Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol 2011; 61 - A061
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1272417

Sensation of pain and empathy in patients with pain-predominant multisomatoform disorder – Results of the PISO Imaging Study

M Noll-Hussong 1, A Otti 2, A Wohlschläger 2, C Zimmer 2, P Henningsen 1, H Gündel 3
  • 1Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München
  • 2Abteilung für Neuroradiologie des Klinikums rechts der Isar der TU München
  • 3Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums Ulm

Patients with severe and disabling pain which cannot be explained by underlying organic pathology are common in all levels of health care and are typically difficult to treat for physicians as well as for mental health specialists. In this naturalistic fMRI-study using a 3T Scanner and psychometric measures we compared healthy controls with patients suffering from pain-predominant multisomatoform disorder focusing both on task evoked and intrinsic properties of brain function. We could show that the control group exhibits a higher activation of the left perigenual ACC in an empathetic pain paradigm presenting human limbs in painful situations. Moreover, a significantly higher activation was found in the left dorsal ACC by ROI-analysis in the control group. Furthermore, the exposition to the “Pain“-pictures led to relative increases of anterior default mode network activity compared to “No Pain“-stimuli which were also correlated with subjective pain intensity. BOLD-oscillations within a fronto-insular network dedicated to interoception and personal salience showed significantly stronger power densities between 0.2 and 0.24 Hz in patients which might reflect a higher inner arousal and stressed vegetative state. Our results suggest altered computational processes in neural pain processing in chronic pain patients and may lead to an in-depth neurobiological understanding of the well-known clinical impression of underlying emotional deficits in somatoform pain patients.

Literatur: Noll-Hussong, M., Otti, A., Laeer, L., Wohlschlaeger, A., Zimmer, C., Lahmann, C., Henningsen, P., Toelle, T., and Guendel, H. Aftermath of sexual abuse history on adult patients suffering from chronic functional pain syndromes: an fMRI pilot study. J Psychosom Res 2010;68: 483-487. Otti, A., Guendel, H., Laer, L., Wohlschlaeger, A.M., Lane, R.D., Decety, J., Zimmer, C., Henningsen, P., and Noll-Hussong, M. I know the pain you feel-how the human brain's default mode predicts our resonance to another's suffering. Neuroscience 2010;169: 143-148.