Pharmacopsychiatry 1977; 10(2): 49-56
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1094519

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

A Double Blind Investigation of Piracetam (Nootropil) vs Placebo in Geriatric Memory

Eine doppelblinde Untersuchung von Piracetam (Nootrop®) und seiner Wirkung auf das Gedächtnis alter PatientenF.S. Abuzzahab Sr.1 , G.E. Merwin2 , R.L. Zimmermann2 , M.C. Sherman3
  • 1Clinical Associate Professor, Departments of Psychiatry, Pharmacology and Family Practice & Community Health, University of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis, USA
  • 2Research Associate, University of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis, USA
  • 3Research Assistant, University of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis, USA
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
20 January 2009 (online)


Fifty-six hospitalized geriatric patients between the ages of 65 and 80 were given piracetam (Nootropil) 2400 mg/day or placebo on a double blind basis over a two month period. Every patient submitted to a battery of psychological tests before and after the two month trial. These tests included the Similarities, Vocabulary, Digit Symbol, and Block Design subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; Graham Kendall Memory for Design; Benton Visual Retention; Hooper Visual Organization; Raven Colored Progressive Matrices A, AB, and B; Wechsler Memory Scale A and B; Porteus Maze and Finger Tapping. Patients who were unable to complete this battery were not included in this investigation.

In addition, at pretreatment, 4 and 8 weeks, the patient completed a Profiles of Mood States, a Clinical Global Evaluation was done by the investigator, and laboratory determinations were performed.

Fifty Patients completed the investigation (25 piracetam, 25 placebo). There were no significant statistical differences between the two groups of patients on all measures utilized except for the Clinical Global Evaluation, where 52 % of the patients on piracetam showed minimal improvement versus 25 % of the placebo group (P < 0.05).


56 stationäre Alterspatienten (65–80 Jahre) in einer Dosis von 2400 mg/d oder Placebo doppelt blind über zwei Monate behandelt. Jeder Patient wurde mit einer psychologischen Testbatterie vor und am Ende der Prüfperiode untersucht. Patienten, die nicht in der Lage waren, diese Teste durchzuführen, wurden in die Untersuchung nicht aufgenommen. Konsistente klinische Effekte von Piracetam konnten nicht festgestellt werden. Lediglich bei der globalen klinischen Beurteilung zeigten 52 % der Piracetam-Patienten eine minimale Besserung im Gegensatz zu 25 % bei der Placebogruppe.
