Horm Metab Res 2008; 40(10): 708-712
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1077097
Humans, Clinical

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Adiponectin and Leptin are Independently Associated with Insulin Sensitivity, but not with Insulin Secretion or Beta-cell Function in Overweight Hispanic Adolescents

C. Koebnick 1 , 2 , C. K. Roberts 1 , G. Q. Shaibi 1 , 3 , L. A. Kelly 1 , C. J. Lane 1 , C. M. Toledo-Corral 1 , J. N. Davis 1 , E. E. Ventura 1 , K. Alexander 1 , M. J. Weigensberg 1 , 4 , M. I. Goran 1 , 4
  • 1Department of Preventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
  • 2Research and Evaluation, Kaiser Permanente Southern California, Pasadena, CA, USA
  • 3College of Nursing and Healthcare Innovation, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ, USA
  • 4Department of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Further Information

Publication History

received 26.03.2007

accepted 07.02.2008

Publication Date:
18 June 2008 (online)


The aim of the study was to investigate the independent effects of leptin and adiponectin on insulin sensitivity as well as insulin secretion and beta-cell function in overweight Hispanic adolescents. Despite pubertal changes in hormone secretion, studies investigating the independent effect of both hormones on insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function in adolescents are lacking. In a cross-sectional study, 175 overweight Hispanic adolescent boys (n=101) and girls (n=74) with a family history of diabetes were recruited and insulin sensitivity (SI), acute insulin response to glucose (AIR), disposition index (DI), body composition, total serum adiponectin, and leptin were assessed. Over age, leptin significantly increased in girls but not in boys (p for age×gender interaction=0.005) while adiponectin was similar in boys and girls. Leptin was not correlated to adiponectin. Leptin (partial r=−0.180; p=0.019) and adiponectin (partial r=0.230; p=0.003) predicted SI independent of age, gender, body fat, lean body mass, and Tanner stage but together, they explained 5% of the unique variation in SI (p for R2-change<0.001). Leptin or adiponectin were not related to AIR or DI. With regard to SI, AIR, and DI, no significant gender, age, or Tanner stage interactions were observed suggesting similar effects of adiponectin and leptin among gender, age, and Tanner stages. Leptin and adiponectin were independently associated with SI, but not with insulin secretion or beta-cell function.


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M. I. GoranPhD 

Departments of Preventive Medicine and Physiology and Biophysics

University of Southern California

2250 Alcazar Street

Los Angeles

CA 90089-9008


Phone: +1/323/442 30 27

Fax: +1/323/442 41 03

Email: Goran@usc.edu