Homeopathy 2020; 109(02): 041
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1708874
The Faculty of Homeopathy

An Amplified Understanding of Homeopathy

Robert T. Mathie
1   Acting Editor, Homeopathy
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25. April 2020 (online)

The several articles that comprise this issue of the journal are typically diverse in their scientific and clinical content, yet a common strand can be identified: the importance of signal amplification in homeopathy. In her seminal two-part review, Iris Bell develops the concept of homeopathy as a complex adaptive system, whose properties include small changes in inputs that can lead to disproportionately large changes in system outputs: the weak signal of the correct simillimum medicine can initiate a large healing response in the body.[1] [2] She concludes that ‘the evidence suggests that every homeopathic medicine is a complex nano-scale system involving…electromagnetic, opto-electronic, quantum, and biological properties’.

Key to Dr Bell's concept is the succussion/dilution process that underpins the production of homeopathic medicines. Abhirup Basu and colleagues report that succussion of cupric oxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles triggers multi-sized bubble generation and turbulent fluid motion for a duration of up to 400 milliseconds.[3] That biological systems have the capacity to amplify the signal associated with ultra-high dilutions, which in turn may be electromagnetic in nature, is implicated in the new research on solvatochromic dyes reported by Leoni Bonamin and her group.[4]

By contrast, a fundamental aim for less, not more, is the keynote of Emma Macías-Cortés and co-workers’ planned clinical trial of homeopathy for treating obesity in adolescents[5] and in Kusum Chand's & Priya Kapoor's reported cases of chronic urinary tract infection in whom homeopathic treatment was associated with a decreased use of antibiotics.[6] In his Debate article, Todd Hoover highlights homeopathy's opportunities for growth despite a mainstream current of reductionist reasoning against it.[7]