Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2004; 64(4): 359-374
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-815820

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Verfahren der quantitativen Knochenmessung in der Vorhersage des individuellen Frakturrisikos - Übersicht und neue Befunde

Techniques of Quantitative Bone Measurement for Predicting Individual Fracture Risk - Review and Recent FindingsE.-M. Lochmüller1 , T. M. Link2
  • 1Frauenklinik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Innenstadt (Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Friese), München
  • 2Institut für Röntgendiagnostik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Rummeny), Klinikum rechts der Isar, München
Further Information

Publication History

Eingang Manuskript: 18. Juni 2003 Eingang revidiertes Manuskript: 15. September 2003

Akzeptiert: 24. September 2003

Publication Date:
08 April 2004 (online)


Osteoporotische Frakturen stellen ein schwerwiegendes Gesundheitsproblem dar, von dem vor allem postmenopausale Frauen betroffen sind. Da wirksame Therapeutika verfügbar sind, mit welchen die Frakturrate effektiv gesenkt werden kann, stellt die nicht invasive Abschätzung des individuellen Frakturrisikos mit Methoden der quantitativen Knochenmessung eine wichtige Herausforderung in der Diagnostik dar, speziell auch in der Gynäkologie. Ziel der vorliegenden Übersichtsarbeit ist es, eine umfassende Darstellung osteodensitometrischer Methoden sowie ihrer Wertigkeit für die Vorhersage des individuellen Frakturrisikos zu geben.

Wir berichten über aktuelle epidemiologische Erkenntnisse zu den durch Osteoporose verursachten Frakturen. Es folgt eine technische Beschreibung der diagnostisch eingesetzten Röntgenprojektionsverfahren (DXA), Röntgenschnittbildverfahren (QCT und pQCT), quantitativer Ultraschallmethoden (QUS) und der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT). Es werden retrospektive und prospektive klinische Studien zur Wertigkeit dieser Verfahren in Bezug auf die Vorhersage des Frakturrisikos referiert. Abschließend stellen wir die Ergebnisse aktueller, experimenteller Untersuchungen zur Abschätzung mechanischer Versagenslasten mit den unterschiedlichen Methoden der quantitativen Knochenmessung dar.

Wir schließen aus den vorliegenden Daten, dass die DXA (Zweienergie-Röntgenabsorptiometrie) nach wie vor als Referenzverfahren in der Diagnostik der Osteoporose zu betrachten ist. Eine Verbesserung durch Röntgenschnittbildverfahren konnte bislang nicht stichhaltig nachgewiesen werden. Der QUS stellt für den niedergelassenen Arzt ein attraktives diagnostisches Verfahren für die primäre Risikoeinschätzung dar. Die Messung ist auf das periphere Skelett beschränkt; in der klinischen Diagnostik sollte er umsichtig interpretiert und gegebenenfalls durch die DXA ergänzt werden. Weitere Fortschritte in der Einschätzung des Frakturrisikos erhofft man sich von Analysen der trabekulären Mikroarchitektur mit der hochauflösenden CT, pQCT und MRT sowie durch Computersimulationsverfahren. Diese Techniken sind Gegenstand aktueller Forschung.


Osteoporotic fractures are a severe medical problem that dominantly affects postmenopausal women. Effective therapy for reducing fracture rates is available today and, therefore, non-invasive estimates of the individual fracture risk represent an important challenge for medical diagnostics. The objective of the current article is to comprehensively review methods for quantitative measurements of bone properties and their value in predicting individual fracture risk.

We report epidemiologic findings in the context of osteoporotic fractures and give a technical description of current diagnostic methods, including projectional X-ray techniques (DXA), tomographic X-ray techniques (QCT and pQCT), quantitative ultrasound (QUS), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We summarize cross-sectional and prospective clinical trials and results of recent experimental findings in estimating mechanical failure loads, using different quantitative methods.

Based on the existing data we conclude that DXA continues to be a reference method for diagnosing osteporosis. No improvement has so far been demonstrated for tomographic X-ray techniques. QUS is an attractive diagnostic tool in private practice in primary risk evaluation. However, measurements are confined to the peripheral skeleton; they must therefore be interpreted with caution and may have to be supplemented by DXA. Further improvements in evaluating fracture risk may be achieved by analyzing trabecular microarchitecture with high resolution CT, pQCT and MRI, and by computer simulation techniques. These methods are the focus of current research.


