae may interrupt important cues for coral larval settlement
Hu, J
Effects of ZXX from the rhizome of Valeriana jatamansi on the rats with IBS via the regulation of 5-HT pathway
Hu, S
Quantitative determination of five triterpenoid glycosids and chemical profiling of momordica charantia by UHPLC-ELSD/MS
Simultaneous determination of ten high-intensity sweeteners of regulatory interest using UHPLC-UV-ELSD/MS
The depigmenting effect and mechanism S of Kuwanon O and Sanggenon T from the roots of Morus australi
Hu, Y
The discoipyrroles: A multifaceted approach to understand a novel family of marine natural products
Huang, B
Studies on the exploitation of Broussonetia papyrifera and its endophytic fungi
Huang, L
Ethnomedicinal plants investigation in Hezhen nationality
Huang, Y
Variation of active constituents of an important Tibetan medicinal plant Swertia mussotii between Qinghai and Sichuan province
Hung, TM
Potential pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of 2-arylbenzofuran derivatives from Morus alba
Inhibitory effect on no production of compounds from Styrax obassia
Hunter, AC
A biomimetic diversity-oriented approach to the pseurotins
Hunter, BL
Bioactivity-guided identification of botanical inhibitors of ketohexokinase
Hussain, K
Antioxidant activity and isolation studies of extracts of seeds of Syzygium cumini L
Huynh, C
Synthetic discoveries from polycyclic natural products
Hwang, CH
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
Hwang, IH
New polyketides from a fungicolous isolate of Pestalotiopsis disseminata
Ibberson, CB
A new anti-virulence strategy against pathogenic bacteria: Targeting spreading factors
Ibrahim, AA
Enabling reactivity of neutral aminyl radicals in polycyclic heterocycle synthesis
Ibrahim, MA
Assessment of drug interaction potential of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) through modulation of CYPs, P-gp and PXR
Isaac, G
State of art analytical technologies to solve natural products challenges
Advances in profiling of natural products by triple detection techniques combined with super critical CO2 mobile phases and sub-2 µm stationary phases
Small scale purification of constituents from complex natural product extracts using sub-2-µm chromatography
Screening and identification of undeclared synthetic compounds as adulterants using UPLC-QTOF-MS coupled to a novel informatics platform
Global lipidomics profiling of cotton seed oil genotypes using CO2-based chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry
Ishmael, JE
New and known mandelalides for biological mechanism and structure-activity relationship studies
Islam, M
Antioxidant activity and isolation studies of extracts of seeds of Syzygium cumini L
Itharat, A
Biological activities and total phenolic content of tregaysornmas formula
Cytotoxic activities of Thai laxative medicinal plant recipe extract against colon cancer cells
Iwabata, K
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Izaguirre-Carbonell, J
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Jablonski, JAM
Small scale purification of constituents from complex natural product extracts using sub-2-µm chromatography
Jackson, DN
Garcinia benzophenones promote hyphal apoptosis and potentiate activity of fluconazole in Candida albicans biofilms
Jackson, S
Investigation into the bioactive metabolites of deep sea fungi
Jacob, MR
Antifungal and antiparasitic activities of Laurus nobilis (bay leaves)
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Jacobs, H
Novel quassinoid from Jamaican Castela macrophylla blocks induction of cytochrome P450 1 enzymes and luciferase genes
Jähne, E
Pharmacokinetic, in vitro and in silico assessment of anti-inflammatory alkaloids from Isatis tinctoria L.
Jain, S
Antifungal and antiparasitic activities of Laurus nobilis (bay leaves)
Jaishankar, A
Pluripotent stem cell colonies provide a developmental landscape for pharmacogenomic drug discovery
Jaki, BU
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
James, E
Biosynthesis and ecological functions of diketopiperazine natural products from marine actinomycetes
Janso, JE
Spliceostatin biosynthesis in Burkholderia spp.
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
Jansone-Popova, S
Synthetic discoveries from polycyclic natural products
Jarrod, K
Bioactive polyketides from a Penicillium lanosum strain derived from a swab of bat's wing
Jaspars, M
Detection of halogenated tryamine and tyrosine derivatives in extracts of Algoa Bay ascidians
Penicillium chrysogenum, an endophyte from Padina gymnospora, as a source of diketopiperazines, peptides and griseofulvin
Jayanetti, DR
New benzophenone derivatives from the coprophilous fungus Delitschia confertaspora
Jeffrey, C
Promising natural products against glucocorticoid resistant acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Jekabsons, MB
Small molecule screening links metabolic plasticity with the target organ selectivity of triple-negative breast tumor metastases
Jensen, PR
New approaches to microbial natural product discovery
Jeong, JH
Dehydrocostus lactone and costunolide inhibit Wnt/β-catenin pathway in colon cancer cell
Jin, SS
Extraction of lavender essential oil and its antioxidant actiivity
Jing, Y
Ethnomedicinal plants investigation in Hezhen nationality
Joachimiak, A
Structural and evolutionary relationships of ketosynthase domains from modular polyketide synthases
Johnson, HE
A validated method for determination of cannabinoid content in dietary supplements by UPLC-MS
Johnson, RD
Phytotoxic constituents from curvularia intermedia infecting Pandanus amaryllifolius
Johnson, RJ
Bioactivity-guided identification of botanical inhibitors of ketohexokinase
Johnson, TA
A new brominated indole from Haplosclerida with selective cytotoxicity against the PANC-1 tumor cell line
Jones, CJ
Biocompatible polymer delivery of biofilm disruptors of Vibrio cholerae
Jones, MD
Global lipidomics profiling of cotton seed oil genotypes using CO2-based chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry
Joyner, PM
Investigation of in vitro bioactivity of extracts and secondary metabolites of Chumash native American medicinal plants
Juárez-Reyes, K
Antihyperalgesic activity of an extract and compounds from Anoda cristata
Jun, DY
Echinochlorins A˜C from the grains of Echinochloa utilis (Barnyard Millet) and their anti-inflammatory activity
Jurga, T
Pharmacologically active extracts from Florida Keys sponges inhibit ovarian cancer cell proliferation
Antimicrobial defenses of Caulerpa mexicana and Udotea looensis against Vibrio spp. and Bacillus sp.
Kaadige, MR
Clinical evaluation of formula F105, designed and developed to address elevated oxidized LDL Cholesterol (oxLDL) levels
A novel natural product blend exhibits synergestic antioxidant activity
Kalinowski, J
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Kamel Mousa, W
Merging genome mining with ancient three-way species co-evolution may open a novel gate for informative natural products discovery
Kamisuki, S
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Kam-wah, DM
Lignans from Sambucus williasmii hance against osteoporosis: A pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic study
Kanai, Y
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Kandagatla, SK
Novel quassinoid from Jamaican Castela macrophylla blocks induction of cytochrome P450 1 enzymes and luciferase genes
Kang, HR
Bioactive lignan constituents from the twigs of Lindera glauca
Anti-inflammatory and antitumor phenylpropanoid sucrosides from the seeds of Raphanus sativus
Tiliabisflavan A, a new flavan-3-ol dimer from Tilia amurensis with cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory effects
Identification of cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory constituents from the bark of Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.A. Barkley
Alkaloids from Acorus gramineus rhizomes and their biological activity
Anti-inflammatory activity of a new cyclic peptide, citrusin XI, isolated from the fruits of Citrus unshiu
Plantago asiatica extracts prevent skin photoaging in hairless mice
Kang, U
Two new lactams from the hulled seeds of Coix lachryma-jobi Var. ma-yuen
Kangatla, S
Study of antioxidant activity of Açaí extracts (Euterpe oleracea)
Kanunfre, CC
Cytotoxic potential of essential oils of Eucalyptus benthamii and its related terpenes on tumor cell lines
Kao, D
Triggering epipolythiodioxopiperazine alkaloid biosynthesis in fungal endophytes of Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)
Karplus, PA
De novo synthesis of a vertebrate sunscreen compound
Karten, J
Isolation and structure elucidation of a possible ant trail pheromone, from epothilone B producing fermentations of Sorangium cellulosum
Kato, H
Isolation of strongylophorines from the marine sponge Petrosia corticata, as proteasome inhibitors
Kaur, A
Prevalence of antimicrobial fungal metabolites in Hydrastis canadensis crude extracts
Kawakubo, H
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Kaźmierski, S
Honey, bees, and a hepatotoxic alkaloid echimidine
Kean, KM
De novo synthesis of a vertebrate sunscreen compound
Kelleher, NL
Metabologenomics: Discovery of new natural products and their biosynthetic gene clusters by genome-informed metabolomics
Keller, NP
Plant-like alkaloid biosynthesis in fungi
Keller, WJ
High resolution mass spectrometry based identification and quantification of chemical markers in a TCM formulation
Clinical evaluation of formula F105, designed and developed to address elevated oxidized LDL Cholesterol (oxLDL) levels
Kellogg, J
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Kelly, J
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Kelman, D
Comparative analysis of the antioxidant properties of Icelandic and Hawaiian lichens
Kennelly, EJ
UPLC-qTOF-MS chemometric strategy to identify bioactive constituents from Garcinia oblongifolia
LC-MS metabolomics and chemotaxonomy of Ilex species
Bioactivity of polyphenols from Jaboticaba wood
Garcinia benzophenones promote hyphal apoptosis and potentiate activity of fluconazole in Candida albicans biofilms
Kerr, R
Description of bacterial communities in two Caribbean octocorals and assessment of their ability to produce natural products
Structure elucidation and biological activities of two classes of peptides produced by the actinomycete, Kitasatospora cystarginea
Gene screening and metabolomics for identification of halogenated natural products from marine sponge-associated bacteria
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Kerr, RG
Temperature-dependent metabolite production by Arctic actinomycetes
Kertesz, V
Profiling fungal cultures in situ via the droplet-LMJ-SSP coupled with UPLC-PDA-HRMS-MS/MS
Kerwin, A
Antimicrobial properties and chemical profiling of the acessory nidamental gland in the squid Euprymna scolopes
Kevin, KW
Effect of paeoniflorin on nervous system: A systematic review
Khalil, ZG
Viridicatumtoxins: Exploring structural diversity and antibiotic properties
Khan, IA
Quality evaluation of Terpinen-4-OL type tea tree oils and commercial products using GC/MS and chemometrics
Supercritical fluid chromatographic method for the analysis of cannabinoids in extracts of cannabis samples
GC/MS method for characterization and quantitative analysis of ginkgolic acids in Ginkgo biloba plants and dietary supplements
Identification of novel inhibitors of botulinum neurotoxin A
Isolation, chemical profiling, and standardization of betaine, choline, acetylcholine, and 20-hydroxyecdysone from Atriplex species
Phenolic compounds from Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chinese liquorice)
The ABC-AHP-NCNPR botanical adulterants program's laboratory guidance on analytical methods to detect adulterants in botanical materials
Change of chemical composition in Flos lonicerae: An investigation of herbal processing (PAO ZHI) using NMR spectroscopy
Structural characterization of monacolin compounds from red yeast rice by liquid chromatography and tandem mass
Drug interaction potential of Mitragyna speciosa and its constituents through PXR modulation
Assessment of drug interaction potential of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) through modulation of CYPs, P-gp and PXR
Detection of adulteration in dietary supplements: Maca (Lepidium meyenii) case study by NMR approach
Quantitative determination of five triterpenoid glycosids and chemical profiling of momordica charantia by UHPLC-ELSD/MS
Simultaneous determination of ten high-intensity sweeteners of regulatory interest using UHPLC-UV-ELSD/MS
Small molecule screening links metabolic plasticity with the target organ selectivity of triple-negative breast tumor metastases
Screening for antidiabetic compounds from Goji berries: Identification of novel small molecule PPARγ activators
Khan, M
Determination of adulteration in Echinacea spp. by principal component analysis of UV spectra
Khan, S
Screening for antidiabetic compounds from Goji berries: Identification of novel small molecule PPARγ activators
Khan, SI
Drug interaction potential of Mitragyna speciosa and its constituents through PXR modulation
Assessment of drug interaction potential of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) through modulation of CYPs, P-gp and PXR
Kiat, HH
Medicinal plant use for malaria: Trends and prospects
Kil, YS
Constituents of Angelica keiskei and their heat shock protein inducing activities
Two new lactams from the hulled seeds of Coix lachryma-jobi Var. ma-yuen
Killday, KB
Analysis of coumarin and other compounds in commercially available cinnamon and cinnamon supplements utilizing quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Kim, BY
A novel tricyclic dilactone isolated from an actinomycete derived from gineseng-cultivated soil
Kim, CK
Sesterterpenes and a nortriterpene saponin from the sponge Clathria gombawuiensis
Kim, CS
Phenolic compounds from the white flowers of Impatiens balsamina
Bioactive salicin derivatives from Salix glandulosa
New triterpenes from Abies holophylla and their biological activites
Kim, H
Sesterterpenes and a nortriterpene saponin from the sponge Clathria gombawuiensis
Kim, JA
Potential pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of 2-arylbenzofuran derivatives from Morus alba
Study on the anti-inflammatory activity from Zizyphus jujuba Mill
Inhibitory effect on no production of compounds from Styrax obassia
Alkaloids constituents from the fruits of Piper nigrum L. and their anti-inflammation activity
Alkaloids constituents from the fruits of Piper nigrum L. and their anti-inflammation activity
Kim, JH
Constituents from Litsea japonica leaves and their inhibitory effects on ages formation and aldose reductase
Phenolic compounds from the leaves of Homonoia riparia and their inhibitory effects on ages formation and aldose reductase
Kim, JS
Constituents from Litsea japonica leaves and their inhibitory effects on ages formation and aldose reductase
Phenolic compounds from the leaves of Homonoia riparia and their inhibitory effects on ages formation and aldose reductase
Kim, JY
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
Kim, KH
Phenolic compounds from the white flowers of Impatiens balsamina
Kim, N
New antibacterial compounds inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus enoyl-ACP reductase from Penicillium sp.
