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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1639580
Systematic Review of Plant-Based Homeopathic Basic Research: An Update
Publication History
20 December 2017
16 February 2018
Publication Date:
05 April 2018 (online)

Background Plant-based test systems have been described as a useful tool for investigating possible effects of homeopathic preparations. The last reviews of this research field were published in 2009/2011. Due to recent developments in the field, an update is warranted. Publications on plant-based test systems were analysed with regard to publication quality, reproducibility and potential for further research.
Methods A literature search was conducted in online databases and specific journals, including publications from 2008 to 2017 dealing with plant-based test systems in homeopathic basic research. To be included, they had to contain statistical analysis and fulfil quality criteria according to a pre-defined manuscript information score (MIS). Publications scoring at least 5 points (maximum 10 points) were assumed to be adequate. They were analysed for the use of adequate controls, outcome and reproducibility.
Results Seventy-four publications on plant-based test systems were found. Thirty-nine publications were either abstracts or proceedings of conferences and were excluded. From the remaining 35 publications, 26 reached a score of 5 or higher in the MIS. Adequate controls were used in 13 of these publications. All of them described specific effects of homeopathic preparations. The publication quality still varied: a substantial number of publications (23%) did not adequately document the methods used. Four reported on replication trials. One replication trial found effects of homeopathic preparations comparable to the original study. Three replication trials failed to confirm the original study but identified possible external influencing factors. Five publications described novel plant-based test systems. Eight trials used systematic negative control experiments to document test system stability.
Conclusions Regarding research design, future trials should implement adequate controls to identify specific effects of homeopathic preparations and include systematic negative control experiments. Further external and internal replication trials, and control of influencing factors, are needed to verify results. Standardised test systems should be developed.
- 1 Majewsky V, Arlt S, Shah D. , et al. Use of homeopathic preparations in experimental studies with healthy plants. Homeopathy 2009; 98: 228-243
- 2 Betti L, Trebbi G, Majewsky V. , et al. Use of homeopathic preparations in phytopathological models and in field trials: a critical review. Homeopathy 2009; 98: 244-266
- 3 Jäger T, Scherr C, Shah D. , et al. Use of homeopathic preparations in experimental studies with abiotically stressed plants. Homeopathy 2011; 100: 275-287
- 4 Jäger T, Scherr C, Shah D. , et al. The use of plant-based bioassays in homeopathic basic research. Homeopathy 2015; 104: 277-282
- 5 Albrecht H, van Wijk R, Dittloff S. A new database on basic research in homeopathy. Homeopathy 2002; 91: 162-165
- 6 Banerjee P, Sukul S. Cuprum sulphuricum - a homeopathic drug can combating toxic effects of Cu, promote seed germination and peroxidase activity in Vigna unguiculata . Int J High Dilution Res 2013; 12: 129-130
- 7 Barbosa IS, Valerio TS, Monteiro Siqueira C. , et al. Evaluation of the effects of homeopathic medicines on the germination seeds of Brassica oleracea l. var. Italica. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 213-214
- 8 Barreto CS, Homsani F, Holandino C, Silva NCB. Plant tissue culture and ultra high diluted studies: suggesting a novel model using in vitro techniques. Int J High Dilution Res 2016; 15: 45-49
- 9 Barreto CS, Homsani F, Holandino C, Silva NCB. The effects of ultra-high diluted gibberellic acid on in vitro lettuce seed germination. Int J High Dilution Res 2016; 15: 50-54
- 10 Baumgartner S, Betti L, Binder M. , et al. Spatial allocation effects within potentization basic research model - evidence for field-like effects of homeopathic preparations?. Int J High Dilution Res 2014; 13: 86-87
- 11 Betti L, Trebbi G, Kokornaczyk MO. , et al. Effectiveness of ultra high diluted arsenic is a function of succussion number as evidenced by wheat germination test and droplet evaporation method. Int J High Dilution Res 2013; 12: 127-128
