DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 11 · Volume 35 · Oktober 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-27754


Azevedo, L. F.; Perlingeiro, P. S.; Hachul, D. T.; Gomes-Santos, I. L.; Brum, P. C.; Allison, T. G.; Negrão, C. E.; De Matos, L. D. N. J.: Sport Modality Affects Bradycardia Level and Its Mechanisms of Control in Professional Athletes

Physiology & Biochemistry

Rossi, P.; Gargne, O.; Ayme, K.; Gavarry, O.; Boussuges, A.: Inter-limb Changes in Arterial Function after Intense Cycling Exercise

Training & Testing

Pareja-Blanco, F.; Rodríguez-Rosell, D.; Sánchez-Medina, L.; Gorostiaga, E. M.; González-Badillo, J. J.: Effect of Movement Velocity during Resistance Training on Neuromuscular Performance
Li, Y.; Niessen, M.; Chen, X.; Hartmann, U.: Maximal Lactate Steady State in Kayaking

Training and Testing

Santos-Lozano, A.; Collado, P. S.; Foster, C.; Lucia, A.; Garatachea, N.: Influence of Sex and Level on Marathon Pacing Strategy. Insights from the New York City Race

Orthopedics & Biomechanics

Siewe, J.; Marx, G.; Knöll, P.; Eysel, P.; Zarghooni, K.; Graf, M.; Herren, C.; Sobottke, R.; Michael, J.: Injuries and Overuse Syndromes in Competitive and Elite Bodybuilding

Clinical Sciences

Azevedo, L. F.; Perlingeiro, P. S.; Hachul, D. T.; Gomes-Santos, I. L.; Brum, P. C.; Allison, T. G.; Negrão, C. E.; De Matos, L. D. N. J.: Sport Modality Affects Bradycardia Level and Its Mechanisms of Control in Professional Athletes
Dexel, J.; Marschner, K.; Beck, H.; Platzek, I.; Wasnik, S.; Schuler, M.; Nasreddin, A.; Kasten, P.: Comparative Study of Elbow Disorders in Young High-Performance Gymnasts


Gill, S. K.; Teixeira, A. M.; Rosado, F.; Hankey, J.; Wright, A.; Marczak, S.; Murray, A.; Costa, R. J. S.: The Impact of a 24-h Ultra-Marathon on Salivary Antimicrobial Protein Responses