Planta Med 1965; 13(1): 98-103
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1100103
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York


Stability and Sensitivity of Modified Dragendorff's ReagentsE. G. Roper, R. N. Blomster, N. R. Farnsworth, F. J. Draus.
  • Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 For paper 1 see reference (1).
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
15 January 2009 (online)


The results of this investigation, using one of the several reported modifications of Dragendorff's reagent, has yielded information of a practical nature in the field of alkaloid detection.

  1. The 1951 Munier and Macheboeuf modification of Dragendorff's reagent, in either the form of concentrate or spray reagent, is not adversely affected in terms of diminished alkaloid sensitivity under normal laboratory storage conditions for at least six months. Further, there does not appear to be, from the results of this investigation, justification for precautions advanced in the literature that either the concentrate or the diluted spray reagent should be stored in amber bottles under refrigeration in order to maintain stability.

  2. The results indicate that from a practical standpoint, spray reagents should be prepared from concentrates that have aged at least two days in order to obtain and maintain sensitivity.

  3. Further, spray reagents prepared from aged concentrates should be aged at least six days prior to use for the same reason.

Experiments designed to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the phenomena observed in these studies are now being conducted and comparative evaluations of other modifications of this alkaloid detecting reagent are in progress.


Das nach Munier und Macheboeuf modifizierte Dragendorff–Reagenz wurde auf Empfindlichkeit und Stabilität mit folgenden Ergebnissen geprüft:

  1. Die Alkaloidempfindlichkeit wird bei dem konzentrierten und dem sprühfertigen Reagenz im Laufe einer sechsmonatigen Lagerung unter Laboratoriumsbedingungen nicht gemindert. Eine Aufbewahrung in braunen Flaschen im Kühlschrank ist unnötig.

  2. Das Sprühreagenz sollte aus praktischen Gründen aus einem wenigstens 2 Tage gealterten Konzentrat hergestellt werden.

  3. Das aus einem Konzentrat erhaltene Sprühreagenz sollte wenigstens 6 Tage gealtert werden, um dadurch die maximale Empfindlichkeit zu erhalten.
