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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-121894
A Step-by-Step Clinical Approach for the Management of Neuroendocrine Tumours
Publication History
received 16 August 2016
accepted 15 November 2016
Publication Date:
18 January 2017 (online)

Neuroendocrine tumours (NET) are rare neoplasms, but the incidence is permanently increasing. Most of the NETs are slow proliferating and clinically silent, and for that reason, they are often diagnosed at a stage with advanced disease. The complexity and diversity of the NET-biology require the treatment of patients in specialised centres to guarantee a qualified, multidisciplinary treatment planning. At our institution, we developed an interdisciplinary model for the assessment and treatment of NET. The aim was to adapt the guidelines to the clinical practice, exchange of current knowledge, and a tailored approach to the individual patient. In our team are included medical professionals from pathology, radiology, oncology, gastroenterology, oncological surgery, and nuclear medicine. In this paper, we describe step-by-step a procedural algorithm for the management of patients with neuroendocrine tumours, focusing on midgut-NETs in terms of therapy.
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