Laryngorhinootologie 2006; 85(4): 249-252
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-939824
Tipps + Tricks

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Vermeidung von und Umgang mit Blutungen während endoskopischer Nasennebenhöhlenchirurgie

Avoiding and dealing with bleeding during endoscopic sinus surgeryA. Leunig
  • München
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
13 April 2006 (online)



Endoscopic sinus surgery is one of the most frequent surgical ENT-procedures. Bleeding during surgery may increase complications and may have negative effects on surgery and outcome. The present paper describes strategies to prevent and deal with bleeding during sinus surgery. Preoperative conservative treatment of mucosal inflammation as well the use of adrenalin for decongestion may reduce intraoperative bleeding and hence complications.


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