Kim, NC
Pharmacopeial methods for potential confounding herbal medicines
Kim, NY
Cytotoxic sesquiterpenoids from Siegesbeckia glabrescens
Kim, SH
The secondary metabolites from halophilic actinomycetes from a solar saltern in Korea
Sesterterpenes and a nortriterpene saponin from the sponge Clathria gombawuiensis
Kim, SK
Pluripotent stem cell colonies provide a developmental landscape for pharmacogenomic drug discovery
Kim, SY
Phenolic compounds from the white flowers of Impatiens balsamina
Kim, WG
New antibacterial compounds inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus enoyl-ACP reductase from Penicillium sp.
Kim, YH
Echinochlorins A˜C from the grains of Echinochloa utilis (Barnyard Millet) and their anti-inflammatory activity
Kim, YJ
Constituents from Litsea japonica leaves and their inhibitory effects on ages formation and aldose reductase
Kim, YM
Flavonoids modulating c-Met and ALK activity
Silymarin suppresses cellular inflammation by inducing reparative stress signaling
Kindscher, K
Withanolides from Physalis coztomatl
King, J
Activity comparison of cyclic lipodepsipeptides from mammalian microbiome bacterial sources
Creation of a high-throughput, high-content, screening assay for the human parasite Trichomonas vaginalis
King, JB
Transferring fungi to a deuterium-enriched medium results in assorted, conditional changes in secondary metabolite production
Novel 22-mer peptaibols isolated from Tolypocladium sp. with potent antitumor activities
Method development for accessing novel myxobacterial chemotypes: Analysis of separate culture conditions in the pursuit of optimizing secondary metabolite production
Metabolic give and take between neighboring fungus and bacterium
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
Kinghorn, AD
Absolute configuration of the 1,2-diol of digoxin determined by electronic circular dichroism induced with [Mo2(OAc)4]
Diverse oligopeptides isolated from aquatic microbial consortia
Structures of two oleanane-type triterpenoids from an extract of Cyrilla racemiflora housed in a repository
Cytotoxic rotenoids and isoflavonoids from the fruits of Millettia caerulea
Bioactivity-guided isolation and quantification of episilvestrol and silvestrol from Aglaia perviridis
Investigation of the antiproliferative activity of Linociera ramiflora and its isolates
Conformational analysis of some type XII bisbenzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Thalictrum alpinum assisted by quantitative noe, j coupling constants analysis and anisotropic NMR parameters
Kingston, DGI
Four antimalarial limonoids isolated from Carapa guianensis and two antiproliferative diterpenes isolated from Hypoestes SP.
Isolation of sesquiterpene lactones from Trichospiras verticillata
Two new potent antimalarial alkaloids, cripowellins C and D, from the swamp Lily crinum erubescens
Development of Taxol® as an anticancer drug
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Kinkade, P
Honey, bees, and a hepatotoxic alkaloid echimidine
Kinnel, RB
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Kirkbride-Romeo, L
Development of antioxidant peptides that target the pulmonary arteries for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension
Kithsiri Wijeratne, EM
Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents
Kleigrewe, K
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Klein, L
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
Kline, T
Identification of cellular protein targets of silymarin-derived flavonolignans
Knestrick, MA
Epigenetic modification of Tampa Bay fungal strain produces new and known compounds active against MRSA
Koehn, FE
Spliceostatin biosynthesis in Burkholderia spp.
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
Koganov, M
Selection of prospective Ficus species and development of novel multifunctional zeta fractions for personal care
Koh, HL
Medicinal plant use for malaria: Trends and prospects
An ethnobotanical survey on the usage of fresh herbs
Kolber, B
Panamanian marine cyanobacterial extracts with in vivo activity in models of anxiety and depression
Kondratyuk, TP
Anticancer potential of withanolides and its derivatives from Physalis peruviana (POHA)
Koo, KA
Extraction of isoflavonoids from Iresine herbstii
Koppinger, K
Dalea emoryi revisited: Anthelmintic and new components of a previously-studied plant
Korobeynikov, A
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Koshino, H
New antibacterial compounds inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus enoyl-ACP reductase from Penicillium sp.
Kosmoski, M
Isolation and structure elucidation of a possible ant trail pheromone, from epothilone B producing fermentations of Sorangium cellulosum
Kothapalli, NR
The single-probe mass spectrometry for single cell analysis and biological tissue imaging
Kou, X
A novel natural product blend exhibits synergestic antioxidant activity
Kouch, PK
Dalea emoryi revisited: Anthelmintic and new components of a previously-studied plant
Kourist, R
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Kovalerchick, D
Five novel o-methylated biopterin glycosides from two Microcystis blooms materials
Kracht, ON
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Krai, P
Four antimalarial limonoids isolated from Carapa guianensis and two antiproliferative diterpenes isolated from Hypoestes SP.
Isolation of sesquiterpene lactones from Trichospiras verticillata
Two new potent antimalarial alkaloids, cripowellins C and D, from the swamp Lily crinum erubescens
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Krausert, NM
New antiinsectan dioxomorpholines from Aspergillus alabamensis NRRL 29810
Krill, J
Discovery of neuroprotective marine natural products using Drosophila melanogaster
Kronmiller, B
Turning a negative into a positive: Using bacterial self-resistance to identify new natural products
Krunic, A
Isolation and structure elucidation of merocyclophane C from the cultured cyanbacterium Nostoc sp. (UIC 10110)
Krynitsky, AJ
Development of a sensitive and rapid HPLC method for quantitative measurement of ginkgolic acid in dietary supplementarys
Ku, C
Isolation of bioactive chemical constituents from Justicia procumbens
Kucera, K
Stelliosphaerols A and B, sesquiterpene-polyol conjugates from an Ecuadorian fungal endophyte
Kuhn, P
Method to harness bioactive secondary metabolites from intact Quinoa seeds with implications for chronic disease prevention
Kulakowski, DM
K-targeted isolation of C-glycosylflavones from Vitex agnus-castus by countercurrent methodology
Kumarihamy, M
Isolation, chemical profiling, and standardization of betaine, choline, acetylcholine, and 20-hydroxyecdysone from Atriplex species
In vitro opioid receptor displacement affinity and in vitro behavioral studies by tetrad assay of Nelumbo nucifera flower
Assessment of drug interaction potential of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) through modulation of CYPs, P-gp and PXR
Kurien, S
Old terpenes as new anticancer leads
Kusayanagi, T
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Kvalheim, OM
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Kwan, J
Antimicrobial defenses of Caulerpa mexicana and Udotea looensis against Vibrio spp. and Bacillus sp.
Adaptability of subtropical algae to local microbial populations
Kwan, JC
Integrated de novo metagenomics and metatranscriptomics to study natural products and microbial ecology in situ
The mandelalides are produced by a symbiont in the phylum Verrucomicrobia in the tunicate Lissoclinum sp.
