Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 2005; 250 - 30
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-868638

Homeopathic treatment of addiction

Homöopathische Behandlung von Patienten mit SuchterkrankungenF Kusse 1
  • 1Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Treatment of addiction needs an individual, holistic approach and teamwork. In my seven years' experience as a homeopathic doctor in a regular clinic for addiction, homeopathy has played an important role, especially with clients who decided to stop taking drugs or alcohol and were capable of some self-reflection.

Three levels of action can be distinguished. Homeopathy clears up the actual state, by detoxification and by bringing more balance physically and emotionally. It helps to cure the underlying cause, in most cases an emotional trauma. 'Constitutional remedies' bring more rest, deeper balance and can help to overcome family patterns, reducing the chance of the client returning to old addictive behaviour.

The responses of clients, treating therapists and the homeopathic physician to a questionnaire were unanimous: 70% of the clients respond positively to homeopathic treatment. They feel emotionally and physically better and are more capable of overcoming their addiction. The long-term results are good, but more study is needed to distinguish the effects of homeopathy from the other therapies given (i.e. group therapy, bodywork, creative therapy, family constellation, relation therapy).


Clinic for addiction, detoxification, emotional trauma, constitutional remedies.


Suchtklinik, Entgiftung, emotionales Trauma, konstitutionelles Arzneimittel.

Korrespondierender Autor: Frans Kusse, MD, Deurloostraat 129 hs, NL-1078 HX Amsterdam, The Netherlands