Kardiologie up2date 2013; 09(03): 172-176
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1344684
Hotline – Diagnostische Verfahren und Bildgebung
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Takotsubo-Kardiomyopathie – unterdiagnostiziert?

Ingo Eitel
Holger Thiele
Weitere Informationen


27. September 2013 (online)


Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) is a reversible cardiomyopathy that mimics an acute coronary syndrome. It is an important differential diagnosis of an acute myocardial infarction. The precise incidence of TTC is unknown, but most studies have estimated that approximately 1% to 2% of all patients presenting with an initial primary diagnosis of either an acute coronary syndrome or myocardial infarction have TTC. Consequently the syndrome is underrecognized and often misdiagnosed. We review the reasons for the under-diagnosis of TTC including the novel nature of the disease especially for non-cardiologists, varied presentations (e.g. different ballooning patterns), and diagnostic uncertainty in patients with mild coronary artery disease and/or without a stressful trigger before the acute onset of the syndrome.

  • Literatur

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