7 Identifying Patients for Stroke Thrombectomy
Herausgeber: Bendok, Bernard R.; Batjer, H. Hunt
Titel: Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke
Untertitel: Medical, Imaging, Surgical, and Interventional Approaches
Print ISBN: 9781684200436; Online ISBN: 9781684203819; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b000000291
2. Edition © 2025. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York
Fachgebiete: Neurochirurgie
Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)
Identification of patients for stroke thrombectomy begins with a proper diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Upon suspicion of AIS, timely communication (including through telehealth) between paramedics, emergency department staff, and stroke specialists is the key to accelerate triage of AIS patients. Determining the last known normal (LKN) status includes obtaining a thorough history, conducting a physical examination, and determining the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score. This will help further categorize the severity of the stroke and, in conjunction with imaging findings, will determine appropriate treatment options. The purpose of imaging is to (1) exclude the presence of hemorrhage, (2) rule out other pathologies that may mimic an AIS, (3) determine the location and extent of the occlusion, and (4) estimate tissue at risk in patients presenting 6 to 24 hours after LKN finding of large vessel occlusion. Alberta Stroke Program early CT Score (ASPECTS) > 6, NIHSS > 6, and parameters satisfying adequate tissue at risk or salvageable penumbra (for 6- to 24-hour time window) are the main eligibility criteria for mechanical thrombectomy (MT). Penumbra volume can be calculated by automated software that allows for faster interpretation of imaging findings. Multiple studies are challenging the current eligibility criteria dictated by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) guidelines and are demonstrating promising results in patients otherwise noneligible for MT such as patients with low NIHSS, low ASPECTS, and patients presenting beyond the 24-hour window of opportunity. These efforts will potentially widen the eligibility criteria for MT and bring further changes to current AIS guidelines.
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