CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Laryngorhinootologie 2018; 97(S 02): S260-S261
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1640615
Otologie: Otology

New universal implant for trans- and percutaneous bone conduction devices

R Siegert
1   Prosper-Hospital, Recklinghausen
› Institutsangaben

Introduction and objective:

To develop a universal, thin, easy to operate implant to be used in every bone thickness respectively at every patient's age in trans- and percutaneus techniques and with all kinds of bone conduction external devices.


  1. The influence of different magnets at various distances on a bone conduction vibrator were measured by applying standardized sound energies of various frequencies to the DAI of the Sophono MPO and measuring its output with an accelerator (Bruel and Kjaer).

  2. The holding strength of various combinations of internally and externally worn magnets were tested at different distances respectively skin thicknesses.

  3. Based on these data the new universal magnetic implant was developed.

  4. The latter was analyzed as described above and its practical feasibility determined.


The magnetic forces of the implant and the base plate have a magnetic strength of less the tenfold what would be necessary to influence the energy output of the vibrator.

The new implant system was developed on the basis of these data. It show adequate magnetic holding forces and has the potential to fulfill the above mentioned objectives completely.


The new universal implant we designed has the potential to offer several advantages for surgeons, patients and flexibility of care. Applications for clinical tests are under way.


18. April 2018 (online)

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