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  • 103 Melton III L J, Atkinson E J, O'Fallon W M, Wahner H W, Riggs B L. Long-term fracture prediction by bone mineral assessed at different skeletal sites.  J Bone Miner Res. 1993;  10 1227-1233
  • 104 Guglielmi G, Grimston S K, Fischer K C, Pacifici R. Osteoporosis: diagnosis with lateral and posteroanterior dual X-ray absorptiometry compared with quantitative CT.  Radiology. 1994;  3 845-850
  • 105 Yu W, Glüer C C, Grampp S, Jergas M, Fuerst T, Wu C Y, Lu Y, Fan B, Genant H K. Spinal bone mineral assessment in postmenopausal women: a comparison between dual X-ray absorptiometry and quantitative computed tomography.  Osteoporos Int. 1995;  6 433-439
  • 106 Kröger H, Lunt M, Reeve J, Dequeker J, Adams J E, Birkenhager J C, Diaz C M, Felsenberg D, Hyldstrup L, Kotzki P, Laval-Jeantet A, Lips P, Louis O, Perez C R, Reiners C, Ribot C, Rüegsegger P, Schneider P, Braillon P, Pearson J. Bone density reduction in various measurement sites in men and women with osteoporotic fractures of spine and hip: the European quantitation of osteoporosis study.  Calcif Tissue Int. 1999;  3 191-199
  • 107 Ross P D, Genant H K, Davis J W, Miller P D, Wasnich R D. Predicting vertebral fracture incidence from prevalent fractures and bone density among non-black, osteoporotic women.  Osteoporos Int. 1993;  3 120-126
  • 108 Link T M, Doren M, Lewing G, Meier N, Heinecke A, Rummeny E. Cross-sectional area of lumbar vertebrae in peri- and postmenopausal patients with and without osteoporosis.  Osteoporos Int. 2000;  4 304-309
  • 109 Gordon C L, Lang T F, Augat P, Genant H K. Image-based assessment of spinal trabecular bone structure from high-resolution CT images.  Osteoporos Int. 1998;  4 317-325
  • 110 Andresen R, Haidekker M A, Radmer S, Banzer D. CT determination of bone mineral density and structural investigations on the axial skeleton for estimating the osteoporosis-related fracture risk by means of a risk score.  Br J Radiol. 1999;  858 569-578
  • 111 Grampp S, Lang P, Jergas M, Glüer C C, Mathur A, Engelke K, Genant H K. Assessment of the skeletal status by peripheral quantitative computed tomography of the forearm: short-term precision in vivo and comparison to dual X-ray absorptiometry.  J Bone Miner Res. 1995;  10 1566-1576
  • 112 Laib A, Hauselmann H J, Rüegsegger P. In vivo high resolution 3D-QCT of the human forearm.  Technol Health Care. 1998;  5 - 6 329-337
  • 113 Formica C A, Nieves J W, Cosman F, Garrett P, Lindsay R. Comparative assessment of bone mineral measurements using dual X-ray absorptiometry and peripheral quantitative computed tomography.  Osteoporos Int. 1998;  5 460-467
  • 114 Xie X, Barenholdt O. Bone density and geometric properties of the distal radius in displaced and undisplaced Colles' fractures: quantitative CT in 70 women.  Acta Orthop Scand. 2001;  1 62-66
  • 115 Grampp S, Jergas M, Lang P, Steiner E, Fuerst T, Glüer C C, Mathur A, Genant H K. Quantitative CT assessment of the lumbar spine and radius in patients with osteoporosis.  AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1996;  1 133-140
  • 116 Nijs J, Westhovens R, Joly J, Cheng X G, Borghs H, Dequeker J. Diagnostic sensitivity of peripheral quantitative computed tomography measurements at ultradistal and proximal radius in postmenopausal women.  Bone. 1998;  6 659-664
  • 117 Hasegawa Y, Schneider P, Reiners C, Kushida K, Yamazaki K, Hasegawa K, Nagano A. Estimation of the architectural properties of cortical bone using peripheral quantitative computed tomography.  Osteoporos Int. 2000;  1 36-42
  • 118 Augat P, Fan B, Lane N E, Lang T F, LeHir P, Lu Y, Uffmann M, Genant H K. Assessment of bone mineral at appendicular sites in females with fractures of the proximal femur.  Bone. 1998;  4 395-402
  • 119 Stewart A, Reid D M, Porter R W. Broadband ultrasound attenuation and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry in patients with hip fractures: which technique discriminates fracture risk.  Calcif Tissue Int. 1994;  6 466-469
  • 120 Funke M, Kopka L, Vosshenrich R, Fischer U, Ueberschaer A, Oestmann J W, Grabbe E. Broadband ultrasound attenuation in the diagnosis of osteoporosis: correlation with osteodensitometry and fracture.  Radiology. 1995;  1 77-81
