DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 12 · Volume 31 · Dezember 2010 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21526


Rapid Communication

Mornieux, G.; Gollhofer, A.; Stapelfeldt, B.: Muscle Coordination while Pulling up During Cycling

Physiology & Biochemistry

Training & Testing

Prado, D. M.; Silva, A. G.; Trombetta, I. C.; Ribeiro, M. M.; Guazzelli, I. C.; Matos, L. N.; Santos, M. S.; Nicolau, C. M.; Negrão, C. E.; Villares, S. M.: Exercise Training Associated with Diet Improves Heart Rate Recovery and Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Obese Children
Celes, R.; Brown, L. E.; Pereira, M. C. C.; Schwartz, F. P.; Junior, V. A. R.; Bottaro, M.: Gender Muscle Recovery During Isokinetic Exercise
Schnitzler, C.; Seifert, L.; Alberty, M.; Chollet, D.: Hip Velocity and Arm Coordination in Front Crawl Swimming
Durand, S.; Ripamonti, M.; Beaune, B.; Rahmani, A.: Leg Ability Factors in Tennis Players
Vantorre, J.; Seifert, L.; Fernandes, R. J.; Vilas Boas, J. P.; Chollet, D.: Comparison of Grab Start between Elite and Trained Swimmers
Cloak, R.; Nevill, A. M.; Clarke, F.; Day, S.; Wyon, M. A.: Vibration Training Improves Balance in Unstable Ankles

Clinical Sciences

Mahieu, N.; Van Tiggelen, D.; De Muynck, M.; Dumalin, M.; Witvrouw, E.: Blood Flow of the Achilles Tendon During Military Training


Ferreira, S. C.; Toledo, A. C.; Hage, M.; Santos, A. B. G.; Medeiros, M. C. R.; Martins, M. A.; Carvalho, C. R. F.; Dolhnikoff, M.; Vieira, R. P.: Creatine Activates Airway Epithelium in Asthma

Genetics & Molecular Biology