Single shot deconvolution of the symbiotic Bugula neritina metagenome
Kwon, OK
Three new lignan derivatives from the twigs of Sambucus williamsii
A new biphenyl derivative from the twigs of Chaenomeles lagenaria
Bioactive salicin derivatives from Salix glandulosa
New triterpenes from Abies holophylla and their biological activites
Kwon, Y
A novel tricyclic dilactone isolated from an actinomycete derived from gineseng-cultivated soil
Kyle, DE
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
New antimicrobials from an epigenetics based fungal metabolite screening program
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
Ecological and antileishmanial activity of diterpenes derived from the Antarctic sponge Dendrilla membranosa
Lacret, R
Marine natural products drug discovery from actinomycetes at fundacion MEDINA
LaDu, J
De novo synthesis of a vertebrate sunscreen compound
Lamb, J
Clinical evaluation of formula F105, designed and developed to address elevated oxidized LDL Cholesterol (oxLDL) levels
Lambert, J
In vitro opioid receptor displacement affinity and in vitro behavioral studies by tetrad assay of Nelumbo nucifera flower
Lanaspa, MA
Bioactivity-guided identification of botanical inhibitors of ketohexokinase
Lane, AL
Biosynthesis and ecological functions of diketopiperazine natural products from marine actinomycetes
Lang, M
The first natural products investigation of the Hawaiian endemic plant Coprosma ernodeoides or Nene Bush ('Aiakanene)
Lankin, DC
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Orthogonal LC and QNMR standardization confirms stability of red clover clinical extract
Chemical nano shifts explain the NMR fingerprints of dentin-enhancing oligomeric proanthocyanidins
The combination of DNA barcoding and metabolomics for the multi-constituents characterization of Licorice botanicals
Recovery of metabolites from natural deep eutectic solvent matrices by countercurrent separation
Dissemination of original NMR data enhances the reproducibility of natural product research
Lanteigne, M
Temperature-dependent metabolite production by Arctic actinomycetes
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Larson, EC
Traditional preparations and methanolic extracts of plants from Papua New Guinea exhibit similar cytochrome P450 inhibition
Lau, CBS
Bioactivity of polyphenols from Jaboticaba wood
Lavey, NP
Chemoactivation of a bacterial protease: Expanding the molecular arsenal and exploring therapeutic potential
Lawal, T
Boswellia serrata and Ocimum sanctum extracts reduce inflammation in an ova-induced asthma model of BALB/c mice
Lax, N
Panamanian marine cyanobacterial extracts with in vivo activity in models of anxiety and depression
Development of antioxidant peptides that target the pulmonary arteries for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension
Bioactivity-guided identification of botanical inhibitors of ketohexokinase
Le, P
Synthetic discoveries from polycyclic natural products
Lee, BM
Study on the anti-inflammatory activity from Zizyphus jujuba Mill
Alkaloids constituents from the fruits of Piper nigrum L. and their anti-inflammation activity
Alkaloids constituents from the fruits of Piper nigrum L. and their anti-inflammation activity
Lee, H
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
Lee, HJ
Cytotoxic sesquiterpenoids from Siegesbeckia glabrescens
Dehydrocostus lactone and costunolide inhibit Wnt/β-catenin pathway in colon cancer cell
Yuanhuadine, a natural diterpene, enhances the degradation of AXL to overcome acquired gefitinib-resistance in lung cancer cells
Lee, IS
Microbial metabolism of prenylated apigenin derivatives
Microbial transformaton of bavachin by Absidia coerulea
Antioxidant flavonol glycosides from Herba epimedii
Constituents from Litsea japonica leaves and their inhibitory effects on ages formation and aldose reductase
Phenolic compounds from the leaves of Homonoia riparia and their inhibitory effects on ages formation and aldose reductase
Lee, JS
Study on the anti-inflammatory activity from Zizyphus jujuba Mill
Lee, KR
Three new lignan derivatives from the twigs of Sambucus williamsii
A new biphenyl derivative from the twigs of Chaenomeles lagenaria
Phenolic compounds from the white flowers of Impatiens balsamina
Bioactive salicin derivatives from Salix glandulosa
New triterpenes from Abies holophylla and their biological activites
Lee, S
Bioactive lignan constituents from the twigs of Lindera glauca
A update of botanical drug development in the United States: Status of applications
Anti-inflammatory and antitumor phenylpropanoid sucrosides from the seeds of Raphanus sativus
Tiliabisflavan A, a new flavan-3-ol dimer from Tilia amurensis with cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory effects
Identification of cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory constituents from the bark of Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.A. Barkley
Alkaloids from Acorus gramineus rhizomes and their biological activity
Anti-inflammatory activity of a new cyclic peptide, citrusin XI, isolated from the fruits of Citrus unshiu
Plantago asiatica extracts prevent skin photoaging in hairless mice
Lee, SH
The secondary metabolites from halophilic actinomycetes from a solar saltern in Korea
Lee, SK
Discovery of new bioactive secondary metabolites from bacteria in extreme habitats
The secondary metabolites from halophilic actinomycetes from a solar saltern in Korea
Yuanhuadine, a natural diterpene, enhances the degradation of AXL to overcome acquired gefitinib-resistance in lung cancer cells
Lee, SR
Bioactive lignan constituents from the twigs of Lindera glauca
Anti-inflammatory and antitumor phenylpropanoid sucrosides from the seeds of Raphanus sativus
Tiliabisflavan A, a new flavan-3-ol dimer from Tilia amurensis with cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory effects
Identification of cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory constituents from the bark of Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.A. Barkley
Alkaloids from Acorus gramineus rhizomes and their biological activity
Anti-inflammatory activity of a new cyclic peptide, citrusin XI, isolated from the fruits of Citrus unshiu
Plantago asiatica extracts prevent skin photoaging in hairless mice
Lee, SY
Cytotoxic sesquiterpenoids from Siegesbeckia glabrescens
Lee, YM
Constituents from Litsea japonica leaves and their inhibitory effects on ages formation and aldose reductase
Phenolic compounds from the leaves of Homonoia riparia and their inhibitory effects on ages formation and aldose reductase
Lee, YS
Constituents of Angelica keiskei and their heat shock protein inducing activities
Leme, AA
Chemical nano shifts explain the NMR fingerprints of dentin-enhancing oligomeric proanthocyanidins
Leon, F
Isolation, chemical profiling, and standardization of betaine, choline, acetylcholine, and 20-hydroxyecdysone from Atriplex species
In vitro opioid receptor displacement affinity and in vitro behavioral studies by tetrad assay of Nelumbo nucifera flower
Secondary metabolites isolated from Salvia bogotensis
Isolation of acacetin from Calea urticifolia as a potent inhibitor of human monoamine oxidase-A and B
León, B
Biocompatible polymer delivery of biofilm disruptors of Vibrio cholerae
Leyte-Lugo, M
Alkaloids, flavanones and other compounds new to Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
A new anti-virulence strategy against pathogenic bacteria: Targeting spreading factors
Li, C
STAT3 inhibitors from Hawaiian-plants associated fungi
New anti-proliferative petasol analogs from fungus FT087
Li, D
Extending the structural diversity of a marine derived fungus Spicaria elegans KLA03
Li, G
High-throughput cytochrome P450 inhibition cocktail assay for evaluating possible drug-botanical interactions: Application to licorice
American Indian botanicals: possible alternatives to hormone therapy during menopause
Li, H
Cytotoxic sesquiterpenoids from Siegesbeckia glabrescens
Data mining of simple sequence repeats in transcriptome sequences of Mongolia medicinal plant Artemisia frigida
Li, J
Discovery of fatty acid synthase inhibitors and their biosynthetic pathways by a novel target-directed genome mining strategy
Development of a sensitive and rapid HPLC method for quantitative measurement of ginkgolic acid in dietary supplementarys
Discovery of fatty acid synthase inhibitors and their biosynthetic pathways by a novel target-directed genome mining strategy
Li, KP
Small molecule screening links metabolic plasticity with the target organ selectivity of triple-negative breast tumor metastases
Li, P
UPLC-qTOF-MS chemometric strategy to identify bioactive constituents from Garcinia oblongifolia
Li, Q
Data mining of simple sequence repeats in transcriptome sequences of Mongolia medicinal plant Artemisia frigida
Li, W
Possible involvement of NO/CGMP pathway in the antidepressant activity of paeoniflorin
The antidepressant-like effects of paeoniflorin in rats model exposed to chronic restraint stress
Li, Y
Quantification of polyphenols in freeze-dried table grape powder
Liaghati Mobarhan, Y
Characterization of environmental samples in their natural state using comprehensive multiphase NMR
Lifshits, M
Five novel o-methylated biopterin glycosides from two Microcystis blooms materials
Lila, MA
Method to harness bioactive secondary metabolites from intact Quinoa seeds with implications for chronic disease prevention
Lim-Fong, G
Integrated de novo metagenomics and metatranscriptomics to study natural products and microbial ecology in situ
Single shot deconvolution of the symbiotic Bugula neritina metagenome
Lin, Z
TRP channel antagonists from a novel tunicate-associated fungus
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
Extending the structural diversity of a marine derived fungus Spicaria elegans KLA03
Linares, E
α-glucosidase inhibitors from Vauquelinia corymbosa
Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic activities of an aqueous extract and compounds from Acourtia thurberi roots
Antinociceptive activity of the essential oil from Artemisia ludoviciana
Lindberg, JR
A validated method for determination of cannabinoid content in dietary supplements by UPLC-MS
Ling, T
Promising natural products against glucocorticoid resistant acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Linington, R
Phylogenetic and metabolomic analysis of marine mammal microbes contributes to emerging spirotetronate polyketides
Phylogenetic and metabolomic analysis of marine mammal microbes contributes to emerging spirotetronate polyketides
Linington, RG
Natural products: Are we close to the end?
Biocompatible polymer delivery of biofilm disruptors of Vibrio cholerae
Lipke, PN
Garcinia benzophenones promote hyphal apoptosis and potentiate activity of fluconazole in Candida albicans biofilms
Littlefield, BA
Discovery and development of eribulin, a macrocyclic ketone analog of halichondrin B, for treatment of advanced breast cancer
Liu, B
UPLC-qTOF-MS chemometric strategy to identify bioactive constituents from Garcinia oblongifolia
Liu, D
A TCM herbal formula increases IGF-1 and IGFBP-1 levels in the sera and ovaries in an aged female rat model of menopause
Novel mechanism of action of a traditional chinese herbal formula in an intact aged female rat model of menopause
Astragalin reduces ovarian failure in an aged rat model of menopause by inhibiting granulosa cell apoptosis
Liu, J
Isolation of annonacous acetogenins from Annona muricata fruit and their anti proliferative activity on human prostate cancer cell PC-3
Liu, K
Isolation of bioactive chemical constituents from Justicia procumbens
Liu, MX
Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents
Liu, R
The single-probe mass spectrometry for single cell analysis and biological tissue imaging
Extending the structural diversity of a marine derived fungus Spicaria elegans KLA03
Liu, T
Fingerprint analysis combined with multi-responses extraction optimization of Comastoma pedunculatum
Liu, Y
The generally useful estimate of solvent systems method enables the rapid separation of curcuminoids by countercurrent separation
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Recovery of metabolites from natural deep eutectic solvent matrices by countercurrent separation
Phytochemical constituents and cytotoxic activities of the traditional herbal medicine Marsdenia tenacissima
Data mining of simple sequence repeats in transcriptome sequences of Mongolia medicinal plant Artemisia frigida
Phytochemical analysis of the hepatoprotective fraction of Comastoma pedunculatum using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS
Variation of active constituents of an important Tibetan medicinal plant Swertia mussotii between Qinghai and Sichuan province
INvolvement of caspase-dependent mitochondrial patyway in CORM-2 induced apoptosis in neuronal cells
Fingerprint analysis combined with multi-responses extraction optimization of Comastoma pedunculatum
Ethnomedicinal plants investigation in Hezhen nationality
Loesgen, S
News from fungi – Targeting viral sweetspots
Loganathan, J
Biological activities of triterpenes isolated from the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum
Loganzo, F
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
Lohman, JR
Structural and evolutionary relationships of ketosynthase domains from modular polyketide synthases
Lokey, RS
Natural products: Are we close to the end?
Interrogating cyclic peptide natural products from an ADME perspective: Beyond cyclosporine A.
