CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Laryngorhinootologie 2019; 98(S 02): S306
DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1686337

Implantation of 4,5/0,4 mm titanium stapes prostheses: 2017 – retrospective study

NC Balica
1   ENT Department Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania
M Poenaru
2   'Victor Babes' University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, RO, Timisoara, Romania
AH Marin
2   'Victor Babes' University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, RO, Timisoara, Romania
C Doros
2   'Victor Babes' University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, RO, Timisoara, Romania
S Lupescu
2   'Victor Babes' University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, RO, Timisoara, Romania
ER Boia
2   'Victor Babes' University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, RO, Timisoara, Romania
EH Stefanescu
2   'Victor Babes' University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, RO, Timisoara, Romania
› Author Affiliations
"Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, RO


    In this short-term result study, we present ENT Department Timisoaras's experience with the 4,5/0,4 mm titanium stapes prostheses that we use in otosclerosis.


    We have analyzed in 56 patients the preoperative and postoperative hearing. The stapedotomies were performed with a diamond microdrill and Fisch-type manual perforators in 48 patients, posterior partial stapedectomies were performed in 5 patients and stapedectomies in 3 patients. Pure-tone audiometry with appropriate masking was performed preoperatively and approximately 6 weeks postoperatively. The average postoperative air-bone gap was calculated as the postoperative air PTA minus the postoperative bone PTA.


    In cases of stapedotomy we encountered a somewhat beter result in the zero-to-10 dB range compared with the other two techniques. That difference was not significant, and the results in the zero-to-20 dB range were comparable among the 3 procedures.


    In our hands 4,5/0.4 mm titanium stapes prosteses does not greatly influence the results in case of performing stapedotomy, posterior partial stapedectomy and stapedectomy. The experience and manual skill of the surgeon remain very important factors in providing a successful outcome.

    Professor Assistant Nicolae Constantin Balica
    ENT Department Timisoara,
    Bd. Revolutiei No. 6, 300054
    Timisoara, Romania

    Publication History

    Publication Date:
    23 April 2019 (online)

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