Rofo 2023; 195(03): 234-243
DOI: 10.1055/a-1994-7332
Technique and Medical Physics

X-Ray Protective Aprons Re-Evaluated

Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Heinrich Eder
Radiation Protection, Bavarian Environment Agency (formerly), Augsburg, Germany
› Author Affiliations


Background The evaluation of the protective effect of X-ray protective clothing requires new criteria. The current concept assumes more or less uniform covering of the torso with protective material. The frequently worn heavy wrap-around aprons can weigh 7 to 8 kg. As relevant studies show, orthopedic damage can result from long-term activity. It should therefore be investigated whether the apron weight can be reduced by optimizing the material distribution. For a radiobiological evaluation of the protective effect, the “effective dose” should be used.

Methods Numerous laboratory measurements were performed with an Alderson Rando phantom as well as dose measurements on clinical personnel. The measurements were supplemented by Monte Carlo simulation of an interventional workplace in which a female ICRP reference phantom was used for the operator. The measured back doses on the Alderson phantom as well as the measured back doses at interventional workplaces were based on the personal equivalent dose Hp(10). Monte Carlo simulations were used to introduce protection factors for the protective clothing based on the “effective dose” introduced in radiation protection.

Results Back doses in clinical radiology personnel are largely negligible. Therefore, back protection can be much lower than currently used or can even be eliminated. The Monte Carlo simulations show that the protective effect of protective aprons worn on the body is higher than when the flat protective material is radiated through (3 D effect). About 80 % of the effective dose is attributed to the body region from the gonads to the chest. By additional shielding of this area, the effective dose can be lowered or, optionally, aprons with less weight can be produced. Attention must also be paid to the “radiation leaks” (upper arms, neck, skull), which can reduce the whole-body protective effect.

Conclusion In the future, the evaluation of the protective effect of X-ray protective clothing should be based on the effective dose. For this purpose, effective dose-based protection factors could be introduced, while the lead equivalent should be used for measurement purposes only. If the results are implemented, protective aprons with approx. 40 % less weight can be produced with a comparable protective effect.

Key Points:

  • The protective effect of X-ray protective clothing should be described by protection factors based on effective dose.

  • The lead equivalent should only be used for measurement purposes.

  • More than 80 % of the effective dose is attributed to the body region from the gonads to the chest.

  • A reinforcing layer in this area increases the protective effect considerably.

  • With optimized material distribution, protective aprons could be up to 40 % lighter.

Citation Format

  • Eder H. X-Ray Protective Aprons Re-Evaluated. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2023; 195: 234 – 243

Publication History

Received: 14 June 2022

Accepted: 10 November 2022

Article published online:
16 February 2023

© 2023. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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