Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2017; 142(23): 1767-1772
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-117973
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Masern in Deutschland – Epidemiologie und Management

Measles in Germany: An Epidemiological Analysis and First Measures for Containment
Dorothea Matysiak-Klose
Sabine Wicker
für die Nationale Verifizierungskommission Masern Röteln (NAVKO) in Deutschland
Weitere Informationen


16. November 2017 (online)


Measles are one of the most contagious diseases of mankind. Measles incidence has declined worldwide since the introduction of vaccinations. Due to low numbers of measles cases in countries with high vaccination rates the population is not aware of possible complications of measles any more. Measles elimination is an important goal set by all regions of the World Health Organization. However, it remains a challenge for Germany and other European countries. Because of a high proportion of susceptibles in specific population and age groups outbreaks take place in Germany every year after importation of the virus. More than 50 % of measles cases are 20 years and older. However, the highest incidences have been seen in two-year-olds since several years. In addition to epidemiological findings such as case numbers and risk groups, genotyping permits e. g. an assessment of the endemic circulation of viruses. Suspicion of a measles case should result in immediate and consistent measures.

Die Masern sind eine der ansteckendsten Erkrankungen der Menschheit. Trotz weltweit gesunkener Inzidenz kommt es weiterhin zu Masernausbrüchen mit z. T. hohen Fallzahlen. Epidemiologische Erkenntnisse und die molekulare Surveillance durch Genotypisierung von Masernviren liefern wichtige Hinweise bzgl. der endemischen Verbreitung der Viren. Bereits bei Verdacht auf einen Masernfall sollten sofort Maßnahmen eingeleitet werden.