- 12 Bonato CM, Rigon B, de Souza AF. , et al. High dilutions of Magonia pubescens hidrogel affect germination variables in Sorghum bicolor L. Moench. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10: 253-258
- 13 Dinelli G, Marotti I, Bregola V. , et al. Effects of homeopathic treatments on the cellular metabolism of wheat: validation of microarrays data by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). Homeopathy 2014; 103: 66
- 14 Doesburg P, Andersen JO, Scherr C, Baumgartner S. Replication of specific effects of a Stannum metallicum 30x preparation in a cress seedling/biocrystallization test system. Homeopathy 2016; 105: 12-13
- 15 Donadon MFB, Romano EDB, de Pinho WR. , et al. Germination of radish seeds (Raphanus sativus) treated with homeopathic drugs. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10: 231-232
- 16 Dutta S, Chakraborty I, Sukul NC. , et al. Potentized Sucrose alters growth, sugar, protein and chlorophyll content in cowpea seedlings. Int J High Dilution Res 2013; 12: 137-138
- 17 Endler PC. Repetitions of fundamental research models for homeopathically prepared dilutions beyond 10-23: a bibliometric study. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10: 78
- 18 Endler PC, Reich C, Matzer W. , et al. Seasonal variation of the effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10-30) on wheat stalk growth - a multi researcher study. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10: 263-264
- 19 Hartung H, Schiestl S, Matzer W, Endler PC. Wheat germination (20 hrs) and extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10 e-30): Explorative experiments on a fundamental homeopathy research model. Paper presented at: European Congress for Integrative Medicine, June 14, 2010; Berlin, Germany
- 20 Hribar-Marko S, Scherer-Pongratz W, Lothaller H, Endler PC. Pre stimulation by gibberellic acid and the effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid on wheat stalk growth. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 124-125
- 21 Jaeger T, Scherr C, Simon M. , et al. Comparative study of two bioassays with weakened duckweed and yeast treated with homeopathic preparations. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 129-130
- 22 Junior AFS, de Oliveira ER, Verginelli RM, Zacharias CR. Plant substrate as a vehicle for trituration: a pilot study. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 182-183
- 23 Kokornaczyk MO, Dinelli G, Betti L. Might evaporation-induced droplet patterns serve in agro-homeopathic research and support experimental trials?. Homeopathy 2014; 103: 73-74
- 24 Kokornaczyk MO, Baumgartner S, Betti L. Preliminary study on force-like effects between As45x, water, and wheat seeds performed by means of the droplet evaporation method. Int J High Dilution Res 2015; 14: 17-19
- 25 Kraus C, Knobloch U, Scherer-Pongratz W, Endler PC. Diluted versus potentized probes of silver nitrate (10e-2 to 10e-10) and wheat germination. Int J High Dilution Res 2016; 15: 22-23
- 26 Lamest P, Liebig E, Endler PC. Intoxication of wheat seedlings with 50 mM NaCl and follow-up attempt to “cure” by extremely diluted NaCl (30cH). Int J High Dilution Res 2015; 14: 4
- 27 Majewsky V, Scherr C, Arlt SP. , et al. Reproducibility of effects of the homeopathic dilutions 14x - 30x of gibberellic acid on growth of Lemna gibba L. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 196-197
- 28 Malarczyk E. The activity of enzymes can be modified by homeopathic dilutions of their effectors. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 185-186
- 29 Malarczyk E, Wojtkowiak D. Changes in the dynamics of germination and growth of flax, garden cress and radish seeds under the increasing dilutions of chosen auxins. Int J High Dilution Res 2013; 12: 131-132
- 30 Marques RM, Reis B, Cavazin ACT. , et al. Germination and vigor of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) treated with Arsenicum album . Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10: 239-244
- 31 Marques RM, Reis B, Cavazin ACT. , et al. Physiological response of sorghum seeds treated with Arsenicum album submitted to low temperature. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10: 233-238
- 32 Mondal S, Sukul NC, Sukul S. Natrum mur 200c promotes seed germination and increases total protein, chlorophyll, rubisco and sugar in early seedlings of cowpea under salt stress. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 128
