Homeopathy 2011; 100(04): 244-252
DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2011.01.002
Original Paper
Copyright © The Faculty of Homeopathy 2011

New homeopathic medicines: use of modern drugs according to the principle of similitude

Marcus Zulian Teixeira

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Received05. August 2010
revised08. November 2010

accepted31. Januar 2011

27. Dezember 2017 (online)

Background: The homeopathic method is based on the application of the principle of therapeutic similitude (similia similibus curentur), using medicines that cause effects similar to the symptoms of disease in order to stimulate the reaction of the organism against disturbances. Such vital, homeostatic or paradoxical reaction of the organism can be scientifically explained on the basis of the rebound effect of modern drugs.

Aims: This article presents the conclusion of a study aiming at a method to use modern drugs with homeopathic criteria.

Methods: Adverse effects as catalogued in United States Pharmacopoeia Dispensing Information Drug monographs were collected.

Results: A homeopathic materia medica and repertory comprising 1251 modern drugs to be employed according to the principle of therapeutic similitude was developed.

Conclusion: Besides supplying a basis for homeopathy as a medical rationale related to scientific pharmacology, this study makes available a method that may broaden the scope of intervention of homeopathy in present day diseases.

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