Endoscopy 2021; 53(S 01): S209
DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1724832
Abstracts | ESGE Days
ESGE Days 2021 Digital poster exhibition

Over-The-Scope Clip Closure Of Gastrocutaneous Fistula

I Marques de Sá
1   Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto, Gastroenterology, Porto, Portugal
I Pita
1   Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto, Gastroenterology, Porto, Portugal
R Ortigão
1   Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto, Gastroenterology, Porto, Portugal
P Pimentel-Nunes
1   Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto, Gastroenterology, Porto, Portugal
2   Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, CINTESIS/Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, Porto, Portugal
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A 54-year-old male under surveillance in our centre due to oropharyngeal carcinoma treated with radical chemoradiotherapy was submitted to percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy(PEG), that was uneventful. After treatment completeness, he removed the PEG tube. Despite acid suppression and procinetics, a persistent gastrocutaneous fistula developed. Therefore, he underwent endoscopy, that revealed an orifice at the anterior gastric wall between the gastric body and the antrum. After denudation of the fistulous tract with cytology brush and argon plasma coagulation, a 9mm over-the-scope-clip(OTSC) was placed, with endoscopic and clinical resolution.

The classical indication for OTSC should be broadened to gastrocutaneous fistula after PEG tube.

Citation Marques de Sá I, Pita I, Ortigão R et al. eP340V OVER-THE-SCOPE CLIP CLOSURE OF GASTROCUTANEOUS FISTULA. Endoscopy 2021; 53: S209.

Publication History

Article published online:
19 March 2021

© 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved.

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