- 33 Pupulin ART, Pupulin TT, Reis B, Bonato CM. Evaluation of the effects of inactivation by microwave and autoclave in homeopathic medicines. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10: 226-228
- 34 Reich C, Lothaller H, Endler CP. Information transfer from ultra high dilution through glass walls - A study on wheat seedlings, with regard to storage of homeopathic remedies. Paper presented at: European Congress of Integrative Medicine, June 14, 2010; Berlin, Germany
- 35 Reis B, Marques RM, da Silva HA. , et al. High dilutions of acetone affect the Avena sativa growth in vitro. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10: 249-252
- 36 Reischl T, Reicher B. Influence of mental state on the homeopathic manufacturing process? A pilot study on wheat seedlings. Paper presented at: European Congress of Integrative Medicine, June 14, 2010; Berlin, Germany
- 37 Scherer-Pongratz W, Endler CP. Seasonal variation of the effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10-30) on wheat seedling development. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10: 79
- 38 Sokol AM, Doesburg P, Scherr C, Baumgartner S. Examination of specific effects of different homeopathic preparations on cress seedlings with a CuCl2-biocrystallization assay. Int J High Dilution Res 2016; 15: 10
- 39 Sukul A. Changes in the effect of heat stress protein that transferred from one plant to another through capillary water and its treatment with cantharis 200. Med Aromat Plants 2016; 5: 5
- 40 Sukul A, Sukul NC, Sen P. , et al. Homeopathic potencies alter photosynthesis of cowpea. Homeopathy 2014; 103: 91-92
- 41 Sukul NC, Chakraborty I, Sukul A. Potentized Cina reduces root-knot nematode in infestation of cucumber and the antinematode effect is transmitted through water. Int J High Dilution Res 2013; 12: 133-134
- 42 Thieves K. . Effect of homeopathically prepared giberellic acid (10-30) on stalk growth of wheat seeds of different weight classes [Einfluss von "homöopathisch" zubereitetem Gibberellin (10-30) auf die Sprosslänge bei unterschiedlichen Gewichtsgrößen von Weizensaatgut]: [Master thesis], Graz, Austria. Interuniversitäres Kolleg, Schloss Seggau, Graz; 2009:6
- 43 Trebbi G, Dinelli G, Marotti I. , et al. Effects of homeopathic treatments on strawberry plants in field. Homeopathy 2014; 103: 92-93
- 44 Trebbi G, Dinelli G, Marotti I. , et al. Phytopathological and nutraceutical evaluation of cauliflower plants treated with high dilutions of arsenic trioxide. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 161-162
- 45 Baumgartner S, Doesburg P, Scherr C, Andersen JO. Development of a biocrystallisation assay for examining effects of homeopathic preparations using cress seedlings. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2012; 2012: 125945
- 46 Betti L, Elia V, Napoli E. , et al. Biological effects and physico-chemical properties of extremely diluted aqueous solutions as a function of aging-time. Front Life Sci 2011; 5: 117-126
- 47 Betti L, Trebbi G, Kokornaczyk MO. , et al. Number of succussion strokes affects effectiveness of ultra-high-diluted arsenic on in vitro wheat germination and polycrystalline structures obtained by droplet evaporation method. Homeopathy 2017; 106: 47-54
- 48 Betti L, Zurla M, Trebbi G, Brizzi M, Borghini G, Borghini F. Extremely low doses of arsenic affect in vitro pollen germination. Forsch Komplement Med 2013; 20: 254-260
- 49 Bonato CM, de Proenca GT, Reis B. Homeopathic drugs Arsenicum album and Sulphur affect growth and essential oil content in mint (Mentha arvensis L.). Acta Sci Agron 2009; 31: 101-105
- 50 Bonfim FPG, das Dores RGR, Martins ER, Casali VWD. Germination and vigor of lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) pelleted with homeopathic preparations Alumina and Calcarea carbonica subjected to toxic levels of aluminum. Int J High Dilution Res 2010; 33: 138-146
- 51 Bonfim FPG, Martins ER, das Dores RGR. , et al. Use of homeopathic Arnica montana L. for the issuance of roots of Rosmarinus officinalis L and Lippia alba (Mill) N.E.Br. Int J High Dilution Res 2008; 7: 113-117
- 52 Carneiro SM, Romano EDB, dos Santos Garbim TH. , et al. Pathogenic trial of boric acid in bean and tomato plants. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10: 37-45
- 53 Carneiro SM, Romano EDB, Pignoni E. , et al. Effect of biotherapeutic of Alternaria solani on the early blight of tomato-plants and the in vitro development of the fungus. Int J High Dilution Res 2010; 9: 147-155
