Homœopathic Links 2017; 30(02): 148
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1602718
Book Review
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.

Health through Inner Body Cleansing: The Famous F. X. Mayr Intestinal Therapy from Europe

Reviewed by,
Jay Yasgur United States
1   United States
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16. Juni 2017 (online)

This beautiful little book is not a homeopathic book nor are any homeopathic remedies mentioned, but it contains so much of complementary value to homeopathic practice that my short review would be ‘Buy it’. However, do allow me to be more expositive.

Health Through Inner Body Cleansing, written by Erich Rauch, a student and colleague of the methods' founder, Franz Xaver Mayr (1875–1965), consists of three chapters: ‘Illness and Health – a new view’, ‘Recovery by the Mayr Plan’ and ‘Better Nutrition and a Healthier Way of Life’.

The first chapter makes the case for illness arising from a poorly functioning intestinal apparatus causing faecal material to be poorly eliminated.

Mayr was the first to make a serious study of intestinal autointoxication and to recommend a treatment plan, as outlined in Chapter 2. This plan consists of three phases: respite, cleansing and training. Though rather complex, this method lasts from 4 to 8 weeks, involves a herbal tea fast which allows the intestines to rest. This fast is followed by a milk and hard roll fast. Both employ ingesting small amounts of Epsom salt dissolved in water. This gentle but constant catharsis slowly cleanses the intestinal tract of built-up waste material. Since no solid food is permitted, the intestines receive a needed rest (respite).

Chapter 3 covers basic topics concerning nutrition including spiritual and philosophical aspects, that is ‘How one eats and how much one eats is often much more important than what one eats’.–p. 76.

From this book, it is possible that one can apply the Mayr's principles to cleanse oneself, though it would be easier with some supportive care.

At the very least, however, one will reap a plethora of health-supporting information. This book is beautifully produced.

Erich Rauch

Dr. med. Erich Rauch (8–27–1922 to 5–22–2003) was an Austrian physician who became an expert of the F.X. Mayr Cure Therapy. Rauch became a physician in 1950 and while his interest extended to psychology (he wrote a treatise on hypnosis), it was the Mayr's technique which attracted him most. He also wrote Naturopathic Treatment of Colds and Infectious Diseases (1993), an important contribution as well.

Franz Xaver Mayr

Dr. med Franz Xaver Mayr (11–28–1875 to 9–1-1965; pronounced 'mire') received his early education in Graz, Austria, and then studied medicine. After receiving his medical degree with honours in 1901, he worked at several sanitoria before arriving in Karlsbad in 1906. It was at Karlsbad, the mecca for the treatment of digestive diseases, that he developed his methodological principles. He created diagnostic parameters to assess a person's intestinal health and initiated the herbal tea fast. In 1912, he wrote his first book, Intestinal Inertia. After WWII, in Vienna, he introduced another fast, the milk fast, as working people needed energy and some nutritional support while they cleansed their intestines.

At the age of 80 years, he retired from his busy practice and began lecturing, founding in 1951, the Mayr Physicians' Work Group.