Two new cytotoxic meroterpenoids produced by the marine sediment-derived Streptomyces sp. CP26 – 58
Long, C
UPLC-qTOF-MS chemometric strategy to identify bioactive constituents from Garcinia oblongifolia
Phytochemical constituents and cytotoxic activities of the traditional herbal medicine Marsdenia tenacissima
Phytochemical analysis of the hepatoprotective fraction of Comastoma pedunculatum using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS
Herbal plants for oral disorders in China
Fingerprint analysis combined with multi-responses extraction optimization of Comastoma pedunculatum
Ethnomedicinal plants investigation in Hezhen nationality
Lopanik, NB
Interactions between the marine bryozoan Bugula neritina, its endosymbiont, and symbiont-produced bryostatins
Lopez, AM
Enabling reactivity of neutral aminyl radicals in polycyclic heterocycle synthesis
Lorig-Roach, N
A new brominated indole from Haplosclerida with selective cytotoxicity against the PANC-1 tumor cell line
Lovelace, E
Silymarin suppresses cellular inflammation by inducing reparative stress signaling
Lovelace, ES
Identification of cellular protein targets of silymarin-derived flavonolignans
Lu, Y
A TCM herbal formula increases IGF-1 and IGFBP-1 levels in the sera and ovaries in an aged female rat model of menopause
Novel mechanism of action of a traditional chinese herbal formula in an intact aged female rat model of menopause
Astragalin reduces ovarian failure in an aged rat model of menopause by inhibiting granulosa cell apoptosis
Lu, Z
TRP channel antagonists from a novel tunicate-associated fungus
Luan, Y
Extending the structural diversity of a marine derived fungus Spicaria elegans KLA03
Lucas, DM
Absolute configuration of the 1,2-diol of digoxin determined by electronic circular dichroism induced with [Mo2(OAc)4]
Lúcio de Carvalho, R
Phytochemical and insecticidal studies on T. arjuna
Luesch, H
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Total synthesis and biological evaluation of Lyngbyastatin 7 for the treatment of pulmonary diseases
Isolation, structure elucidation and biological evaluation of novel cathepsin inhibitors from marine cyanobacteria
Lundy, BJ
Synthetic discoveries from polycyclic natural products
Luo, D
Total synthesis and biological evaluation of Lyngbyastatin 7 for the treatment of pulmonary diseases
Luo, J
Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents
Luo, S
Isolation and structure elucidation of merocyclophane C from the cultured cyanbacterium Nostoc sp. (UIC 10110)
Luzzatto Knaan, T
Mass spectrometry tools for screening of marine cyanobacterial natural products
Ma, C
Pharmacopeial methods for potential confounding herbal medicines
Ma, G
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Ma, H
A TCM herbal formula increases IGF-1 and IGFBP-1 levels in the sera and ovaries in an aged female rat model of menopause
Novel mechanism of action of a traditional chinese herbal formula in an intact aged female rat model of menopause
Method optimization of amyloglucosidase activity assay and its application in analysis of secretome yield by Aspergillus niger
Ma, X
Data mining of simple sequence repeats in transcriptome sequences of Mongolia medicinal plant Artemisia frigida
MacDonald, J
Silymarin suppresses cellular inflammation by inducing reparative stress signaling
Macherla, V
Rapid identification of minor active metabolites in extracts of marine organisms: A platform for efficient drug discovery
Discovery platform for potent ADC payloads from marine sources
MacMillan, J
Use of high content screening for the discovery and biological characterization of natural products
MacMillan, JB
Modeling cellular responses in non-small cell lung cancer using marine derived natural products
The discoipyrroles: A multifaceted approach to understand a novel family of marine natural products
Madariaga-Mazon, A
Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic activities of an aqueous extract and compounds from Acourtia thurberi roots
Madariaga-Mazón, A
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors from Sporormiella minimoides
Mafezoli, J
Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents
Mahady, GB
A TCM herbal formula increases IGF-1 and IGFBP-1 levels in the sera and ovaries in an aged female rat model of menopause
Novel mechanism of action of a traditional chinese herbal formula in an intact aged female rat model of menopause
Boswellia serrata and Ocimum sanctum extracts reduce inflammation in an ova-induced asthma model of BALB/c mice
Astragalin reduces ovarian failure in an aged rat model of menopause by inhibiting granulosa cell apoptosis
Mahdi, F
Small molecule screening links metabolic plasticity with the target organ selectivity of triple-negative breast tumor metastases
Mahmud, T
De novo synthesis of a vertebrate sunscreen compound
Maio, WA
The taumycin A macrocycle: Asymmetric total synthesis and revision of relative stereochemistry
Makhatov, B
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Malak, L
Secondary metabolites from fungus Quambalaria cyanescens
Malkinson, JP
Synthesis of acylphloroglucinols and their antibacterial activities against clinical isolates of MRSA strains
Manda, VK
Identification of novel inhibitors of botulinum neurotoxin A
Drug interaction potential of Mitragyna speciosa and its constituents through PXR modulation
Assessment of drug interaction potential of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) through modulation of CYPs, P-gp and PXR
Manfredi, KP
Exploring the spectrum of antimicrobial activity from native North American prairie plants
Mantovani, SM
Discovery of fatty acid synthase inhibitors and their biosynthetic pathways by a novel target-directed genome mining strategy
Discovery of fatty acid synthase inhibitors and their biosynthetic pathways by a novel target-directed genome mining strategy
Marino, R
Promising natural products against glucocorticoid resistant acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Markus, MA
Analysis of coumarin and other compounds in commercially available cinnamon and cinnamon supplements utilizing quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Marles, RJ
Evaluating health claims associated with natural product content of foods, such as effects of soy protein on blood cholesterol
Martin, GDA
Bioconversion of curcumin and its analogs
Martin, GE
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Structure elucidation of a proton-deficient natural product using LR-HSQMBC supported by DFT calculations
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Martín, J
Marine natural products drug discovery from actinomycetes at fundacion MEDINA
Martinez, JM
Development of antioxidant peptides that target the pulmonary arteries for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension
Martínez, AL
Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic activities of an aqueous extract and compounds from Acourtia thurberi roots
Martins, L
Ingenol 3,20 dibenzoate efficiently reactivates latent HIV
Martucci, H
Two new cytotoxic meroterpenoids produced by the marine sediment-derived Streptomyces sp. CP26 – 58
Maschek, JA
Ecological and antileishmanial activity of diterpenes derived from the Antarctic sponge Dendrilla membranosa
Mascuch, SJ
Honaucin A, mechanism of action and role as a potential cancer prevention agent
Masoom, H
Characterization of environmental samples in their natural state using comprehensive multiphase NMR
Mata, R
Development and validation of an RP-HPLC-PDA method for quantifying juglalin in Hydrangea seemannii phytopreparations
α-glucosidase inhibitors from Vauquelinia corymbosa
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors from Sporormiella minimoides
Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic activities of an aqueous extract and compounds from Acourtia thurberi roots
Antihyperalgesic activity of an extract and compounds from Anoda cristata
Antinociceptive activity of the essential oil from Artemisia ludoviciana
Matainaho, T
Medicinal plants used by traditional medicine practitioners for the treatment of HIV/AIDS and related conditions in Papua New Guinea
Matainaho, TK
Traditional preparations and methanolic extracts of plants from Papua New Guinea exhibit similar cytochrome P450 inhibition
HIV inhibitory activity from Papua New Guinean medicinal plants
Matsunaga, S
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Mattes, A
Laesims studies of Echinacea purpurea, Rudbeckia hirta, and Helianthemum annus
Near real time in situ analysis of fungal natural products using laesims
Mattes, AO
Transferring fungi to a deuterium-enriched medium results in assorted, conditional changes in secondary metabolite production
Matthew, S
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
A phenylpropanoid and neolignans from Myristica fragrans Houtt with PARP-1 and NF-κB inhibitory activity
May, D
Isolation and structure elucidation of merocyclophane C from the cultured cyanbacterium Nostoc sp. (UIC 10110)
May, J
Synthetic discoveries from polycyclic natural products
Mayer, T
Rapid identification of minor active metabolites in extracts of marine organisms: A platform for efficient drug discovery
Discovery platform for potent ADC payloads from marine sources
McAlpine, JB
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
The generally useful estimate of solvent systems method enables the rapid separation of curcuminoids by countercurrent separation
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Orthogonal LC and QNMR standardization confirms stability of red clover clinical extract
Minimizing the problems with “PIMPs”
Chemical nano shifts explain the NMR fingerprints of dentin-enhancing oligomeric proanthocyanidins
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
The combination of DNA barcoding and metabolomics for the multi-constituents characterization of Licorice botanicals
Recovery of metabolites from natural deep eutectic solvent matrices by countercurrent separation
Dissemination of original NMR data enhances the reproducibility of natural product research
Rebiogram enhances the search of bioactive natural products
McCauley, E
Description of bacterial communities in two Caribbean octocorals and assessment of their ability to produce natural products
McClintock, JB
Ecological and antileishmanial activity of diterpenes derived from the Antarctic sponge Dendrilla membranosa
McConville, PR
Advances in profiling of natural products by triple detection techniques combined with super critical CO2 mobile phases and sub-2 µm stationary phases
McCornack, J
Dalea emoryi revisited: Anthelmintic and new components of a previously-studied plant
McCoy, JA
MS, NMR, and DNA barcoding, complementary methods for identification and authentication of Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa L.)
McCurdy, CR
In vitro opioid receptor displacement affinity and in vitro behavioral studies by tetrad assay of Nelumbo nucifera flower
McKay, R
Pluripotent stem cell colonies provide a developmental landscape for pharmacogenomic drug discovery
McKee, TC
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Funding opportunities in the NCI'S cancer diagnosis program
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
McKenzie, C
Bioconversion of curcumin and its analogs
McKnight, G
Pharmacologically active extracts from Florida Keys sponges inhibit ovarian cancer cell proliferation
McMahon, JB
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Stelliosphaerols A and B, sesquiterpene-polyol conjugates from an Ecuadorian fungal endophyte
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
McMillan, EA
Modeling cellular responses in non-small cell lung cancer using marine derived natural products
McPhail, K
Integrated de novo metagenomics and metatranscriptomics to study natural products and microbial ecology in situ
McPhail, KL
New and known mandelalides for biological mechanism and structure-activity relationship studies
The mandelalides are produced by a symbiont in the phylum Verrucomicrobia in the tunicate Lissoclinum sp.
Meepagala, KM
Phytotoxic constituents from curvularia intermedia infecting Pandanus amaryllifolius
Meneni, S
Reversed-phase HPLC analysis studies of the sweet diterpene glycosides isolated from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni
Meragelman, T
Achievement of sustainable agricultural solutions through modern dereplication tools
Metwaly, AM
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Metz, T
Silymarin suppresses cellular inflammation by inducing reparative stress signaling
Mevers, E
Chemical investigations into termite-associated actinobacteria
Micceri, S
Selection of prospective Ficus species and development of novel multifunctional zeta fractions for personal care
Miklossy, G
Anticancer potential of withanolides and its derivatives from Physalis peruviana (POHA)
Milasta, S
Small molecule screening links metabolic plasticity with the target organ selectivity of triple-negative breast tumor metastases
Miller, AN
Chemical mycology of freshwater ascomycetes from North Carolina, USA
Bioactive polyketides from a Penicillium lanosum strain derived from a swab of bat's wing
Miller, B
Biphasic modulation of human cathepsin L by a novel cyanobacterial depsipeptide
Miller, IJ
Integrated de novo metagenomics and metatranscriptomics to study natural products and microbial ecology in situ
The mandelalides are produced by a symbiont in the phylum Verrucomicrobia in the tunicate Lissoclinum sp.
