Homœopathic Links 2010; 23(2): 113-115
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1249888

© Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

C4 Triturations and the Proving of Vibhuti

Izel Botha, Nevorndutt Somaru South Africa
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
30 June 2010 (online)


Throughout Samuel Hahnemann's career his guidelines regarding the preparation of homeopathic remedies continually evolved. These started off as liquid potencies and evolved to 3 C triturations. A new trend, trituration provings, claims that the trituration process can step-wise disclose the essence of a remedy, revealing different aspects at each trituration level. These claims are supported by the clinical cases presented by Timmerman. Evidence of the physico-chemical importance of trituration was presented by Botha and Ross. The Vibhuti C 4 proving provides an example of the different aspects revealed at each trituration level, where the C 1 reveals a theme of obedience; the C 2 questioning authority; the C 3 a struggle against authority and wisdom and acceptance at the C 4 level. The trituration proving thus results in a deeper understanding of the main themes of the substance through experiencing the developmental stages of the remedy.


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  • 13 Botha I, Ross A H A. A nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy comparison of 3 C trituration and 4 C trituration derived remedies.  Homeopathy. 2008;  97 196-201
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Dr Izel Botha
Dr Nevorndutt Somaru

Department of Homoeopathy
Durban University of Technology

P. O. Box 1334

4000 Durban

South Africa

Email: izelb@dut.ac.za