Int J Sports Med 2011; 32(9): 688-692
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1271769
Training & Testing

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Influence of Cycle Ergometer Type and Sex on Assessment of 30-Second Anaerobic Capacity and Power

A. S. Leicht1 , R. M. Sealey1 , W. H. Sinclair1
  • 1Institute of Sport and Exercise Science, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
Further Information

Publication History

accepted after revision January 19, 2011

Publication Date:
26 May 2011 (online)


This study examined the influence of cycle ergometer type and sex on assessment of 30-s anaerobic capacity and power. 41 healthy adults performed a 30-s anaerobic cycle test using a mechanically- (ME) and air-braked (AE) ergometer in a randomised order, approximately 7 days apart. Peak heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion were similar between tests with peak HR greater for females compared to males (187.0±9.1 vs. 180.8±9.9 bpm, p<0.05). Peak power (1 100±330 vs. 802±225 W), mean power (793±223 vs. 587±156 W) and total work (23.8±6.7 vs. 17.6±4.7 kJ) were greater for AE compared to ME (p<0.001) and greater for males compared to females (p<0.001). The mean difference for anaerobic capacity and power between AE and ME were similar for males and females (37–41% vs. 33–35%, p>0.05). Peak lactate was greater for AE compared to ME (16.1±3.4 vs. 14.8±2.9 mmol·L−1; p<0.05) and greater for males compared to females (16.2±3.5 vs. 14.6±2.7 mmol·L−1; p<0.05). The current study demonstrated that anaerobic power and capacity were substantially greater when assessed using AE compared to the traditional ME with the difference between ergometer types unaffected by sex. Ergometer type should be considered when comparing anaerobic results across populations and/or studies.


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Dr. Anthony Scott LeichtPhD 

Institute of Sport and Exercise


James Cook University

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