Single shot deconvolution of the symbiotic Bugula neritina metagenome
Min, BS
Potential pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of 2-arylbenzofuran derivatives from Morus alba
Study on the anti-inflammatory activity from Zizyphus jujuba Mill
Inhibitory effect on no production of compounds from Styrax obassia
Alkaloids constituents from the fruits of Piper nigrum L. and their anti-inflammation activity
Alkaloids constituents from the fruits of Piper nigrum L. and their anti-inflammation activity
Mirhom, Y
Determination of adulteration in Echinacea spp. by principal component analysis of UV spectra
Missler, SR
Magnolia bark extract is a potent Nrf2 activator
Mitchell, C
Near real time in situ analysis of fungal natural products using laesims
Mitchell, CA
Novel 22-mer peptaibols isolated from Tolypocladium sp. with potent antitumor activities
Method development for accessing novel myxobacterial chemotypes: Analysis of separate culture conditions in the pursuit of optimizing secondary metabolite production
Activity comparison of cyclic lipodepsipeptides from mammalian microbiome bacterial sources
Mlot, C
Integrated de novo metagenomics and metatranscriptomics to study natural products and microbial ecology in situ
Mohamed, SMM
Antitrypanosomal and opioid receptor activity of Mussaenda luteola's secondary metabolites
Moharram, A
Secondary metabolites from fungus Quambalaria cyanescens
Monette, M
Characterization of environmental samples in their natural state using comprehensive multiphase NMR
Monroe, EA
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Montiel, D
Discovery of epoxyketone proteasome inhibitors using metagenome mining
Monzón, J
1,2-dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids in the traditional Andean herbal medicine “Asmachilca”
Mooberry, S
Great Lakes-derived fungal extracts yield compounds targeting pediatric cancer
Mooberry, SL
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new bulky acyloxy taccalonolides as potent microtubule stabilizers
Antimalarial metabolites from Buxus sempervirens
Cytotoxic effects of anthraquinones from the rhizome of Rheum tataricum on HeLa and MDA-MB-435 cells
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
Identification of new therapeutic leads for triple negative breast cancer subtypes
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new bulky acyloxy taccalonolides as potent microtubule stabilizers
North American plants remain an excellent source for compounds with anticancer potential
Moon, K
Discovery of new bioactive secondary metabolites from bacteria in extreme habitats
Moore, BS
Discovery of fatty acid synthase inhibitors and their biosynthetic pathways by a novel target-directed genome mining strategy
Discovery of fatty acid synthase inhibitors and their biosynthetic pathways by a novel target-directed genome mining strategy
Moore, M
Bioconversion of curcumin and its analogs
Moreiro Spindola, H
Genotoxicity evaluation in vitro by comet assay of compound and crude extract obtained from P. Pubescens Benth.
Moreno, C
Marine natural products drug discovery from actinomycetes at fundacion MEDINA
Mosey, CF
Chemical investigation of winter fireflies (Ellychnia corrusca) reveals lucibufagins
Mostafa, AE
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Motley, J
Near real time in situ analysis of fungal natural products using laesims
Motley, JL
Activity comparison of cyclic lipodepsipeptides from mammalian microbiome bacterial sources
Motley, TJ
LC-MS metabolomics and chemotaxonomy of Ilex species
Muhammad, I
Isolation, chemical profiling, and standardization of betaine, choline, acetylcholine, and 20-hydroxyecdysone from Atriplex species
In vitro opioid receptor displacement affinity and in vitro behavioral studies by tetrad assay of Nelumbo nucifera flower
Assessment of drug interaction potential of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) through modulation of CYPs, P-gp and PXR
Neurotrophic and neuritogenic drug leads from natural products: A combined in vitro assay for evaluation of cell viability and NGF-stimulated neuritic outgrowth in neuroscreen 1 cells
Müller, AC
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Mullowney, MW
A novel pimarane diterpene and cytotoxic angucyclines from a marine-derived actinomycete in Vietnam
Mulugeta, SG
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
Muñoz, F
Differential induction of secondary metabolite profiles in endophyte fungi by the addition of epigenetic modifiers
Muñoz Acuña, U
Cytotoxic rotenoids and isoflavonoids from the fruits of Millettia caerulea
A phenylpropanoid and neolignans from Myristica fragrans Houtt with PARP-1 and NF-κB inhibitory activity
Murata, H
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Muriel, C
HDAC inhibitors for cancer chemoprevention
Murillo, C
Screening bioactive secondary metabolites from Costa Rican enviromental microbial communities
Murphy, BT
Azaphilone molecules from freshwater derived fungi
A novel pimarane diterpene and cytotoxic angucyclines from a marine-derived actinomycete in Vietnam
Adaptability of subtropical algae to local microbial populations
Prospecting Great Lakes bacteria for drug-lead discovery with high-throughput microbiome screening
Nagle, DG
Small molecule screening links metabolic plasticity with the target organ selectivity of triple-negative breast tumor metastases
Nair, S
Antimalarial metabolites from Buxus sempervirens
Nakata, A
Four new C19-norditerpenoid alkaloids from Delphinium elatum
Nakib, A
Prospecting Great Lakes bacteria for drug-lead discovery with high-throughput microbiome screening
Nam, JW
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
Chemical nano shifts explain the NMR fingerprints of dentin-enhancing oligomeric proanthocyanidins
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
Naman, CB
Bioactivity-guided isolation and quantification of episilvestrol and silvestrol from Aglaia perviridis
Investigation of the antiproliferative activity of Linociera ramiflora and its isolates
Conformational analysis of some type XII bisbenzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Thalictrum alpinum assisted by quantitative noe, j coupling constants analysis and anisotropic NMR parameters
Napolitano, JG
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
Narendrabhai Patel, D
Screening and identification of undeclared synthetic compounds as adulterants using UPLC-QTOF-MS coupled to a novel informatics platform
Nascimento, FS
Co-culture between insect-associated microorganisms stimulates polyketide production
Antibiotic-producing bacteria associated with the nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa
Navarro, G
Honaucin A, mechanism of action and role as a potential cancer prevention agent
Mass spectrometry tools for screening of marine cyanobacterial natural products
Navarro-Vázquez, A
Conformational analysis of some type XII bisbenzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Thalictrum alpinum assisted by quantitative noe, j coupling constants analysis and anisotropic NMR parameters
Nazari, M
New and known mandelalides for biological mechanism and structure-activity relationship studies
Negrin, A
LC-MS metabolomics and chemotaxonomy of Ilex species
Bioactivity of polyphenols from Jaboticaba wood
Nelson, A
Adaptability of subtropical algae to local microbial populations
Nelson, DR
Mechanisms of microbe-microbe-host interactions in a probiont-pathogen-bivalve model
Neo, SY
An ethnobotanical survey on the usage of fresh herbs
Nepomuceno, VM
Azaphilone molecules from freshwater derived fungi
Newman, DJ
Are natural products isolated from plants, products of epi- and/or endo-phytic microbial interactions with/within the host?
Newsome, A
Antitrypanosomal activity of an iridal from Iris domestica and initial structure-activity relationships
Newsome, AL
Novel botanical extracts and small molecule inhibitors for African Sleeping Sickness, Chagas Disease, and Visceral Leishmaniasis
Nguyen, BN
Cyclic diarylheptanoids from the Australian endemic plant Allocasuarina luehmannii
Nguyen, DH
Echinochlorins A˜C from the grains of Echinochloa utilis (Barnyard Millet) and their anti-inflammatory activity
Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory compounds from the leaves of Smilax china L.
Six selaginellin derivatives with protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitory activity from Selaginella tamariscina
Nguyen, T
Adaptability of subtropical algae to local microbial populations
Nguyen, TS
Synthetic discoveries from polycyclic natural products
Nguyen, TT
Echinochlorins A˜C from the grains of Echinochloa utilis (Barnyard Millet) and their anti-inflammatory activity
Niadj, L
Method development for accessing novel myxobacterial chemotypes: Analysis of separate culture conditions in the pursuit of optimizing secondary metabolite production
Nicholas, K
Selectivity and mechanistic inquiries into the reactivity of Pericosine A, an electrophilic chlorinated shikimate analogue
Selectivity and mechanistic inquiries into the reactivity of pericosine A, an electrophilic chlorinated shikimate analogue
Nichols, K
Antiproliferative compounds from Penicillium chrysogenum, a fungal associate of the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella
Niemitz, M
Dissemination of original NMR data enhances the reproducibility of natural product research
Nikolic, D
Can women's health botanicals prevent estrogen carcinogenesis?
High-throughput cytochrome P450 inhibition cocktail assay for evaluating possible drug-botanical interactions: Application to licorice
Nimmo, SL
Transferring fungi to a deuterium-enriched medium results in assorted, conditional changes in secondary metabolite production
Activity comparison of cyclic lipodepsipeptides from mammalian microbiome bacterial sources
Ninh, TN
Cytotoxic rotenoids and isoflavonoids from the fruits of Millettia caerulea
Bioactivity-guided isolation and quantification of episilvestrol and silvestrol from Aglaia perviridis
Investigation of the antiproliferative activity of Linociera ramiflora and its isolates
Noda, A
Isolation of strongylophorines from the marine sponge Petrosia corticata, as proteasome inhibitors
Noonan, GO
Development of a sensitive and rapid HPLC method for quantitative measurement of ginkgolic acid in dietary supplementarys
Norman, VL
Digging deep for new compounds from Silphium laciniatum
Nosal, DG
Quantification of polyphenols in freeze-dried table grape powder
Quantitation of major indole and oxindole alkaloids from different kratom (Mitrigyna speciosa) strain extracts using UHPLC-MS/MS
Nunez, J
Oxyesterol-binding protein family (OSBP/ORP) ligand binding and natural product drug development
Nuñez, MJ
Isolation of acacetin from Calea urticifolia as a potent inhibitor of human monoamine oxidase-A and B
Nyholm, SV
Antimicrobial properties and chemical profiling of the acessory nidamental gland in the squid Euprymna scolopes
O'Connor, R
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
O'Donnell, CJ
Spliceostatin biosynthesis in Burkholderia spp.