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  • 122 Ross P, Huang C, Davis J, Imose K, Yates J, Vogel J, Wasnich R. Predicting vertebral deformity using bone densitometry at various skeletal sites and calcaneus ultrasound.  Bone. 1995;  3 325-332
  • 123 Mikhail M B, Flaster E, Aloia J F. Stiffness in discrimination of patients with vertebral fractures.  Osteoporos Int. 1999;  1 24-28
  • 124 Kröger H, Jurvelin J, Arnala I, Penttila K, Rask A, Vainio P, Alhava E. Ultrasound attenuation of the calcaneus in normal subjects and in patients with wrist fracture.  Acta Orthop Scand. 1995;  1 47-52
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  • 126 Stewart A, Felsenberg D, Kalidis L, Reid D M. Vertebral fractures in men and women: how discriminative are bone mass measurements?.  Br J Radiol. 1995;  810 614-620
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  • 129 Bauer D C, Glüer C C, Cauley J A, Vogt T M, Ensrud K E, Genant H K, Black D M. Broadband ultrasound attenuation predicts fractures strongly and independently of densitometry in older women. A prospective study. Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group.  Arch Intern Med. 1997;  6 629-634
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  • 134 Joly J, Westhovens R, Borghs H, Peeters H, Tirry J, Nijs J, Dequeker J. Reference curve and diagnostic sensitivity for a new ultrasound device for the phalanges, the DBMsonic 1200, in Belgian women.  Osteoporos Int. 1999;  4 284-289
  • 135 Blanckaert F, Cortet B, Coquerelle P, Flipo R M, Duquesnoy B, Delcambre B. Ultrasound velocity through the phalanges in normal and osteoporotic patients.  Calcif Tissue Int. 1999;  1 28-33
  • 136 Benitez C L, Schneider D L, Barrett-Connor E, Sartoris D J. Hand ultrasound for osteoporosis screening in postmenopausal women.  Osteoporos Int. 2000;  3 203-210
  • 137 Mauloni M, Rovati L C, Cadossi R, de Terlizzi F, Ventura V, de Aloysio D. Monitoring bone effect of transdermal hormone replacement therapy by ultrasound investigation at the phalanx: a four-year follow-up study.  Menopause. 2000;  6 402-412
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  • 140 Gnudi S, Ripamonti C, Malavolta N. Quantitative ultrasound and bone densitometry to evaluate the risk of nonspine fractures: a prospective study.  Osteoporos Int. 2000;  6 518-523
  • 141 Hans D, Srivastav S K, Singal C, Barkmann R, Njeh C F, Kantorovich E, Gluer C C, Genant H K. Does combining the results from multiple bone sites measured by a new quantitative ultrasound device improve discrimination of hip fracture?.  J Bone Miner Res. 1999;  4 644-651
  • 142 Weiss M, Ben Shlomo A, Hagag P, Ish-Shalom S. Discrimination of proximal hip fracture by quantitative ultrasound measurement at the radius.  Osteoporos Int. 2000;  5 411-416
  • 143 Grampp S, Majumdar S, Jergas M, Newitt D, Lang P, Genant H K. Distal radius: in vivo assessment with quantitative MR imaging, peripheral quantitative CT, and dual X-ray absorptiometry.  Radiology. 1996;  1 213-218
  • 144 Link T M, Majumdar S, Augat P, Lin J C, Newitt D, Lane N E, Genant H K. Proximal femur: assessment for osteoporosis with T2* decay characteristics at MR imaging.  Radiology. 1998;  2 531-536
  • 145 Wehrli F W, Gomberg B R, Saha P K, Song H K, Hwang S N, Snyder P J. Digital topological analysis of in vivo magnetic resonance microimages of trabecular bone reveals structural implications of osteoporosis.  J Bone Miner Res. 2001;  8 1520-1531
  • 146 Link T M, Vieth V, Matheis J, Newitt D, Lu Y, Rummeny E J, Majumdar S. Bone structure of the distal radius and the calcaneus vs BMD of the spine and proximal femur in the prediction of osteoporotic spine fractures.  Eur Radiol. 2002;  2 401-408
  • 147 Laib A, Newitt D C, Lu Y, Majumdar S. New model-independent measures of trabecular bone structure applied to in vivo high-resolution MR images.  Osteoporos Int. 2002;  2 130-136
  • 148 Link T M, Majumdar S, Augat P, Lin J C, Newitt D, Lu Y, Lane N E, Genant H K. In vivo high resolution MRI of the calcaneus: differences in trabecular structure in osteoporosis patients.  J Bone Miner Res. 1998;  7 1175-1182
  • 149 Majumdar S, Link T M, Augat P, Lin J C, Newitt D, Lane N E, Genant H K. Trabecular bone architecture in the distal radius using magnetic resonance imaging in subjects with fractures of the proximal femur. Magnetic Resonance Science Center and Osteoporosis and Arthritis Research Group.  Osteoporos Int. 1999;  3 231-239
