DOI : 10.1055/s-00000036


Ausgabe S 02 · Volume 100 · Mai 2021 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-50823

HNO-Online-Kongress, 12.05 - 16.05.2021

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn

Präsident: Prof. Dr. med. Stefan K. Plontke, Halle (Saale)

Affolter, A; Rong, C; Muller, MF.; Xiang, F; Jensen, A; Weichert, W; Major, G; Plinkert, PK.; Rotter, N; Hess, J: Adaptive ERK1/2 signalling as a response to HNSCC therapy
Böhm, F; Theodoraki, M-N; Doescher, J; von Witzleben, A; Greve, J; Laban, S; Hoffmann, TK.; Schuler, P: Clinical trial on oncologic follow-up optimization in patients with completed curative treatment of head and neck cancer
Brunner, C; Huber, L; Kraus, JM.; Esic, J; Groth, M; Laban, S; Kestler, HA.; Hoffmann, TK.: Liquid Biopsy: Examination of platelet RNA obtained from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients for molecular tumor markers
Davidov, G; Sapundzhiev, N; Nikiforova, L; Popov, H; Pavlov, P: Einsatz des CO2 -Lasers in der HNO Chirurgie
Haider, SP; Mahajan, A; Zeevi, T; Forghani, R; Kann, BH.; Judson, BL.; Burtness, B; Sharaf, K; Reichel, C; Baumeister, P; Payabvash, S: Devising novel imaging biomarkers for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) status in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC): applying radiomics and machine learning algorithms
Idel, C; Klapper, L; Ribbat-Idel, J; Bruchhage, K-L; Perner, S: TRIM24 as a prognostic biomarker for survival and local recurrence in HNSCC
Issing, C; Stöver, T; Brandts, C; Farin, H: Organoids from Tonsil and Head and Neck Carcinoma Tissue
Rudolph, J; Henger, S; Wiegand, S; Dietz, A; Engel, C; Wirkner, K; Wenning, JR; Wald, T; Freitag, J; Gaede, C; Willner, M; Löffler, M; Wichmann, G: Sexual behavior of HNSCC patients: A comparison with propensity score matched controls from a population-based cohort study
Scheckenbach, K; Bister, A; Schulte, E; Hanenberg, H; Wiek, C; Wagenmann, M; Schipper, Jörg; Haist, C: Development of an EGFR-targeted CAR T-cell immunotherapy in head and neck cancer
Strüder, D; Momper, T; Irmscher, N; Liese, J; Schraven, S; Zimpfer, A; Frerich, B; Junghanss, C; Mlynski, R; Maletzki, C: Establishment and characterisation of patient-derived head and neck cancer models from surgical specimens and endoscopic biopsies
Symeou, L; Singer, K; Ugele, I; Wehrstein, M; Siska, P; Höring, M; Liebisch, G; Kreutz, M; Bohr, C: Lipid metabolism in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Tenschert, E; Kern, J; Jungbauer, F; Rotter, N; Lammert, A: Establishment of a 3D tumor model – challenges and advantages of co-cultured spheroids
Ugele, I; Singer, K; Wehrstein, M; Symeou, L; Dettmer-Wilde, K; Oefner, P; Kreutz, M; Bohr, C: Effects of 2-Hydroxyglutarate on immune cell composition, Tumor metabolism and prognosis in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Uhl, B; Braun, C; Haring, F; Dominik, J; Smiljanov, B; Mittmann, L; Canis, M; Reichel, CA: Protection of the glycocalyx reduces myeloid leukocyte trafficking and tumor progression in experimental HNSCC
Vahl, J; Wigand, M; Denkinger, M; Dallmeier, D; Steiger, C; Welke, C; Kuhn, P; Idel, C; Döscher, J; von Witzleben, A; Brand, M; Marienfeld, R; Möller, P; Greve, J; Schuler, P; Brunner, C; Hoffmann, T; Laban, S: Rising mean age of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients in a German tertiary referral center during a 15-year observation period
Widmann, M; Gires, O; Baumeister, P; Canis, M: Second and Third Harmonic Generation Imaging of Head and Neck Tumors
Zebralla, V; Hinz, A; Wichmann, G; Dietz, A; Neumuth, T; Mehnert-Theuerkauf, A; Wiegand, S: Depression in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer – a Longitudinal Analysis