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DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2004.02.007
Towards an evidence-based repertory:
clinical evaluation of Veratrum albumVerantwortlicher Herausgeber dieser Rubrik:
Received13. Juni 2003
revised02. September 2003
accepted22. Januar 2004
27. Dezember 2017 (online)

The analysis of data collected by applying information technology in daily practice opens the possibility of validating homeopathic prescribing symptoms. The author has collected data on repertory rubrics, homeopathic medicines prescribed, and clinical outcomes, for 16 years. As an example of clinical verification the outcomes of patients prescribed Veratrum album are correlated against rubrics. Verat-a was presented to 24 patients, 52 rubrics were used. The data were analysed using the classical method and the likelihood ratios method. There is good correlation in the results given by these methods. Among the most important symptoms of Verat-a are: ailments from mortification, vomiting and cough in Spring.
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