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DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1327714
The Variability of High Intensity Exercise Tests in Pre-Pubertal Boys
Publication History
accepted after revision 08 October 2012
Publication Date:
18 July 2013 (online)

The aim of the study was to determine the variability of different performance tests during high intensity exercise in active, untrained pre- and early pubertal boys. Participants were habituated to the Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT), force-velocity test (FVt), standing broad jump (SBJ), vertical jump test (VJT) and 40 m sprint test and repeated these procedures once a week for a period of 6 weeks. 54 active, but untrained, prepubertal boys (mean±SD) (age 12.1±0.3 years, stature 1.55±0.06 m, and body mass 47.9±10.2 kg) were recruited. After Wk2, the variability of short-term power output was low in prepubertal boys, for example, for WAnT-determined peak power (CV%=3.4%; ICC=0.982; mean bias±random error=10±50 W) and this trend was also evident for tests of athletic performance (for example, the 40 m sprint test, CV%=1.3%; ICC=0.990; mean bias±random error=0.01±0.59 s). Variability was reduced further at Wk6 for all high intensity exercise tests. The findings of the current study indicate that tests of short-term power output and athletic performance are reliable from a single measurement given an appropriate period of habituation and strict standardisation of test procedures in pre- and early pubertal boys.
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