- 54 Chandra Datta S, Dutta R. Homeopathic medicines protect environment, health and development by controlling mulberry diseases. J Homeopat Ayurved Med 2012; 01
- 55 Darokar M, Gupta V, Nayak C. , et al. Dose-dependent effect of homoeopathic drug Zinc sulphate on plant growth using Bacopa monnieri as model system. Indian J Res Homoeopath 2014; 8: 19
- 56 Dragicevic V, Spasic M, Simic M, Dumanovic Z, Nikolic B. Stimulative influence of germination and growth of maize seedlings originating from aged seeds by 2,4-D potencies. Homeopathy 2013; 102: 179-186
- 57 Endler PC, Matzer W, Reich C. , et al. Seasonal variation of the effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10e-30) on wheat stalk growth: a multiresearcher study. Sci World J 2011; 11: 1667-1678
- 58 Engel M. Use of homeopathic preparations on potato-plants [Homöopathieanwendung bei Kartoffeln]: [Bachelor thesis] Kassel, Germany, Ökologische Agrarwissenschaft. Univ Kassel; 2013
- 59 Gama EVS, Silva F, Santos I. , et al. Homeopathic drugs to control red rot disease in sisal plants. Agron Sustain Dev 2014; 35: 649-656
- 60 Hribar-Marko S, Graunke H, Scherer-Pongratz W. , et al. Prestimulation of wheat seedlings with gibberellic acid followed by application of an agitated high dilution of the same hormone. Int J High Dilution Res 2013; 12: 26-39
- 61 Kiefer P, Matzer W, Schiestl S. , et al. Wheat germination and high diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10-30) - a multi researcher study. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 45-59
- 62 Kokornaczyk MO, Baumgartner S, Betti L. Polycrystalline structures formed in evaporating droplets as a parameter to test the action of Zincum metallicum 30c in a wheat seed model. Homeopathy 2016; 105: 173-179
- 63 Kokornaczyk MO, Trebbi G, Dinelli G. , et al. Droplet evaporation method as a new potential approach for highlighting the effectiveness of ultra high dilutions. Complement Ther Med 2014; 22: 333-340
- 64 Lensi MM, Juergensen Siquiera T, Silva GH. A pilot study of the influence of Natrum muriaticum 6cH and 30 cH in a standardized culture of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Int J High Dilution Res 2010; 9: 43-50
- 65 Majewsky V, Scherr C, Arlt SP. , et al. Reproducibility of effects of homeopathically potentised gibberellic acid on the growth of Lemna gibba L. in a randomised and blinded bioassay. Homeopathy 2014; 103: 113-126
- 66 Majewsky V, Scherr C, Schneider C, Arlt SP, Baumgartner S. Reproducibility of the effects of homeopathically potentised Argentum nitricum on the growth of Lemna gibba L. in a randomised and blinded bioassay. Homeopathy 2017; 106: 145-154
- 67 Marotti I, Betti L, Bregola V. , et al. Transcriptome profiling of wheat seedlings following treatment with ultrahigh diluted arsenic trioxide. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2014; 2014: 851263
- 68 Marques RM, Marques-Silva GG, Bonato CM. Effects of high dilutions of Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt (citronella) on the germination and growth of Sida rhombifolia. . Int J High Dilution Res 2008; 7: 31-35
- 69 Mondal S, Sukul S, Sukul NC. Water as carrier of information of heat shock and drug effect between two groups of Adhatoda vasica plants. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 60-68
- 70 Panda SS, Mohanty SS, Dhal NK. Effects of potentised homeopathic medicine on the germination, growth and photosynthetic activity of Pisum sativum L. Recent Res Sci Tech 2013; 5: 11-14
- 71 Pfleger A, Hofäcker J, Scherer-Pongratz W, Lothaller H, Reich C, Endler PC. The effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10e-30) on wheat stalk growth--a two researcher pilot study. Complement Ther Med 2011; 19: 164-169
- 72 Rodrigues CM. Homeopathic remedies and allopathic answer of Conyza bonariensis L. [Solucoes homeopathicas e alelopathica de Conyza bonariensis L.], [PhD dissertation]. Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil; 2009
- 73 Santos FM, Monfort LE, Castro DM, Pinto JE, Leonardi M, Pistelli L. Characterization of essential oil and effects on growth of Verbena gratissima plants treated with homeopathic phosphorus. Nat Prod Commun 2011; 6: 1499-1504
- 74 Scherer-Pongratz W, Endler PC, Lothaller H, Stephen S. Wheat and ultra high diluted silver nitrate--further experiments and re-analysis of data. Homeopathy 2015; 104: 246-249
