Int J Sports Med 1991; 12(4): 349-355
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1024693
Physiology and Biochemistry

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

An Evaluation of the Maximal Anaerobic Capacity in Man

G. Camus*, H. Thys
  • *Research Associate, F.N.R.S., Laboratoire de Physiologie humaine appliquée, Sart Tilman (ISEP-B21) 4000 Liège, Belgium
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
14 March 2008 (online)


Maximal anaerobic capacity, i. e., the maximal amount of energy released by anaerobic processes (Ean max, J · kg-1), has been evaluated from maximal increase of plasma lactate concentration (Lâp) in eight male subjects of different physical fitness submitted to supramaximal runs of various intensity performed until volitional exhaustion (temps-limite, tlim). As previously found (2), the interindividual differences of tlim were reduced when exercise intensity was expressed by the anaerobic component of exercise defined as the difference between the overall energy requirement (Ė, W · kg-1) and maximal aerobic power Ėox max, W · kg-1). Within the range of intensity studied, Lâp did not vary significantly as a function of Ė-Ėox max. However, the performances achieved by the less fit subjects (group 1) remained lower than those achieved by the more athletic subjects (group 2). Mean Lâp were significantly higher in group 2 (17.2 mmol·l-1) than in group 1 (13.7 mmol·l -1). The rate of increase of Lâp, defined by the ratio Lâp/t lim, was a linear function of Ė-Ėox max. The energy equivalent of plasma lactate accumulation (β), given by the reciprocal of the slope of the equation describing the relationship Lâp/tlim = f(Ė-Ėox max), amounts 56.8 J · kg-1 when Lâp is increased by 1 mmol·l-1. The energy released by anaerobic glycolysis was calculated by multiplying β by mean Lâp measured in the two groups of subjects. Assuming that the energy yielded by the anaerobic alactic processes amounts 260 J · kg-1(1), mean Ean max values in group 1 and 2 were found to be equal to 1040 (range: 910-1110) and 1240 J · kg-1(range: 1100-1330), respectively. In order to validate these results, we developed a model relating tlim to Ean max, Ėox max and the overall energy cost of exercise on the basis of the energy conservation principle. As the theoretical relationships tlim = f(Ė-Ėox max) derived from our model fitted the experimental results quite well, we concluded that Ean max has been correctly evaluated.