CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · World J Nucl Med 2017; 16(04): 311-313
DOI: 10.4103/1450-1147.215488
Case report

The utility of 99mTechnetium-mercaptoacetyltriglycine renogram in assessing the baseline renal function of a rare incidental ectopic thoracic kidney

Ting-Ting Zhang
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, CB2 0QQ
Adanna Oparandu
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, CB2 0QQ
Ziauddin Saad
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, CB2 0QQ
› Institutsangaben

Ectopic thoracic kidney is an extremely rare condition caused by the abnormal location of one or both kidneys in the thoracic cavity. They are usually discovered incidentally on routine imaging. Although commonly asymptomatic, thoracic kidneys are at a risk of malrotation, pelviureteric junction obstruction, and subsequent obstructive nephropathy, by virtue of their long pedicle. We present a case report of an incidental thoracic kidney, for which a 99mtechnetium-mercaptoacetyltriglycine (99mTc-MAG3) renogram was performed to assess the baseline renal function. Although few reports are published in the literature using 99mTc-MAG3 renogram for this indication, we demonstrate a safe and feasible study to establish a baseline assessment of renal function in this group of patients.


Artikel online veröffentlicht:
18. Mai 2022

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