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DOI: 10.1160/TH11-10-0690
Bleeding risk assessment and management in atrial fibrillation patients
Executive Summary[#] of a Position Document from the European Heart Rhythm Association [EHRA], endorsed by the European Society of Cardiology [ESC] Working Group on ThrombosisPublication History
05 October 2011
Accepted after minor revision:
27 October 2011
Publication Date:
15 December 2017 (online)

In this executive summary of a Consensus Document from the European Heart Rhythm Association, endorsed by the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Thrombosis, we comprehensively review the published evidence and propose a consensus on bleeding risk assessments in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients. The main aim of the document was to summarise ‘best practice’ in dealing with bleeding risk in AF patients when approaching antithrombotic therapy, by addressing the epidemiology and size of the problem, and review established bleeding risk factors. We also summarise definitions of bleeding in the published literature. Patient values and preferences balancing the risk of bleeding against thromboembolism as well as the prognostic implications of bleeding are reviewed. We also provide an overview of published bleeding risk stratification and bleeding risk schema. Brief discussion of special situations (e.g. periablation, peri-devices such as implantable cardioverter defibrillators [ICD] or pacemakers, presentation with acute coronary syndromes and/or requiring percutanous coronary interventions/stents and bridging therapy) is made, as well as a discussion of the prevention of bleeds and managing bleeding complications. Finally, this document puts forwards consensus statements that may help to define evidence gaps and assist in everyday clinical practice.
* Chair of the Task Force
** Representing the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis
*** Co-Chair of the Task Force
# The full version of this document has been published in Europace 2011; 13: 723–460.
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- 122 Bhatt D. et al. ACCF/ACG/AHA 2008 expert consensus document on reducing the gastrointestinal risks of antiplatelet therapy and NSAID use: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008; 52: 1502-1517.
- 123 Ansell J. et al. Pharmacology and management of the vitamin K antagonists: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition). Chest 2008; 133: 160S-198S.
- 124 Ananthasubramaniam K. et al. How safely and for how long can warfarin therapy be withheld in prosthetic heart valve patients hospitalized with a major hemorrhage?. Chest 2001; 119: 478-484.
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- 126 Dentali F. et al. Treatment of coumarin-associated coagulopathy: a systematic review and proposed treatment algorithms. J Thromb Haemost 2006; 4: 1853-1863.
- 127 Crowther MA. et al. Oral vitamin K versus placebo to correct excessive anticoagulation in patients receiving warfarin. Ann Intern Med 2009; 150: 293-300.
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- 130 van Geest-Daalderop JH. et al. Invasive procedures in the outpatient setting: Managing the short-acting acenocoumarol and the long-acting phenprocoumon. Thromb Haemost 2007; 98: 747-755.
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- 136 Kanderian AS. et al. Success of Surgical Left Atrial Appendage Closure. Assessment by Transesophageal Echocardiography. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008; 52: 924-929.
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- 140 Pengo V. et al. Questions and answers on the use of dabigatran and perpectives on the use of other new oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation. A consensus document of the Italian Federation of Thrombosis Centers (FCSA). Thromb Haemost 2011; 106: 868-876.
- 141 Ufer M. Comparative efficacy and safety of the novel oral anticoagulants dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban in preclinical and clinical development. Thromb Haemost 2010; 103: 572-585.
- 142 Ahrens I. et al. What do the RE-LY, AVERROES and ROCKET-AF trials tell us for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation?. Thromb Haemost 2011; 105: 574-578.
- 143 Barrett YC. et al. Clinical laboratory measurement of direct factor Xa inhibitors: anti-Xa assay is preferable to prothrombin time assay. Thromb Haemost 2010; 104: 1263-1271.
- 144 van Ryn J. et al. Dabigatran etexilate--a novel, reversible, oral direct thrombin inhibitor: interpretation of coagulation assays and reversal of anticoagulant activity. Thromb Haemost 2010; 103: 1116-1127.
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