DOI: 10.1055/s-00000041


Ausgabe 06 · Volume 30 · Dezember 1999 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-5718


Original articles

Autti, T.; Rapola, J.; Santavuori, P.; Raininko, R.; Renlund, M.; Liukkonen, E.; Lauronen, L.; Wirtavuori, K.; Hietala, M.; Saarinen-Pihkala, U.: Bone Marrow Transplantation in Aspartylglucosaminuria - Histopathological and MRI Study
Harris, C. M.; Taylor, D. S. I.; Vellodi, A.: Ocular Motor Abnormalities in Gaucher Disease
Imaizumi, Ch.; Imaizumi, T.; Osawa, M.; Fukuyama, Y.; Takeshita, M.: Serial Intelligence Test Scores in Pediatric Moyamoya Disease
van Wezel-Meijler, G.; Hummel, T. Z.; Oosting, J.; de Groot, L.; Sie, L. T. L.; Huisman, J.; Lafeber, H. N.; van der Knaap, M. S.: Unilateral Thalamic Lesions in Premature Infants: Risk Factors and Short-Term Prognosis
Battaglia, D.; Di Rocco, C.; Iuvone, L.; Acquafondata, C.; lannelli, A.; Lettori, D.; Guzzetta, F.: Neuro-Cognitive Development and Epilepsy Outcome in Children with Surgically Treated Hemimegalencephaly
Strijks, E.; Poort, S. R.; Renier, W. O.; Gabreëls, F. J. M.; Bertina, R. M.: Hereditary Prothrombin Deficiency Presenting as Intracranial Haematoma in Infancy
Willemsen, M. A. A. P.; Rotteveel, J. J.; van Domburg, P. H. M. F.; Gabreëls, F. J. M.; Mayatepek, E.; Sengers, R. C. A.: Preterm Birth in Sjögren-Larsson Syndrome

Short communications

Schols, G.; Van Havenbergh, T.; Parizel, P. M.; Delrue, F.; Ceulemans, B.; Jorens, P. G.: Traumatic Basilar Artery Dissection in a Child: Need for Anticoagulation?