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
O'Keefe, B
Biologically active natural products from Cassine viburnifolia
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
O'Keefe, BR
Development of a natural product-based fraction library for improved performance in high-throughput screening systems
Brazilian cerrado biome plant extract bank screening in inflammatory disease and cancer enzymes
O'Neil-Johnson, M
Digging deep for new compounds from Silphium laciniatum
O'Neill, EC
Discovery of fatty acid synthase inhibitors and their biosynthetic pathways by a novel target-directed genome mining strategy
Discovery of fatty acid synthase inhibitors and their biosynthetic pathways by a novel target-directed genome mining strategy
Oberlies, NH
Endophytic fungi of medicinal herbs: Basic science and source of new drug leads
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Fungal metabolites as novel anthelmintics against soil-transmitted helminthes
Identification of cellular protein targets of silymarin-derived flavonolignans
Glucuronide metabolites of flavonolignans from milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Enzymatic synthesis
Glucuronide metabolites of flavonolignans from milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Structural characterization
Study of antioxidant activity of Açaí extracts (Euterpe oleracea)
Chemical mycology of freshwater ascomycetes from North Carolina, USA
Profiling fungal cultures in situ via the droplet-LMJ-SSP coupled with UPLC-PDA-HRMS-MS/MS
Prevalence of antimicrobial fungal metabolites in Hydrastis canadensis crude extracts
Triggering epipolythiodioxopiperazine alkaloid biosynthesis in fungal endophytes of Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)
Silymarin suppresses cellular inflammation by inducing reparative stress signaling
A new anti-virulence strategy against pathogenic bacteria: Targeting spreading factors
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Ochoa, J
Phylogenetic and metabolomic analysis of marine mammal microbes contributes to emerging spirotetronate polyketides
Phylogenetic and metabolomic analysis of marine mammal microbes contributes to emerging spirotetronate polyketides
Odoh Uchenna, E
Evaluation of the anti-diabetic and antihyperlipidemic effect of methanol extract of Strophanthus hispidus roots D.C. (apocynaceae)
Antimicrobial activity of constituents isolated from seeds of Picralima nitida (Stapf) TH. & H. (apocynaceae)
Oh, DC
A novel tricyclic dilactone isolated from an actinomycete derived from gineseng-cultivated soil
SJN1 A-D, new glycolipids from the ant-associated bacterium, Deinococcus gobiensis sp.
Discovery of new bioactive secondary metabolites from bacteria in extreme habitats
The secondary metabolites from halophilic actinomycetes from a solar saltern in Korea
Sesterterpenes and a nortriterpene saponin from the sponge Clathria gombawuiensis
Oh, KB
Discovery of new bioactive secondary metabolites from bacteria in extreme habitats
The secondary metabolites from halophilic actinomycetes from a solar saltern in Korea
Sesterterpenes and a nortriterpene saponin from the sponge Clathria gombawuiensis
Oh, WK
The secondary metabolites from halophilic actinomycetes from a solar saltern in Korea
Ohta, K
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Okada, M
Post-translational isoprenylation of tryptophan
Okoye Festus, BC
Antimicrobial activity of constituents isolated from seeds of Picralima nitida (Stapf) TH. & H. (apocynaceae)
Ola, ARB
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new bulky acyloxy taccalonolides as potent microtubule stabilizers
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new bulky acyloxy taccalonolides as potent microtubule stabilizers
Olatunji, OO
Localization of kabiramides in the sponge Pachastrissa nux and sponge surface-attached bacteria
Olivares, N
Pluripotent stem cell colonies provide a developmental landscape for pharmacogenomic drug discovery
Olivas, K
Identification of cellular protein targets of silymarin-derived flavonolignans
Oliveira, MCF
Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents
Olsen, T
Selectivity and mechanistic inquiries into the reactivity of Pericosine A, an electrophilic chlorinated shikimate analogue
Selectivity and mechanistic inquiries into the reactivity of pericosine A, an electrophilic chlorinated shikimate analogue
Olson, M
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Oluwatosin, JO
Prenylated anthranols from the leaves of Harungana madagascariensis
Omirzak, M
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Omyrzakov, M
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Onaka, H
Mycolic acid-containing bacteria induce the production of novel secondary metabolites in streptomyces strains
Onakpa, MM
Further (9βH)-pimaranes and derivatives from Icacina trichantha
Ondeyka, JG
Phenylpropanoids and flavones from Desmos pedunculosus (Annonaceae) from Vietnam
Onu, S
Evaluation of the anti-diabetic and antihyperlipidemic effect of methanol extract of Strophanthus hispidus roots D.C. (apocynaceae)
Orabi, K
Old terpenes as new anticancer leads
Orazbekov, Y
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Orazbekuly, K
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Orjala, J
Isolation and structure elucidation of merocyclophane C from the cultured cyanbacterium Nostoc sp. (UIC 10110)
Ortega, HE
Bacterial symbionts isolated from fungus-growing ants collected in São Paulo state, Brazil, as sources of natural products
Ortiz, A
An impurity investigation in a new process for the synthesis of festinavir
Orynbasarova, K
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Osadaebe, PO
Antimicrobial activity of constituents isolated from seeds of Picralima nitida (Stapf) TH. & H. (apocynaceae)
Osborn, AR
De novo synthesis of a vertebrate sunscreen compound
Oswald, NW
Modeling cellular responses in non-small cell lung cancer using marine derived natural products
Ou, J
Clinical evaluation of formula F105, designed and developed to address elevated oxidized LDL Cholesterol (oxLDL) levels
Oufir, M
Pharmacokinetic, in vitro and in silico assessment of anti-inflammatory alkaloids from Isatis tinctoria L.
Ouyang, Y
Small molecule screening links metabolic plasticity with the target organ selectivity of triple-negative breast tumor metastases
Overk, CR
Rebiogram enhances the search of bioactive natural products
Oves, D
Marine natural products drug discovery from actinomycetes at fundacion MEDINA
Owen, J
Contemporary strategies for targeted discovery and transcriptional activation of natural product biosynthetic gene clusters
Owen, JG
Discovery of epoxyketone proteasome inhibitors using metagenome mining
Owens, B
Antimicrobial defenses of Caulerpa mexicana and Udotea looensis against Vibrio spp. and Bacillus sp.
Paguigan, ND
Glucuronide metabolites of flavonolignans from milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Enzymatic synthesis
Glucuronide metabolites of flavonolignans from milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Structural characterization
Triggering epipolythiodioxopiperazine alkaloid biosynthesis in fungal endophytes of Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)
Paine, MF
Glucuronide metabolites of flavonolignans from milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Enzymatic synthesis
Glucuronide metabolites of flavonolignans from milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Structural characterization
Palacios, G
Promising natural products against glucocorticoid resistant acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Paludo, CR
Co-culture between insect-associated microorganisms stimulates polyketide production
Antibiotic-producing bacteria associated with the nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa
Pan, L
Diverse oligopeptides isolated from aquatic microbial consortia
Bioactivity-guided isolation and quantification of episilvestrol and silvestrol from Aglaia perviridis
Investigation of the antiproliferative activity of Linociera ramiflora and its isolates
Pan, N
The single-probe mass spectrometry for single cell analysis and biological tissue imaging
Novel 22-mer peptaibols isolated from Tolypocladium sp. with potent antitumor activities
Pang, XF
Extraction and gas chromatography analysis of essential oil from garlic
Parcher, JF
Quality evaluation of Terpinen-4-OL type tea tree oils and commercial products using GC/MS and chemometrics
Supercritical fluid chromatographic method for the analysis of cannabinoids in extracts of cannabis samples
GC/MS method for characterization and quantitative analysis of ginkgolic acids in Ginkgo biloba plants and dietary supplements
Park, EJ
Anticancer potential of withanolides and its derivatives from Physalis peruviana (POHA)
Park, EM
Transferring fungi to a deuterium-enriched medium results in assorted, conditional changes in secondary metabolite production
Park, HJ
Yuanhuadine, a natural diterpene, enhances the degradation of AXL to overcome acquired gefitinib-resistance in lung cancer cells
Park, HS
Anti-inflammatory effects of compounds derived from botanical medicinal plants in LPS-stimulated THP-1 cell line
Park, HY
Antiproliferative compounds from Penicillium chrysogenum, a fungal associate of the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella
Park, KJ
Three new lignan derivatives from the twigs of Sambucus williamsii
A new biphenyl derivative from the twigs of Chaenomeles lagenaria
Bioactive salicin derivatives from Salix glandulosa
New triterpenes from Abies holophylla and their biological activites
Parra, LLL
Combinatorial biosynthesis by the sponge Tedania brasiliensis optimizes the anti-parasitic activity of bromopyrrole alkaloids
Parvez, MK
New cytotoxic terpenoid compounds from Nuxia oppositifolia
Pastore, GM
Genotoxicity evaluation in vitro by comet assay of compound and crude extract obtained from P. Pubescens Benth.
Patel, D
State of art analytical technologies to solve natural products challenges
Patel, M
Pharmacologically active extracts from Florida Keys sponges inhibit ovarian cancer cell proliferation
Patel, PR
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Patel, U
Boswellia serrata and Ocimum sanctum extracts reduce inflammation in an ova-induced asthma model of BALB/c mice
Pathiranage, AL
Novel botanical extracts and small molecule inhibitors for African Sleeping Sickness, Chagas Disease, and Visceral Leishmaniasis
Antitrypanosomal activity of an iridal from Iris domestica and initial structure-activity relationships
Patil, A
Isolation of chromophoric and non-chromophoric compounds in natural products using integrated flash and preparative chromatography
Paul, V
Isolation, structure elucidation and biological evaluation of novel cathepsin inhibitors from marine cyanobacteria
Paul, VJ
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Macroalgae may interrupt important cues for coral larval settlement
Paula OHohne, A
Genotoxicity evaluation in vitro by comet assay of compound and crude extract obtained from P. Pubescens Benth.
Pauli, GF
(HP)TLC-bioautography-MS/NMR – A new tool for the search of anti-tuberculosis lead compounds
A rufomycin analogue is an anti-tuberculosis drug lead targeting CLPC1 with no cross resistance to ecumicin
The generally useful estimate of solvent systems method enables the rapid separation of curcuminoids by countercurrent separation
TLC-bioautography linked with guess: A truely targeted active compound isolation process
A designer Licorice extract: Selective depletion of glabridin and congeneric metabolites by countercurrent separation
K-targeted isolation of C-glycosylflavones from Vitex agnus-castus by countercurrent methodology
Orthogonal LC and QNMR standardization confirms stability of red clover clinical extract
Minimizing the problems with “PIMPs”
Chemical nano shifts explain the NMR fingerprints of dentin-enhancing oligomeric proanthocyanidins
Rufomycins – Actinomycete peptides with potent anti-TB activity
The combination of DNA barcoding and metabolomics for the multi-constituents characterization of Licorice botanicals
Licochalcone A and isoliquiritigenin from Licorice species differentially modulate P450 1B1-mediated estrogen metabolism
Recovery of metabolites from natural deep eutectic solvent matrices by countercurrent separation
Can women's health botanicals prevent estrogen carcinogenesis?
