Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin 2015; 25 - IS23
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1554835

Assessment and Goal Setting in Vocational Rehabilitation

UC Smolenksi 1, S Derlien 1
  • 1University Hospital Jena, Department for Physiotherapy, Jena, DE

The evaluation of the functional performance is a complex problem of our time. The definition of functional health (ICF) shows many different achievments.

It provides an academic base for the study and understanding of the state of health as well as conditions, outcomes and determinates the health.

  • It is a common claim to improve the communication between healthcare experts, research, politicians and the public including persons with disability.

  • It allows comparison of data between countries, disciplines of the health care system and during terms.

  • It is a systematic ciphering system for all healthcare information systems.

Rehabilitation is the management of the aftereffect of disease. Therefore it concentrates more on the consequences on the functional health than the diseases.

Conceptional performance, measured by test-specific or ergonomic requirements, is facing specific requirements at the workplace.

Many workgroups are working on a solution for the loss of transfer between test and reality.

There is an algorithm with three different systems (ERGOS, EFL by Iserhagen, biomechanics functional analysis) to establish different criteria. These criteria are abstract versus concrete functional performance as well as testing and assessment of job performance.

One standardized Method to evaluate the job performance is the measurement of functional capacity with ERGOS.

Our researches for test-retest-reliability of ERGOS-systems are showing good to excellent good results and confirming the results of other workgroups.

The main focus is on integrative appraisal of performance, the complexity of the tasks and skills, hard and soft analysis of data, mechanism of compensation and the experience of the rater.

There are controversial results for evidence of the system. Goutebarge 2009 points a bad construct validity and a statistically not provable discriminative validity out. A high predicatively validity for patients with unspecific chronic back pain is found by Cheng 2010. Branton 2010 sees a usesage of predication for recovery but not for diseases consequences.

Fig. 1: The test quality of the FCE systems based on validity, reliability and objectivity, is proved in different papers (James 2011, Oesch 2011, Gibson 2010).

Fig. 2: Performance evaluation of functional disorders.


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