Tabár, László et al.: 2005 Breast Cancer - The Art and Science of Early Detection with Mammography DOI: 10.1055/b-0034-93559
Chapter 7: Finding Breast Cancer When It Is Still Small: Use of Systematic Viewing Methods

Practice in Perception and Work-up of Findings (Part IV)-328-345

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Herausgeber: Tabár, László; Dean, Peter B.; Tot, Tibor

Titel: Breast Cancer - The Art and Science of Early Detection with Mammography

Print ISBN: 9781588902597; Online ISBN: 9783131616210; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b-002-59230

Fachgebiete: Radiologie, Bildgebende Verfahren;Onkologie, Krebsforschung;Gynäkologie, Geburtshilfe, Materno-Fetal, Hebammen

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)


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