DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 06 · Volume 52 · 1984 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-40688

Original Article

Christe, M; Gattlen, P; Fritschi, J; Lämmle, B; Berger, W; Marbet, G A; Duckert, F: The Contact Phase of Blood Coagulation in Diabetes Mellitus and in Patients with Vasculopathy
Heyns, A du P; Badenhorst, P N; Wessels, P; Pieters, H; Kotzè, H F; Lötter, M G: Indium-111-Labelled Human Platelets: A Method for Use in Severe Thrombocytopenia
Isles, C; Lowe, G D O; Rankin, B M; Forbes, C D; Lucie, N; Lever, A F; Kennedy, A C: Abnormal Haemostasis and Blood Viscosity in Malignant Hypertension
Viganò, S; Mannucci, P M; D’Angelo, A; Gelfi, C; Gensini, G F; Rostagno, C; Serneri, G G Neri: Protein C Antigen Is Not an Acute Phase Reactant and Is often High in Ischemic Heart Disease and Diabetes
Schulman, Sam; Lockner, Dieter; Bergström, Kurt; Blombäck, Margareta: Intensive Initial Oral Anticoagulation and Shorter Heparin Treatment in Deep Vein Thrombosis
Gugliotta, L; Viganò, Silvana; D’Angelo, A; Guarini, Anna; Tura, S; Mannucci, P M: High Fibrinopeptide A (FPA) Levels in Acute Non-Lymphocytic Leukemia Are Reduced by Heparin Administration
Matsuo, T; Shinomiya, K; Okuno, S; Matsuo, C; Matsuo, O: Urinary Excretion Rate of Antithrombin III Related Antigen in Cerebral Stroke
Brommer, E J P; Schicht, I; Wijngaards, G; Verheijen, J H; Rijken, D C: Fibrinolytic Activators and Inhibitors in Terminal Renal Insufficiency and in Anephric Patients
Ragni, Margaret V; Lewis, Jessica H; Spero, Joel A; Bontempo, Franklin A: Plasma Fibronectin Levels in Clinical Disease States and After Cryoprecipitate Infusion
Rodeghiero, F; Barbui, T; Belin-Peruffo, A Dal; Dini, E: Defective Fibrin Crosslinking in Acute Leukemia

International Committee Communications

Letter to the Editor

Ceriello, Antonio; Curcio, Francesco; Russo, Patrizia Dello; Giugliano, Dario: Non-Enzymatic Glycosylation Reduces Antithrombin III Activity
Gresele, Paolo; Houtte, Elisabeth Van; Arnout, Jef; Deckmyn, Hans; Vermylen, Prof. Jos: Thromboxane Synthase Inhibition Combined with Thromboxane Receptor Blockade: A Step Forward in Antithrombotic Strategy?
Gaetano, Giovanni de; Cerletti, Chiara; Dejana, Elisabetta; Latini, Roberto; Villa, Silvia: The “Aspirin Dilemma”: New Points for Discussion
Gallimore, M J; Friberger, P: Prekallikrein Activator
Maffei, F H A; Fabris, V E; Gregorio, E A; Valeri, V: Surgical Trauma and Venous Thrombosis in Total Hip Replacement