DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 05 · Volume 40 · 1978 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-45100

VIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Detwiler, Thomas C; Charo, Israel F; Feinman, Richard D: Evidence that Calcium Regulates Platelet Function
Haslam, R J; Davidson, M M L; Fox, J E B; Lynham, J A: Cyclic Nucleotides in Platelet Function
Meyer, D; Mc Kee, P A; Hoyer, L W; Zimmerman, T S; Gralnick, H R: Molecular Biology of Factor VIII/von Willebrand Factor

Original Article

Loeliger, E A; Hoeff-van Halem, R. van der; Halem-Visser, L P van: Thromboplastin Calibration
Bertina, Rogier M; Veltkamp, Jan J: The Abnormal Factor IX of Hemophilia B+ Variants
Ponari, Oreste; Civardi, Emilio; Megha, Alessandro; Pini, Mario; Poti’, Raffaele; Dettori, Anton Giulio: In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of Adrenaline and Phentolamine on Platelet Function
Pechet, Liberto; Tiarks, Cheryl Y; Chang, Chin-Hai; Sudhindra, Ramakrishna R; Lipworth, Leslie: Characterization and Experimental Use of a Monospecific Antiserum to Factor IX
Pechet, Liberto; Tiarks, Cheryl Y; Stevens, Joyce; Sudhindra, Ramakrishna R; Lipworth, Leslie: Relationship of Factor IX Antigen and Coagulant in Hemophilia B Patients and Carriers
Wessler, Stanford; Gitel, Sanford N; Bank, Harry; Martinowitz, Uri; Stephenson, Ronald C: An Assay of the Antithrombotic Action of Warfarin: Its Correlation with the Inhibition of Stasis Thrombosis in Rabbits
Renaud, S; Dumont, E; Godsey, F; Suplisson, A; Thevenon, C: Platelet Functions in Relation to Dietary Fats in Farmers from two Regions of France
Yu, Simmon K; Latour, Jean-Gilles; Marchandise, Baudouin; Bois, Marc: Shear Stress-Induced Changes in Platelet Reactivity

Letter to the Editor

Vesconi, S; Langer, M; Rossi, E; Mondonico, P; Cambiaghi, G; Donati, M B: Thrombotic Thrombocytopoenic purpura during oral Contraceptive Treatment
Zahavi, J; Cella, G; Dubiel, Maria; kakkar, V V: The Variability of Plasma β-Thromboglobulin in Healthy Individuals
Lunan, Kenneth D; Wen, Annette C; Barfod, Elisabeth T; Edmonds, Peter D; Pratt, Donald E: Decreased Aggregation of Mouse Platelets after in vivo Exposure to Ultrasound
Middleton, Sarah M; Forbes, Charles D; Prentice, Colin R M: Thrombogenic Potential of Factor IX Concentrates: Comparison of Tests
Samama, M; Cazenave, B; Otero, A M: Urokinase I and II Activity