Nervenheilkunde 2018; 37(01/02): 84-86
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1637822
Schattauer GmbH

2nd European Conference on Brain Stimulation in Psychiatry

Ulrich Palm Priv.-Doz. Dr.
1   München
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Further Information

Korrespondierender Autor

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Ulrich Palm
Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Nußbaumstr. 7
80336 München

Publication History

Publication Date:
30 March 2018 (online)



  • Literatur

  • 1 Huang YZ, Lu MK, Antal A, Classen J, Nitsche M, Ziemann U, Ridding M, Hamada M, Ugawa Y, Jaberzadeh S, Suppa A, Paulus W, Rothwell J. Plasticity induced by non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation: A position paper. Clin Neurophysiol 2017; 128: 2318-2329.
  • 2 Brunoni AR, Moffa AH, Sampaio-Junior B, Borrione L, Moreno ML, Fernandes RA, Veronezi BP, Nogueira BS, Aparicio LVM, Razza LB, Chamorro R, Tort LC, Fraguas R, Lotufo PA, Gattaz WF, Fregni F, Benseñor IM. ELECT-TDCS Investigators. Trial of Electrical Direct-Current Therapy versus Escitalopram for Depression. N Engl J Med 2017; 376: 2523-2533.
  • 3 Fischer DB, Fried PJ, Ruffini G, Ripolles O, Salvador R, Banus J, Ketchabaw WT, Santarnecchi E, Pascual-Leone A, Fox MD. Multifocal tDCS targeting the resting state motor network increases cortical excitability beyond traditional tDCS targeting unilateral motor cortex. Neuroimage 2017; 157: 34-44.
  • 4 Wang D, Buckner RL, Fox MD, Holt DJ, Holmes AJ, Stoecklein S, Langs G, Pan R, Qian T, Li K, Baker JT, Stufflebeam SM, Wang K, Wang X, Hong B, Liu H. Parcellating cortical functional networks in individuals. Nat Neurosci 2015; 18: 1853-1860.
  • 5 Gordon EM, Laumann TO, Gilmore AW, Newbold DJ, Greene DJ, Berg JJ, Ortega M, Hoyt-Drazen C, Gratton C, Sun H, Hampton JM, Coalson RS, Nguyen AL, McDermott KB, Shimony JS, Snyder AZ, Schlaggar BL, Petersen SE, Nelson SM, Dosenbach NU. Precision Functional Mapping of Individual Human Brains. Neuron 2017; 95: 791-807.
  • 6 Strube W, Bunse T, Nitsche MA, Nikolaeva A, Palm U, Padberg F, Falkai P, Hasan A. Bidirectional variability in motor cortex excitability modulation following 1 mA transcranial direct current stimulation in healthy participants. Physiol Rep 2016; 04: e12884.
  • 7 Wörsching J, Padberg F, Helbich K, Hasan A, Koch L, Goerigk S, Stoecklein S, Ertl-Wagner B, Keeser D. Test-retest reliability of prefrontal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) effects on functional MRI connectivity in healthy subjects. Neuroimage 2017; 155: 187-201.
  • 8 Zrenner C, Belardinelli P, Müller-Dahlhaus F, Ziemann U. Closed-loop neuroscience and non-Invasive brain stimulation: A tale of two loops. Front Cell Neurosci 2016; 10: 92.
  • 9 Lefaucheur JP, Antal A, Ayache SS, Benninger DH, Brunelin J, Cogiamanian F, Cotelli M, De Ridder D, Ferrucci R, Langguth B, Marangolo P, Mylius V, Nitsche MA, Padberg F, Palm U, Poulet E, Priori A, Rossi S, Schecklmann M, Vanneste S, Ziemann U, Garcia-Larrea L, Paulus W. Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Clin Neurophysiol 2017; 128: 56-92.
  • 10 Lisanby SH. Noninvasive brain stimulation for depression – the devil is in the dosing. N Engl J Med 2017; 376: 2593-2594.

Korrespondierender Autor

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Ulrich Palm
Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Nußbaumstr. 7
80336 München

  • Literatur

  • 1 Huang YZ, Lu MK, Antal A, Classen J, Nitsche M, Ziemann U, Ridding M, Hamada M, Ugawa Y, Jaberzadeh S, Suppa A, Paulus W, Rothwell J. Plasticity induced by non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation: A position paper. Clin Neurophysiol 2017; 128: 2318-2329.
  • 2 Brunoni AR, Moffa AH, Sampaio-Junior B, Borrione L, Moreno ML, Fernandes RA, Veronezi BP, Nogueira BS, Aparicio LVM, Razza LB, Chamorro R, Tort LC, Fraguas R, Lotufo PA, Gattaz WF, Fregni F, Benseñor IM. ELECT-TDCS Investigators. Trial of Electrical Direct-Current Therapy versus Escitalopram for Depression. N Engl J Med 2017; 376: 2523-2533.
  • 3 Fischer DB, Fried PJ, Ruffini G, Ripolles O, Salvador R, Banus J, Ketchabaw WT, Santarnecchi E, Pascual-Leone A, Fox MD. Multifocal tDCS targeting the resting state motor network increases cortical excitability beyond traditional tDCS targeting unilateral motor cortex. Neuroimage 2017; 157: 34-44.
  • 4 Wang D, Buckner RL, Fox MD, Holt DJ, Holmes AJ, Stoecklein S, Langs G, Pan R, Qian T, Li K, Baker JT, Stufflebeam SM, Wang K, Wang X, Hong B, Liu H. Parcellating cortical functional networks in individuals. Nat Neurosci 2015; 18: 1853-1860.
  • 5 Gordon EM, Laumann TO, Gilmore AW, Newbold DJ, Greene DJ, Berg JJ, Ortega M, Hoyt-Drazen C, Gratton C, Sun H, Hampton JM, Coalson RS, Nguyen AL, McDermott KB, Shimony JS, Snyder AZ, Schlaggar BL, Petersen SE, Nelson SM, Dosenbach NU. Precision Functional Mapping of Individual Human Brains. Neuron 2017; 95: 791-807.
  • 6 Strube W, Bunse T, Nitsche MA, Nikolaeva A, Palm U, Padberg F, Falkai P, Hasan A. Bidirectional variability in motor cortex excitability modulation following 1 mA transcranial direct current stimulation in healthy participants. Physiol Rep 2016; 04: e12884.
  • 7 Wörsching J, Padberg F, Helbich K, Hasan A, Koch L, Goerigk S, Stoecklein S, Ertl-Wagner B, Keeser D. Test-retest reliability of prefrontal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) effects on functional MRI connectivity in healthy subjects. Neuroimage 2017; 155: 187-201.
  • 8 Zrenner C, Belardinelli P, Müller-Dahlhaus F, Ziemann U. Closed-loop neuroscience and non-Invasive brain stimulation: A tale of two loops. Front Cell Neurosci 2016; 10: 92.
  • 9 Lefaucheur JP, Antal A, Ayache SS, Benninger DH, Brunelin J, Cogiamanian F, Cotelli M, De Ridder D, Ferrucci R, Langguth B, Marangolo P, Mylius V, Nitsche MA, Padberg F, Palm U, Poulet E, Priori A, Rossi S, Schecklmann M, Vanneste S, Ziemann U, Garcia-Larrea L, Paulus W. Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Clin Neurophysiol 2017; 128: 56-92.
  • 10 Lisanby SH. Noninvasive brain stimulation for depression – the devil is in the dosing. N Engl J Med 2017; 376: 2593-2594.