  • 150 Hayes W C, Bouxsein M L. Biomechanics of cortical and trabecular bone: Implications for assessment of fracture risk. Mow VC, Hayes WC Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics. 2nd ed. Philadelphia; Lippincott-Raven 1997: 69-111
  • 151 Lochmüller E M, Groll O, Kuhn V, Eckstein F. Mechanical strength of the proximal femur as predicted from geometric and densitometric bone properties at the lower limb versus the distal radius.  Bone. 2002;  1 207-216
  • 152 Eckstein F, Lochmüller E M, Lill C A, Kuhn V, Schneider E, Delling G, Müller R. Bone strength at clinically relevant sites displays substantial heterogeneity and is best predicted from site-specific bone densitometry.  J Bone Miner Res. 2002;  1 162-171
  • 153 Bürklein D, Lochmüller E M, Kuhn V, Grimm J, Barkmann R, Müller R, Eckstein F. Correlation of thoracic and lumbar vertebral failure loads with in situ vs. ex situ dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.  J Biomech. 2001;  5 579-587
  • 154 Lochmüller E M, Bürklein D, Kuhn V, Glaser C, Müller R, Glüer C C, Eckstein F. Mechanical strength of the thoracolumbar spine in the elderly: prediction from in situ dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, quantitative computed tomography (QCT), upper and lower limb peripheral QCT, and quantitative ultrasound.  Bone. 2002;  1 77-84
  • 155 Link T M, Majumdar S, Konermann W, Meier N, Lin J C, Newitt D, Ouyang X, Peters P E, Genant H K. Texture analysis of direct magnification radiographs of vertebral specimens: correlation with bone mineral density and biomechanical properties.  Acad Radiol. 1997;  3 167-176
  • 156 Haidekker M A, Andresen R, Werner H J. Relationship between structural parameters, bone mineral density and fracture load in lumbar vertebrae, based on high-resolution computed tomography, quantitative computed tomography and compression tests.  Osteoporos Int. 1999;  5 433-440
  • 157 Waldt S, Meier N, Renger B, Lenzen H, Fiebich M, Rummeny E J, Link T M. Strukturanalyse hochauflösender Computertomogramme als ergänzendes Verfahren in der Osteoporosediagnostik: In-vitro-Untersuchungen an Wirbelsäulensegmenten.  Röfo Fortschr Röntgenstr. 1999;  2 136-142
  • 158 Link T M, Majumdar S, Lin J C, Augat P, Gould R G, Newitt D, Ouyang X, Lang T F, Mathur A, Genant H K. Assessment of trabecular structure using high resolution CT images and texture analysis.  J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1998;  1 15-24
  • 159 Cheng X G, Nicholson P H, Boonen S, Lowet G, Brys P, Aerssens J, Van Der P G, Dequeker J. Prediction of vertebral strength in vitro by spinal bone densitometry and calcaneal ultrasound.  J Bone Miner Res. 1997;  10 1721-1728
  • 160 Lochmüller E M, Lill C A, Kuhn V, Schneider E, Eckstein F. Radius bone strength in bending, compression, and falling and its correlation with clinical densitometry at multiple sites.  J Bone Miner Res. 2002;  9 1629-1638
  • 161 Lochmüller E M, Müller R, Kuhn V, Lill C A, Eckstein F. Can novel clinical densitometric techniques replace or improve DXA in predicting bone strength in osteoporosis at the hip and other skeletal sites?.  J Bone Miner Res. 2003;  5 906-912
  • 162 Cheng X G, Lowet G, Boonen S, Nicholson P H, Brys P, Nijs J, Dequeker J. Assessment of the strength of proximal femur in vitro: relationship to femoral bone mineral density and femoral geometry.  Bone. 1997;  3 213-218
  • 163 Nicholson P H, Lowet G, Cheng X G, Boonen S, Van Der P G, Dequeker J. Assessment of the strength of the proximal femur in vitro: relationship with ultrasonic measurements of the calcaneus.  Bone. 1997;  3 219-224
  • 164 Bouxsein M L, Coan B S, Lee S C. Prediction of the strength of the elderly proximal femur by bone mineral density and quantitative ultrasound measurements of the heel and tibia.  Bone. 1999;  1 49-54
  • 165 Barkmann R, Lochmüller E M, Eckstein F, Kuhn V, Glüer C C. Associations between Quantitative Ultrasound of finger phalanges and failure loads of spine and femur in vitro.  Calcif Tissue Int. 2002;  70 281 [Abstract]
  • 166 Wu C, Hans D, He Y, Fan B, Njeh C F, Augat P, Richards J, Genant H K. Prediction of bone strength of distal forearm using radius bone mineral density and phalangeal speed of sound.  Bone. 2000;  5 529-533

Dr. med. E.-M. Lochmüller

Frauenklinik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Innenstadt

Maistraße 11

80337 München