- 75 Sukul S, Mondal S, Sukul NC. Sepia 200cH in 1:1000 dilution counteracts the effect of salt stress in cowpea seedlings but vehicle 90% ethanol proves ineffective in the same dilution. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11: 237-246
- 76 Thieves K, Gleiss A, Kratky KW, Frass M. First evidence of Beauvais' hypothesis in a plant model. Homeopathy 2016; 105: 270-279
- 77 Tulip J. A Pilot Research study to establish the effect on corn (Zea mays) seed germination when immersed in homeopathically potentised 15x essential mineral nutrient solution. Available at: . Accessed: June 8, 2014
- 78 Wyss E, Tamm L, Siebenwirth J, Baumgartner S. Homeopathic preparations to control the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea Pass.). Sci World J 2010; 10: 38-48
- 79 Kleingeld G. A comparison between the efficacy of radionically prepared gibberellic acid and homoeopathically prepared gibberellic acid (GHP) on the germination rate and seedling development of barley seeds [dissertation]. Faculty of Health Sciences, Durban University of Technology; 2016
- 80 Scherr C, Simon M, Spranger J, Baumgartner S. Effects of potentised substances on growth rate of the water plant Lemna gibba L. Complement Ther Med 2009; 17: 63-70
- 81 Stock-Schröer B, Albrecht H, Betti L. , et al. Reporting experiments in homeopathic basic research (REHBaR)---a detailed guideline for authors. Homeopathy 2009; 98: 287-298
- 82 Baumgartner S, Heusser P, Thurneysen S. Methodological standards and problems in preclinical homoeopathic potency research. Forsch Komplementarmed 1998; 5: 27-32
- 83 Baumgartner S, Thurneysen A, Heusser P. Growth stimulation of dwarf peas (Pisum sativum L.) through homeopathic potencies of plant growth substances. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2004; 11: 281-292
- 84 Boff P, Madruga E, Zanelato M, Boff MIC. Pest and disease management of potato crops with homeopathic preparations and germoplasm variability. Proceeding of 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress; June 16–20; Modena, Italy; 2008 :544–547
- 85 Diniz LP, Maffia LA, Dhingra OD. , et al. Quantification of the efficacy of alternative products for tomato late blight control. Fitopatologia Brasileira 2006; 31: 171-179
- 86 Shah-Rossi D, Heusser P, Baumgartner S. Homeopathic treatment of Arabidopsis thaliana plants infected with Pseudomonas syringae . Scientific World Journal 2009; 9: 320-330
- 87 Trebbi G, Fantino MG, Dinelli G. , et al. Effects of homeopathic and mineral treatments on dark leaf spot caused by Alternaria brassicicola on cauliflower. Proceeding of 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress; June 16–20; Modena, Italy; 2008:448–451
- 88 Brizzi M, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Betti L. Statistical analysis of the effect of high dilutions of arsenic in a large dataset from a wheat germination model. Br Homeopath J 2000; 89: 63-67
- 89 Betti L, Trebbi G, Zurla M, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Brizzi M. A review of three simple plant models and corresponding statistical tools for basic research in homeopathy. Sci World J 2010; 10: 2330-2347
- 90 Lahnstein L, Binder M, Thurneysen A. , et al. Isopathic treatment effects of Arsenicum album 45x on wheat seedling growth--further reproduction trials. Homeopathy 2009; 98: 198-207
- 91 Binder M, Baumgartner S, Thurneysen A. The effects of a 45x potency of Arsenicum album on wheat seedling growth -- a reproduction trial. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2005; 12: 284-291
- 92 Kolisko L. Physiological Proof of effectiveness of small entities of seven metals [Physiologischer Nachweis der Wirksamkeit kleinster Entitäten bei 7 Metallen]. Dornach: 1926
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- 95 Pongratz W, Endler PC. Reappraisal of a classical botanical experiment in ultra high dilution research. Energetic coupling in a wheat model. In: Endler PC, Schulte J. , eds. Ultra High Dilution. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1994: 19-26
- 96 Noiret R, Claude M. Attènuation du pouvoir germinatif de graines de froment traitèes par CuSO4 en dilutions homèopathiques. Recherche du rapport èthanol/eau optimum lors des dilutions intermèdiaires. Rev Belg Homoeopath 1979; 31: 98-130
- 97 Baumgartner S, Shah D, Schaller J, Kämpfer U, Thurneysen A, Heusser P. Reproducibility of dwarf pea shoot growth stimulation by homeopathic potencies of gibberellic acid. Complement Ther Med 2008; 16: 183-191