CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Laryngorhinootologie 2018; 97(S 02): S297
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1640745
Phoniatrie/Pädaudiologie: Phoniatrics/Pediatric Audiology

Auditory Localization Accuracy in Children after Cochlear Implantation

J Döge
1   Universistätsmedizin Mainz, HNO, Mainz
A Decker
2   Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Abteilung audiologische Akustik, Mainz
A Bohnert
2   Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Abteilung audiologische Akustik, Mainz
S Strieth
3   Universitätsmedizin Mainz, HNO, Mainz
AK Läßig
4   Universistätsmedizin Mainz, Schwerpunkt Kommunikationsstörungen, Mainz
T Rader
2   Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Abteilung audiologische Akustik, Mainz
› Author Affiliations


Localization is required in everyday life and is based on the function of binaural hearing in the horizontal plane. We tested the practicability of the ERKI-Setup (Plotz et al. 2013) for analysis of localization ability in clinical daily routine. Furthermore possible connections between the duration of the measurement, the age and the intelligence quotient (IQ) were considered in the analysis.


A group of 52 children in the age between 5 and 17 years participated in the present study. 9 of these children were bimodal fitted (with hearing aid and cochlear implant, CI), 2 children were unilateral implanted and 41 children were bilateral implanted with CI. The ERKI-Setup is based on a Mainzer Kindertisch-application and by the additional use of 32 virtual sound sources an angular resolution of 5 ° in the range of ± 90 ° is given.


A significant correlation between age and duration of the measurement was noticeable in the bimodal group (r = 0,769; p = 0,009). No significant correlation was found for the bilateral implanted group (r = 0,251; p = 0,117). There was no correlation between the IQ and the duration of the measurement (r = 0,267; p = 0,177).


The ERKI setup is suited for analysis of localization ability in children and can be realized in clinical daily routine. It has been shown that children after unilateral, bilateral or bimodal CI-fitting are able to improve localization skills.

Publication History

Publication Date:
18 April 2018 (online)

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