Homœopathic Links 2017; 30(02): 114-120
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1602717
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.

Messages from the Rainforest Planta Milagrosa — Synadenium grantii The Wisdom of Living and Dying

Renate Siefert
1   Practice for Classical Homeopathy and Psychotherapy, Reichelsheim, Germany
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16. Juni 2017 (online)


A well-known remedy from the rainforest—Synadenium grantii from the family of Euphorbiaceae—reveals itself to us in its essence by resonant trituration. The medicine used by the shamanic healer Don Agustin in life-threatening crises arises in potentiated form also as a wise helper for someone who is faced with the question: Is the road leading back to life again, or should I say goodbye to this world? Clinical studies show impressively that ‘planta milagrosa’ the ‘miracle plant’, as it is also called, enables the soul in its innate wisdom to choose one of the two ways: the way back to a fulfilling life or the way to a reconciled dying full of light. With Synadenium grantii, the rainforest grants us a companion in our last days. It allows us to come home entirely into our own essence.

  • References

  • 1 Siefert R. Der Weg der Homöopathie. Warum sie wirkt – wie sie heilt. [The way of homoeopathy. Why it works – how it heals.] Verlag Neue Erde, Saarbrücken; 2016
  • 2 van der Zee H. Miasms in Labour. A Revision of the Homoeopathic Theory of the Miasms – a Process to Health. Haren: Homoeolinks Publishers; 2009
  • 3 Scholten J. Wonderful Plants. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Stichting Alonissos; 2013
  • 4 Filenius K. Dschungelcamp für Homöopathen. [Jungle camp for homeopaths.] Documentary film on DVD; 2013