Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol 2011; 215 - FV10_03
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1293266

Parto-analgesia and post-partum blood loss

L Driul 1, AP Londero 1, V Burra 1, T Dogareschi 1, A Biasioli 1, A Fruscalzo 2, S Bertozzi 1, D Marchesoni 1
  • 1University of Udine, Udine, Italy
  • 2Fraünklinik, Mathias-Spital Rheine, Rheine, Deutschlands

Ziel: The primary objective of our study is to determine if a correlation exists between the execution of a parto-analgesia and the blood loss entity in the post-partum. Secondary objectives are to evaluate the prevalence and risk factors of post-partum haemorrhage.

Methodik: We retrospectively collected data about women who delivered in our Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology during 2009, excluding women who delivered before the 34th gestational age or after the 42nd. 428 patients were included in the study who underwent parto-analgesia and 550 random controls who did not. We analysed data using R (version 2.12.2) performing mono- and multivariate logistic regression analysis when appropriate, and considering significant p < 0.05.

Ergebnis: The prevalence of severe post-partum haemorrhage varies between 5% among women who delivered spontaneously and 11% among women who underwent a caesarean section by integer membranes. Althought in the monovariate analysis the parto-analgesia execution results a risk factor for post-partum haemorrhage, in the multivariate analysis it is not confirmed, while independent risk factors result to be the neonatal weight MoM, the oxytocin infusion time, the placental expulsion time and the episiotomy.

Schlussfolgerung: The parto-analgesia does not represent an independent risk factor for post-partum haemorrhage, whereas other intrinsic factors of the delivery mechanism result to independently influence post-partum blood loss entity, such as the neonatal weight, the need of oxytocin, the duration of placental expulsion phase and the episiotomy performance.