Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol 2019; 69(06): 237-252
DOI: 10.1055/a-0870-1420
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Psychokardiologie – aktuelle Leitlinien und klinische Realität

Christoph Herrmann-Lingen
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06. Juni 2019 (online)


In the last decades, psychocardiological knowledge has contributed a lot to the understanding of psychosocial factors involved in the pathogenesis, course, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, psychological, social, and behavioral factors should be detected and addressed early on in order to prevent cardiovascular disease and/or its progression. On the other hand, cardiovascular disease is an important stressor which can lead to psychological comorbidities and thus deteriorate prognosis and quality of life. During therapy a clear, consistent, and empathic communication between professionals and patients is of importance. Up to now there is not much evidence as to the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions or antidepressant medication for cardiac patients with mental comorbidities. Beyond psychosomatic basic care, combined with physical activity, severely ill patients may require multimodal inpatient care in specialized psychosomatic or psychocardiological units and continuous support with lifestyle change.

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