Bagley, M. et al.: 2018 Science of Synthesis, 2018/3: Knowledge Updates 2018/3 DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-131-00400
Knowledge Updates 2018/3 Synthesis of Phenols from Nonaromatic Precursors (Update 2018)

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Editors: Bagley, M.; Banert, K.; Joule, J. A.; Murai, T.; Ramsden, C. A.

Authors: Aitken, R. A.; Glushkov, V. A.; González-Bello, C.; Kwiecień, H.; Mutoh, Y.; Nakata, M.; Saikawa, Y.; Shklyaev, Yu. V.

Title: Knowledge Updates 2018/3

Print ISBN: 9783132423213; Online ISBN: 9783132423244; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-006-161208

Subjects: Organic Chemistry;Chemical Reactions, Catalysis;Organometallic Chemistry;Laboratory Techniques, Stoichiometry

Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates

Parent publication

Title: Science of Synthesis

DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101

Series Editors: Fürstner, A. (Editor-in-Chief); Carreira, E. M.; Faul, M.; Kobayashi, S.; Koch, G.; Molander, G. A.; Nevado, C.; Trost, B. M.; You, S.-L.

Type: Multivolume Edition



The introduction, or chemical modification, of substituents on an existing aromatic ring is probably the most widely employed strategy for the synthesis of phenols, and these methods are summarized in Sections to However, with such transformations, it is sometimes difficult to achieve satisfactory regiocontrol. Furthermore, the required precursors may be expensive, difficult to synthesize, or simply unavailable. The direct construction of a phenol ring from acyclic precursors that already bear the required substituents at the appropriate positions represents a good alternative. This strategy is particularly useful for the synthesis of highly substituted phenols. In this chapter, an update of the reported methods for this approach, which were originally described in Section of Science of Synthesis in 2007, is provided, and includes methods for benzannulation, cycloaromatization, cyclocondensation, and ring-closing metathesis.

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