Dissemination of original NMR data enhances the reproducibility of natural product research
Rebiogram enhances the search of bioactive natural products
Pawar, R
Development of a sensitive and rapid HPLC method for quantitative measurement of ginkgolic acid in dietary supplementarys
Pearce, C
Fungal metabolites as novel anthelmintics against soil-transmitted helminthes
Pearce, CJ
Profiling fungal cultures in situ via the droplet-LMJ-SSP coupled with UPLC-PDA-HRMS-MS/MS
Peddabuddi, G
Chemoactivation of a bacterial protease: Expanding the molecular arsenal and exploring therapeutic potential
Pehrsson, PR
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Peng, J
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new bulky acyloxy taccalonolides as potent microtubule stabilizers
Cytotoxic effects of anthraquinones from the rhizome of Rheum tataricum on HeLa and MDA-MB-435 cells
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new bulky acyloxy taccalonolides as potent microtubule stabilizers
Peng, Y
Mass spectrometry tools for screening of marine cyanobacterial natural products
Perez, A
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
Pérez, A
Development and validation of an RP-HPLC-PDA method for quantifying juglalin in Hydrangea seemannii phytopreparations
Pérez-Vásquez, A
α-glucosidase inhibitors from Vauquelinia corymbosa
Pérez-Victoria, I
Marine natural products drug discovery from actinomycetes at fundacion MEDINA
Peterson, SW
New antiinsectan dioxomorpholines from Aspergillus alabamensis NRRL 29810
Petrova, V
Bioactivity of polyphenols from Jaboticaba wood
Pettaway, S
In vitro opioid receptor displacement affinity and in vitro behavioral studies by tetrad assay of Nelumbo nucifera flower
Pezzuto, JM
Anticancer potential of withanolides and its derivatives from Physalis peruviana (POHA)
Pham, NB
Cyclic diarylheptanoids from the Australian endemic plant Allocasuarina luehmannii
Phansalkar, R
Can women's health botanicals prevent estrogen carcinogenesis?
Phansalkar, RS
Orthogonal LC and QNMR standardization confirms stability of red clover clinical extract
Chemical nano shifts explain the NMR fingerprints of dentin-enhancing oligomeric proanthocyanidins
Phelan, VV
Visualizing diverse chemical families with molecular networking
Philip, E
Antimicrobial defenses of Caulerpa mexicana and Udotea looensis against Vibrio spp. and Bacillus sp.
Phillips, L
Isolation and structure elucidation of a possible ant trail pheromone, from epothilone B producing fermentations of Sorangium cellulosum
Phillips Jr, GN
Structural and evolutionary relationships of ketosynthase domains from modular polyketide synthases
Philmus, B
Accessing cyanobacterial natural products: A workflow for sequencing, and heterologous expression
Turning a negative into a positive: Using bacterial self-resistance to identify new natural products
Phuaklee, P
Biological activities and total phenolic content of tregaysornmas formula
Pierce, JG
Marine natural products synthesis as a driving force for chemical and biological discovery
Pilon, AC
Dereplication of natural products based on ratio analysis 1H NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-DAD-ESI-QToF-MS/MS
Pinto-Tomás, A
Screening bioactive secondary metabolites from Costa Rican enviromental microbial communities
Piotrowski, M
Metabolite and transcriptome analysis of an Australian eremohila plant and its correlation to antibacterial effects
Piskaut, P
Traditional preparations and methanolic extracts of plants from Papua New Guinea exhibit similar cytochrome P450 inhibition
Planelles, V
Ingenol 3,20 dibenzoate efficiently reactivates latent HIV
Plubrukarn, A
Localization of kabiramides in the sponge Pachastrissa nux and sponge surface-attached bacteria
Metabolomic approach towards stability of herba andrographidis
Pociute, E
Discovery platform for potent ADC payloads from marine sources
Podhola, B
Heavy metals in Bacopa ingredients collected from the market in Europe, India and the Unites States
Polyak, S
Silymarin suppresses cellular inflammation by inducing reparative stress signaling
Polyak, SJ
Identification of cellular protein targets of silymarin-derived flavonolignans
Pond, CD
Traditional preparations and methanolic extracts of plants from Papua New Guinea exhibit similar cytochrome P450 inhibition
HIV inhibitory activity from Papua New Guinean medicinal plants
Porter, JR
Discovery of 20-hydroxyecdysone from Xerophyllum asphodeloides (Turkey beard)
Extraction of isoflavonoids from Iresine herbstii
A novel isoflavone from Leiophyllum buxifolium (Ericaceae) and its antiproliferative effect
Posner, BA
Modeling cellular responses in non-small cell lung cancer using marine derived natural products
Poth, A
Pharmaceutical applications of cyclotides
Potts, MB
The discoipyrroles: A multifaceted approach to understand a novel family of marine natural products
Poulev, A
Method to harness bioactive secondary metabolites from intact Quinoa seeds with implications for chronic disease prevention
Poulsen, TB
Total syntheses of rakicidin A and BE-43547A1
Powell, DR
Activity comparison of cyclic lipodepsipeptides from mammalian microbiome bacterial sources
Antimalarial metabolites from Buxus sempervirens
Powell, R
Historical aspects of antitumor compounds from plants, including homoharringtonine (Omacetaxine Mepesuccinate, SynriboTM)
Prakash Chaturvedula, VS
Reversed-phase HPLC analysis studies of the sweet diterpene glycosides isolated from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni
Presley, CC
Two new potent antimalarial alkaloids, cripowellins C and D, from the swamp Lily crinum erubescens
Prisinzano, TE
Synthesis of both enantiomers of the meta,meta-bridged diarylheptanoid Myricanol
Puglisi, MP
Pharmacologically active extracts from Florida Keys sponges inhibit ovarian cancer cell proliferation
Antimicrobial defenses of Caulerpa mexicana and Udotea looensis against Vibrio spp. and Bacillus sp.
Adaptability of subtropical algae to local microbial populations
Pulev, A
Antioxidant activity of Moringa oleifera isothiocyanates
Pullar, MA
The synthesis of dehydrodopamine containing marine natural products
Pupo, MT
Co-culture between insect-associated microorganisms stimulates polyketide production
Bacterial symbionts isolated from fungus-growing ants collected in São Paulo state, Brazil, as sources of natural products
Chemical exchange in endophytic actinobacteria communities
Antibiotic-producing bacteria associated with the nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa
Puthenveetil, S
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
Pye, C
Interrogating cyclic peptide natural products from an ADME perspective: Beyond cyclosporine A.
Pye, CR
Natural products: Are we close to the end?
Qiao, L
State of art analytical technologies to solve natural products challenges
Screening and identification of undeclared synthetic compounds as adulterants using UPLC-QTOF-MS coupled to a novel informatics platform
Qu, S
Acai (Euterpe oleracea mart.) attenuates alcohol-induced liver disease in rats
Quezada, M
Viridicatumtoxins: Exploring structural diversity and antibiotic properties
Quinn, RJ
Cyclic diarylheptanoids from the Australian endemic plant Allocasuarina luehmannii
Quynh Mai, NT
Alkaloids constituents from the fruits of Piper nigrum L. and their anti-inflammation activity
Alkaloids constituents from the fruits of Piper nigrum L. and their anti-inflammation activity
Raab, A
Detection of halogenated tryamine and tyrosine derivatives in extracts of Algoa Bay ascidians
Rafatullah, S
Gastric antiulcer, antisecretory and cytoprotective properties of celery (Apium graveolens) in rats
Raftery, D
Dereplication of natural products based on ratio analysis 1H NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-DAD-ESI-QToF-MS/MS
Rahman, MM
Synthesis of acylphloroglucinols and their antibacterial activities against clinical isolates of MRSA strains
Rai, PP
Traditional preparations and methanolic extracts of plants from Papua New Guinea exhibit similar cytochrome P450 inhibition
Medicinal plants used by traditional medicine practitioners for the treatment of HIV/AIDS and related conditions in Papua New Guinea
HIV inhibitory activity from Papua New Guinean medicinal plants
Raizada, M
Merging genome mining with ancient three-way species co-evolution may open a novel gate for informative natural products discovery
Raja, H
Fungal metabolites as novel anthelmintics against soil-transmitted helminthes
Raja, HA
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Chemical mycology of freshwater ascomycetes from North Carolina, USA
Profiling fungal cultures in situ via the droplet-LMJ-SSP coupled with UPLC-PDA-HRMS-MS/MS
Prevalence of antimicrobial fungal metabolites in Hydrastis canadensis crude extracts
Triggering epipolythiodioxopiperazine alkaloid biosynthesis in fungal endophytes of Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)
A new anti-virulence strategy against pathogenic bacteria: Targeting spreading factors
Chemometric-directed bioexploration of natural products
Rajgopal, A
Magnolia bark extract is a potent Nrf2 activator
Rakotobe, E
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Rakotonandrasana, S
Four antimalarial limonoids isolated from Carapa guianensis and two antiproliferative diterpenes isolated from Hypoestes SP.
Rakotondraibe, HL
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Rakotondraibe, LH
Investigation of the antiproliferative activity of Linociera ramiflora and its isolates
Ramazanova, B
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Ramos Alvarenga, RF
Can women's health botanicals prevent estrogen carcinogenesis?
Rana, J
Bioactivity-guided identification of botanical inhibitors of ketohexokinase
Peroxisome proliferator activator receptor alpha (PPARα) activation using free fatty acid library; fatty acids compared
Randolph, RK
Bioactivity-guided identification of botanical inhibitors of ketohexokinase
Raner, G
Study of antioxidant activity of Açaí extracts (Euterpe oleracea)
Rangel-Grimaldo, M
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors from Sporormiella minimoides
Ranor, G
Novel quassinoid from Jamaican Castela macrophylla blocks induction of cytochrome P450 1 enzymes and luciferase genes
Ransom, TR
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Rao, W
The single-probe mass spectrometry for single cell analysis and biological tissue imaging
Rappleye, C
Antiproliferative compounds from Penicillium chrysogenum, a fungal associate of the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella
Rasamison, VE
Four antimalarial limonoids isolated from Carapa guianensis and two antiproliferative diterpenes isolated from Hypoestes SP.
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Raskin, I
Antioxidant activity of Moringa oleifera isothiocyanates
Method to harness bioactive secondary metabolites from intact Quinoa seeds with implications for chronic disease prevention
Ratnayake, AS
Spliceostatin biosynthesis in Burkholderia spp.
