CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Radiol Imaging 2007; 17(03): 194-200
DOI: 10.4103/0971-3026.34727
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Symposium

USG of normal musculoskeletal structures

Arun Kinare
Department of Ultrasound, K.E.M Hospital & Jehangir Apollo Hospital, Pune, India
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Advances in high-resolution technology, have had the greatest impact on the use of USG for musculoskeletal imaging. Structures previously considered inaccessible can now be evaluated accurately using this imaging modality. Though MRI still remains the gold standard, USG has now emerged as the initial imaging modality in a large proportion of musculoskeletal disorders. Among the distinct advantages of USG, are the ability to perform a dynamic study to demonstrate the function of the structure under question and to have transverse as well as longitudinal sections. This is now aided by 3D technology, which is becoming popular. USG is more easily available and is cheaper than MRI. Its portablity and the ease with which follow-up examinations can be done are also big assets. There are two major drawbacks with this technique. One is the long learning curve and the other is that there is very little tissue differentiation when it comes to the acoustic properties of various structures. A sound knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy is a prerequisite.

Publication History

Article published online:
31 July 2021

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