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
The process of designing and developing spliceostatin class of splicing inhibitors as payloads for antibody drug conjugates
Ratnayake, R
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Ratovoson, F
Neolignans and other metabolites from Ocotea cymosa from the Magadascar rain forest and their biological activities
Ready, JM
The discoipyrroles: A multifaceted approach to understand a novel family of marine natural products
Rebhun, JF
Peroxisome proliferator activator receptor alpha (PPARα) activation using free fatty acid library; fatty acids compared
Recht, P
Selection of prospective Ficus species and development of novel multifunctional zeta fractions for personal care
Reddy, BVB
Discovery of epoxyketone proteasome inhibitors using metagenome mining
Reilly, CA
TRP channel antagonists from a novel tunicate-associated fungus
Reinbold, M
Ecoefficient production of coral derived pseudopterosin in engineered E. coli
Ren, Y
Absolute configuration of the 1,2-diol of digoxin determined by electronic circular dichroism induced with [Mo2(OAc)4]
Structures of two oleanane-type triterpenoids from an extract of Cyrilla racemiflora housed in a repository
Cytotoxic rotenoids and isoflavonoids from the fruits of Millettia caerulea
Reyes, F
Marine natural products drug discovery from actinomycetes at fundacion MEDINA
Differential induction of secondary metabolite profiles in endophyte fungi by the addition of epigenetic modifiers
Rice, C
New antimicrobials from an epigenetics based fungal metabolite screening program
Riley, AP
Synthesis of both enantiomers of the meta,meta-bridged diarylheptanoid Myricanol
Risinger, A
Great Lakes-derived fungal extracts yield compounds targeting pediatric cancer
Risinger, AL
Novel 22-mer peptaibols isolated from Tolypocladium sp. with potent antitumor activities
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new bulky acyloxy taccalonolides as potent microtubule stabilizers
Antimalarial metabolites from Buxus sempervirens
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new bulky acyloxy taccalonolides as potent microtubule stabilizers
Risteen, RG
Chemical investigation of winter fireflies (Ellychnia corrusca) reveals lucibufagins
Rivard, CJ
Bioactivity-guided identification of botanical inhibitors of ketohexokinase
Rivas, F
Promising natural products against glucocorticoid resistant acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Rivera, A
Secondary metabolites isolated from Salvia bogotensis
Rivera, AR
Achievement of sustainable agricultural solutions through modern dereplication tools
Rivero-Cruz, I
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors from Sporormiella minimoides
Antinociceptive activity of the essential oil from Artemisia ludoviciana
Rivero-Cruz, JF
Antioxidant profile and HS-SPME/GC-MS-TOF analysis of volatile compounds of Alnus acuminata Ssp. Arguta bark
Robertson, BJ
Silymarin suppresses cellular inflammation by inducing reparative stress signaling
Robles, A
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
Robles, AJ
Cytotoxic effects of anthraquinones from the rhizome of Rheum tataricum on HeLa and MDA-MB-435 cells
Identification of new therapeutic leads for triple negative breast cancer subtypes
Rogawski, M
Development of novel neuroactive steroids for the potential treatment of Neurological Disorders
Rohena, C
Cytotoxic effects of anthraquinones from the rhizome of Rheum tataricum on HeLa and MDA-MB-435 cells
Rojas-Silva, P
Antioxidant activity of Moringa oleifera isothiocyanates
Roloff, SJ
Magnolia bark extract is a potent Nrf2 activator
Peroxisome proliferator activator receptor alpha (PPARα) activation using free fatty acid library; fatty acids compared
Romo, D
Bioactivity-guided retrosynthesis: “Upping the ante” for natural product total synthesis
Ross, S
Secondary metabolites from fungus Quambalaria cyanescens
Ross, SA
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Antitrypanosomal and opioid receptor activity of Mussaenda luteola's secondary metabolites
Rowley, D
Mechanisms of microbe-microbe-host interactions in a probiont-pathogen-bivalve model
Royalty, T
Achievement of sustainable agricultural solutions through modern dereplication tools
Runyon, S
Development of novel neuroactive steroids for the potential treatment of Neurological Disorders
Rusanov, K
A polyphenol enriched fraction of rose oil distillation water inhibits proliferation in hacat cells and induces apoptosis
Rush, M
High throughput screening of natural products utilizing pulsed ultrafiltration or magnetic microbead affinity selection with UHPLC-MS/MS
Rusman, Y
A microbial drone system for targeting and destroying Pseudomonas biofilms
Ruzzini, AC
Structure elucidation of two novel peptides from a mushroom-derived Streptomyces sp.
Ryan, KS
A gatekeeper enzyme in the biosynthesis of indolmycin
Ryu, JH
Cytotoxic sesquiterpenoids from Siegesbeckia glabrescens
Dehydrocostus lactone and costunolide inhibit Wnt/β-catenin pathway in colon cancer cell
Saeed, H
Antioxidant activity and isolation studies of extracts of seeds of Syzygium cumini L
Sagi, S
Structural characterization of monacolin compounds from red yeast rice by liquid chromatography and tandem mass
Quantitative determination of five triterpenoid glycosids and chemical profiling of momordica charantia by UHPLC-ELSD/MS
Simultaneous determination of ten high-intensity sweeteners of regulatory interest using UHPLC-UV-ELSD/MS
Sakaguchi, K
Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity
Sakai, E
Isolation of strongylophorines from the marine sponge Petrosia corticata, as proteasome inhibitors
Sakipova, Z
Anti-cancer activity of some synthesized aromatic oxybutynyl amine derivatives
Antifungal prenylated isoflavonoids from Maclura aurantiaca
Saldanha, LG
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Salim, AA
Viridicatumtoxins: Exploring structural diversity and antibiotic properties
Sallam, AA
Hit-to-lead optimization of sipholanes for the control of invasive breast cancer through suppression of BRK and FAK signaling
Salm, JL von
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
Ecological and antileishmanial activity of diterpenes derived from the Antarctic sponge Dendrilla membranosa
Salomon, CE
A microbial drone system for targeting and destroying Pseudomonas biofilms
Salvador-Reyes, LA
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Discovery, synthesis, and biological evaluation of apratyramide, a marine-derived transcriptional stimulator of VEGF-A
Sanchez, L
Phylogenetic and metabolomic analysis of marine mammal microbes contributes to emerging spirotetronate polyketides
Phylogenetic and metabolomic analysis of marine mammal microbes contributes to emerging spirotetronate polyketides
Sanchez, LM
Visualizing diverse chemical families with molecular networking
Sandy, M
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
Sang-ngern, M
Anticancer potential of withanolides and its derivatives from Physalis peruviana (POHA)
Santana, AI
Chemical composition and biological activity of essential oils from Piper species of Panama
Santarsiero, BD
Further (9βH)-pimaranes and derivatives from Icacina trichantha
Prenylated anthranols from the leaves of Harungana madagascariensis
Santiago, D
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
Targeting bioactive chemical space with a small natural products library: Expanding diversity and predictability
Sarkar, P
Great Lakes-derived fungal extracts yield compounds targeting pediatric cancer
Utilizing differential cytotoxicity screening to identify lead compounds for rare adult and pediatric tumors
Sass, E
Absolute configuration of the 1,2-diol of digoxin determined by electronic circular dichroism induced with [Mo2(OAc)4]
Satoskar, AR
Conformational analysis of some type XII bisbenzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Thalictrum alpinum assisted by quantitative noe, j coupling constants analysis and anisotropic NMR parameters
Saurí, J
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Structure elucidation of a proton-deficient natural product using LR-HSQMBC supported by DFT calculations
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Savarala, S
Botanical initiative for the dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): Preliminary data for green tea suppliments
Scesa, P
New cyclized 9,11-secosterols enol-ether from soft coral Psendopterogorgia americana
Scesa, PD
New acidic terpenoids from Pseudopterogorgia acerosa
Schirle, M
Mass spectrometry-based chemoproteomics for target deconvolution of bioactive natural products
Schmidt, E
Versatile bacterial symbionts of shipworms contribute to wood digestion, fix nitrogen and produce secondary metabolites
Schmidt, EW
TRP channel antagonists from a novel tunicate-associated fungus
Schmoutz, C
Development of novel neuroactive steroids for the potential treatment of Neurological Disorders
Schnermann, MJ
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Isolation and identification of novel natural products that inhibit P300/HIF-1α interaction
Scholten, JD
Bioactivity-guided identification of botanical inhibitors of ketohexokinase
Magnolia bark extract is a potent Nrf2 activator
Peroxisome proliferator activator receptor alpha (PPARα) activation using free fatty acid library; fatty acids compared
Schroeder, FC
Comparative metabolomics reveals a natural combinatorial library and a xylopyranose-based nucleoside in nematodes
Plant-like alkaloid biosynthesis in fungi
Schwab, L
Structure elucidation of two novel peptides from a mushroom-derived Streptomyces sp.
Sears, J
Adaptability of subtropical algae to local microbial populations
Seeram, N
Mechanisms of microbe-microbe-host interactions in a probiont-pathogen-bivalve model
Seetoh, WG
An ethnobotanical survey on the usage of fresh herbs
Senter, P
Potent antibody-based conjugates for cancer therapy: From early stage research to a clinically approved drug
Seo, EK
Constituents of Angelica keiskei and their heat shock protein inducing activities
Two new lactams from the hulled seeds of Coix lachryma-jobi Var. ma-yuen
Seo, S
Pluripotent stem cell colonies provide a developmental landscape for pharmacogenomic drug discovery
Seo, UM
Echinochlorins A˜C from the grains of Echinochloa utilis (Barnyard Millet) and their anti-inflammatory activity
Serrano, R
Differential induction of secondary metabolite profiles in endophyte fungi by the addition of epigenetic modifiers
Serrill, JD
New and known mandelalides for biological mechanism and structure-activity relationship studies
Shaffer, CV
Great Lakes-derived fungal extracts yield compounds targeting pediatric cancer
Shang, Z
Viridicatumtoxins: Exploring structural diversity and antibiotic properties
Sharaf, MHM
Heavy metals in Bacopa ingredients collected from the market in Europe, India and the Unites States
Sharma, I
A biomimetic diversity-oriented approach to the pseurotins
Shaw, JT
Dissemination of original NMR data enhances the reproducibility of natural product research
Shaw, LN
New antimicrobials from an epigenetics based fungal metabolite screening program
Epigenetic modification of Tampa Bay fungal strain produces new and known compounds active against MRSA
Shearer, C
Merging genome mining with ancient three-way species co-evolution may open a novel gate for informative natural products discovery
Shearer, CA
Chemical mycology of freshwater ascomycetes from North Carolina, USA
Shehzadi, N
Antioxidant activity and isolation studies of extracts of seeds of Syzygium cumini L
Shen, B
Microbial genomics: New opportunities for natural product biosynthesis, engineering, and drug discovery
Structural and evolutionary relationships of ketosynthase domains from modular polyketide synthases
Sherman, DH
Discovery of novel chlorinated acyl amides from a marine cyanobacterium using integrated technologies
Shi, R
Effects of ZXX from the rhizome of Valeriana jatamansi on the rats with IBS via the regulation of 5-HT pathway
Shi, Z
An impurity investigation in a new process for the synthesis of festinavir
Shih, JL
Synthetic discoveries from polycyclic natural products
Shim, AR
Dehydrocostus lactone and costunolide inhibit Wnt/β-catenin pathway in colon cancer cell
Shin, B
SJN1 A-D, new glycolipids from the ant-associated bacterium, Deinococcus gobiensis sp.
Shin, J
A novel tricyclic dilactone isolated from an actinomycete derived from gineseng-cultivated soil
SJN1 A-D, new glycolipids from the ant-associated bacterium, Deinococcus gobiensis sp.
Discovery of new bioactive secondary metabolites from bacteria in extreme habitats
The secondary metabolites from halophilic actinomycetes from a solar saltern in Korea
Sesterterpenes and a nortriterpene saponin from the sponge Clathria gombawuiensis
Shin, Y
Discovery of new bioactive secondary metabolites from bacteria in extreme habitats
The secondary metabolites from halophilic actinomycetes from a solar saltern in Korea
Shine, E
Discovering and deciphering the pathogenic and probiotic activities from the bacterial colibactin pathway
Shiu, W
Synthesis of acylphloroglucinols and their antibac